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\li;\TS 11\1 ']'Ilia CITY OF PORT TOw'\SX.ND.
012UINANC1: No u„
Approved April .1, ISs5.
To provide for Contracts for Street Improvetuvuls.
'fire City of I1orl'1'ownsend does ordain its follows:
ti,CTION 1. •]'lull within Wenty days after lilt pa,tiagc of any ordinance
for curbing, paving, grading, filling, macadamizing or gaticriug nor surd,
itgItwa - or title- in the City of ]'sort To%vuseud, or for file construction or
repair of my sidewalk it% ally snch street, highway or alley, life Cily Sur-
veyor ,]fall prepare and sulnnit to the Cuauuou Council fill necessary plums,
spurtfications sold estimates for such improvements, nud such plans, a tecifi•
cations and estinuli ., when uppimed by said Council, still)) be fled with
the Pity Clerk.
Sec. 2. That within three ,bays after the filing of such plans, specifiea.
tions and eslimuites, file Clerk sllall advertise it notice calling for scaled hills
Air such improveuleuls to he made according to such duns, specifications
aid esttnlntes. Such notice Alall he published for five tit" successively ill
any newspfperpublished to the city. .111 bids ulue filed
st be ill lire office of the
Clerk oilor prior to a ditty to)be specified its such notice, and file Clerk chill
eudorse upon the envelope or cover of each bid the date of tiling file saute;
and he shall receive fill hid after the do • specified in such notice for receiv
bog the ssonc. Provided, that if ran bill shall be received anal nucceplud by
the Council h1 response to such notice, the Clerk shall imowdinttly re-ad-
vertiie a similar notice, and he shall so advertise its numv tines its may be
necessary, or until if contract shall he awarded for such bilprovcnmut, unless
otherwise ordered In. the Council, fowl shall rceeivebids ill the,nitle vuuuer
and sell ect to fill the provisions of this ordinance, its in the case of Life orig-
inal cal fur bids.
Sec. 3. Thal at life first meeting of lily Coturcil after the titne specified
. in any notice for bids, Ilse Ceamcil shall open nud consider all hid,, received,
null "Illy reject fillyand all, or may accept that of the Itmest rvspoosible bidder
or bidders, and nwmrd n contract thereon. And the C,aocil may, if deemed
advisable fit the times of awarding filly contract under file provisions of this
ordinnnce, rcquiru the contractor or coutrnclors to give it bond to the Pity
o(1'urt'fneosend, ill any still] to be specified, with sullicicut sureties, to be
npproved by the \Geyor, conditioned li,r life fitithf l execution of file terns
of the con tinct.
Sec. q. That when itmv bill shall have beerl accepted by file Council,
and a contract xwanicd thereon, such Contract shall be reduced to writing
and signed by Lite contractor or coutrtclurs, alai by life Mayor mid Clerk in
i behalf of the tilt•, and scnled with life corporate seal of ilie cite to dnpli•
cafe, fool one of file originals of such contract shall be Most with the Clerk,
allot authority to sigu suet% contract on Lehalf of the city is hereby coil -
ferret] upon the Sla•or and Clerk.
Sec. 5. That this ordinate shall take clli•ct :fail be ill force at and
nGvr five days after the mane shaft have been published.
Passed the Council April 3d, i85g.
i Approved April Ith, iS85.
J. J. CAI.11In S, C. Al, RltADMIAW,
City Clerk. \hryor.
I hereby certify file finegoiug to be I lure and correct Copy of the
original. J. J. C'u'l ol•s, City Clerk.
Approved April.), 18,95.
To provide for clearing Life streets of the City of Pori •fuse
Tlie City of fort Townsend does ordain as follows:
SECTION I. That fill earth, rock, stones nud outer subst,
biter, herelofure and which wavy hereafter accumulate it, any if
or alley of file City of fort Towuscud, by C-161:9, fading, cnunl:
ing Goal land abutting upon such street or fillep, shall be
removed fit the cost of the owner of the land so caving, fallin.;
or eliding froul tilt boil abultiug upon snch street or alley.
Sec, 2. That notice to forthwith remove till such obstructs
given to the persons liable for the costs of removing the sane,
in the preceding section of this ordinance. Such notice shall I
printed, not shall be served by the City 'Marshal, or one of I
and such service ,lmill be ,lade by the officer giving a copy of
the arson to be served personally witbiu file city, or by given;
oo file preutins to any occupaut, (over twelve years of age),
parcel of land from w•tuclt such obstructions Shull have Rect uu'
posting it copy of such notice upon file premises, nud publisliv
one day io it newspaper published iu.the City of fort Townsend
Sec. 3. 'flint if the owner of such prcutlses shall fail to ve
three days after file day of nrvice or publication of such notice.
lima sludl be forthwith removed by the Street Commission!
usurer shall pay to the City of Item Townsend a penult- of ilea
Ines, to a blitioll to the costs tell expeuse of removing such fibs
said penalty and costs and expenses etiall be recovered by a ci%
the same shall be it lien on sucll lot or parcel of land from life i
menciug such action.
see. .1. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
the expirntiol of lire days after the smut shall have been publi
Passed the Council April 3, 1885.
Approved April .1, iSS5. C. 'M.Ru.tus
J. J. Cmmocx,
Cip• Clerk.
CI.1'Y 012171NANCE No, 136.
:Approved Ifebrunry 5, iSS6.
Uudnring'I'nylor street it ptthlic highway fond sl
The City of fort 'Townsend does orilaiu as follolvs:
Si!Cf1t)\ I. `Tbat Taylor street it, said city, between tilt to
ioty 7 nud It ill block S, and the approach to the wharf U
11'burf Company, and bet%%ceu file easterly lines orbits I Oil"and t,so arstcrh• line orsilc of said itppronch of said t•Thc 1
Cliff y," first "feasting as fair south av the southerly Hoes o
a d e, be nud the smnc is hereby declared to be it public street,
public do have the Gee nod full use of strne its a thorougbfmr.
See. 2. That this ordinance do lake cfrect anti be ill fat
after its publication.
I'.te<cd the Council hebrunn• 5, iSS6.
Approved llebrunre 5• iSS6. RUIIT. C.
Attv,i: J.o%1v.S G. Sw.ex.
ON. Clerk.