HomeMy WebLinkAbout00899.A Sec. 5. The said rel:ord shall during., the orninary hours of business be open to the inspection of thO prosecuting at',;,jrney oN and to all peace officers Soc. 6 it shall ba unlawful for any such second hand doalar or pawnbroker to remove or allow to he removed from his place of. business, oxcnpt upon redemption by the owner thereof, any property received within four.dairs of the receipt of the same, and it shall also he nonsidor•3d unlawful for any such second hand dealer or pa%�M- broker to reneive any nruperty from any parson i.rndar the ago of' twenty-one bears, or from any common drunkard or, any habitual user of narcotic dru�ts or any parson is an intoxiratod c,cndition. Sec.7. -.ny second hand dealer or pawnhruker who shall fail to comply with or Violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon ccnviction thereof be fined in any sum rot 3xceoding ninety-five dollars and in all cases of conviction such second hand dealer or pawnbroker shall forfeit his license. Sec. 8. This ordinanre shall be published once in the Daily I.eado•r and shall take offeet and he in force from and after five days after such publication, and all. second hand dealers and pawn- brokers doini* puniness within the City of Port Townsr,and, Washington, who shall not have complied with its provisions in tak- ing out a propar license by the time the sumo goes into effect shall be subject to the penalties herein provided. Y Ask Ah.