HomeMy WebLinkAbout00755Soc. 3, That for the purposo of malc,Anf, the saiii improvs•mont
anti l.evyinir auxi coll.eotin!r tho said as:;ns ;meet, the propo!•ty describari
in Section 2 hereof is hereby made and constituted a local improve—
, '
mentnto be known as Local Trip rovement District No. 5.
Sao.4. That :eerie of pay inr, for th.: anld lmprov-unteut :,hall.
be by the is ;u.lnc- of bonds, payable oror befou tr3n years artor
date, bearinf, seven par contApnr annum, undor an act of thf: 1,1gis-
lature of the stato entitled " An Act authorizing the issuance and
sale of bonds by cities to pay for local impruvnmants, providing
for the payment thoroo.f, and d,aclarin, an omertency" approved
March 1.4, 1699,
Sec. 5. That the said improvcnnant is to be done by contract
let according to law and tho'ordinancas of said city, and the City
Engineor ic> hereby authorized and directed to Prepare instrile t.1ons
to biddors in the usual form, and tho City Clerk is heret.,y authori-
znd and directed to adv,3rt1se. in the usiial form for Sealed proposals .
to make the said imyirovgmnnt; the said adVert isr.mail t tobepub 11shed
Q or is-iwis of tho Daily Leader,cluA
OGtGY�G 1iri�-.Q..i.uwr
;,:1J.4 sealod proposals to b- openod .tnd considered at: the next
regular mootint; of tho city w tier• 11 r,.. 1 ? i f .
Soo. 6. That, file ci`..y council ra._, from: tinr3 to time pay out
of the Current Exp,rnse Fund such sums as may be necessary and proper
for incidental axpensao in carryinf, on the said improv,;mnnt and r•o-.
imburse the said 7-ind out, or the first: moneys derived from the
said spocial assassment.
'1ec. 7. That the (lity Council shall .im•.rrediately aftl)r the com-
plet.ion of the. said improvement ascor•tain t?�n total cost thoreof,
and provide for the levying of thl: said asses:::nent and the iseuing
of the sa,i,i bonds ;vit.}3out undue delay.
Sec. 6. That Ordinance 1'o. 767 ontitleri "An Ordinan,;o fixing
the width and location of tine sideways and ciwbs on pertain streets
in the city of Po. t Tovrnsand, Wa.,;h.in;�ton" be and the Same is