HomeMy WebLinkAbout006360 Wk. 0 40 *to Sec. 4. That the i'o11o\vil;; described tract:;, lots, and parcels of land are hereby declared to be benefited by the said senors and the said sewer systoin, and for the purpose of laying the said sowers and constructing; the said sever system, and for the purpose of rais- ing funds to pay for the same, the said tracts, lots, and parcels and to constitute of land arc hereby declared to be embraced within tho said Local IRlprocenlent District 310. 2, and subject to assossment therein, to -sit; ORIGINAL TU\YSSI'I`R of the Cil'i lop trot northrllp and southerly of SE, \YLI1S'rFR'S AIII)TTIOS TO Tnh. ;of Part Townstna II% the Wattle oppenr I,,,,ruer 111141.230 feet 1n4eriy all.] writ- C197 OF PORT TO\\•SSR\D: jnf rlw•nnl in the officr of the auditor erly and Io0 feet northerly and south• Lot 1 of block 17. (if, .Trll'rrvpn County, \\'nshinptmi: erly of the S1i corner block :1. Lot I of black Ia. - . lots _, 4, fi, Ib i and R bl bioek •I. Iols L 2, :1. 1 in each of blocks 0 All of block 19. - ;; lots 1, 2, 3. •1, 0 and 9,;n block 5, lint Ia. Unpintted property kno)�n as •a'nx. Lots L',.•1, U and R In each of blocks 7, A. 0 and 10. Tax Sas. I81, 184, 195, Ist nod 187, [Yfis, 169;100, 170, 171, 172, 171, 17•1 ns the. same appear of recant in the 1ii5, 175r, !70_tlgd 177.:. . I`` Lots 2, 4, 5, 11, 7 and 9 In block IL limper office of -the said county, _ - - -- •'Lots 1, 2, :1, •I,A nod fl In hlaek 15. -. ',\let; S'I'AIS. 1'IIa\• SII-CW ,\UDI• Lots 2, 4. 11 n11d 9, in black 1n. 'I'(US TO 'l'Illi CITY OF 110IL'1' TU11'\• Lots 1, 2, 1, 4, ,1 and r ill block 112_. SUND: Tots 1, :1, 501, 7 and A 111 black 0:1. Lots 1, 2, :{ and •t in black li. Lots 5.. 6, i and R in bkmk lOtt.: . -iois 0; 7, 9 and 0 in each of blocks lots 2..1, :S, 1{. 7 and A in block 141• po .and 2:5. A❑ of the following blocks, to -wit: 1'ItOP111'1'\• pit \1'1'it NIIII` Of 11RlrIC �17,1A,19. 40, 11, •12, 41-44, 45, 52. +":tail •(ell, .• . \renmr knau•n ns '1'nx \ps, Ili;' ]4fl. ".55; 50, 57, :,A, 'u0, 'it. fl... so, fl7, 99, IIII, ;. 1•i0, Lil.. IL•_'. 1.i1. -1. l55, ]Iia S0, tall; 101, 193;; 101, ,1051 10111 1011 108' j lll.l. 163, la0. ---' IWO, M" 1:13. l34, 11..:'11n, .1:17, 1181 S(1111'OS'S r1R8'I' ADDI99O\. '1'U (1:10, Ion. �• 1'i1R CITY Or I'Oit'l%+OWSSiiNb:. 1'LL11\I14R'S ADDrrpox to the City Lots 1, 2, :1. •1, 5, (1, 7, S, 0, 10 and 11. inf Part Ton'nsen l as the Wune' appears `'POWER A'DDITIOX TO 'rill" CITY inf r"ord and toll file in the offie,• of :" � oP roar 'rQ\CSSTsSD: Into anditor of Deffer?on County, N\ilsil. T.o1s 1 ta, 10 IIIC11191re; lapkii1: Utiplatted Ilropertj' in doln,llnrtlett . Ali of blocks 1 In .2.: Inelogive. � known its Tax Sus. LiO, ,'fnlct l;nplatted property T; side;)t.Inoksall 15t1 y.. ]GII, lfl. 101 y. its the same np• Cairo plane. Inw-nmce'slra't and pear of record in the proper offici of C1n•Itbu lane. said County. .. ., Tax Sos: 1:Y!, Ia?n,'1J0.1, 1:10-1, ta0ti2 . ', \ctsSIDW :\nl)rrIQS TO THE ms itli+ inine'nliprnr of record in ,the CITY Or PoIr1' TOWNSEND: IIpropar afflee of the Said Comity' i, , Lots 1 to 18 hlchlslce. 1. I (il-'011 fli'A\D -MAIL\' :1SS;F\II'I'll'S , ,I dS:\R\6D'.9 ADDITION TO TIIR IADDITION. to the City of fort 'I'awa CITY Or PORT TOWNSEND: srnd awthr>snuc appcars of ricord and i, Lots ]. to. H.,igelnsive. , fits tin the office irf 'the auditor of . FUII\'5. R:1SCI1: `said :IeRrrsnu tbnntp. hf'hlocks ^_. Tots 0, 7, 9, 0, 10, 11 mul 12. . 1 mat '•101f\ n.\nTI.T•.TT'S ADDITION TO Illfl':\I.\IO\U'R ADDITION In the THE CITY Oit PORT .'ro%\•NSR\-D:. "City of ,Pali Town4eml nevolrlille to Tax \oi. 201, 202, 201, 201, 2,05, 206, ' .1at on file io mlditar's ofeeo. of saN . -07, ^_08. 2WI :aid 210, ns the wave ap- .IriTrrson raaaty'' ppnr of rrcnt•d in for proper attire of IAtN :1., �1 and .i ill idnrk I. snit fi'Rer"'ll County. Al, 1'R:I'TYMIOYS;S ADDITIUN '1.0 TIA11:I'I.E.1-1 li FIRST ADDITIONTO 991 F, CITYOFPORTTfl\YSSIiNDI Till': CITY OI° 1'ORT TOR'SSE-ND: Lot s 1. 2, :b,0l, 7 and S in blm•k 1. .\II of hloctls 1, 2 nlld :i. I,nls g, 1. :1. -1 ill b1nc1: "_. i KI-IIS ;S RANCH. ouplldted o0 west Tots 1. 2. 5, 6. 7 and 9 ill bane; 10. 'side -If Pink.aerotlr. 790 ft. frenta e. Lots 5. 41, 7. S in black tl.. S' I NI11'1'ON:C SECOND :\DUl'1'ION TO lots I,'.:I and 4 Ill black 0. 1THI -CITY Or POPT ToWNSEND: Lots 5, 11. 7 sad S in rnl•Il of hi-WINi All of bane;,, I tad 2. 141, 17, °I, 2A and 23. DI(NN :4 VIRSI' ADDITION TO All of ldorks :1, 1, 5, 7, S. 11, 1•!, I'{..'I'llli l'I'I'1' Or 1'11R9' 'rl 1\1'SSIiNO: 11, 1..,1f 10, p11' 2 ntld 4 Ill block :i. MOUNTAIN \'II•:\\' ADDITIONADDITIONTOLois N Lets 1. a and 1 in Work 1. 'hall•." CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. 11 f, Illl�l :1 ill black 5,5. • -\It of bhwki 1, 2. 1, 1, 11, 7,'8, 1.1 and All 1 of blue; 0. 1 1 230 fret eaAerly old We4erly and