HomeMy WebLinkAbout01445ordinance, to :-eon posted at all tl:..Os ill a co.:c' iAc ous place 1i1)0,1 the promises licellsed, sl(pi colltaillln.,- :ae ;iOriis, °:,o DaliclnF"u Section 4: Blo licousos ai-ovidod by this ordinance shall be issued i. b,; the City 0)rlrk m,on ja; ..,:b 'O +:':r+ C'.. t•.:.,..nwr e p .. 'POi7/1)r•i0T'0 l,.•0: i40d, :-nd all li',;Oor t..., '_O-: is10:!c li. t.i!l:i Ci•C�.1+:-1+CG ., ..'ll Oe dlslilayoll ill a Coh::-',knolls place at 16.'.O locy,tion so lli:0.,sod. Section All licoiwes issuod uiiclov the provisions of this ordinmice dhall expire on Docomber thirty-first of •_:_c;i ;;our and -'Or lio;nsos to be issilod (inrliir,' the ; ilar 1937 the ,_plic!Ant shall nay ;Gcii )vo),ort loll of thi alLnual Pee as the period .olloc;ir-- the date o uPplication briars to a year. Section G: ,Liiy person, 21nji or corooratioii violatiii{; any provision of this orclinalice shall bo gnil.i:y Of a ixlsde:coatior aiid upon conviction shall be nunishod ,)y no na;paont o. a :Fine ilot to o-c-cloa One Hundred _.-_ Dollars ( 100.00 ) or by iii.)risu!r: r.t in 'ho cit;' jail for a _;oriod of slot to exceed thirty (30) _ :lays, or by both ;uc;1 AM uilu Section 7: Lzi�! „atron of n ,lraisus l:icclnsod un'.1or tha '17ashinrton State Liquor Control .Let, not iiialudecl witilill. tilo provisiolls of Class "All of this ordiiianco as aforosald, -c,lo sliall violato ally o: tile-orovisioi!s oC this orclinance shall liicovriso be doerad uilt,,r o laislr•r.:;cnor cn'1 1..1021 conviction shall be ,xnliChel by tho pa.n.m,,t of Cia'. c. i;ot to oac-od _-----`Lon Dollars (,; 10.00 ) or b,,r i:,.•1c-,On .,:it 11, tho Cit: „ail for a period of not to O%COOCl i:8Y1 ._�.1Qj'�`'' $� Ol' 7y 70ti: CUCe! _1110 a7id 11.1?',ri sOYL,021t• PASSED by the, Cit;- C:,lmcil Jame 111 1937. by thn ; -1,ror Julia 16th , 19:517.