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lion to tam Cntp of Port Towurond, extending front its iutemcelintt Leith
Second street fit said addition, to its iutencctton with Third street, ill said
addition, he and lire snide is hereby vacated as it public highway and
See. 2. That tills ortlitiance take effect and be in force five days tiller
its publication.
Passed the Cmlocil llarell 17. h88S.
Approccd March 17, 1888.
Attest: JAMBS SMtt•IIY, W. 11. 11. lxmz Yam,
City Clerk. Actingllnyur.
ORDi\A\Cli No. too.
Approved April 20, 1889.
Air Ordinance ill relation to tilt improvement of streets, alleys and high.
Wit VS.
The Chp of Port'Towmetd dovA ortlilio as follow':
SH&IoNt i. That hereafter it shall not be l.•lwfml for :otv person to
break up, dig it 1, cut, excavate or fill littiny street, alley or highway. or
constru•t may si,lewalk, crosswalk. plank gutter. plank roadway, or do nap
work lit or upon arts of the public streets, alleys or biglnrnys within tilt
city limits, except its fit this unhunnce provided.
Sea 2. That ally person or persons %%islting to grade, lnv Sidewalks,
crosswalks, plank fruiters, plank roadwa%'s, or utake :nv kind of improve.
nheuls in or upoll any strccl, alley or highwm•, within the cite linlils, shall,
before colunlcucing the sane, procure from the titrcel Counnissioucr
it permit specifying lire number of the lots and Works fit front of, or
throngh which, the work is proposed to be performed, lire name of the
street, alley or higimay, it particular designation of the proposed
improvauarts, and the length of time allowed for lire completiou thereof.
Any sucll person procuring such permit, nud conuncuchtg the proposed inn
pmroneut and failing to complete the slime within the time allowed by
such permit, shall be deemed guilty of itmisdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof, strait be fitted in nip• Sam trot esccedlug ovw limbed dolmm to
which Luny be added imprisonment not exceeding thirty laws: provided,
howt:,ver, that the Street Commissioner nap• extend the time for the com-
pletion of such impnweuuut.
See. 3. That all work done under nay such permit shall be dome nmler
the supereisiou of the Street Conuuissioueq eho, alter the completion thereof,
Shall grant a certificate to tltc person or persons making Snell improvement
that the work lilts been done in accordance with the provisions of this will.
lattice, if such is the filet, which shalt Ix conclusive of the facts therein
Sce..1. That tiny person violating any of the provisions of this ordi-
nance Shall he decured guilty of n nisdeuncanor, and oil conviction thereof
Shall, for each and every such offense, he trued in any silo not exceeding
one hundred dollars, to which umy hu added imprisomuent not exceeding
thirty (Illy$.
Sec. 5. lu Ire case 811:111 the city pay, on' he held liable, for aq• Im prove-
incut. wlmtsocver. done under mp• permit granted lit pursuance of this
ordfutuwe, nor shall any hill for nay such invphovemet or work duvie thereon
ever be allowed by the Common Council
Sec. 6. This ordinance shall like effect and he lit force tit the expira-
tiol of five days after the same shall hive been published.
Passed the Council this fth day of April, 1888.
Approved April 2o, 1888.
Attest: JA?lit$ SSAt'ily, It. W. DuLlost,
City Clerk. Mavor.
f ORDINANCE No. 197.
At Ordinance for lire construction of it sidewalk oil Jefferson street, i❑
City of fort Townsend.
Tire City of fort Tuwnscud does ordain as follows:
SteTluy 1. 'rbat a p4nk sidew-nik be, and lire sane is, hereby ordc
built along tilt southerly side of Jefferson street, front the westerly sic
Adams street to tire en•terly side or fierce street ill said city.
Sec. 2. That all lots nud parcels of Innd frouliugon silid southerly- s
or jurt rt street, from the westerly side of Adams street to the emi
side or I'ierve street, be and the sonic is hereby declared as assessment t
trict for the purpose of this ordinance.
Sea 3. Thot this ordinance Slmll take effect and be lit force from
alter tire expiration of five days after its publication.
• I'msel the Coorcil April 6, 1888,
Approved April 2o, 1888,
Attest: JAMS Sm.tyirV, R. W. I)r.Lmx,
t City Clerk. >Mayu
Approved Oct. 3, t888. ]'ill) fished Oct. q, MS.
4 Au Onlinence for grading a portion of Witter street, lit the Cl ty of 1'
! The Citv of fort Townsend does ordain as follows:
SH&JON I. That il'ater strccl, from the wester)'• side of Jackwn sty
I to till' iwe$le`t l' ale or Pierce street, ft said city, he filled ill and graded
the Trade of said Water street, as established lit Ordinance No. 2oo.
Swe. 2. That all lots and parcels of fiords fronting on said \C,>I
1 as herein undered graded, via: Front the westerly side of fierce stmetto 1,
I() the westerly lineof jnckt'on street, be and the snide is hereby declared
be 11n assessment district for the purposes of this ordinance.
Sec. 3. This onhtnace to take effect and be lit force front and titter of
i r days from its public alion,
• Pa$$et tile Colilicil Aug. to, 1888.
Approved Oct 3, i8S8.
Attest: J.%mts Sn'tv1w, W. It. II. 1.1:ANSlim,
City Clerk. Mayor.
ORDrNANCE No. 203.
Published Sepleuhbcr i, iS'.ti8.
An Ordinance establishing the grades of Adams, Quincy, Madfsou, Moil
ntl Jackson Streets, in the City of fort Townsend, betwecen it
intersections with Washington nut writer streets in Said city.
'fire Cite of fort Townsend does ordain its follows.
ti WTIoS i. That the grad es of Adams, Quincy-, \radison, ,ltouroc t
Jackson streets, in lire City of fort Towaseml, betiveel their respect
ultenecti„ns %Vitt] Wnvhiugton and Willer streets, fu said city, he fixed :
esflbhslred as f.dlow.c, to %tit: That the crown of center of eneit of s
streets be , feet 1 inch above the base or (Initial line tit their intersect
with \Natostreet, told extend to Washington street, oil a gadual rnim
elevation of 1 .4 inch ill every 55 feet.
See. 2. 'Chat elicit of slid streets shall decline or slope front its crr
to its Sides 3 inclle+ fit every to feel.
tics, 3. 'Platt till onlimnwes, or parts of onlinanceS, ill conflict with t
onlinnnce That
the saute arc hereby repealed.