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Minutes of May 15/28 continued.
rom Erick Smith, to -wit: Port Townsend, Wash:, May 5,1928
o the Honorable Mayor and City•Council,
Port Townsend, dash.
n a
Permission is requested to erect
a frame HanchlAdditionTeknvwn e rooms asoTax
Slot of unplatted property adjoining Block B of Kuhns
to. 84. Cost is estimated at $1Respeo0tfu0ly submitted,
Erick Smith.
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne,seconded by Councilman Lammers,permit was
From Geo. E. Crawford to -writ. Port Townsend,`ilash., May 5th,1928
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: -
I respectfully request a to build a chicken house 18 x 24 to cost
about 100.00 on my property at 1239 Olallam St. Said chicken house will conform
with all your ordinances as Yoursto re and saitary Respectfully, lays.
Geo. E. Crawford
1239 Clallam St.,
Port Townsend, wash.
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Lammers, permit
was granted.
From Gies and Mills, to-vrit: Port Townsend, Wash., May 15, 192E
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Permission is requested to erect a frame dwelling
Also bto erect.a
on Lot 1, Block S, Kuhns stanch, at an estimated cost of a3000
garage, 18 x.20 fbet on the same premises at an estimated cost of $200.00. Garage
will be set back more than three feet from street line.
Respectfully submitted, Gies & Mills
It was moved by Councilman Coyne,seconded by Councilman Lammers., that -the
permit be granted. Motion carried.
From Frank Deleo, to wreck building, to -exit: port Townsend, Wash., May 10,1928
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council: -
I hereby request permission to wreck the small house on Lot 4, Block
92, Original Tovmsite. This is an old house and all the windows and dogrs are
gone and I wish to wreck it for the old lumber there is left. I agree to clean
up all debris. Frank Deleo.
Upon motion of Councilman Coyne,seconded by Councilman Lammers,peimit was
Communication re: Fort rorden Uater Contract: 'dash,
Conununication from Capt. E4. T Spotswood, Quartermaster, Fort `7orden,
vras presented and read as follows, to -wit: Fort rorden, `.dash., May 15,1928
The Mayor, The City of Port Townsend,
Port Townsend, Wash.
Dear Sir: -
Enclosed herewith is contract in triplicate for supply of water Burin,
the fiscal year 1929. You are desired to scrutinize same, and if found in order
to execute and return all three copies to this office for transmission to the guar
termaster General for approval. L;1. W, Spotswood, Captain, .1-M-C.
Said communication, together with the three copies of contracts mentioned,
were referred to the water Committee.
Communication from Holbrook re: watier.
Communication from Ernest R. Holbrook was presented and read as follows,
to -wit: (Help, Help,.Help) May 11T28
To the Honorable Board of the Water Department: -
I have one house nearly done family will be moved in in two weeks & will
continue to build ,till I complete (20) twenty houses, but no water. Please do
what you can. Ernest R. Holbrook
1214 Blaine St.
At the suggestion of Councilman Coyne and with the 8onsent of the Council,
yr. 'rratkins, a resident in the Eisenbeis Addition,. addressed the Council, stating
that he had built a residence near the State Highly in the Eisenbeis Addition but
that he was obliged to carry water for domestic use as there was no city main with-
in several hundred feet. He further stated that if city water was made available,
several other houses would be built in the same vicinity and also made the state-
ment that if the City would furnish the pipe that the property owners in that part
of the Addition would furnish the labor.
It was moved by Councilman Manson, sedonded by Councilman Chapelle, that th
whole matter be referred to the 'Hater Committee. After a short discussion, the mo
tion was withdrawn.
It was then moved by Counciiman Manson, seconded by Councilman Chapelle,
that the matter be referred to the whole Council. Upon roll call, all seven Cuun.
oilmen voted in favor, thereof and motion was declared carried.
Recommendatimn by Metzger.
Corrmiunication from J. K. Metzger, Chief of Fire Department,. was presented
and read as follows, to -wit:
Port Townsend, Wash.,May 15th,1928
To the Honorable Mayor and Gentlemen of the City Council:
The foloowing changes are recommended as follows:
1. A two hose hydrant at St. Johns Hospital in place of the one with single con-
'2. Place a National Staddard Hose Connection and Gate Valve on the three inch
hater Supply on Union Wharf.
3. Move the first Fire Hydrant on South side of Lofthus Lumber Co. to North side
of plant.
4. Place a lire Hydrant at Gravel Pit on Cherry St.
J. Ii. Metzger,
Fire Chief.
Said communication was referred to the Fire and Light Committee.
Letter from Census Bureau.
Communication from the Department of Coi,merce, Bureau of the Census, addres
ed to the City Clerk, was presented and read as follows,to-writ:
"lashington, May 3, 1928
Mr. C. F. Christian, City Clerk,
Port Townsend, 7-ashington.
Lear Sir: -
Receipt is acknowledged, with thanks, of your letter of the 28th ulti-
mo, together with a map of the city.
This map is an excellent one and we desire to retain it. I will,there
fore, ask our purchasing division to purchaoe the map and you will hear from them
direct regarding the matter.
Your courtesy and cooperation are appreciated and I wish to thank you
especially for your very comprehensive statement regarding the population and gro-
wth of your city.
Very truly yours,
Clarence E. Batechelet
Requisitions for materials and supplies, were presented, read and disposed
of as follows: .
For the water Department, to -wit:
1 Disc Piston for a lz inch Trident Meter.
2 Shovels
It was moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Diller that
the requisition be granted. Upon roll call, all seven Councilmen voted in favor
thereof and motion was declared carried.
For the Fire De artment , to -writ
300 feet Double acket Fire Hose at approx. Z390.00
It was moved by Councilman Chapelle, seconded by Councilman Lammers,
that the requisition be granted. Upon roll call, all seven Councilmen voted in
the affirmative and motion was declared carried.
City Attorney Scott.brought up the matter of easement for right of sway from
the Chas. R. IScCormick Lumber Company, stating that he was in receipt of a communi-
cation from the attorneys for said lumber company, requesting that an ordinance ac-
cepting said easement be passed. He then presented a proposed ordinance entitled:
"An Ordinance accepting a proposed perpetual easement agreement, granted by the Cha
R. IdcCormick Lumber Company, of Delaw.are, to the City of Port Townsend, to ,lay and
maintain a pipe line for the transportation of water over and across the lands de-
scribed in said easement agreement, and authorizing the mayor and City Clerk to ex-
ecute such easement agreement." which the City Clerk then read in full as the firs
Paa•;age of Ordinance.
It was moved by Councilman Gerson, seconded by Councilman Coyne, that the
first reading; be considered the second reading and that the third reading be by ti-
tI►e only. Upon roll call, all seven Councilmen voted in favor thereof and motion