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Councilman Quenell and seconded by Council:mn Gerson that Requisitions for sundry supplies were presented and read as follows: a
4' it was moved by - } 1
the application of Lies Pitcher be granted and motion was carried by unanimous For Water Depgrtment: ?
vote of the Councilmen. 18 - 12• knock down collars, individual bands.
= Communication from Quartermaster at Fort Worden, Wash., was ____. 150, 12" pipe, inserted joint, with collars; 12 - 6' lengths, 15-5' lengths.
-i resented and read as follows: Wash., April 12, 1927 Upon motion by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman Manson, requisition
p Fort Worden, was granted by unanimous vote of the council.
For City Clerk:
a� To Dr. George Bangerter, gash. -
Mayor of Port Townsend, 3 packages rubber bands
Honorable Sir:- For City Hall;
rrt Wor-
Due to the expiration of term of contract between this office and 1 cord wood.
the City of Port Townsend, for the purpose of furnishing watit willto benec-
den, Clash., for the period July lot, 1926 to June 30, 1927, Upon motion by Councilman Gerson, seconded by Councilman Miller, requisi-
de, W for new contract to be entered into. tione presented for City Clerk and City Hall were granted, all councilmen vo-
�� It is requested that you furnish this office as soon as practiwable, tang in favor thereof. J
rates under which water will be supplied during the next fiscal year, viz: NEW BUSINESS.
July 1st, 1927 to June 30, 1928 in order that new contract mail be drawn up Proposals for 11:rnishing wood.
and completed prior to May 30th, 1927• 0
If agreeable, it is desired to have renewal clause in contract oov- Port
In accordance with order of the Council and official notice in the
Bring a period of five years or lees ve this is too long a time. With re- Townsend Weekly Leader, sealed bids for supplying the City with 20 cords of
newel clause in contract, it would save the entering into a new contract each wood were opened and read as follows: --(�
year the renewal clause is in effect.
i� Very respectfully, HAN3 OTTZ6NN, Bid of Charles J. Nelson.
, pCatainQ•M.Corps, Quartermaster. __.
' Port Townsend, Wash., April 19, 1927 �
Foregoing communication was referred to the Committee on tinter and Drainage. _ City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. II`.
- E ineer, Dear Sirs: -
COMMUNICATION from Ernest C. Willard, Consulting ng I will agree to furnish 20 cords of wood for the City of Port Town -
wood in
Portland, Oregon, was presented and read as follows: send as follows: 20 cords of second growth cut from big timber, cut pt Portland, Oregon, April 15,1927 12 inch lengths at the -city hall at $7.40 per cord also old growth wood cuutt
_.,. inch at $7.90 per cord.
�• To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Respectfully yours,
City of Port Townsend, Washington, Charles J. Nelson
I hereby offer to sell to you a copy of the report made by me to - Bid of City Transfer Co.
B]yth,Witter & Co., on proposed improvement
send, increasing the supply, for $376.21. of the water system of Port Town- Port Townsend, Wash., April 18, 1927
` enclosing duly execute
For use in case you accept this offer, I am d - To City Council, Port Townsend, Wash., `
claim voucher for that amount. yours very truly, - Gentlemen:-...
��. Ernest C. Willard, We propose to deliver twenty cords of sound old growth fir wood cut
(t Consulting Engineer. _ in twelve inch lengths at the mte of seven dollars and thirty five cents (r7.35) -
!r,: per cord.
S` With reference to the above mentioned report, the following communication Yours truly,
was also presented and read, to -wit: City Transfer Co.,
Port Townsend, Wash_., April 5, 1927 By William Hegel, Pry.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council "
of the city of Port Townsend. -- Bid and proposal of Port Townsend Fuel do. -
Gentlemen:- Port Townsend, Wash., April .1 1927
In the matter of the report of Ernest C. Willard, Engineer, outli- -
ning specifications and estimates on the proposed increased water supply for
To the Hon. Mayor & City Council,
factory and domestic purposed; we the undersigned members of the Finance and Port Townsend, Wash. (,
',water Committees, have investigated said report and believe the charges for Gentlemen:- -'
same to be reasonable; that the report is highly valuable to the city, and --- In accordance with your advertisement in the Port Townsend Leader t
j we recommend that the City purchase the report, directing the clerk to issue calling for bids on wood for the City Hall & contract for hauling garbage, we -�
warrant therefor on the water fund for $376.21. wish to bid as follows:
-t, We agree to furnish 20 cords of 12" 2nd growth wood (9 $6.60 per cord or f-
Respectfully submitted, _
Max Gerson a total amount of ;r132.00. Or we will furnish 20 cords of 12 inch old growth
r.per cord or a total of $147.00. tie would also like d make! --
wood 1 offer P
P. M. Coyne you a special offer on 20 cords of 12" seasoned slab wood B $a.7a per cord or a
Wm. Lammers total amount of $115.00. Deliveries to be made when specified.
r-y Harry Chapelle Regarding the garbage contract; in -as -much as we are obliged to keep
Upon request, the report in question, was read by the City Clerk artd the garbage dump in good condition without any expense to the City, we is not -
Councilman quest, moved that the report be purchased from Mr. Willard feel able to bid over ratio for this contract for the ensuing year & this is our
in accordance with his offer, the motion being seconded by Councilman - bid & we ecpect co-operation from the City, if we receive the contract, in keep-
Coyne. Mayor Bangerter requested Councilman Quenell to take the chair ing others from disposing of rubbish & garbage on the roads and approaches
and.after Councilman Quenell, as Mayor pro tem, had stated the question, leading to the dump. yours very truly,
e Mayor Bangerter addressed the Council in opposition to the motion, stating Port Townsend Fuel Co.
that in his judgment, the malue of the report to the City, at this time, By A. D. Swanson
was too indefinite to warrant the expenditure of that amount of the City's G. E. Hogan
- funds. Mayor Bangerter then assumed the chair and after diecuesion by
Councilmen Manson, Quenell, Gerson and Miller, the Mayor put the question It was moved by^Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Miller
to vote and the motion was declared carried, Councilmen Quenell, Lammers, -
Coyne, Chapelle, and Gerson voting in favot thereof and Councilmen that the bid of the City Transfer Co. for 20 cords of old growth fir wood at.
and Miller voting in the negative. -