HomeMy WebLinkAbout00983V.. Ordinil;lc)n ITO. An Ordinancc iamrrxdinct suCtions 13, 16 and 19 of, and adding sections 19a and 25a to, orditianco iio. 753 entitiod:"Ail Ordinancu to rogulato the iuutall.ation of Plumbing Systems an(.i PiXtures, cold aad hot ;:rater system::, Sevier Connections, Steam aar? Hot grater Heat)lllg Aysto)ns a:id Gas -fitting, Establinhirlg Lilt. size, quality and grade of ivmtarial noccssary in the construction or changos in the prosont syste)ns, which may be required within the limits of the City of Port Tolnlsond, on, :mitl- 1)1eV.Ll'.iiln neialt,ica for the violation O. :i, i. Ord in:uluu,'rl):.a;-,:iod bJ. t1io cic,, coiwoil. Iiklreh 2nd 1909 and appuove(l by 'Ls11; 3nayor islrcih yT.'d 1909. Tito City Council of the City of Poxt '.00..11call(12 Wa:);hi-a8ton do ordain as follows: Section 1. That section _ irtcc:l oft_v; above Ltitlad ;and described ordinance ITo. 753 be, a:tCL tji: swne is hereby amaldcd to read as fo'll.ovis: Soction 13. All sevtar, soii Lld vrlltta pipos are to be run as diroct as uosllible, chaaco— 'n di., ration to b_u ma.do not sharpor than 45- dogreas angles or l/b bends. Y bra,l',ite:; with cicanouts to bo placod at-tho foot of all vertical runs. All soil and wabbe pipos shall. be either cast iron, load or wrouyrlt i?ion of' :vciS:,lts and sizes as specified ill tT.1.e, tables. I.Dtia soil pipos to axtend full size through and abovc ) slain roof at 1:: as' tr clvo (12) inches, ' and there shall be no cover vilhatsouvor, uuloss it be a viiro guard. .. Section 2. That Bectiatl Si:{i:Ouil Of ia1C iIbOVQ e!Iti'tled and described ordinance !To. 753 be, and t l•, same is hereby amended to read as follovis: Section 16. Every fixture 1, to have a-oiq)a_ato trap fu'rilish- ing a teat er se G th z UL ssus escwping f_o)a tale al to Suard a aitliu• r s m-tar into the buildilloa. 'Traps t0 1)e Of t_'l.- sizes given ill the tables for t:1.. Various fixturer>. Each t3m:q is to roc: vuatcdj cvury V Ullt fOr CL trap shall. be conaec�ti;d t0 t:l;; viaste line by as E;hort a cO_nu::?CtiOn an •p Osziblii, but in no c:'isu :Loll sllch conliection have a greater 1:)lgth than eiahtr.on (18) i:ichoo mensllri)hg hori- zontally from t:'.r. ';rap Scia, viitil ripe nnde A3tzur ors.' lead, wrought icon, coat frail, cooper or 'r,wacs (iron pipe siti.:1) o: s.zcc Livou iu Lie tables. A l,.:tar closc)t Conilactad to a llox:izo:loll rull of soil pipe more t'_ an ri&ht (8) feet lung, ailitll br: ve-itilatud either by extending said soil pipc.full size to at 1:.,ast tvrrlvc (12) inches above the )Hain roof, by ca!111cctiag it to t1 o plain soil stack at least two. (2) foot above t! hiGlost fixture, o:- by a ventilating pipe co alectud to :;.1,I "laad bond as 'at;•ar as practical to to floor lira and run proper size, ( not lass than trio (2) inch pipu) to _u-poiut Lioove la,:� main roof or uonaac't iato t'_lc; ;Hain stack riot less tna:t two (2) f:_ct abovu Ii the cases of c01,'.1,)i1+1ctiaa 'tvio oi.' :,ior-J clo GCta on a 110riz0!ital ruu, three .s6fl pips SILall run U11di!'A; Ili S!ltld Ill sine oa* a po,�Int ti'Yel'vc:. (l2) iiic7ios above ? {L. J92111 rOOf Or CO:T1rC't• 1. $U t _C iY i�''1 Sti1ck ar> di?Scribed above: Al:i. vwL'. pil)us iilab, UC Ce:2ri Ct Up -wo (2) 'GUO above t51e Fiat.,y1 r•'lilio Of Caul 11iG1e St fixt U'1'e bt;f0're CO:l:i C)Ctill(,g 'LO any othox S f�iL'i Or 17£Ult3 ?):Llie:,. Von: pipes can be conul—cted 1'rho:1 tll(l hori- zolltal dluta-;we along L)lu ::,aa a.' "Glw jAjlu does )1oL ::CCOCL twelve (12) foot or are so plac:,d 'L::at ":1' vent I)ipus eau b.; ruil iil a straigb.t line dir:!ctly back o ' tile. fixture to tnit inaLi stack, a.ld 11 o an angle of Lot over -I5 dc;gruaa vtith t:'1'.: v::rtieal Vu'i t. All oliangf; s in tut) dircctioa Of vuat pipe s'::ll b.: ;loofa b long badds ail-i i)han al,V:1:1:C t`.!; �S 0. <:P.6t i;'011 :1.00LI 1/3 bends ati lav'.,rted Y fit l:'_,1a:l 312%11 l. b•� v.snd.