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See..1• That a dingrmtt pinl, illustrating the location of monuments
nod elevation, of each, as regnnls the station aforesaid, shall be made and
filed as is usual in Hach eases.
See. S. 'Phut if list$' person or persons shall alter, destroy, or in flay
mauuer interfere with either or :my of said monuments, w9ieu so lucatcd, lie
or they shall he deemed tivilty of a misiepicanor, and shall be punished by
fl title lit stay sum not less than live(s) or more than one hundred ($loo)
Whin, or liy. 111prisounlent not to exceed mist• (Go) days, or by both.
Sec. G. This onlinanee to take street still be ill force from and niter rice
days after its publication.
. Passed the Council September 28, 1888.
Approval November to, mSS8.
City Clerk. 'Mayor.
Approved .'larch IS, 1839. and published.
Au Ordinance providing for the grading of certain portions of Washington
street, in the City of Port Townsend. ,
Tito City of tort Townsend does ordain as follows:
SHertuv n. That Washington street, in said City of fort Towusotl,
from the east side of Quincy street to the west side of Jackson street, be and
the snute is licreby ordered filled and graded to the grade established by
Ordinance No. __ of suit city.
Sec. s. That all lots and parcels of land allotting on snit improvement
are herebv declared to constitute an assessment district for the purpose, of
the f nprtiwetlncut.
See. 3. This ordinance shall lake effect and be in force within five days
after its publication.
Passed tine Council March. 8, iS89. Approved Marcel i8, 68A).
Attest: JAMAS SI+A \'li\', W. 11. If. Litmusm),
City Clcrk. .'Iayor.
Approved '.NOV. 24, 1883, stud publimited.
Au Onlinnnce providini�, for sidewalks on Tyler street told First street.
The City of Port Townsesu does ordain its follows:
SECTION 1. That it is hereby ordered that sidewalks, in accordance
with the general ordinances of said city, on each side of'I'vler slrett, be cou-
stntcled, between Lawrence street and First street, in I'etlygrovNs addition
to said city, and oil the south side of street known its, the county road or First
street, betw•eco Tyler street and the western torpor tioa limits, anal oil the
north side of snit' county road between said 'Eyler street nod lire western cor.
porate IiutiLs.
Sec. 2. This onliunnee to Like effect a tl be ill force from and after rice
days from the pnhlication thc•eof.
Passed the Council Nov. 23, 2888. Approved Nov. 2.1. 18S8.
Attest: JAmilts $1;.\VI;\'. W. 11. 11. LIG\liNlill,
City Clerk. Mayor.
Au Ordinance establishing the grade for n portion of Fillnrore street it, the
City of Fort. Towuseud.
The City of fort 'Townsend does ordain as follows, to twit:
SECTION I. That the grade of Fillnrore street of saial city be atilt the
strait is established at the following elevations above datum, its established
' by Ordinance No. onchun Bred and severity and n half, viz; At infers.
I on Washington street, 78 feel; at ioterscetioll east side of Jefferson
r 101.76 feet.
Sec. a. That this orilinanec be in force and take effect from and
five days after its puldication.
Passed the Council March rG, M99.
Approved March xfi, 1889.
Ativsl: JAMnts SEA\'):\', MI. 11. 11. l,i'mitx1 o,
City Clerk, i11a
Approved mud published April 3, IS99.
Au Ordinance for grading portions of Fillnrore street, ill City of
The Cily of port'rownseud does ordain as follows:
SECTunN t. That Fillnrore street, between Washiupgtou street and 1
rice street, in said City of fort Townsend, be graded to the grade of
portion of Fillmove street, as establirdtel by Ordinance No. -
See. 2. That all lots and parcels of land fronting oar said Filhi
street, so to be graded, he and the same are herebv declared to Et
asstssnieut district for the purposes of this improvcmeat.
Sec. 3, This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and alter
days front its publication.
Passed the Council .'Inreil 29, 18S9.
Approved April 3, iSS9.
Attest: J.\utts SHAVEc, 117. II. If. LEARNE11,
City Clerk. M.1
Ali Onlioaace establishing grades oil certain streets in the City of
The City of fort Townsend does ordain flat follows:
SECTION i. That the grade of Taylor street shall be at the follu,
1 elevations above tlatimn, as established day Ordim:mce No. 170�4_, of said
to wit:
At iuterseclion of center of 'Taylor street will, south side of mbia
street, S.qS feel.
At intersection of center of 'Taylor street with northerly side of 11
street, :.So feel.
i sm a. Than the grade of Adams street shall be at the following c
I lions above datum:
At intersection of center of :Adams street with southerly side of 15
iugton street, 4.60 feet.
At intersection of center of Adntls street with norllmerly side of 11
street, 2.30 feel.
Sec. 3. 1'hnt the grade of Quincy street shall be at the following el
liars above daunt:
At the intersection of center of Quincy with southerly side of 1l'
iugton street, .I.:o feet.
At intersection. of center of Quincy with northerly side of Water st
2.50 feet.
.';cc a. That tine grade of Madison street shall be at the follo;vistg t•
' lions above datum:
:\t intericetiol of center of Mndieou with southerly side of Washio
street, 3.80 feet. j
At intersection of center of .Madison with northerly side of Water st
2.8o feet. a
t J+