HomeMy WebLinkAbout01300• 0!i1)1�I:i:1�J11 iiV • 16--3172 An Urdinunce di.vidin the City of sort Townsend into viards anti re.•,,culinf, all ordin- ances i,c cchlflict herewith. THE CITY COUNCIL OF '2HE CITY OP EOHT TO',UIISL, D DO Oi.UAIii AS POLLOtlS: Section I. That ti:e Cik. of ecrt 'Townsend be and ti!e same is hereby divided into five vrai'ds nuc.cbered and bounded as follows, to -wit: PI:iS`i' `' HD: Co!.unencinF. at a point on ti:e southern boundary of the limits of said city at the intersection of the center line of liarri: on Street, etended, thence northerly along the ce.1ter lice c f s-kid iiarrison Street to the center line of Lawrence :ltreet, ti.ence easterly along• tile center line of said !a.rence Street, extended, to the easterly boundary of the liia'ts of ::aid cit,;, ti.once southerly along said easterly boLin:ih.ry to t1:e southeasterly corner of said city limits, thence westerly along; t e said southerly boundary said city limits, to lace of ber•innint. SECOidD WARD: Co::ai:e!]ciiiE at a point on tile. southern boundary: of the limitso7: said city at the intersection of ti:e center line of San Juall Avenue, extended, t_:once nort?:erly along the center line of said s n Juan Avenue to ti:e ce.itc.r line of Lawrence Street, thence ieast::rly alonL, tLe center line of said Lawrence Street to the center line of Harrison Street, thence southerly along: ti:c ceritc-r lithe of said iiarrison Street, extended, to the southerly boundary of ti.e: lil.iits el' aid city, thence south-westerl aloih;: ti.e said suuti.erl bouni.iar ; to place of beginnin. TH ID '4ARD: Coriimencine, at a point oil the easterly boundary of the limits of ;>aid city at the intersection of the center line of Lawrence Street, e. teihded, ti_ence westerly alonf_ the center line of ..aid Lawrence Street to tile center line of Tyler Street, thence northerly along tihe center line of &aid Tyler Street to an intersection with t}ho center line of "F" Street, thence westerly along, the cents r line of said "F" Street to the center line of Sall Juan Avenue, ti.ence northerly along the center line of said Sail Juan Aveihue to the center line of 32nd Street, thence wastcrl;,, aloe; the center line of said 32and Street, ex- tended, tc t,.e center list• of Jac:_man Street, thence northerly alon,. ti.c cei;tc:r line of said Jac'_:nhan Street, e:.tended, to the ce::ter line of ;>Jth Street, c-.:tended, thence westerly alone ti.e cent,,r i].:iu Ul J4.1. 1I Street, to the westerly .• U.. boundary line of t: e lii.dt;, of Laid city, t:.ence northherly a7.ong ti:e said viest. rl;; boun:._i';; line tc the northerly boundary 'Line of ti.e li!aits of paid city, ti:ence easterly alone. the said C1Crth.erl;f OOIU?dar;. 1111e tG ti C 17GGtEt7.;; bChin:1CS;;' lil]e, Bxtel?ded, Of ti.e 'j.S. 1,1i1it:rr % Reservati� n, t, eh:ce southorl: along the said viesterh. bc,un;al of tihe J.S. 1.[ilite ;; Reservation to the ce.ltcr like of "ii" St're_t, tihehce east rl; along the center line of said "Till Street, extended, t; ti-c easterly boundary line of the limits ci --aid c:t-,, t,.u:ice souti.crly ilonf;: -aid ea:;tLl;; bOal:d ai;: Ga. Laid ei"� to i,laee Of beL illniliL.