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Approved Nov. 5, nS56.
All Ordittmtce extendiug'roylor street front Water street to the city limits.
The City of Port-rommeud does odaio its foll'A%S:
SIXTI ON I. That Taylor street ill the Cih' of I-ortTom ISell d, be old tltc
same is hereby extended tram its iolel ectiun with Water street in said cite,
iulo the bat' of Port'l mvilsend to the linlits of the City of fort Towuseal.-
Sec. =. This ordivauec tot' kc cited five days it its publirntintt.
Passed the Council Nov. 5, ,536. Approved -
Attest: Cuts. A. Uvmt, or.
City Clerk. ......._ >.
ORUIN.\NC:I� No,. I(,().
Approved March .1, tSS7.
All Ondinauce prescribing the mode it, vihich the charge on the respective
owners of lots or lawk old ell the lots ur tu,ds, shall be ossessed,
detc: Milled auwl l•OIICeted for street improvemcuts.
,rbe City of port '1'nirmscwl dues ordain it, fullaos:
Slic•rtus I. That whcum•cr the Ceinmou Cuaucil of the City of fort
Towliscud shall cause nay part of env Street, highway ar alley therein to be
curbed, paved, graded, anealamind or guttered, or cattle our sidewalks to
Ile coustrucicd or repaired ill low street, highway ur alley ill said city, talc
whole cost of suds imputes ntcut stall be levied nail become it lien illicit line
lsxalde real estate (routing oll such street or alle�• as tune be impl-med, and
its map he without amp assesslil d'Slriet, esto dished its hereinafter pro-
vided; provided, that of the Council shall at nip• ooe little cause t vo or more
intersecting streets I()1•e so itrlptoved, tile costs of so iwpro%ing the area of
the itunscetiotls shalt IK cquitlly divided betwceu the property fronting out
etch of such iulcrsectiug streets.
Sec. x. 'That all rise*snn•uls for such improveuncnls shall be according
to v:duc, Su dint each lot or other smallest sundivisiun of real estate subject
to itsscssulcul, shall be held for such portion of the M101c rusts of the
improvement wilhiu oup oscessoneut district. its the ealue of such lot or
s,nnllest subdvision of real estae bears to the aggregate value of the assess-
able properly w•ithiu said asseeSulemt district. And its tiximg valncs, all
improvements nq:otl real "late shall be excluded, :mil the muds only shall
be assessed; cold the casts of env such iaprueenuents shall include all
bw'ful charges and expenses incident to Such improvement, and of asking
and enllect lig the assessment therefor.
Sec. 3. rllat the Im.perly fronting upon ally Stich improvement and
snhject to asccssoietlt therefor, Shall constitute n special assessment district,
nnI the boundaries o(such assessment district shall be titles naming paral-
lel with the slrott to be inlprottvl through the middle of the tier, lit blocks
fronting on Such Street, each side of the s:une; cold ill else the tad so fna I
iug is not parallel intn blocks, then such lilies Shall ran parallel with thin
street so improved, lit a distnucc of I n, feet from the boundary line between
sncb street and the properly abullilig them, :sal suet lilies slutll close
with litres at right angles malt such street across each lermhols of the
improvemnmt. Provided, if the Council Shall at ally sac titlee cant-c two or
nwre streets to be iugm,vrd, district; shill mevettlieless he formed with
b(M o caries its hercim provided, so that a separate district shall be formed for
each street so improved. Provided hither, Ilmt %ahem site street, or any
part thereof. Shull be ordered ingrroced, oud so•h iumprovetucmt is not to be
of otifori n character oiling the vvhok lime of Such iulpruveulellt, them such
improvement shall be divided into separate asses Snout districts, so that elicit
nssessuneut district shall include only improvements of mliforul character,
as near its mint, be.
t This provision shall apply to the ��•raling or other bupro4ctnent
road -bed of the the sheet, nod sideovalks, or to built, as the case any
that separate distance tune Ile round for each kind of impruyeucntit(
} advisable be the COttneil. Ili nose more than one Assessment distric
be reruirud its above provided, or ill case the council Shall deem it ad
to anti c separate districts for the different kinds of improvements, the
Anil native of earl, such assessment district shall he fixed by nu order
Cowteil lit the little of equalizing the assessments, as provided by Sc
of this ordinance.
See..1• That. w'ithiu twenty days after the Council shall have pa:
ordinance ful such improvement of any slice[, highway or alley, II
Surveyor shall prepare told file with the Clerk it plat of the street or
so to, tic improved, and of the real estate subject to assessment tl
sbowiug the lilies of elicit lot or other al abest subdivision there(
within tell dates thereafter the City Assessor shall prepare and file wi
Clerk all assessment roll for the district of all Assessment roll for c
such assessment districts, if several streets are to be improved lit lit
little. upon which nssessutont roll elicit lot or their Smallest subdivi
real estate in such district shall be listed ill the name of the oivuer I
if known, or its "unknown," and assessed lit file actual cash value I
nod such assessment roll shall he open to public inspection lit the
Attlee from the tine of filing thereof wail the day of the meeting
Council for the equalization thereof, as herein provided.
Sec. 5. That within three days of the ailing of Such assessment r
Clerk shall advertise n notice ill some newspaper pubtishcd in llte
title effect that such assessment roll (descnbing it) has been filed
office, and that Tile Same is open to public Inspectiun, and that any
feeling himself aggrieved by such assessment may apply to the G
Council to have the Same corrected lit It ale Ahig of the Council to b,
anted ill sue, notice, which meeting sltnll be the first regular tneew
the last publicatiou of Such notice, still Such notice sltnll be publislnctl
days ill successive issues of said newspaper.
Sec. G. That it the first regular meeting of the Common Count
the last publication of Such notice, title Council shall equalize such
j. mat, and shalt hear all complaints coucerniug such assessment r
determine the same, and ,any raise or lower line valuation orally lot
coil of real "title listed on suet assessment roll, so its to umke the its,(
equal and imiftirm, its near its limy be, upon all property, ill the distrt
shall, if any lot or parcel of real estate within such district be (mold I
been omitted from Such assessment roll, list the same oud place a ju,
tion thereon. Provided, that the valuation of any lot or parcel of nr
Shall trot be raised by the Council without the couer's consent, until
lwcmty-(our hours after n written notice of such proposed ckange slu,
lint, Screed upon the owtier, or his ngeul, if such owner or ages
found within the city, and if not so lomid, then a notice of such pi
change ill the assessment roll must be published for al least three ,
settle newspaper published ill the city, null the Council may sdjom
little to lime, of necessary, until tic regulation of such assessment
Sec. 7. 'I'ltat its soon its practicable after such assessment Shull lit
ized, and the nature nod extent of ascessunent districts shall have beet
and tl,e costs of the improvements shall have been ascertained, the I
shall br all order fix the rate of assessment for such district, or for (
Stich districts, its llte close tune be, so as to raise tlw necessary nttlouill
for such improvement, ill accordance with tile provisions of this ord
Sec. S. That within tell days after title council Shall have so fit
rate of osscssaeut for any district, the Clerk shall extend spot the
ment roll the snu,e the amount of the Assess heat upon ench lot or p
real estate listed thercou, cold prepare s duplicate of such assessment I