HomeMy WebLinkAbout00610�lhe northerly line of Wnsbingloli street to the southerly lime of Clny street.
Sec, 20 That this onlinaue shall take effect and be in force front find
after five days front the date of its publication.
Sassed Mlle Council February 7, 189u.
Approved by'llte \favor February 8, i8go.
City Clerk. Acting Mayor.
Approved Feb. IS, 1890. Published Fell. 20, 1890.
Au Ordinance creating all assessment district to pav Tile expense of grading
find filling Attains street, from the northerly line of Washington street
to Ole somberly line of Lawrence street, fit the City of Port Town-
.The City of Port Townsend does ordain its follows:
'SKMON i. That all the lots and parcels of land fronting oil eitherside
of Atlanta street, between the northerly line of Washington street and the
southerly tine of Lawrence street, ill the City of fort Townsend, be and
and the same are hereb • created all assessment district for the purpose of
levying a special tax sufficient to pay tile expeuscof grading and filling said
Adams street IWtween the northerly line of Washington street to the south.
erly line of Lawrence street.
Sec. s. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and
after five days front the dale of its publication.
Passed the Council February t8, i8go.
Approved by the llnyor Februay 18, 1SW.
City Clerk. Acting 'Mayor.
Approved March 8, i8go. Published .11nrch 11, 1890.
Au Ordinance to provide for building it sidewalk oil both sides of Jefferson
street, from Polk to Walker streets, in Mlle City of Port Townsend,
and creating an nssessn'cnt district for that purpose.
' 1 Tile City of Port Townsend does ordain as follows:
SRcTIoN 1. That there shall be constructed a plank sidewalk on both
sides of Jefferson street, front folk to Walker streets, in the City of fort
Townsend, which ordinance shall be iu conformity. to tile provisions of
Ordinance NO. 251, entitled "An Ordinance in Relation to sidewalks," rip -
proved August fit, i8
Sec. T. That the dots and parcels of land fronting oil Jefferson street,
between Polk and Walker stmetg, in the City of fort Townsend, be and tilt
satne fire hereby created an assessment district for the purpose of Mlle
iulproveniemt authorized by section n of this ordinance.
Sec. 3. That tltis Ordinance shall take effect nod le in force front and
after. five days front its publication.
Passed the Council \(arch 7, i8go. Approved by Mlle Mayor March 8, 18go.
City Clerk. Acting 'Mayor.
Approved 'March 8, i8go. Published llnrch if, i89o.
Au Ordinance to fax the slope or crown of all streets in the City of fort
Townsend. '
Tau City of Port Townsend does ordain its follows:
SBCTInN t. That hereafter tile surface of fill streets in the City of fort
'-Ta-%vnsend, when graded, shall have a slope or fine fTne ant the crown iu the
�• center to tile sides of tile street of one foot in incuty-four. i
i Sec a. That all ordinances and' )arts of ordinances in conflict here.
' with le and the salloc arc hereby repelled. I
b See. 3. , That this onlinntice shall take effect null be in force trout and I
I n after five days Goa tilt date of its publication.
" Passed the Council .11nrch 7, 18W.
Apprmcd by the Mayor March 8, nSW.
--Clerk. _ Acting Mayor._ -..
Date of publication March 11, 1590.
.%ORDINANCE No.• 287.
Approved March Bill, 18go. Published March iith,'1890.
An Ordinance creating an assessment district to pay the cxpelse of grading
and filling Aun street front Carllol little to Second street, and C street
fruit' Second street to Seventh street, in Al. Peltygrove's addition to
the Pity of fort Townsend.
The City of Port Townsend does ordain its follolvs:
' SECTION n. That all the lots and parcels of hold fronting oil citberside
of Amn street front Carlton lane to Second street, and on C street front Sec-
and street to Seventh simet in AU. Petlygrove's ndditiuu to the City of fort
T'OWIMeR . be mad talc same are hereby created all asstssutcut district for the
purpose of levying it special lax sufficeml to pay the expcll,e of grading and
Idling said Ann street from Carlton lane to Second street, nod C street fiat
Second street to Sc%enth street, in Al. Pettygrove's addition to the City of
Port 'Townsend.
Sec. z. That this ordinance stall take effect and Ie iu force from and
after live days front the date of its publication.
Passed by Tile Connell llnrch 7, 1890.
Approved by the Mayor, March 8, nSW.
City Clerk. Acting Mayor.
Au Ordinance creating all nssessnacut district to pay the expense of grading
and Filling. and building sidewalk oil Will sides of folk street front
Lawrence street to Winslow avemle, in Mlle City of fort Townsend.
Tile City of fort Townsend does ordain its follows:
SECTION 1. Thnt all lots out parcels of land frouting oil either side of
Polk street from the northerly side of Lawrence street to the southerly side
of Winslow avelow, in the City of fort Townsend, be and Mlle stone arc
hereby created an assessment district for the purpose of levying a special
tau suliicient to pay file ex tease of grading and filling, and building side.
walk on both sides of sail folk street, front Lawrence street to Winslow
avenue, in said city.
,ce. a. This ordinance shall lake effect and he ill force front and after
five lays front tile tail, of its publication.
Passed the Council tiny 9, 1890.
Approved May if, t8W'
Attest: DIN, CARV SMIT11, ' J. A. hmmN, .
City Clerk. ' Mayor.
Date of Publicaliou May 21, 1890.
Approved May 16, i8go. Published 'iny 21, 1890.
Alt ordinance creating all assessi neat district to pay the CX )else of bmilhllg
a sidewalk oil both sides of Adams street froul tYa, lington street to
Lawrence street, in lilt City of Fort Townsend.
Tile City of Port 'I'owncemd does ordain its follows:
$I:CTInN 1. 'fhnl all lots nod parcels of laud frouting el either side
of Atinals street from 'A'a%hingtoll street to Lawrence street, in the Pity of
Fort '1'owvuuaul, be and the snore me hereby created nu nssessulcut district
for the purpose of icvyinga special lax sufroicnl to pay the expense of build-
ing it sidewalk lull built sides of Adauls street front It asllillgtoll street to Law-
rence street, in said city.
Sec. z. This ordinnnee shall take effect and be in force front nod alter
five days (rout talc dale of its pttblie tiom.
Passed the Council flay 16, ifigo.
Approved May 16, 18go. J, A. 1Cn1IN,
Attest: DRI. CAIN SMITH, 'Iayor.
City Clerk. — _