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Approved April q, 1885.
To provide for Contracts for Street improvements.
The City of fort Townsend does ordain as fulhms:
SItCTIOS i. That within twenty days after the passage of any ordinance
for curbing, paying, grading, filling, macadamizing or guttering nay street,
highway or title), ill the City of fort Townsend, or for the cunslructiolh or
repair of any sidewalk fit any such street• highway or alley, the City Sur.
veyor shall prepare and submit to the Coalition Council all necessary plans,
specifications and eslinmtes for such improvements. and such plans, s recift-
cnlious uud estituates, when approved by said Council, shall be film with
the City Clerk.
Sec. 2. That within three days after the filing of such plaits, specifica.
tions and estimates, the Clerk shill advertise it notice calling for sealed bids
for such improvements to be made nccurdiug to such plans, specifications
and estimates. Such notice shall be published for five (Inv., successively in
airy newspaperymblished im the city. Ail bids nest he filled fn the office o(lhe
Clerk oil or prior to n day to be specified in such malice, mid the Clerk shall
eudorse ullon the envelope or cower of each bid lire dale of tiling the sour,
and he shall receive no bid after the city specified ill such notice for receiv.
ing We sane. Provided, that if no bid shall be received and acccepted by
the Council in response to such notice, the Clerk shall immediately re-nd.
vertise a similar notice, and he shall so ndvertise as umuy times its any be
necessary, or until n contract shall hu awarded for such iulprowcutent, unless
otherwise ordered by the Council, and shall receive bids in the saute manner
and anti ect to all the provisions of this ordinance, as fit the rise of the prig.
itmil cal for bids.
Sec. 3. That at Lite first meeting of the Cotmcil after lire little specified
fit any notice for bids, the Council shall open and cuusider till kids received,
and nay reject any and all, or may accept flint of the low eat responsible bidder
or bidders, till(] award a contract thereon. And the Council may, if deemed
advisable at the times of awarding tiny contract under the provisions of this
ordinance, require the contractor or contractors to give it bond to the City
of fort Townsend, ill toy sum to be specified, with sufficient sureties, to he
appruvcd by Lite Mayor, conditioned for tine Faithful execution of the terms
of the coutinct.
MT. 4. That when :rat- bill shall hrive beat accepted by the Council,
and it contract awarded thereon, such contract shall be reduced to writing
and i; 'lie( by the contractor or contractors, and by the \Incur and Clerk fit
behalf of the city uud sealed with tire corporate Seal of the city in dupli-
cate, and one of the ori6�mnls of such contract shall lie filed with cite Clerk,
nud authority to sign such contract on I:chalf of the city is hereby con-
ferred upon the Mayor and Clerk.
Sec. 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force at and
after five days after the same shall have helm published.
Passed lire Council April 3d, ISSS.
Approved April .Ill',•1885.
City Clerk. Alavor.
I hereby certify the foregoing to be it true :and correct copy of the
original. J. J. C.tl.uot•s, City Clerk.
r ORDINANCE No. ntl. '~
Approval April.b iSSS.
To provide fir clearing lire streets of the City of fort'rowmsemd of all. .
'Pile Pity of Part Townsend does ordain as follows:
Smet9oa i. That all cloth, rock, stories and other substances which
bavc heretofore and which may' hereafter accumulate in any apeucd street
air life}• of the City of PcirL Townsend, by caving, failing, cnuubling or slid.
fog frtnu land abutting upon such street or alley, shall be immediately
redwced nl the Lust of the owner of Lite land so evM11g, filling, crumbling
or sliding from the I;uul abutting upon such street or alley. .
j Sec. 2. 'That notice to forthwith remove all such obstructions strait be
given to the lieraous liable for the costs of retuaving the snide, as provided
illthe trecetifmg svetion of this ordinance. Such notice shall be written or
priate�, uud sbail be served by the lily Marshal, or one of his depllliCY,
su :aid ch service shill he made by the officer giving :t copy of such notice to
the persoo to be served personally within the city, or by giving such copy
on the premises to any occupant, (over twelve years of age), of tiro lot or
r parcel of land from which such obstructions slrall ha ve accummlatetl, or by
posting a copy of melt notice upon the premixes, and publishing the sloe
uric day in It newspaper published in lire City of Port Towliscml.
Sec. 3. That if the owner of such premises shall fitil to remove within
three days after lire day ofservice or pnblicatiom of sucll notice, such obstrnc.
Lion shall be forlinwiih removed by the Street Commissioner, and swell
caner shall pin• it, line City of port Toinscnd a penalty' of twenty -fife 'lol.
Iats, in addition to the Costs and expense of remnoving such obstructions; laid
said penalty and costa uud expaucs shall be recovered by a civil action, and .
the s:uue shall be a lien on such lot orparcel of land froth lire time of ono-
mcmcing such action.
Sec..1. 'Phis ordinance shall take effect nod be in force at and after
the expiration of live days alter the sauce shall have been published.
1 - fussed the Council April 3, ISSS.
.\pprnt•cd :April .l. ISSS.
J. J. C.tLuurs, C.M. Iht.tmsnaw,
Pity Clerk. Mayor.
CI'I'l' t HEMNANCE NO. 136.
Approved February 3. 0S86.
Declining Taylut Street it public highway and street.
The Pity of fort Townsend dues orduiu as follows: }
Sl:cruls i. 'fh;ni 'fnyfor street in Said city, between the westerly lines
' of rot+ 7 uud S ill block S, uud the apprunclh to the wlmrf of the Viliotl t
Wharf Compauv, and belaren the easterly lines of lots I and 2 of Work g,
and Idle wcstcriv line or side of snit, •gqiruacln of said e,111a: Union Wharf �.
l'ungrmrJ' :uud cytcudiug as far south os the southerly lines of Said lots 7 r
and t, be :uud the smut is hereby de,1:11'ed to be it public street, and that tine
l public do have tilt free nail fnll'usc of same na n thoroughfare.
ticc, x. That this nmlivance do bike effect nail be in force rice dnvs
after its publication.
1'a�sed the Council Febrnary 5, WS6.
:\ppowvd Fchrimry 5, ISS6. IturnT. C'. HILL.
Atn•si: J.tvmS G. SWAN. \favor.
Citv Clerk.