HomeMy WebLinkAbout00840Point e nest: rly to t;:e ; crUon of 'dater .Street fifty-five
(55) feet in lcn;;th harninUove describod; Provided, how -
over, t.1,:.t the city council hr Ay reserves the right to
grant frnnehiace for the aonstrucLlcn, nperaLion and main-
tainanee of railroads and street cur liners over the above
described pnrtu of titre-tu.
Section ii. That o%ia aharf .ohd its a .r"roachas
siusl.l be conntructed ,uid maintained in a ::ubotnr:tial %nd
uorlw;nnlike manner and shall be subject to innrection by and
approval of thn city rngin•:er of s.uid city; and Wall be
reserved for the oxcluMa une of the grantees a"d their
aauigns, with the right to fix, cotablirh "nd collect tells
and rates of wharfage, o torar;e and doal_nge.
>eetion Ill. :`his ordinance shall be accepted by
the grantees or Oeir asniNns within fourteen (14) days after
its approval by the rayor and if not so accosted shall be-
come null and void for all tarpoues, and the acceptnnce of he
active by t,i:n rcantoes or their aonigns vh%ll be Ovemed .an
"grecrient by the said grantees and their r_osigno to conform
the s;iid wharf vihorevsr it panues over or along or crounes
any otrocto in timid tray to tha Crude of ould atren.to as now
ostablished or no the care may be h roafter ontab. ishcd.
section IV. If the granteen or their usnir;no shall
not smite substantial use of the franchise h^rein granted with-
in two years of t<;r the nauscage rnd approval of this ordinance
the crr:.e may be declared forfeited at the opt.i cn of the city
tiection V. ';liiu ordinance :shell be Published once
in the Daily Lander and shall nao effect as provided by
late. but the Gan,,o shrill not be ;•ub' iuhod until the lama
the v0d
prantcon or
their annigno.
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