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'J 7 � I
Sec. 5•
Thnt the grade of Monroe street shnll be at talc following cleva-
Lions nbove Initial.
At iutemectiom of center of'Mosime with southerly side of Washington
street, 3.20 feet.
At intersection ofcctlter of 3louroe with northerly side of Witter street,
3.50 feet
Sec, 6. This ordinance to take effect and be ill force from tad niter five
days front its publication.
Passed the Council April 26, 1885.
Approved April 30, tS89,
Attest: JAUUS BiAvv, lP, 17, I1. LltvmsrtO,
City Clerk.
ORDINANCru No, 249.
Approved August 9, Mg.
An Ordinance providing for the building of it sidew•nik or, the smntherly side
of Wnshingtou street frout talc westerly side of Taylor street io talc
easterly side of Wniker street, in the City of Pori ,brrascmd, find i
establishing nit assessuhett district therefor.
The City of Port Townsend does ordain its follows:
SUCTION 1. That a plank sidewalk, in conforulity to the plans and t
specifications therefor submitted by the Cit • Surveyor, Ind• adopted by the
Council, be still the same is hereby onlen (I built oil lire southerly side of
Washingto•i street, Flom the westerly side of Taylor street to the easterly j
sine of Walker slrecl, ill tile City of Port Townsend.
Sec. z. That the lots and pareels of land fronting oil the southerly side I
Washington street, bet+cen the westerly side of Taylor street and the cast-
.. erly side of Walker street, io rile City of fort Townsend, Stalt eonsti4ltc
suit are licreby luade nit msessineut district for the Purpose of the improve.
"lent authorized by the first section of this ordinance.
Sec, 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be ill force Gout and after
five days front its publication.
' Passed till` Cotnlcil August 9. iSN9.
. Approved Au},nust 9, ts99.
I Attest: Diet CAav Smint. J. A. KtmN, !
City Clerk. Mayor.
Approve•(I Aug. 16, 1889. Published Aug, iS, 185),
Au O"liannce in Relation to Sidewalks,
The City of Port Townsend does ordain as follows:
SucrioN 1. 'flint all sidewalks hereafter constructed or re-laid itl the
City of Pori Townsend, shall lie lade to conform to the following provis•
'i lolls, unless express permission be granted by the City Council to coustrtct
the same otherwise, to wit: f
l+imt-: ll sidewalks hereafter constrMed or laid on either side of nay
of the following named streets, and parts of streets, shalt be twelve feel (lz) ,
feet wide, viz: Oil Writer street, front Jackson street to Walker street; on
Washingtoll street, froul Jncksol street to Taylor street; on Tyler street, j
Taylor street, Adatus street. Quincy street madisnit stmetuul Monroe street,
t at all points between Nato street and Jefferson street.
Second -All other sidewalks hereafter consinicted or Infd shall Ix: eight '
(8) feet wide. '
Sec. z. The sills under nip sidewalks hereafter constructed or laid in the
City of Port Townsend shall be not less than sixteen (16) (Let in length, nud
not less thou four (•1) by sic (6) Inches in thickness, resting oil solid, safe
nud seethe foundations, with posts or uthersolid support not toore than eight
' I '
(61 feet apart; and the planking of said sidewalk shrill rest oil throe much
sills in an eight (8) (not sidewalk, said four such sills lita trek (1z) foot
sidewnik; such sills to nut parallel with the tine of the adjacent Ilot, and
equnh distances apart, and tits outside sills On each side of Lhe sidewalk shalt
extend to within two (2) inches front the ends of the planking.
Sec. 3. 'flat the covering on all sidovalks shall be at least two (zu
inches thick, laid at right nngluw with the sills, nud cneh nod every plant.
shall Ire Smirch- spiked to each of such sills, with at least two (zl thirty -
penny nails to cneh sill.
9ec..1. 'flint all timber and plank used itl the construction of any side-
walk shall be sound nud substantial, and no decayed or defective timber or
plank shall be used in any sidewalk.
Sec. S. That ally person violatill(,•• any of the provisions of this ordi-
nance, shall, upon Conviction thereof, be fined in ant• Solo act exceeding are
lmntdred dollars. All oidinnuces nud parts, of ordinances ill conlliet herc-
w•ith are hereby repeated.
Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect nud be in force front and
after fire days from its publication.
Pas<ed lbc Council Amgast t6, iSS9.
Approved august i6, i889.
Attest: DEL CAuv SMITH,
City Clerk. 31ny'or.
approved Sept. 20, 1889. Published Oct. 5, 1859,
\n Ordinance establishing the grade of jeffersou street, in the City, of Pon
'Townsend, hetween the westerly title of Jackson street aid the Cast-
erly line of Walker street, in said city.
The lily of fort Townsend does ordain as follows:
tittCTloN 1. That ibc grade of Jefferson street, front the westerly line
of Jackson street to the easerly Isle of Walker, Street, fa talc City of fort
Townsend, shall be nl talc following clevalious above the datant pond estab.
lished by Ordinance \0. t7o)4, npproved Jmuc to. 1887, to wait• The crown
of ale center of said jeffvmun street tit the weslerly side of Jackson street,
strait be 9.5 fact above (Initial; at the cnsterly line of Monroe street, 13.5 feet
above (Initial; at the westerly line of Monroe street, 13.5 feet above dnttun;
to the easterly line of Madisuh street, 17.5 feet nboce dater lit the west-
erly line of .Madison street, 17-S feet above dalvuG at tileeasterly line of
Quinev street, 2•1.5 feet nbore dntnn); tit the westerly line of Quincy street.
z;.5 feet above datimi; at the easterly tine of Adams street, 41.8 feet above
dauun; nt the a•estcrly line of Adams street, 47.9 feet above daau i; at tile
ensterlr lice of'1'uylor street, 66.2 feet nboce datum; at the weslerly ]rue of
Taylor street, 72.3 feet above datum; tit the ensterlr• line of Tyler, go.6 feet
attove datuuq at the weslerly title of Tyler street, (,6.7 feet nboce datum; at
the easterly line of folk street, to} feet nbore dotimn; at the westerly line of
Polk , 103.5 feet above datum; at lite easterly title of Pillntom street, 103.5
feet srlwrc lnuun; sit thhe rcesterly line of Pillmore, io3.5 feet above datntn; it
llle cnsterly lime of Harrison slrecl, 107 feet nbore lint""'; fit the westerly
line of Ifnrrison street, toS feet above datum; at the cnsterly line of Vno
Iiuren street, I io feet above dntnni; tit the westerly- line of Van 1111lren, no
feet above datum; tit the easterly line of fierce street, 109 feet above dalutn;
tit the westerly line of Piece street, log feet shove datinn; at the easterly
line of lientet street, 107 feet above datum; tit the westerly line of lieuton
street, lad feet above datum; tit the casserly title of CallWuu street, 89.5 feet
above (]nano; at the westerly line of Callioun street, 87 feet above dntunt tit
lire easterly line of Cass street 81 feet above (Intnin; at the westerly title of
Cass street, 78 feet above dat in; and lit the easterly litre of Walker street,
67 feet above (Into"'.