HomeMy WebLinkAbout00596- ORDINANCE No, 15.1-
Approved Sov 5, ISS6
An Onliontice exlentling Taylor slrect from \Cnler street it, the city limits.
The City of purl Tuwnscud does ordniu as follo\v:s:
SECT1Ox 1. That'Tavlor Street Ill file City of I'ort'fownsend, be and the
Sallie is herehs• exleudcd Iron its intersection with Water sheet ill said city,
into file bay of Port Townsend to the limits of file city of fort Townsend.'
See. m. This ordinance to take effect five dnys after its publication.
Hissed the Council Nov. 5, ,S56. Approved.
Attest: CIIAs. A. DvIm. 1). \P. SMITH,
City Clerk. Mayor.
01'.OINANCE: No, 160,
Approved March .1, I887.
Au Orilinnoce prescrihiug the nwde ill which the churge oil the respective
ownchs of lots or ,owls, A o un the lots or I;uuls, s11:111 be assessed,
detc:mitiol nod collecled for street improvements.
The City of fort Townsend dues urdaiu os fullOws:
., .&Ios 1. 'flat whenever the Couuuuu Council of the City of furl
Townsend shall case silly part ofnnv street, highway Or alley therein to be
curbed, pneed, graded, nmendnntized or guttered, or cause toy sidewalks to
be couslnleted or repairclt ill nay street. highway or alley in said city, the
whole cost of such iutprw—inleui shall be levied nune It upon the
laxaWe real estate fronting oil such street or mile)- as any be improv cot, nod
as luny Im without ntiv assessulcul d'slrict, cstnhlishcd as hereinafter pro-
eided; provided, thin[ if the Councit shall at auv one tittle cause two or more
inter'ectmg sheets to I:e so improved, the costs of so improving the area of
file intersecttous 51u111 be egonhy divided between file property (routing oil
enclt of such intersecting streets.
Sec. a. 'flint all nwessine is for such iloprovemenls shall be according
to vmh,e, so that each lot or other s"dlcsl suhdiyixiun of real estate subject
to nssessmcut, slnll lie held for such portion of the whole costs of file
iotprovetneut within ally assessment district, as the value of suet, lot or
smallest subdvisfon of real eslnle [,cars to file aggregate value of file assess.
able property within Said assessulcut district. And an fixi'lg valves, all
improvements upon real estate shall be excluders, and file lands only shall
be nsscsscd; and the costs of ally such improvements shall include all
lawful charges and expeusen iocitl vot to such improvement, :nld'of 'looking
aid collecting file assessment therefor. '
Sec. 3. That the property frouling upon any such improvement sold
soli ecl to assessment therefor, shall cuustitule it special nssessmenl district,
and the boundaries of such assessuhcut district Shull be lines running paral-
lel with file strobt to he in,proel through the 'lliddle of file tier of blocks
fronting on such street, cad, side of file sous; allot fit case file land so snot.
iug fs not parallel into blocks, thou such lines shall run 11:11allel with the
street so improved, sit it distance of I to feet from the huundory line between
Such street and file prupclty abutting tl:cul, null such lines shall close
with lines at right angles wth such street across catch terminus of the
ituproveneul. Provided, if the Council shall sit any one little cause two Or
more streets to be improved, districts shall ,teretheless he farmed with
Ixtundaries as herein provided, 5o that a Separate district shad be formed for
cnch slrect so improved. Provided farther, flint when nay sticct, ur ally
part ltlereof, shall be ordered improved, and such improvement is uml to he
of uufforin character along the whole title of sash imptoyc'llent, filer such
improvement shall he divided into separate assessment districts, so the elicit
nssessmcut district shall include only improvements of uniform character,
as near as may he.
i This provision shall apply to file grouting or other improvement of file
roa -hed of Isle site slices, and sidewalks, or to bolt, its the case limy bc, ns
i that separnle dissolve limy be fuald for each kind of improveoheut if deemed
I advisable by the Council. In case nitro than One assessment district Shall
be rcrlIaired as above provided, or in case file council shall deem it advisable
total[ ke separnle districts for the difTereut kinds of iugw-wetavals, the Ieaptll
i and antarc of each Sac]$ assessment district shall be fixed by :111 order of tits
Cumlcil nl the time of crumb/.nlg Zile assessments, its provided by Section 6
Of this ordinance.
Sec. .1. That wilhiu twenty days after the Council shall have passed nil
onliunnce foi such improvement Of silt• street, highway or alley, file City
Surveyor shall prepare and life with file Clerk it plat of the street or streets
so) to Ile improved, mid of the real estate subject to assesnlenl therefor,
showing the lines of cnch lot or other suml.est sulslfvision thereof; nod
wftll;ii felt days thereafter the City Assessor shall prepare nod file wills the
Clerk all arsessumit roll for file district or all assessment roll for each of,
such asse,smeltt districts, if se, erll streets lire Ur be improved at file same
tittle, upon which as-cssmcut roll cnch lot or their Smallest subdivision of
real estate io such district Shall be listed ill the moue of tine owner thereof,
if known, or as "unknown," and assessed sit the actual casll value thercuf,
atilt such assessment roll shall be open to public inspection sit tine Clerk's
i' o i:e front the tittle of tiling thereof until file day of file mccliug of file
Council for the equnlizatiuu thereof, as herein provided.
Sec. 5• That within three days of the filing of such assessment roll, the
Clerk shall advertise n notice in some nca•simper published in the city, to
tilt effect that such assessincul roll (describing it) Ims been filed ill his
office, and flint the scone is open to public inspection, sold that any person
feeling himself aggrieved by Such assessment fullyapply to file Coalition
Council to have the Same ciirrected at a meeting of the Council to be ltesig-
nnted in Such notice, which meeting shall he file first regular meeting after
the Inst pwblicntiun of sudl notice, and such notice slmld be published for ten
i days ill successive issues of said newspaper.
Scc. 6. That at life first regular utecling of file Common Comicil after
the IIIst publication of such notice, file Council shall equalize such assess.
>. uenl, anal shall hear nil complaints colecruing such nssessmcut roll and
determine file same, and may raise or lower the valuntio'l of nay lot or par-
j vel of real eslnle listed oil sues asscss'lanl roll, so as to nisike the assessment
i equal mid uniform, its act r as uuiy be, upon all property lu the district, and
shall, if any lot or parcel of to t estate within such district be found to have
i been onsilted from such assessment roll, list life same nod place a just valun-
tiun thereon. Prm ided, that the valuation of ally lot or parcel of real estate
t shall not be raised by file Council without the owner's consent, until sit least
twenty-four hoursafter it written uotice of dish proposed ejuutge shall ]$nve
been served upon the owner, or his agent, if such owner or agent cat he
found within the city, and if not so found, then a notice of such prolwsed
ellal,ge in tie assessment roll most be published for at least three days in '
scale uc"'gVI er publislied in the city, and file Council may adjourn front
tineto time, if necessary, until file regulation of such assessment roll is
Sec. 7. That ns soon as practicable after Stich nssessi euf shall be equal-
ized, and the nature and extent of assessment districts shall have been fixed,
and life mnboof file iulprovenlenls shall have been aseertained, Ills Council
Shalt be all Order fix file rate of assessment for such district, or for each of
, such districts, as the close only be, So ;is to raise the necessary amount to pay
' for suell improvement, is aceordnace with the provisions of this ordinance.
See. S. That within tell days after file council shall have so fixed the
i rate of assessment for any district, lie Clerk shall extend upon file assese-
went roll file some the amount of file assessment upon each lot or parcel of
sent estate listed thereon, and prepare it duplicate of such assessment roll and