HomeMy WebLinkAbout00600iG t tion to llte Cth• of Port Townsend, c%teuditig frout its hitersccliml with i Second street iii said addition, to its ioteneeton with 'Third street, in said addition, Ix: and Lite sauty is hereby vaunted ns At public highway and street. Sec. 2. That this ordinance lake effect and lie in force five days after its publication. Passed the Council .March 17, IMS. Approved March 17, 1883, Attest: ).tank Sli:Avlty, W. It. It. i.n.tnsam, City Clerk. acting Mayor. O17ZDINA\CIS No. u16. Approval April 20, 1SS9. Ali Ordinance ill relation to the improvement of streets, alleys nud high- ways. 'rile Citv or Port Townsend does ordain as funny.! 51:CmN, A. That hereafter it shall not be lawful for ant• person to break alp, dig a}t, cut, excavate or fill in tiny street, alley or highwnv, or construct• nay sidewalk, crosswalk, plank gutter, plank roadtc;n•, mr do nay war], in or thou tiny of the public streets, allc_vs or htghwags Nihilist the city limits, except as to this ordinance nae Provided. Sec. 2. That aln• person or Persons wishing to grade, lay sidewalks, crmtovalks, plank gmitcn. Plank. roadways, or make ally kind of intprovc- ments to or upon oily street, alley or hig1may, within the city livaits. Shall, before conuneucug the enure, procure from tine Street Commissioner it permit specifying the uualber of the lots nod blocks to Goal of, or through which, the work is Proposed to be per(lumed, tits nnue of tilt street, title), or highway, At particular designation of the Proposed improvement),, and the length of tittle nllowed for the completion thereof. Any such person procuring such permit, and commencing the proposed itu- procentetit and fa,lmg to comglletc tine same within the time allowed by such permit, shall Is- deemed tvilty of n misde icaunr, and oil couvictiel thereof, shall be fined in any still, not exceeding one lunulred dollars, to which may be added imprisonment lint exceeding thirty days; provided, however, that the Street Commissioner may extend the time for the coal. pletiou of such improvement. Sec. 3. That till work dome undur ally such permit shall be done under tits supervision of the Street Commissioner, who, after the completion thereof, shall grant a certificate to the person or penoas making such improvement, that tine work has been done ill accordance with the provisions of this ordi- ueue, if such is llte fact, which sbull be conclusive of the Facts therein staled. See. .1. That nay person violating may of the wovisions of this ordi. Imnce shall be deetucd gailty of a mi%deuellow, mud ou couviclion thereof Admit, for each and every stub offinse, be fined in any son not excealilig one humlred dollars, to which ,may be added imprisonment mot exceeding thirty days. .. Sec. 5. In ,to case shall the city pay, ne he held liable, for any improve- ment. whatsoever• done under any permit granted in ptimilance of this ordinance, nor shall ally bill for all)- such improvemetnl or work done thereon ever be allotted by the Couunon Cauncid. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be ill force at rite expira- tion of five days after line same shall have been Iniblished. Passed the Council this 6th day of April, 1888. Approved April 20, 1SS8. Attest: JAalilA S11AV11y, R. W. City Clerk. Mayor. ORDINANCE No. 197, Aa Ordinance for the Construction of a sidewalk oil Jefferson street, in the City of Port Townsen(I. The City of I'ort'rownset d (Ines Ordain as follows; SIxTms 1. 'That a p'auk sidewalk be, and the saute is, hereby ordered built along the southerly side of Jeffemom street, front the westerly side of Adnus street to the en•lirly side of fierce street in said cite. See. 2. That all lots and paleCis of hind frothing on Said southerly Side of Jefferson street, fronn the iicsterly side of Adams street to the easterly side of fierce sircet, he and the smue is hereby declared an assessment dts- triel for the purpose of tllis ordinance. Sec. ,1. '1'hnt thin ordinance shall lake effect and be in force from and after the expiration of five days after its publicatiou. ]'nevi the Council April 6, 1588. Approved Apail 20, lhm. Attest: JAatttS Sn.%vnv, R. W. Dnl,ios, City Clerk. Mayor. ORDINANCE No. zoz. Approved Oct. 3, 18SS. Published Oct. q, 15,48, Ali Ordinance for grading it portion of Water street, in the City of Port '1'owvscud. The City of fort Townsend does ordain as follows: SI;CTIr1\ 1. That Water street, from the westerl?, side of Jackson street to the westcriv side of Pierce street, in said city, he filed to and graded to tine grade of said 1Caterstnct, its established in Ordinance No. 200. Sec. 2. 'Platt all lots and parcels of lauds fronting oil said Water as herein ordered graded, viz: Prom the westerly side of fierce strcettothe to tilt westerly ]till- of)nckrom street, be and the snne is hereby declared to be an assessuncul distriet for tine purlxrses of this ordinance. Sec. 3. This ordinance to lake effect and be in force front and alter five daysm from its publi,alion. Passed title Council Aug. 10, 1&88. Approved Oct 3, MNS. Attest: J.lu1s 87mvliv, W. It. it. Iaimmu), City Clerk. 'Mayor. ORDIN.\NCE No. za3. Published September 1, 1888. A❑ Ordinance establishing the grades of Adams, Quincy, Madison, Monroe and Jackson streets, ua lite City of fort 'Townsend, bahececu their intersections with Washington and Water streets in said city. The City of fort Townsend does ordain as follows. ti1tCT111S A. That the gnules ofAdams, lluiucy, 'Madison,.11onroc and Jackson streets, ill tine City of fort Towmscud, between their respective mtemeetions with Washington and Water streets, in Said city, he fixed nud established as Gdlows, to wit: That the crown of center of each of said streets be 3 feet 1 inch above the Lase or datum title tit their intcnection i with Water street, and extend to Washington street, on it gradual raise or elevation of %!' inch in cycry 55 feet. See. 2. 'That Caleb of s:tid streets shall decline or slope front its crown to its sides . inches in every to feet. See. 3. That tilt ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance bemtd the slue are hereby repealed.