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- _ length or two of pipe where absolutely er ake t would be money thrown away•
l` year 1927• Said part of street is the portion leaned to Jacob Miller in The same is true of the line from Crook er Lake this way to the section named.
years 1925 and 1926• Respectfully yours, The line from headwoion to can be where the new main line will inter-
P Walter Miller. sects it is in fair condition and can a kept in service with minor repairs. l
The Fort Flagler line to the Canal will have to have some repairs if
i Comounioation.waa referred to the Committee on Streets and Sewage. this line is to be kept in commission.
When the new line is built I would recommend that a new line be located
Communication from J. A. Somers. Port Townsend, Wash., March 15, 1927. - where it will not be neceseary to close a valve to force the woater over the
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash., Summit, as at present. I do not know,
this tiuta,.whether it would pay the
Gentlemen: property City to rebuild this line as the present revenues do not warrant the expen-
{ I herewith request permission to build a frame garage on s1Y p P diture. This San be taken up at a later date.
at 1222 Blaine Street. Dimensions of said building will be 121 x 161 and the Respectfully,
• 0.00. J w 1?� W. J. Sadler,
�( approximate coat will be $5 Respectfully yours, City Engineer and Water Superintendent.
J. A. Somers. -= _ the adoption of -
-( _ motiO
Councilman MaOnunoimlmandQu nell and upon arcalldfor1theequestione motion
Said communication was referred to Buildings and Misc. Committee. L_-! being seconded by
Port Townsend, wash., March 14, 1927 was declared carried, all seven aowmeilmen voting in favor thereof.
ion from G. A. Ruehle. S,
nicat end IT ION
i communication Towne UIS
_ Port RE
To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City od Po Q
I� Gentlemen: Requisitions for sundry supplies were submitted and read, as follows:
} I regpeetfully request that water hole at the corner of Clay and
i For Water Department: 500 blank typing sheets
Adams Ste be filled as it is a menace to the health of our City. Now Z have 500 Letter Heads
Mr. Crouten and Mr. hart in the notion of building a cement walk and I wish , Report Forma.
r .. to build one as soon as this fill is packed, so you see this will be an im- 100 Water Superintendent's Monthly 200 1¢ postal cards.
150 2:t Postage stamps.
provement. For Cit, G. A. Ruehle.
Vtruly oursy Clerk's Dept:
Very y y
Clean and repair numbering machine
4 This communication was referred to the Committee on Streets and Sewage 1 Fibre board letter file.
and the City Engineer. For Street Dept: Sharpen scarifier teeth.
l I` 1 Blade for Grader.
Communication from City 'treasurer. Port Townsend, Wash., March 15. 1927• It was moved by Councilman Quenell and seconded by Councilman i
-�; d unanimously.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Manson that the requisitions be granted. Motion carrie
II Gentlemen:
This is td acquaint you with the fact that there is now a sufficient
amount of money in the Water Bond and Interest Fund to take up warrants issued It was moved by C�luncilman Manson, seconded by Councilman Coyne that the 4
-- Water Superintendent be authorized to employ two men, when needed, in the wa-
to cover a loan of $6000.00, with interest, from the Bond Redemption Funds. 1st ter system. Motion carried, all 7 councilmen voting affirmatively.
and 2nd issues. $6000.00
Face of Warrants
^ Interest to March 16, 1927 .. 224. 0 It was moved by Councilman Coynen and seconded by Councilman Quenell
.. 224. 0 that the 'later Supt. and Engineer be authorized and directed to prepare plans,
Respectfully, specifications and estimates for the repair of Reservoir No. 1. Motion car- _
Grace Pitcher, ried, all seven councilmen voting in f avor thereof.
City Treasurer. _
- It was moved by Councilman Gerson and beeonded by Cpuncilman Quenell, that It was moved.by Councilman Gerson and seconded by Councilman Quenell,
_ that a concrete crossing walk be put in on Taylor St., at the South side of
the City Clerk be instructed to notify the City Treasurer to transfer $6000.00
together with interest amounting to $224.50, from the Water Bond and Interest I later St., and that the work, as authorized, be under the supervision of the
Fund to the Bond Redemption Funds - lot and second issues, in redemption of _ Street Committee and Street Superintendent. Motion carried by unanimous
special warrants numbered 1 to 12 inclusive, issued on the Water Bond and In- vote of the council.
terest Tund. Upon Roll Call, the motion was declared carried, all seven
j- Councilman voting in favor 9iereof. It was moved by Councilman Coyne and seconded f of a Councilman said
t_ 0100.00 be appropriated for repairing the rolding Committee.CiThe motionawas rdeclae
Communication from Yl. J. Sadler, Plater Supt. and City Engineer. �` to be under the supervision of ing inthe.Buifavor
Port Townsend, 'Rash., Mar. 15, 1927 red carried, all councilmen voting in favor thereof. —
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Port Townsend, Wash. ;
Council urea adjourned.
' Gentlemen: Upon motion of Councilman Gerson, seconded by Councilman Quenell, -
r `- --- Until the present condition that has come up regarding the Water .
__ System has been aefinitely settled, I do not consider it advisable to spend k ATTEST:
t u any more money in rebuilding the present supply line. In the event this new Q1 Q)
through, most of the old line will be put out of commission.
j Therefore, money expended should be limited to an amount that will keep the i mayor
line in repair till such time that the new line will be in commission.
I would recommemd that -two: more men be put on later, under Mr. Green k City Clerk
to get the line as tight as possible and keep the leakage down to a minimum
j during the
Into the City Distribution system, the repairs on reser-
voir No. 1 should be made and some filling in and minor repairs made on No. 2. j
LA The 8" line on Monroe Street, the 1211 supply line from reservoir to Water St.,
? and the 10" line on Water Street should be renewed.' The other streets can be
taken care of later on, being easier to take care of than the three lines men-
tioned above. These jobs could be let in one contract or separately as your ,
Honorable body desires. I do not think that there is any immediate danger,
'. but think the three main lines should be given first consideration.
The main line renewal:
The 1211 pipe two miles long located near the City Lake Reservois is
r i,
in the worst condition, according to Mr. Ober's report, but this line in the R ''
event of the new system will be replaced by a larger pipe, so any money spent
at this time any more thanto keep it tight, and the possible meplacing of a
u -