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Plash., April 19, 1927, of the foundation poets and sills and the roofofthe frame
Port Townsend, --
building, and the approximate cost will be $5 ems, E. J. Barclay Brown.
! + The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular the
! 19th day of April, 1927, at 7:30 P.M., in the council o�amber of the City Hall. Councilman Co ne, seconded by Councilman Lammers that a%pdr-
A motion by Y grown was declared carried, all councilmen
There were present Mayor George Bangerter, City Attorney Jas. W. B. Slott, nit be granted Mrs. E.J.Barclay
City Clerk C. F. Christian and Codnailmen Edw. Quenell, William Lammers, Jaaob _ voting in favor thereof.
Miller, P. M. Coyne, Harry Chapelle, Max Gerson, and P. A. Manson. "
- From N. M. PETTY, as follows: _�il.
Port Townsend, Wash., Ayaislh•lj, 1927 '
_�• The minutes of the regular session of April 5th were read and after amend- To the Honorable Mayor and City Vounoil of Port Townsend, �q
ing by inserting the words "under the supee2vmiitonof the the minutesywereineer" in approved as Gentlemen:- 1
1 ir' motion granting Arvid Pearson a building p I herewith make application iQr a permit to construct a poultryI
4 amended. house on my premises on San Juan Avenue, adjoining Green's Addition on the
ff,;^ Reports of Officers and Employees. — North. Building dimensions are 20' x 1301 and will be of frame construction —
1 and the estimated cost will be about $750.00-
Respectfully submitted, `�� Kent.
Mr. W. J. Sadler, City Engineer and Plater Superintendent, submitted the N. M. Petty, by
�- following report whioh was read, to -wit:
1� w It was moved by Councilman Coyne and seconded by Councilman Miller that
Port Townsend, Wash., April 14, 1927
To the Mayor and City Council, the permit be granted and the motion carried by unanimous vote of the Council
Port Townsend, Wash.,
�i From N. A. ILASELL, as follows:
'Port Townsend, Waeh., April 19, 1927
i herewith submit plans and specifications for the following work, --- To the -Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Port Townsend.
viz:- Gentlemen:-
jT"' (1) Renewing the 8" wood water main from Quincy Street on Root, Jackson, I herewith make application for a permit to repair and reconstruct
_ 00.00 II
j Roosevelt and Monroe Streets to dater Street. The estimated cost is $53 the present wooden sidewalk in front of Lots 4 and 6, Block 12, n andeGa
as outlined by the plans and specifications. — Addition, being on the West aide with
Taylor Street between Lincoln and 932,
r— - _. field Streets; and in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 932,E
(2) Renewing the 12" wood water me itt (main supply line from Reservoirs to I hereby petition your Honorable body to be allov�d to use wood in said re -
Water Street) from Root Street on Quincy, Cosgrove, Tayylor, Jefferson and pairs and reconstruction. I am the owner of said premises $50a00 the estimated I4'
Adam Streets to Water Street. The estimated cost is $y250.00 as outlined cost of said repairs and reconstruction is sub Y $5
by the plane and specifications. Respectfully submitted, Li
N. A. Klasell. -�_ ,
(3) Renewin the 10" wood water main on Water Street from Monroe to Harrison
6f 1
Street and " wood water main from Harrison Street to the East side of Pierce -
Street. The estimated cost is .54250.00 as outlined by the plane and ape d- From MRS. I. 0. BROWN, as follows:
Port Townsend, Plash., April 19, 1927
fications. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Port Townsend.
have also made an estimate uoinIzAest iron pipe in the place of wood Gentlemen:-
Ip pipe from from Monroe to Harrison Street and 6" wood pipe from Harrison to the I am the owner of Lot 2, Block 12, rlummere Addition and desiring
Eset side of Pierce Street the same is in the previous estimate. The estimated to repair and reconstruct the wooden sidewalk in front of said lot, Z herewith
p` cost is $7600.00. These figures do not include engineering but an estimate make application for permit to make saidxepaira; and in accordance with the
of what the contract price should be. 2 I hereby request permission to use wood in
provisions of Ondinance No. 93 .
the repair and reconstruction of said sidewalk. The cost of repairs is
- Awaiting your further instructions regarding the work, I am estimated at approximately $50.00.
j Reap
Respectfully,ectfully, submitted,
1 Y!. J. Nadler I Mrs. I. 0. Brown.
City Engineer and Water Supt.
Plans and specifications were submitted with said report, and the report It was moved by Councilman Manson and seconded by Councilman Miller that
with plane and specifications were referred to the committee on Water and permits be granted to N.A.Klasell and Mrs. I.O.Brown, as petitioned for, and
motion was declared carried, all councilmen having voted in the affirmative.
From t" REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FJAMES H. COYNE. as follows: � { �, Port Townsend, Wash., April 12, 1927
4 _ ... __•__•• '_
Councilman Coyne, chairman of the Buildings committee, reported that a ) To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash.
rod had been put through the City Hall building, as authorized, at a cost of j Gentlemen:-
$45.00, Upon request by Councilman Coyne, City Engineer Sadler stated that I herewith make application for permit to make repairs to the ator- -
_ .{ _ the work consisted of installing a 1" iron rod, running through the building, age barn situated on my property at the corder of Clay and Van Buren Streets.
t with an iron plate at each end of the rod on the outside walls of the building. Said repairs will consist of renewing foundation at one corner of the buil-
- , ding and re shingling the building, at a cost of approximately $250.00.
i Councilman Lammers of the Buildings committee, reported that the gasoline Respectfully,
tank and pump on the property leased by Si Lockhart and Fred G. Lewis, had James'H. Coyne.
I' been installed in a satisfactory manner. - Councilman �uenell, seconded by Councilman Lammers, it
Upon motion by
was ordered that permit be granted, all councilmen voting in favor theretiF.
Applications for Building Permits.
Sundry applications for Building Permits were presented and were read and The following oommunication.from.Grace;pitcher, City Treasurer, was y,,,.
disposed of as follovrs: presented and read, to -wit:- April 19, 1927
From MRS E. J. BARCLAY-BROWN; as follwe:- To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. v
Port Townsend, Wash., Apr. 9, 1927 Gentlemen:-
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Port Townsend. I herevrith make application for my allotted dsydutieseave from of-
Gentlemen:- Tice; same to be taken when I can best be spared from my
I herewith make application for a permit to make repairs to my prop- Respectfully, Treasurer.
erty known as the Franklin house. Said repairs will consist of renewing part Grace Pitcher, City