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Port Townsend, lash., January 18, 1927.
Water system Motion carried unanimously without cell, Mal and the Mayor named —
Councilmen Qufaell, Manson and Coyne, as such
the members of the Water Committee,
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session in the
Council CCity
Geo. Bangerter, City
The following communication was read: I„
•Jan. 18 1927 r
Upon Roll Call, the following were noted present: Mayor
Port Townsend, Waeh., .
Jae. W. B. Scott, City Clerk C. F. Christian, and Councilmen Chapelle,
1 :
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Port ,. —
Gerson, Manson, Quenell, Lammers, Miller and Coyne.
Gentlemen:- i the front and _
request permission to alter and repair
roved se read.'
the meeting of January llth were read and approved
I respectfully tl;
interior of the building known as the Moose Hall, corner of Lawrence and
Minutes of regular
for $40.00, for Gasoline and Oil supplied
streets. Coate of repair estimated around $800.00.
The claim of Standard Oil Company
the of December was presented, and it appearing that it
Yours very truly, _
to the City during month
fault the Company that this bill was not presented at the first session
H. A, Hamilton,
was no of on hlmen wotinger uin favord in s
in January, it was ordered that a warrnt be drawn up
Agent for Owners —
above amount in favor of Standard it all
for action on this matter asHIAWH.h to commence work t
P.S. I would ask prompt -
Thursday of this week Coyne that eaid
Gerson, seconded by
as follows:
The Committee on Water and Drainage reported as follows:
A motion by Councilman
n voting i
be granted was declared carried, all councilmen voting in favor thereof.. I
i .
Port Townsend, Jan. 18, 1927
Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Port Townsend.''
Councilmen Coyne and Lammers of the Building Committee reported ver-
To the
Water Drainage to whom was refeerredM he matter
hadestimatedltheioeetoofhtheaworklto bekaboutn$15 Lcilmana®nere
Your Committee, on and
of Crocker Lake'for permission to tap
stating that he
Coyne asked for further time and same was granted. '
of petition of residents
respectfully report as follows: We recommend that petition be granted,provided
line and accept a tap
still remaining on the Deleo
that they obtain their own right of way, lay their own pipe
Water Superintendent. Also that the City retain
Attention was called to the rubbish
shop soma discussion, it was --i
at a point to be selected by the
the supply in case of a wYtar shortage in the City. Also
property, next to Cameron's
Councilman Miller that the Building
seconded Councilman
Manson aof
the right to shut off
that minimum guarantee of $18.00 per month be exacted while water is supplied,
_ -
Committee0notifyytth ownerssaidpropertyto remove the rubbish immediately.
payable in advance, in addition to meter rent. Edward Quenell
Motion carried unanimously without roll call.
Motion by Councilman Gerson seconded bT Council: P. M. Coyne
be adopted was unanimously
Requisitions for Supplies.
man Chapelle that report peter A. Manson..
Requisitions for Sundry Supplies were read as follows:
The Committee on Finance and Claims reported as follows:
For Street Department:
Tractor. Look for Tool Box.
Port Townsend,, Wash., Jan. 18, 1927
One filling can and funnel for
Repair radiator of Ford Truck.
- *
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Port Townsend.
l shovel, Sharpen two picks.
Your Committee on Finance and Claims to whom was referred the matter
By City Clerk.
Safety Deposit Box in First National Bank, for one year.
of proposed contract with the Standard Oil Company for Gasoline for current year
We recommend that the City accept the
Rental of
seconded by Councilman Chapelle,
would respectfully report as follows:
that the City enter into contract with the Standard Oil Company
Upon motion of Councilman Quenell,
by unanimous vote of the Council.
proposition and
as proposed. Max Verson
requisitions were granted
A requisition for the Street Lepartment for oil with paraffins base14
Moved by Councilman Gerson, seconded by Councilman:
that the Mayor and : Ed. Quenell
to be used in the new grader traotor was also presented and same was granted
Chapelle, all Council
Quenell that report be adopted and
City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. Motion :Peter A. Manson
upon motion by Councilman Coyne, seconded by Councilman
u ni ue
Wevomnli$tee on Harbor & Health reported as follows:
men voting in affirmative.
to furnish the City with
We, the Committee on Health find the complaint of Mr. Dibble
Proposed contract
Lubricating Oils for the current year.
regarding the olsereharge for hauling garbage, uncalled for.
Jacob Miller
The Standard 011 IIompany of California submitted an agreement, pro-
P. M. Coyne
posing to furnish the City with lubricating products at the following prises: .
Cases. Est. Yearly Consume.
Har Chapelle
rY P
gallon. In barrels
de a old b the g
Bran Y Bbla
Upon motion by Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Coyne, the
Zerolene 011 #F & 5 $.39 Gal' _
2 n
report was adopted unanimously.
Zerolene Oil #7 •5� n 3 u
Councilman Coyne reported verbally that with Counoilman Manson and
Zerolene Oil #9
Zerolene Trans. Oil .4�5 " .585 Gal. 1 " —r
3 u
Water Superintendent Green, they had looked over the ground for a route for a
Gargoyle Mobiloil "B" •85 2 n
road to connect up with the old road along the pipe line and after making three
Gargoyle Mobilsil "A" •71
$2.55 per case 3 oases
or four cruises, they found a feaaable route upon which they were assured the
Zerolene Cup Grease
Committee for report.
grade would not be more than 10,$, the roate being near the present right of way.
Proposed agreement was referred to the Finance
The proposed route would require about 600 feet of new road and one bridge about
at some length and
40 feet long would be necessary. City Attorney Scott advised that it would not
The matter of stock running at large was discussed
Council that immediate ao-
be necessary to wait until the land was actually condemned if the Court would
it appearing to be the opinion of the members of the
decide that it was a public necessity. Councilman Quenell reported verbally
tion should be taken, the Mayor stated that he would appoint
recommended by —
to be recommended by
t withc
that the Water Committee had met with a committee from the Port Townsend Com-
if he would serve and if not, would name any other pmeroerson
th Club and had a general relative to the water works situation.
the comm—
He reported further that a director of the First National Bank would be willing
Clsy AttorneyJas. W. B. Scott requested the Council to meet with him
to take labor warrants up to $20,000 or 025,000, contingent upon a pipe supply
of the whole and it was agreed to meet in the Mayorte office
company taking warrants fn^payment for pipe furnished and accept 50% of
_ -
as. a committee
Tuesday evening, Jan. 25th, at 7 P.M.
receipts in redemption of warrants. It was recommended by this representative
of Councilman Coyne;, seconded by Councilman Quenell,
of the bank that 50$ be eej< aside for redemption of payment of pipe, 20 for
Upon motion
payment of labor, 5% for an emergency fund and 25% for operation and maintenance.
Council adjourned.
It was moved by Councilman Quenell, seconded by Councilman Manton that
a committee be appointed to confer with pipe manufacturers to ascertain if they
would accept certain conditions of sale,which the Council will decide upon later,
in payment of pipe, payment, however, not to be in excess of 50% of receipts from
City Clerk -_.-
� i