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See. it. That a dingrnln plat, illustrating the location of monuments
anti clevatiotis of enelm, as regards the datum aforesaid, slmll Lc umde and
filett Its is usual in such cases.
see. 5. 'Chat if awl• pensin or petsons shall alter, destroy, or in any
manner interfere with either or an• of said monuments, wheu so l.icated, he
or tiler shall ix demoted 1,nmillp of n misdetuemtor, nad shall be punished by
n flue in any sue not loss thnn fire (5) or more than one hundred ($loo)
dollars, or byltuprisoument not to exceed sixty (flo) days, or by botll.
Sec. 6. This onlinauce to lake effect still he in farce front and after five
days after its publication.
Passel tiro Council September 28, iSS&
Approved No%euther to, MS.
Attest: JAMaS S11At'IM W. IL Ih I,UARNED,
City Clerk. _ Mayor.
Approved March IS, 1889. and published,
Ati Ordingce providing for the grading of certain portions of Washington
street, in the City of Part Townsend.
The City of fort Townsend does ordain as follows:
SliCTION 1. 'That Washingtou street, in said City, of horn 'n%viisend,
'front the cast side of Quincy street to till• west Side or Jackson street, be and
the mule is hereby ordered ftllud and graded to the grade established by
Ordinance No. -. of said city.
Sec. ]. That all lots and parcels of land abutting oil said improvement
are hereby declared to constitute an assessment district for the purposes of
the improveulet.
Scc. 3. This ordinance shall take effect anti be in force within five days
after its publication.
rassed the Council \larch 8, Mg. Approved Match IS, Mg.
Attest: JAMEs SPAVEV, W. 11. 11. I.EAaseo,
City Clerk. Mayor.
Approval Nov. 24, 1&98, and published.
An Ordinance providin, for sidewalks oil 'Tyler street and First street.
The City of fort Townseml does ordain as follows:
SIiCTION I. That it is hereby ordered that Sidewalks, in accordance
with tile• general ordinances of mitt city, oil each side of Tyler street, be con.
stricted, between Lawrence street. and first street, in I'cltygrove' s addition
to said city, and oil the south side of street known as the comfy road or First
street, between Tyler street and the western corporation limits, and oil the
north side of said county road lletwmi said Tyler street anti the western cor.
porate limits.
See. T. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from mill after five
dnya fruit% the publication the•eur.
Passed the Council Nov. 23, t888. Approved NOV. aq, 1888.
Attest: JAMms 81"w1v, W. if. IL 1111.% aNliu,
City Clerk. Mayor.
An ordinance establishing the grade for a portion of Fillmore street in the
City of fart Townsend.
The City of fort Townsend does ordain as follows, to wit:
SECTION 1. That the grnde of Fillumore street of said city be and the
same is established at the following elevations aiwve datum, its esinblishcd
4 by Ordinance No. one hundred and seventy and a half, viz: At intersection
{ ou Waulliugton street, 78 feet; nt intersection east side of Jefferson street, �•
1' la1.76 feel. ,
See. x. That this ordinance be in force and lake effect front and after
five days after its publientinn.
14wsed the Council Marell 16, 1&99.
Approved 'March 26, 1&`A).
.Attest: J,\%11(S Sluvim W. 11. II. Litvamm,
City Clerk. _ Mayor.
012D1NANC-L No. z.Io.
Approved anti published April3, t&99.
Ali Ordinance for grading portions of Fillmore street, in City of fort
1 'Too•nseid.
'rite City of 1'orl'l'ow•nscud does ordain as follows:
SUCTION 1. That Fithnore street, between Washington street and L wv-
moce street, in said City of Port Towosaul, be graded to the grade of said
portion of Fillmore street, ]is established by Ordinance No. —
Svc. 2. That all lots and parcels of land (renting on said Fillmore
street, so to be graded, be and the sane are hereby declared to be ant
•� nsscssncnt district for the purposes of this improvcutet.
Sec. 3. This ordinance to take effect anti be in force front and after five
days front its publication.
Passed the Council March 29, 1889.
Approved April 3, 1889.
Allcst: J.tallis Sn:.N9i%', IL', lI, t[. 1.IiAltNF.lt,
City Clerk. ,Mayor.
ORDIN<\NCE No. aqq,
Au Ordinance establishing grades oil certain streets in the City of Pot
The City of fort Townsend does ordain as follows:
i SEcrwN I. That the grade of 'Taylor street shall be at tiro following
elevations above dntwm, its established by Ordinance No. 179,%, of said city,
to wit:
At intersection of center of 'Taylor street with south side of Washington
street, S.,18 feet. '
At intersection of center of 'Parlor street with northerly side of Water
1 street, 7..1E feel.
Sec. 7. That the grade of along street shall be at the following clero
tions allure datum:
Al intersection of center of Adams street with southerly side of Wash-
ioglon Street, .1•lio feet.
At intersection of center of :Adams street with northerly side of Water
street, 2.50 feet.
Sea 3. That the grade of Quincy street shall be at the following cleva-
lions above dattuti:
At the intersection of center of Quincy with wutherly aide of Wash-
ington street,'J. to feet.
At hmersection, of cower of Quincy with northerly side of \Paler street,
2,50 feet.
See d. That the grade of Madison street shall be at the following cleva-
' lions above daluu:
At intersection of center of Madison with saulberly side of Washington
street, 3.8o feet. '
I tt intersection of center of Mndisou with northerly side of Water street,
7.5E reel.
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