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Sec. d. This onlin•Ince to take effect and be flt force from and niter rive
days from the first publication thereof,
Passed the Council August 2.1. MS. Approved August 3t, ISSS,
Attest: ]Awls Sli.l\'tt\', \\. !I. 11. L1•_l It\Iiu,
Pity Clerk.
Approved Sept. 15, ISSS, Published Sept. 29, ISSS.
Ali Onliunucc providing for the building of sidewalk in the City of fort
Townsend, mud establishing assessnnelt districts therefor.
The City of fort Townsend (foes ordain its follows:
Sne'riov I. That plank sidewalks, ill conformity to the general nnli-
runuees of said city, he loo the settle are liml)v ordered built, following,
to wit: Jefferson st-ect, frout the westerly side of Adams street ,all ending
at easterly side of Walker street; Franklin street, conuueuciog at westerly
stile of Jackson street. and undiag at easterly side of Walker; Filueore street,
commencing tit north side of Washington street, and ending al soutll side of
Luwreace street; Harrison street, frneu north side of Washington street, and
ending; tit south side of Lawrence; Van Baron street, from north side of
Washington street, and cudiug at south side of Layrcltco street; fierce
street, from north side of Washiliglon street, to south side of Lawrence
street; Calhoun stmet, from north side of \I'ashiagtoa street, to south side
or Llwreace; Quincy street, conatinciug at points opposite center of blocks
go nud gt on Quiucv street, awl coding al First street; Adams street, coal-
meucing at north side of Jefferson street, and coding at Firet street; Taylor
street, coullucticing nt north side of Jetfemull, atilt cmltiug it I+irst street;
Tyler street, coummeaciag tit north side of Jefferson street, and . ending :it
South side of Lawrence street; Maple avenue, commencing tit north side of
Lawrence, and ending at First street; folk street, commencing at north Side
of Washington street, nud coding at soutll side of Lawrence street; Piny
street, front westerly side or Jackson, and ending at easterly side of \Calker
street; Lawrence street, frcan %m4terl) Ville of J:Iek4011 street, f1i1(I L•Illhilg at
easterly side of Walker street; Mara it street, commencing at the Wes'. side
of Jackson street, and ending at east side of Taylor street; Garfield street,
commencing at the cast side of Maple avenue, and coding tit the w'cst side
of Jncksou street; Ilenal street, from cart side of Maple avenue, nod cudiug
at west side of Jacksou street; 3louroe street, cooulonciug tit the north side
of Clav street, and ending at the south side or First street, if extended; Mnit-
iSnn Street, from the north side of Frunklia street, nod ending at First
street; Cass street, commencing at north side of Water street, :red ending at
south side of Lawrence street; Walker street, commencing at north side of
Washington street, nud coding at south side of 1,:lwrenee street.
Sec. 2. That the lots and parcels of Enna fronting on till, improvement
of elicit or anv of said before mleltioned streets, shall coustitute lilt a4scss-
nucnt district for the purpose of the improvement upon which said lots nud
parcels of land abut.
Sec. 3. This onlinnnce to lake effect old be iu force fromand after five
daps from its publication.
passed the Council Sept. 7, ISSS. Approval Sept 15, ISSS,
Attest: J.luns Simviin,. 1\r. 11. Il. im.0 .Net).
City Clerk. _. _ \Int•or.
Approved \ow. 2, ISSS, Iublished Nov, 7, ISSS,
Alt Ordianuee establishing grades in the City of fort Townsend.
The City of fort 'Townsend dots ordain its follows:
SECTION I. That the grades of Washington street, from the iuteraecliom
of Jncksou street to the cast side of Taylor street, shall be at the following
clevatious whole datunt, its cstablished'by Ordinance No. 1701S, viz:
West side Jackson street, 3.(io it et.
Bast and west side Manioc street, .1.m feel.
tuft mud West side Mild son stt'eCL ,1.to feet.
liana lead vest side Quiucv ,trcvt, .1 No feet.
I:a-t :uol eesl side A(liml6 street, 5.20 feel,
lute foot cast of Lane cast side of Taylor street, 9..1S feet.
See. 2. That the grades of Taylor street, (real Water street to Washing.
ton sirccl shall be tit lhofollnw'iug cleenlions above dmuul, viz:
\nrth side of \adder street, 3.1 Icet.
At it porn i to feel north from the north Title of Water street, .i•6 feet.
South side of \\'nslliagton street to coararm to the. grade of N'ashiugton
See. 3. That such portions of Onlinance \o. 2ot, enthied'iAn ordi.
llnnre rcnblisbing grades in the Cite of 1'ott Tow'nscud," or all • other ordi.
naucc in conflict herewith, be and the saute me hereby repealeil,
Scc..t. 'Phis ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after five
da's from its publicatilnl.
ple,acd the Council October 27, ISSS.
Approved November 2, ISSS,
Attest: Jsatts tiaAu•ttl•, A, IT. IL Ididit\tin,
City Clerk. _ _ _ Mayor.
CNMIN,\NCE No. 222.
:\m Uniin:uu•c establishing wummuucnls and beach marks to rclndnte all
i future surveys.
The City of Port 'row lsend does ordain as follows:
i SacfluS 1. That with true measurements, as per mapof ori},dun1 th
e Town -
Flue, andand\'ILIIthealignmentsbased oil the monuments established he the
J commission, %it..: A. A. Plummer, Sr., F. W. Pettegrove mid J. J. VanIlok
keliu, appointed wider lilt act of the legislature of A'nsbimmtan Territory,
! approved Noceolier 12, 1873, cold a ropy of which, wail the report and
allies. is now on file ill qic Auditor's ofiicc it' Jefferson count•. W. T., lineal
f I} title " Field \otes. Survey of fort 'Townsend," cif.: Stone uloulunents
I pintllct it the soatimest corner of ]thick .11, and the northwest corner of
lllock 56, original lulalsilet with these uleasuremicuts told alignments the
exact point of the intersection of the center Title oin
f the following streets
' !! shall he correctly loruc I nud uu rked, viz: Taylor street with Jefferson,
f I Franklin, Chty mud Lawrence streets.
1,awreace street with Monroe, Quince, Filltnore and fierce streets; nud
with metmovi lcmts as aforesaid, an,l w'ilh alignments based on the nlonit-
ocols e tal•lishcd he it omoaissiou as nforesaid, viz: at ails soulhw'est earner
if Itlock .It. and somtlnre4t corner of lllock 45. original IawlnSlte the evnet
point of the intersection of the center title of the tollow•iug slmeLs 411:111 he
correctly located old Marked, viz: Water street with Moulmc, Qofne5�
Tor, Fillmore and Pierce street., nun Washington street with llomnincroe, Q y
and Tm fur streets.
Sec. 2. That at the pouts of the iatersectiol of the center Title
Of ';ts, nmucd in scetiou 1, stone nununucuts to inches by to inches
by 18 iucluce, shall be phmte'il and pinecd cue foal below grade of Street, or
as it, so as is prarlic:161c, nod the ewact point of the intersectiou of tine
i center title of snid streets shall be transferred to the nuoanmeds nod securely
narked for fat re rt•fercucc.
2i Sec. 3. 'fault the elevation of cart of the aforesaid mmnmmtt 111111 he
refi:rcure to the datiun as established he City OnlillA t So. used•, .
correctiv nw•usurcd atilt muted, as hereafter provided, to he used as beach
f innrks in all future surveys in the laying of grades.