HomeMy WebLinkAbout00240I ight to Y,nu.I: III •, I Wl 0,. I, I I, -I : Il '111,• maintain in seal City, an Ill 11111 ny: - 1 tutu for power and lighthu, perpon:•s, wills the right of Say ...... carer nod under the Hlreols, nylonum, alleys sad public gr utuls m',•un hf Hxi,l ('its, fur lilt• purl n<,• of tilo(-liug, r1a.dli�hio �, "1"r-I lefftlg and u.aiufaiuing all om, ill .Ill polo', bno•krin, gays, ropp ail., li%tur'n k,1 voIAufl' I ovc'Fwy •'r p"II 111liug l,r Fall basins, :old to Illy courryaw r , f rlrclllrallourrg\', Huhjret in the rundi-' 'tlUlln. 1••yl1 le11n11N and II'll, r',u•Id Ihr oinn(wr tmule.l. sic, 1 Tlw IWIN ,f w:Ir helvin graut-d to wain p.0 tars for li'avi: par' • Ilo-h•, Omit he 'ryon 1, ..1 in u ,dl11 (or a e.u'h main Ivm:li, unit whore Nlv it 'hr,, nit;,> Ilud p.Irnl Ill II'.,,-It,l :1 11d InruhtI; ll :III• iI lac lted, IIaI tight of wav :o Fneh pl url-s. I�I.1II ex IN, nd t, elyv iI:,.I wn ontsfdt• do. jailor rails. I "'re. f•. 'I'ho rigl'te :111d privilvgv� grnulod tit the saidit) 1'arlirs , cntubli,h It lpelaw Sit liar Nil rail u'Iiy Anill bQ 4 hu'fuitud uule's sitid p:utfes shall corn• I uumre the vollArucliuu of said niurle hank railway of, or hefon, t11e first II't' of P., ..ruling �h,• i' burl: lu .•ougdrl i,m, ;dl of -a,1 slue. 'tnuek r:dhuq• ON it, umgdcl rd anti w I I opeuuion br Lho MA day of ISOO. Src. (I. itefrncoveupyingor using way i Ishaatof said City the propel' parties' 1'hnll gf0u tit IellSl fee (6) day'P notice it Or of tt writing to tho Mayor of Haiti ,r Sac. 7, 'Pile tracks of Paid Nh'cet Pail-' way Shull be laid oil an oven grade twilit the existing grades of till equaros, Stleels and hibhwnyB through and over which it , 4 IS hereby authorized to pans, Nn as to "(I - full :It the Safe and east' )nlHNllgC of ve• hill a .and Lilt, free Iloiv of ttvturx in Wu t ,1d1• utH, culverts and crone hitters. ! ' ';.,fit parties Shull tit all Uutes keep lit good, repair and condition all purriuus of 'ealtl squares and mtreute ocvupind by its, right of way, trucks, turnouts and SlwilchePl;: Tho dines between the ndin .a9leq the Pama is not paved or plunked, !!rind Iw filled or ppackod so as to make tilesiuuelevol'wif1I that portion of tile sttoavudjuining the right of way. '4Site. S. The gnugo of sold railway 'v-npanyrs truck 14) be four fecCefgld (8) ''one-half inches, unit tam rail itself f iustructfon.of said track shall be 'as'. than thirty (30) pounds fa to the lineal yard, unit ofthern Tinder rall,•Jas Lilo City Council mignata'. D.- • When said parties lay the .In said Squares and streets tit t .vod,'thay shall, tit their own I 'relay the pavint on their Nil ine,a I..,•,I it ueh :, .,I I, -lit nl I,, .'. , vnufurul to sash grmlc, uud h1 I,- -I -VI -lit shall said oily b,- liable to Fafd :.It IGh •, Nor unr'Ili a:n ac,W cs Ill of N:md (-hnngo; but said parlf,•N stunt Ill,, I e rrtlit uI I, r.,iFe or lawn, ahrr orb h:u1_a ii a_a:ldc of nuy 't,mtiou I said pnbli,' Hquwoo ar'.H, sor rod. than that • parr nrluallt• nrrnpird In it, rlelo n1 out', ton Its, lll.11onln albi s.'hng>, nor to I aA Ihr r,p nv thelco . Srly 19. 'tor Tulin• oll•irm-fiw. .,I IUNid lailwav .lull W. rnrrird 'jai um 1, 1 Ihr• suprrvininn a( Ill,- ro:nlni;lrr o I' tit rat, uud'laws of PA.[ lily, I, III.— duly it -[,all b • at it I Ito,-' I., i•op'r1 Fnid 4hlwac and give nut ire lu -aid fur. I1„' of all ,,rt•�IUd ,'bung(-, or rrp:ti•H of iht ri;lu of 0 ay', 1 raylw, N din-` :unl I-n n- ull-; 'aill p.av4•+-hull r. h', snrh rl.0 ngr- :old wp.,fr, It'ih,o I,. L rr:,: un:l dr lituo :1• may ho Ifsy.l br ..1 •I . ,'.,lath 111 O.•, hall upa11 h11111 v 'n lu do nilb•nll :u,tI run-e, Ian, Nuf I natal P;nl y'' 8 111111 fill (,-it 11u11 Inty' la III(' (!itP I n, •.11n, 1f tw'•nt, (s_n.ou) dollar- per day for 111 t)ma• the Nni I part t'm hail or m•gh'cl. Ill uadc'surlt (-lilt gve or wpafl H. Sce. 1:1. '(ho 1'ily hi furl "1"mat •,cad r"'erveN the righl to re,lobe eAd pn riil•:1 b, .orp their vain properly lightnl w bib• ill I use. Sue. I•I. fn cousouctfng and tevadr- Jfug ile said linos said parhen r-h: ll I. la, all pL•mkng and turret crosAugs and Ienvu IIIU Nnllm In lla good repitir as they IIyYrc ht•Inlc brio" Iruloved. Sct•. lo. If Ih,• sand ["I'll•e 'hall fail or refuse (I, couple chit Hach uud 1,❑ of. ills terms, ohligatiml.. uml voud.tfouB herein lio,vided tvc), shall bit subjuctto' a pe,dlty of tyenty-live U*15.00) dollars except as othenvima limeio proyulnd. Sec. W. Nothing cuntiune,l in thin ordinance shall have the effect to release Faid parllen front its liabilities for env aid nil daumges pushaiuod by reaseu of Ili,, occupation of said public mquareu, Streets and area sk by their ndiway, or by r'l a.. .....y ncgliganco of a„ ' of Choir uu•ry,loyee4 or from tiny cause 6hnl would'rendor them untenable to law. :;r:c. 17. Nu cur stunt be aflowad by said panics to stand upon the trau" I when tot fn use, at ally pohlt tutough-iI out its entire route, and uu eulpigveen of said pnitfrs shall Stop tiny c'u' belonging I to or bofryf used by Said parlieei of ally' 1 Sidewalk croening Po its to htpedn• or ob- j Fttuct linvcl u,ereon: but curs umy beI ntul lied tit ally puiut wbml it It ill nut fm taatfera with tam f.ee Immage• of tewuB I Mid vrltielen, or at • ally Iroint batye v1 slreut ihtela cliuns. .l violation of fill 'eclion will subject said parties to a title , uud cxeeeding utility-Iivu dollars for I '.'ell and ut'm_t, offeumu. ' SraTlox iS.=l'hu cousent dud author- ity given tills oolivaneo to Ch.,rlcs 1'.' Swim!( t, .1. 1'. Shttimmi null Bald 114an- dollor to calstruct and openttu Said Fire-1 riolwlty thovuhl, IN upon the ex -I l"I" conditions that the Nnid parifem pay j Ill dalloig's to a 'ours at prof ndjn- relo to Its Nnid truets,alloys, highways or lhmblie grunuda upon or over wluuh eacroad N to be constructed which said o%I a ors may snA.iin by reason of the u location or I:., slr•uedun of lhi: mud, the moot, to he ascorhtfned and pnfd fn the uumlta' pmvidud by law for the uxereise1 Of the right. of eminent domain, and save said city hanulesH from all costa, dam- agoe mud attoineys, fees in the preuuses, by reason of lhu ,,oushvclion and uporla- tine of Nnid railway Iuld eluetr'ic systeut. gRCTlex 10. At m1y time the Said city shall impruve nuy of ale uupllvo(I streets above nnumd, 111lon w'hien Nnid p: ities ony have )Ili] Ilmir trucks, by paving tilt Battle said parties shall tit the Plano time grata pave and improve their right of way tit I luf�wu extlecuo, told In the i Nautu ❑utller as Paid city paves or iu: , proven said mtreal, and if Paid parties re- fmc car u;,6 t to Su improve Such. right of cony', tam cit • renurves the right to to - move bran sucit street all the truck of Paid parties and Improve and pave such street and right of way all though fill street car tracks had burn bald in Such mtrcet; and paid city shall nut be baclu to Subl parties for any loan all account of the ruumvid of much tracks. Sec. 20. The right to operate maid r ailway shall extend to the lull period of ftwuuty-livu years Goan thu passage of this ordinance. Sao. Lt. Said parties shall under no circumstances sulferorperuift the pay nnIN of any stet... riliroad cars, trail or alguue over airy portion of its lino or Jlgnt ill way and 'any violation thereof shad work u torWitum of all rights here- '-1 grunted. Sec. M Said parties shall bs requir elf to pay all expon io of publication o' this nrrbma ics.