HomeMy WebLinkAbout01739a AN 01M NANUN' al lhu Ully of fill 118ta110u11) the Iullnele: lulus. J41.11•:I'lt ,,.
Port Townsend, Washington, pro. UNITED PTA_TES.OF ANEIUCA, City Clark... ]., )tl:r)l111 lSo i.$:lll
vldtag.lor<x4e•issuaapo nn:1 Ralo:r,NO.-''' $1,000;,., SECTION:3.{Saldtbondeahall,bo (,) rt, y
1:-Bf-•:gggetppi;�obli6atlppa7houdc,ofiS STAT h HMGTON' t slgned�o"l{jj'i'6al�ioL)tho,ettY%byIteI� of l:)ln city
",ttidleRy.lti,tho,ptldoipnl Rum of'• CITY<fp •OWNSEND 't`Tiayor igttosledyby ltd;Ctork;'-nnd: P()J•{: Townsend, Staff
i; :;76;000;to,provlde;lunde for,cor• ', ODINICRA7yiq>l1 ATtON BOND '' elmll''have',tho�Vflci al, Real. of tho
td n;.eadtal dtDosoe'_ae.' more r 1 city Improesa&thVrpoi,,'Eaefl of the o C .lilnhltl ,tOri. d0
i:;'epe6lficBiiy>,outhorized ItCOrdl• i,KNOWt1•AlSilil4lflN..BY: TIfESill Inlaraet"'BouDOne'atlJlcltod thereto hn1'rby CoPtify tha
f.::rnnnco No: 1306 and nulhorizod by',, •,t13 X$FIb1.�ry'•��t.�• � � � � xhntl •be`'olgneW=ivIth lho4facelmllo L110 rorn,lo i a[; ordi
,,••th lluall0od'.olectors of the city Th�1LMTA Py ct Port Townsend, Hlgnaturo of"said officials,' -,
aLu.speeinl. bleclion hold thereln:l•n;mdhlaldalWl`odrporntlmt of the Section ..4: Allt moneys derived manse .ta ri fl.l�.l, t-
I•:ron, oyontbor 2„1964, providing ,'State'btYWYRhlhgtou, acknowledges' from the'sale'pGtho-bonds mile• nnfl COPr.^.Ct copy 0
I, i thd';data; form, terms and ma-,; itliolf(loi gwe'hud for "nine received , rized heroin shall bo_.ai ended solo•
turities; of nnid bonds' mud for;: horeby;Pn' rpmison to pay to bearer oly for the capital purposes pro. Ql'(l hrinncG T?O o 1313
gnnual'•lax levies to ho made,'. llel drat%dny of June, 19-, the vidod in Ordinance No. 13OG null nn 1)nsrio I by the
"without llultlntioll an to rate or ',principal sum of this e•dhuutoO,; nod none of nnid �Otlllb it ,+t)1'il 5, 1�
amount to lmy,tho. prluclpnl'nnd ;,:IONI%.TIIOUBAND DOLLARS umueys shelf be mn illed for the. ra• r
Interest thereof: Croatia n fund together wltirriirt-erent thereon at placement of equipment or for any , njpl)I'n Ved th by e ,,,
-:::;-for`tho1r,;POYmdnt; and creating site rnlo,of °io' liar.annual . other than n capital purpose.•:, r,l'lTit 59 1955 and
r.�:a Comitructlori Fund. Pnynblb' sominnnimlty'hn lhq first-, Section 6. That titers bo.nnd Id-
f"';WHEREAS,-'tho'Council of tile dnyo of. June- and .�Decomber of., hereby created- a special fund•of bli'therl ill tho Po:
j-Oltyot.•PItHT wnsond,\Vashington, ; each.yenr upon DreHoutation ands the city Ili the often of the City Tcrn1$encl Lander Al
I'b .j Ordinaiiedl No: 1306, Donned and surrender of the;attached Interest' Treasurer to be known ao, 7Port
j,upProvod-So to 21,-1954, pro- coupons as they,severally become '1'ewnsond 19GG Ueneral Obligation 21, 1955�
;vlded'that'aspecintelection should- i'duo„Boh'princlpal.tint] Interest oft! Dond Redemption Fund." Tile city. '
�.be•beldi,wlhin'thd eity.otr Novena. this,. bond tiro , payable, tie) lawful;l florally, Irrevocably covenants Ahat /
ber`2 1964;!for'the submission to nlomoyi of tile •:United „Slatoo' af' It will make annual levies of taxes l t�- , `•
IttioiquallOod' olectorR thereon of n Aptorlca.at' that offlao•.of, the.:Clly cpon nil the taxable properly )vlth• "
`iiX6ovIUon,ot,,whether or not the ,Treasurer In Part Townsend; Wneh-,In the city without•Ilti-itallon till to / C; y Clerk.
er t)
pltpNnhouldibonetrucC,rtnd Install Ington. ':rate or nncunt-In:nu alone lit- I
4Qkt41qq eoppPPegqptmprovemonts and„ 'The city.has reserved the right to:, Ociout ts.pay, the. principal lit'add:
to.lPagfi..t>3$retor;(Isoso:its :6snarnti :radoem any;or all of: the eutstaud- .Interest:on'the,tibptiakg authorized
jphllgge�tiod.hhnds:.ln: lao� prlacipall }Ing.,bonda of. this issue In inverse herein aRjtlioweatna4;ehatt• becomJ l
Ylifii`ofx$711,0001`and';'`+ "." numorlcal�;ardor, rtt ;the following duo. Tito ellq^furhan,',Irrevocably
ti?;�j=HEREAB,'at'enid`eloellon the threw and•PHIIOB:a covenants •tbali;,all ouch;taxosnso'
tiliabor and: proportion of the quell- - On Juno 1 and Doconibor.l, 19CO3 collected eludlt be' i)did, Into ouch
4loVelectors. of the,'cltyt-requlredl. tit'$102,60'Per $100 par "Blue. Bond ltedemptbu Fundln.amoudts•'
ky4ap:Jdtbd.Jm favor. of Bald propo-"o : on Juno I and December 1, 19G1, Huffl6iont:to'pny:Puolt;prinelpal:nnid i
eittan and"• ';;•�"i:: I- ;; :.-,.�•�s3nt,;102.0G par•;100:pnr value. Interoet-•at+4ettat•thirty%dnyo prior.
i3(F�WHER S; dtils;i deemed: Bacon• •' - to th'01-intesruponewhich any such
Bgryrand:bto�tha hest7B onita bt the LUtt, Jano'�, and Decmnber;l, 1902, Interest ori.principal nod Interest"
a 1,U,1160. or ;100 Rqpt}yalue. Rludl hero uo dhc and D¢Ynblo, Bed
altyd,epdclte;�lnhgnu d- nd-so said,; 4. gr nd•ltaanlpber 1, 19ca, 1
rho de fit%, nosy •leauedr'dud•eold to. .'• I flint no.pgrt gt.such .fund.shall.bc:.
„ �p vtdb:tti ;fuuds.necesearyfor said' : n r;IOO;Dat;:vnluto. y
unmlfand'MaoalltbArll, 19G4, Used for any other purpose than
purpoaee;•• atY;lpp, Q.ysr $100''Daraaluo.'i!, the Payment of, the pridcipal of and
THERICFORfl, DE IT Olt-' 0 it c , 19G6;aild:atly Interest Interest on said bonds.'.Tbo:tifull
nnell o
`llAiNflDby site Cof the Clly, - par. faith, credit and resources' of the
f pnyvleattlllto �ahetenttor,rtt
ot•Port Townsend,: Washington, all Notlgaf6f ,aily;sucli=lntendod re. ciq• tiro Loruhyalrra vocably Pledged
ifolloweC_: �:':- denppttloatehall Do givbu by one pub. for the nnttu'atl.ldvy ;mud, calleQUon
' '•Seetlon':.9..Th¢I, I r.thb purpose Rentihtf`.�llidreoftln the offlciN cltY- of such taxes and the prompt pay
!oGDrOpldlagauuds to: construct and. .nowspapeft;not�,moro than' forty utmlt of each Principal rind Interest
lice;all;p eewel!111 1 with all, necos• no aforaeald.,.;y+?.I:::.. a,::,:
I. non all"de: inoro' •nor_3 (thirty days miler to Sectlo rfp• o,0[ty Clark Is lore••
4 sold` ']data and by'ninil• I i� b
Apocldeallyaprovidod;in:,Ordlnnnco; 'ing•di11f(B'•natt o at•tiio enmo time
sly nuthat zed -directed. to ,ad-
`No.d80e, it slid and approved Sop-, Yo the:matntDClco.or offlcas; of •the- v'ertisa tlieea:•bbiuila for sate 1n! the
lumber 21, 1954, and no authorized e l manner required -by, Inw,�and -upon., •
purchaserb Or .purchasore :at- said',
by.,the �qunlided electors of the the sale o[ said bonds the proper
bondniat�hAlrnsnle hyllhu, city or
Olty R. on - overul election the to the business successor or sueces. ally directed
toare hereby authorized
Lela' on �Novomber 2, 1964, the and dlreoted to, do overything sec-.
sore; doeid' Lt* enld urchnoer or
L174fahaBt'nyw,:`Idsuo and'sell 11e1 purandsord'lit lie or�'halr=main eesrtry for t1R .prompt'and o one
DB tlau';bond_' lldtho ;toy: • delivery o[ ;said' Dance• end, for the
�>� pine otabuaidlMf� , t , ..
%� enm aft;76;000: ":;;,•. ;I+ :proper use •iandvnppllcatdni oC•hll
l3 71GfaNlbltdadoll bonds o issue of
�% ,bon e:"shal Detddtes:Juno:,��`'the proceeds, of. such solo.•.
fn19 6=�ADell.tiais i�deGoi4itlonnil godo o[,QIIi Lhuttldl[tonndTWlnorihl Section 7. That Win la'hnd'is"
ot1i1f0q`0'edab; pho11y_fnnmborod th>s�d tgd�}tjiBi nl amount of hereby Created..' -another ,special'
iromri?to:76:1noluet k".fiba11'beae:; $TKO and=>dn Well Personal to n fund o[ the oity In the ottico o[
�lgtdr@�fCiat a?rate;ol•no�ad'exceodi vb'Zrlb,a �ivatl9ed electors of tie the City Treasurer, to be known'
8" ; o • f hlfL'1!r/gble'eefnlannunl•- city"' Hd1Ordinadtfee No. 130C. and as the "Port Townsend Sower Con-
e' rot day9`'of-June nnd, Nor1313 iforv;ho purpose 00l pro• { etructian, Fund.: The proceeds at.
'1mCg� be,"Ptiobyear,as'evidenced' vltUng Stlnda todconnLrucL and in- the sale of;tlle'bonds the Issuance'I
tU1�7e3Du)?,00e to,boiattaehed .to, said. silling.Jupd tatic struct, n in- ' of which in authorized heroin (ex..!
:bonds';•rsDa11 ho payable, ln'lawful:l sorwllPpNdenaaoge, Blhne Provided elusive -of accrued Interest; which•{
"m teilc oa, the , Uulted. Sth6, at'* Dy ' jArdinancif No.,130C.,:- ' elmil' be paid into tku Duud 'Rt--
(Tre"Ica'aC1ho ottico of.thd•Cilia IO'The' City, of rPoW Townsend has •domplion Fund. herdinbefore era•'
tI It"'.�OrJuPortTowneodd,.Waeh'1 If oyocably.coveuanted••by said Or, pled) nball be paid Into said Fund
I119 on. 'CTlehall mature In' :ordorl diuebci No.n1313 ;hat It will levy and nll.:ohar.)mmuoys which the
of.th7l1@ lflnbot:as follows: Wiles snnunily upon :all tko_ taxable city'now Da 'or' Will have on hand
1::Jdne.i f7196T,'i';3,000. piOPatt}i.}vltlhl tto city. without .lhnt tiro to ha used for the enmo
.J&ddyS 1958,,i;3,009;. lhrittatJon.:ne'to rasa orfnmonnt to Pllrpoxes for which snQd' Londe nro'r
Jibe; 1,K ]969, :;3,000.: :f.
�Jung <1,f1900,-.;3,000.`•�j .�•,,.. tin ammo gat sufflalent: ;to:,pay the loaned shall also he paid Into said
.'.r Juno' 1,s19G1,:$3,000: principal ot_and interest. on Bald Fund. Tho moneys therein nhnll be
( Sono.. 1',`1962;;3,000. - bondd:=d'i ITY6 sniff, 161i41`"'WCOMa used for fin snln pu^^••-^ ••' -
d;1Jppne.1,:1963,.;41000. '- due.�76r `l�A proth'sit'. litymdnl'of Ing out tka:+u uuptuac:.,a1.t., tv the
JDno 1,'1964, $4,000, said priddipnl'and Interest the full .city's Hanilnry flowage disposal
June.l, 19116, ;4,000. faith',( credit' slid res6urcoo'Of the system provided for in Ordinance'
;4,000. .j city' eie41id1'aby. Irrevocably P1Odgod. No, 130C,'Passed and approved Sep.
-Juno 1,: 19CG,
..' Juno-1,`1907, ;4,000. ' ]t' jiff`' hereby r certidod' and (le' tonber 21, 195.1, and an authorized
Juno' 1, 19G9, $4,000. clarod th'nt fill acts, conditions and by the qualified electors of the city
` June 1, 19G9, $4,000. thingo required to'bo done pre- Blithe special clectiol, held thereto
cedont'to tindyln thole '-suance of ,on November 2, 1954.
Junoit 1970, ;4,000. his bond -"We happened, been Section e. 'Thin ordillmee shall
:. p,Juno-l1971, ;G,000. - dono'and-perfarned nnd that the take effect live days front and after
f une1;11=1972,.;$G,000• total'•.Indebtedness of_tho city, In- Its. passage. approval and publien-
JuaA'• ,,1973;.;6,000: cluding.thls:hond, dean, list exceed' '
�Jaiie,1;y1974„;6,000. stem ns required by law.
(, any conetltullonnl or: statutory lint. PASSED by the Council of the
'fb a'iclt 87hore ,000. eoi•vee the ItntioW: ' '•& - 11 City at Port T6wnRond, Washing-
�``iltthtito•tedeoai any ro all a[ the INii-IMNESS' WHERF.OP, the ton, and approved by inn Mayor at:
F+.outetaadlaa bonds o[ said loses le I City :ofI Part Yrownsond, \VBxhing• a regular meeting of said Council
I. I ton, han •causdd shin bond • to be • hell on April G. 1966.
F•lnveree:numerical order at the fol. . signed)byits Mayor; nlluotod by ila CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND,
�•;towing• times and prices:. Clark t nd! thet'otticlal. seal of the
I,l^%Od"Ju b..1'and December 1, 19GO, city to he imfiresRed'hereon, and By DR ICEORO
Lat;102;60.:Oer $100 par value. he attached' UntereoV.coupouR to By DR. CEORGE BANGERor.
On',June:1'and December. 1, 19GI, Mayor.
to signed with o the faeslntifi nlgnn' \ Sl1PI1
'-at ';102.00,�por•;100,.par'.value. � �puo.odenld otticinle this drat day JOSLPI[ G. 1tYAN
`.' On•Junea' and December' 1, 1962„ of Juno, 1966: t(i1 r
df,.;101.60'Dae.;100 par value. • ; ,. CITY OI.•POILTaTOWNSENU, City'Clerk. 20e
r' I:OmJdne,f:and Docombo1 19G3,
''• ..i 1VA31lING'TON ,% 1
' at:;lO1.00iDnf,•;100 y¢r value; By BR: GEORG70 DANGERTER
and •Dbcombefi,l' 1904,i , 1Vin or:
''at"i1D0:6Q�lter;,;100(p¢r,YSe).''-�y` - .I` .,...1
[�GOtlIlia..fFe+1,1966:a�d,,Lfny:Intoi�eF,�:•JOBGPOrII 1a14 4+til,i'
''yay`( tit dite,�the'te ttor;'tit par., +•„ City plertfa
)Tlo Ce AR:'any5euch`'lnlended ro?y ;;Tho tgtgroat,coupous to,be at•
'dempUoJl;IlDa11'.Deiglveri.Dyi•one:;..tachid (q'`sttid:bonde shal4.t'bo In
;MUbII '' t'II�OLlI ... offlCla1AA,anb¢tait Ally,,lha,.folhowllg;form: -
oD i Yfd%?n tmore:thaa fort 'tP,•�-�_.A'_ -- '
'tnA'L13ee:IFei,••IhlgwArideh indn,•.Ina•1•�'NOf'��.• �."
. Wnshinglan,.wlll.pay. to.
-,the offlco;060A City Tr'
,Port TowLs6ud, iW$ahin
,Hunt of . _ _
!''or:plfcDe;Ore eNtte o(i:eJ(AIr maln3j s-U-4- oln'g,,iLo7eominnnlinl' eat
' pinCa�bf'bunhinnq^`IntMn�L on any, dud. boll ,tlio. o llR oat'•-, I-