HomeMy WebLinkAbout005970 deliver tire same to the City Treasurer, who shall within three days there. after publish a notice fa wine uetrspaper publislivd in the ciiv, to the clyeet that fill asscsuienls upon sock roll naxt be paid to.hills witilin thirty daps after the first puhlicatrou of such notice, or till %;tine trill ihen becoale de- linquent. 'itself notice shall be publishel for three days. Sec. 9 That all nxsessmmus shall be collected In, the 'Treasurer, and if not collected wilhiu the tiale prescribed in tilt- prcccding section, the Slime shalt bl`Wf11C dl'b I1(1LICn1i, atilt the sanq with interest, penally start awls, shall be collected by suit and foreclosure of the lieu for the same ill accord- auce with the provisions of the charter of lire city. Sec. to. That this ordinnnce shall tnke effick and be is force tit soul after five days aflcrilte same sindl have licen published. I'asS*ed ilfe C011"'il March 4. 1887• Approved March .1, 1887. Attest: 1). W. SMITit. hinror. OR DIN.\NCI: NO. 16.1. Approved April 8, 1&S7. Air Ordinance authorizing the huihling of it sidewalk along the tryst side of Taylor street. 'fire City of fort Townsend does ortinin as follows: sv&io.` i. 'flat a plank sidewalk he nod the snulc is hereby ordered built alongtll0 west side of'Taylor street, from the am ill side of Water street to the south side of Washington. Sec. a. Such sidewalk shrill be six inches higher tlutit the present Ceti. ter of'I'ay9or street, abreast of the sane, mid coufurtuahle thereto as to grade. This ordioatice slmli he in force and lake effect front and after passage. Passed file Council April 8, I887. Approved April 8, 1887. Attest: CHAS. A. Mint, 1). W. SMITH, City Clerk. Mayor, Date of publication, April 16, 1887, OIZE)IN kNCE No, 170, Approved Juue to, ISS7. Au Ordinance for the establishment of a tease, or damn, line, to whiclf street grades must refer. The City of Part Townscnd does onlnin as follows: SHCYtov i. '1'lun lilt- lop surface of the capper Doll in the %lone nuuuo- ufeut now standiag for the s0oth)Vcst corner of block numbered forty-one I41), in the City of Port 'luwatsend, to -wit: the inter:.ection of the nortlicrly line of Witter street with the easterly ]life of 'Taylor street of Said city, be, and the s: ille is, hereby desigtsnted, fixed, esmblishol :fit([ declared as mid for lire base, or datum line, to tyhielt eeery grade hereafter established of every street, alley, avenue, orportiou thcre6r. in said city shall refer. Sec. a. '1'hns ordinance doll lake effect lie in force tit the expiration of fire dais after it has peen puhlished. Passed the Callocit Juuc 10, 1VS7. 'Approve(lJouc 10. ISS7. Attest: CuAs. A. 1 via' , 1). WV. Sm IT11, City Clerk. Mayor. ORDINANCR NO, 171. Approved Juac to, 1&S7. AO O111innuce vstnblishiog the grade of certain portions of Water the Pity of Port Towosead. 'file City of Port Townsend does ontitin as follows: SiccrimN 1. That the grade for Witter rdrect, of the City of 1' send, between Van Boren atilt Jackson streets, of said city, be, am is, Ilerebr fixed and established its follows, to wit: the crown of of said WV'ntcr street, lietween said ioterscctiogstreets, shall be, and fixed fit the elevation of forty-one (.If) inches above dalwm, or fixed by ordinance No. 170, pissed lire Council little 10, 1357. See :, '1'Iris ordinance shall take effect and he its force tit f tion of five days after It hat 11CCt1 pablisherl. Pawed the Council Jtme 10, tSS7, Approved JOnc 10, M7. Attest:Cots. A. 1)t'n:w. D. W. City Clerk. O12.DIN.\NCE No, t74. Aporoved July 1, 1887. Authorizing life construction of a sidewalk along the cast side street. The City of fort Townsend does ordain as folim" SncTlos i. vinl It sidewalk eight feet in width be, and ill liereby ordered coastrftctcd along tine cast side of Quincy street. sceting with \1'nshington street, to the south side of Jefferson sti City of Pori Townsend. Sec. s, This ordinance to take effect and be in force frost five dates froto us first ntthlicnliou. P assal the l'otulcil MnY 1, ISS7. Algiroecd July 1, ISS7. Attest: C11AS, A. Ornle. D. W. Cite Clerk. ORDINl\NCIS No. 177. Approved July 21, ISS7- Authorizing lire cooslructiou of it sidewalk along the east side slrcct. The City of Port Townsend does Orsini[' trs follows: SEQTIOS 1. 7'Ifnl if sidewalk eight feel %Vide hc, trial the sane ordered constructed adaug the cast side of Taylor street. ill the Ci Town,enh front the southwest corner of block 88, in said city, to west voraer of Klock z.t, its 1'lawuuer's Addition to lire City of I send. Sec. n. That lids ordinarce lake effect free days from and at publication. Approved July zr, ISS7- D. W. 5 Attest: Cots. A. Lvnk' City Cicrk. OI2DINANC'E No. 188. Approved ]arch 17, IS88, Act Ordiumice vacating J street, its lire City of fart Townsend, 'fire City of Port Townsend does ordaiu its follows: $1l MON 1. 'That all 111111 lwrtou of J street in A. it. Petlygrt