HomeMy WebLinkAbout01740C. i berg June June, ', the Council uI oho J necoe• days of .tun,. :.nd ,+.:,•. mL,.r of ' reb,• mchted n epees 11m o bwnsond, Washington, each year upon prugentatfea and" it" city m tho unicu ,d !a^ (,fly 'No. 1306, Dnssod and surrender of the, attached Interest,: Trensurer to he known as-'IPort Itember 21, 1D54, pro• coupons as they; soverally became Townsend 1956. Ooneral Obligation apecinl election should;,' dno,.Roth principal find. Intpreot oh: Bond Redemption Fund." The city in the city.on Novenl• this,.boud tiro payable-IInl4twfubl hereby. Irrevocably covonnnts .that for the nubmisston to money, of the .. Cnited •,States' of it will ninke annual lovlon of taxes �oloclorB thereof of a Aemrlcn at the, ufflco•.ot Lilo :CIU•' upon nil the taxable property with f arhother or not the Treasurer In fort Townsend, Wnsh•: in the city without-lluiltallon as la construct, and Install Ington. rate or nutount-in:sit amount-auf•. r; Improyamonts nnd,: The cily.hne reserved the right to, Ilciout te' pqy the principal of and' itor,'lssalt Its•gonernli redaotn any or all at (lie oulstnnd. iutoros[:•o:ritlietiL¢nds.;.aulhorized , rods .tn file prinelpnl� }Ing„ bonds of title issue In Inverse herehn sal Wu,iBaA!o�;nhai(• become 00; and';'1" numerical order, at the following; too. The clty^futfbaa'lrrevocably it.nt'sald election the .lbnon Ball prices: '" " ', covenants •that:,all• ouch :taxes, so )roportlon of the quall• ; on Juno 1 Bad December .I, IND. collocied 'ehdll; be pald- Into *Ruch 1 of the. c:iy': required? _ nt $102.60' per 4100 par value. Bond Redomptluu Fund •In ammutlu ! In favor of said Drape. Ott June I and December 1, 19G1, sn71c1onL. to'pnY:jtuoh.prbtclpnl. and I . .,'� �'.r1,' ?aV;102.Ob.por j100 par �•nluo• ' interost•ntoleast tbirty.`dnyu grit r It. W doeinod• - - - - - - - to tti '•t teat nim0whlell nil such + the basHnlorcits of Mai rDrt]Wm 1, anti Deconiter;l, lOG2, fit 1,O1J oQ $100 interest or,.prfncipnl tied Inforer•t" I Inhahitanta i lhpt enld� por Dpg}yalue. lh7 ti(1V ' = and DaOo bor 1, 1003, nhnll Uecotuo'tliue pall payable, and o}v•lesued'and•eold to.'. funds necessary for said' na6uh JunadiDib 1, that no,purt qt. Hoch .fusd.ahali.bo.. used for any .other purpose than nndR])•a timboto. 7, 19G ntY1;.104,5Qlper j100'pnr ynlue, ;;�• the payment or, the principal of and lEItERORI9," IIE 17` OR•• Otlj"tid,�, 1960;add;nuy interest Interest an said bonds. The 4uil the Council of the City par. pnNQUco'Sot Odlh, credit and resources of the vnepnd,-Nnahhagton' no a ftoronttor;•nt Noticer{of,ad'y,such'fnlondod to- city pro hereby,, Irrevocably pledged for the umtu'nti•,Lovy!'nnd, colloctlon •;That' for`.Wo purpose demptloa 9hn11 ho ghbn by one pub- 1lenttbulJttidreoftin the official city, at such taxes and the prompt pay ;;tunda to,coustruct and -novaill �:notFmoro than forty ntout of such lirinclpnl and Interest veti:ivaht.wllh.all;awoe• t"euancoe;; all`'nB inoro ,� •nor=lp Itlilrty dnye ntlor to . as uforosatll,.�,1•,•'•1:'•: :'•�•': Sectlo p fClo,01, Clerk is here... I tl'1'. 1 4v ibiovidod •ln •,Ordinauco; !; ItIIM +date mad by mail• at,tlio sumo limo b a thbt zed' mud directed to ad - y tseod pall approved Bop•• Mod to tho:11is1ntbalco.or offleco.of•tho ' vertigo thee6•bdnds for sale fit! the 1954, and till authorized purchmu6*' or-ypurchnsors .of'.onid'� manner re o •h q i y'Intv,, and uponl mead electors of "to bondsint4lidirgnale byltho•clty or ';the onto orod f said bonds the proper speclnl election hold to the buslnesa successor or succes• city 'officials are hereby authorized 'November 2, 1954, the ngw,.•lasoo and sell Its, Bors,Af•,any of said Vurchaser or Its .and directed to-do evorytlling rise-. cssnry. for lbo.prompt issuance and L Otion',bonde-Ill Wo•W+: purch¢eors'trit or- P1nedS of.Bytiatditfi:� a '' � • � delivery b["Bald' bonds' and. for the - f,nnd,ta _ lksuw o[ 7G,000:%:::•.. ,1 ,, bh ehnll..beidatad.JutW, �IDfeWbdd41 do a[ lln Issue of gadolulmWint16 bonds of the city : 1 roper use 1 caLton;"oC ;. W Dp I , the proceeds of. such sale. •. .. ` • . 'nnd'is" nil?•be,rfuiildononumblond doh,.phRll}li0�numborodi o[fJlllb/%liohiitttldltto.nnd later fit Section '7. That th6re'be hereby , ?6: Sncid'ely6;.:ehitll,'bear: thbd Wa:1}Ibipnl amount of created•:- another special' fund of the city In the office of n rht;telof notti'oxceoh' 8T6t00 rna=aenllttfed Dumont ton the City Trensurer, to be. known A�jllniU��a�ntble"soinlannual•; . vbl41ft4he•4ualiflod electors of the otfylidifd'Ordlnarfdeo No. 1306. and an the "Port Townsend Soer Con- r�dnyd,flf-Juno and, rM401l'year,'awavidencad Not1318Afor•;tho purpose ojtpro. { otntctlon,Fund.". The proccods•of• the sole of,the bonds the issuance i to. gold. ! llbe naSable'An vllUag,Sunds todconslruct and ha.. etaiiftAtBogArJ.mgiu with all paces' of wilt lawful,tached oho United. St WS al provided elusive of necruedlzed lntcrtce[ la+ 'II.:- • Ott"serwllDpt63Rrlatteq�, t b ell Ardinance No.� 130G.,:•, 130 the offfco Of. tile!Cltyl �f,The •City, Po&Townnoud line • nbuR' Uu paid into tbo ilund • dalapt(au Fund - herdlnbofore cre- n.Port Totynaodd orde y ` Shall mature In'.ordor�, of irrdltocnbly.covounnted,-by said Ore ated) nball ho paid into Bald Fund and nll.:odmr.1moneyB which the fatter -:fie [allows: dlntttuce-No,r1313:thnt !t u-M levy luxes annunll • upon all tlao, laxnblo y p city'no now or'will have on hand 0¢4,r;3,000, propettyl .wilhhl file city: without that pro to Ua used for the same 469,%:;3,000.:•••`.y: iflaijtatlon,ns•to raja arfantou it In purposes for which said bondn are r at cntnoupt su[flaleGt�iato:•D4Y tine loaned shall also ba paid Into said-' 001;"j3,000.' �" am ieo 000 .:'. . DrinefDal1Lot:nud Inttggrase On. sold Uondd:tdit!�7!(fb eatd't9efshelYrbccome Fund. Tile* moneys therein shill be sued for thn solo pn- w!•...• ........ ,000. :: •.'; duo:''4`oF •'fhb moth*r.1igylneht`0f ing out those Intpruw:ao,t., io the •sold Drif[dlPnl'mad Interest the full ,clty,s sanitary now•age disposal ,000...-:' falt1f,lMil ' null renedreoo'df the 'cityl.ardilidloby. system provided for In Ordirmace' ,000; lrrevochbly pledged, No. 1300,'passed and approved Sep• ,000, ,000. .' lt'ae'•hereby certified' and lie. clated'f.11h5 till acts, 'conditions and toolbar 21, 1954, and as nuthdrl2od by the quailfled electors of the city ,000,1 thldgefroqulrod to"Ito 'delta lire-at;lhe special alectle, held therein ,000. ,000. cedant to ANQ In theAssuance of ,on November 2, 196•1. , (life bong-Ahve happened, been Section 8. This ordinance shalt ,000. - . ' done -and •ltor[oruied' pall that the lake affect five days front and after' ,000. 000;• .. tolalAndobledness of - tile city, in- its,pnsunge, approval and publlca•; .• eluding Allis! bond, doon•not exceed' lion as .required by.law. ,000:' tiny. constitutional or;statutory lire. '. 'PASSED by tbe.Counell of lllo ,000: )Y..reae"rves the .ny or all of the .ltatloni:; • t:a ' INij�W1TNE19S `WHEREOF, the City :0 Port iflblvnsend, Washing- City of Port Townsond, Washing- tot, and .npProved by Its Mayor at i of said Issue in 'order ;ton, hhe •causdd this bond •to• be a regular meeting of said Council ]told on April G, 1955. ' at the. fInol- prlces: .,. eigneMby:it8'Mayor,:attested. by its CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND;; )acembcr 1, 1DOO,i Clerk (yndlthe :offlclal: ecnl of the be sad WASHINGTON I'Dar value. city to fml5reseed'hereon, Dy BR. GEORGE BANGERTER '. )ecember•1 1901 the sttached:iltitaroW.couponn to: Mayor, , OO+par.:-slue. be signed with the facs0uflo slgna- ATTEST: )ecemher:l;•19G2,'. at 190G• re-of1etticlaboAtiis first day ,IOSCpH G. RYAN 0,ip r value." ":, ?_•c,. n,mv,nv+.nnnm.mn,vwra,awr r, City Clerk.' `i:r;i WASHINGTON +i I. -; IIy-DR. OEORGD,HANGERTER ATTAST„•.b`IP�.y, ,.{•Y :`',Nnyor: 40S$.P 'C-tirTtyh,.eCl'eigrkp:o.s; - toc'a,,badr- : at :-c. •tacb@d tpld;boudo„shapabe In ! oubstenUld,gthq;folloWlpgtfoypi:•, to. / C1 y C,ort NEW