HomeMy WebLinkAbout00598deliver file same to the City Treasurer, e•!to shall within three days there. ' alter publish it notice in soave nemsimper published in the ehv, to the effect that all nssessalemis uvaml such roll mist he paid to him within Ihirly days alter the first publication of such notice, or the same will thou becoute de. linquent. Such notice shall be pnldishtvl for three 'In Sea 9 That all nssesstnents shall be collectctl by the Try asulr, and if not collected a ithin list' lime proscribed in the preceding section, live saneshall becomedclinquent, atilt file scone, with interest, penalty sold costs, Rhall be collected by suit and foreclosure of the lien for the same in accord. once with the provisious of the charter of the city. Sec. to. That this ordinance shall take effect and be fa force tit and after five stays ❑fterthe same shall have been published. Passed file Cauncil March q, 1357. Approved March ,1, IM7. Attest: D. 11'. SMITH. Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. IG.y, Approved April 8, I887. An Ordinance authorizing file building of a sidewalk along the west side of Taylor street. The City of Port Townsend does ordain its follows: SIXT1nN I. That it plunk sidewalk be nod the same is hereby ordered builtalongthe westsideof Tarlorstreet, front thenorthsideof Walcrstrec•tto the south side of'Xi shingtuu. Sec. s. Stich sidewalk shall be six inches higher than the present can wI- ter of Taylor street, abreast of the saws, and conformable thereto its to grade. This ordinance shall he in force and take c0ect from cold after passage. Passed the COUncil ;April S. ISS7. Approved April 5, I887, Attest:. Cass. A. Dyhln, D, W. SMITH, City Clerk. \layor. Date of pmblicntion. April if, 1887. ORDINANCE No. 170. Approved June to, ISS7, An Orilinnuce for the establishment of a hose, or dnitun line, to whieb street grades latest refer. The City of Port Townseml does ordain ins fullous: Sm-MoN I. That live top surface of the copper boll in the stone hnnntr intent notr standing for the southwest corner of block untubemd forty-une (ql), in the. City of fort Townsend, tonvit' the intersection of the northerly line of Water street with the ensterly line of Taylor street of snid city, be, nut the sane is, Dcrebr desiginnlcd, fixed, estdtlesbed and declared ins and for file base, or datum line, to which every grade hereafter established of everT street, alley, avelme, or portion thereof. in %aid city shall refer. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall inks effect he in force an the expiration of five days alter it has been published. Passed llle Council Jauc lo, IS87. 'Approved Jane to. ISS7, Attest: Cris. A. Dvifn, D. W. SMITtt, City Clerk. Mayor. ORDINANCE No, 171. Approved JLne 10, I837, Ali Oulinnllce est11bb5htitg the grallL of certain portions of Witter street, in the City of Pott Townsend. 'file City of fort Townsend does onhai❑ as follows: Sit&10N 1. That the tirade for Water Areet, of the City of fort Town - soul, bchvccn Van lintel) and Jackson streets, of said city, bc, and the saute is, hereby fixed all established as follows, to wit: the crowu of the center of said Water street, between said intersecting streets, shall be, and is, hereby 6xcd tit live elevation of forty-one (,11) inches above tlntlml, or base line, fixed by ordinance No, 170, p•Lssed the Coltucil Jwtte to, 1887. Sec, 2. This ordinance shall lake effect and he in force at file expira- tion of fire days after it has been published. I'as�ed the Comlcil -Niue 10, 1587, Approved June Io, ISS7- Attest: CHAS. A. 11ymt, I). W. SMITH. City Clerk. Mayor. O12.UIN.\NCE No. 17.t- t Approw• l July 1, ISS7. Authorizing the conaructiott of a sidewalk nlumg five east side of Quincy sheet. The City of fort Tolenacud (fees ordain as follows: El:c'rloN I. That a sidewalk eiglll Feet in width be, and file saute is, hereby ordered cauclruelad along the east sale of Quiltcy street and later- Seeting with Wnshinglot >Ircct, if) the south s(dc of Jeffcrsuu street, ire the City of fort Townsend. tire. 1. Tilis onlin:uuce to take effect and be is, force horn Intl after five dnvs front its first nublic:niot. Passed the Council \Div I, ISS7. Approved July 1, ISS7. Attest: CII.1S. A. DVIM, 1). W. SMITH, City Clerk. _ Mayor. ORMNANCE No. t77, Approved July 21, 1587. Authorizing the coustnuclimv of a siticw•nik nknlg the east side of Tyler street. 'rise City of fort Townsend does ordain as follows: SIiC• Io.v 1. 'flint a sidewalk eight feel wide be, tied the same is, hereby ordered constructed along the east side of Taylor street, in the City of fort '1'nu'rsemd, front the suldblcest corner of block SS, it, said city, to the north- west curter of block 2.1, in I'Dtmmer's Additiou to Ille City of Port Town - Scott . Sea 2. '1'h;a this ordinance take effect fire days from and offer its first publication. . Approvctl Joly 21, ISS7. D. 1V. SMITH, Attest: Cil.ts..1, Dvim, .11nyor. City Clerk. . OHUIN,\NC15- yNo. iSS. Approved March 17, ISM - Ali Ordinance Vacating J street, ill the City of Port Townsend, W. T. 'the City of Mort Townsend does ordain as, follows: $ .& . 1. 'flat all that portion of J street in :1. It, I'etlygrol•tr's dddi-