HomeMy WebLinkAbout031620CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND
The Port Townsend City Council met in regular session on the 16th day of March
20210 in Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. Mayor Sandoval called the meeting to
order at 16:30 p.m.
Councilmembers Ipiresent at roll call were Pamela Adams, David Faber, Amy Howard,
Monica MickHager, Owen Rowe, Michelle Sandoval, and Airiel Speser.
Staff members present were City Manager John Mauro, City Attorney Heidi
Greenwood, Development Services Director Lance Bailey, Parks, Recreation and
Community Services Director Alex Wisniewski , and City Clerk Joanna Sanders.
Moved to the beginning: of the agenda was the City Manager Report and New
Business Item C., Resolution 20-013 Declaring a Public Health Emergency and
Confirming the Declaration Made by the City Manager and Mayor March 13, 20210.
Public comment
Mark Grant urged various City actions iin response to the Coronavirus/Covid-1 9,
including tax exemptions, utility fees, and social distancing (Written 'comment read by
the Clerk).
Kevin Camfield urged several specific and quick City actions to limit personal
interactions in response to the Coronavirus/Covid-119 and then (Written comment read
by the Clerk).
Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants
Vouchers 164990 through 165084 in the amount of $541,715.33
Voucher 606 in the amount of $693.00
Approval of Minutes: March 2 and March 9, 2020
City Council Business Meeting March 16, 21020 Page 1 of 6
Resolution 20-010 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Vehicle
Purchase Agreement Using the State Department of Enterprise Services
Master Contract
Motion: David Faber moved to approve the consent agenda as written. Ariel Speser
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
City Manager John Mauro briefed on the number of COVID-1 9 positive cases, advice
for personal interactions and hygiene for community protection, and planned City
actions related to City services. City pool and library facilities are currently closed and
he urged residents to further consider how they might help conduct business
differently such as by paying bills electronically or through drop boxes to reduce
exposure. In addition to the emergency declaration, he responded to questions about
future Council action on waivers for late, fees associated with water utility payments. A
special joint meeting with the County Board of Commissioners on Thursday would be
called to address the current crisis. He introduced County Administrator Philip Morley
who was present to speak in support of community partnerships.
Mayor Sandoval made several comments about the City's desire to keep residents
safe, provide relief assistance, and search for ways to ease economic distress.
Additional Council comments urged safe meeting practices, a moratorium on
residential evictions, urging landlords to waive April rent, holding rents at cost in order
to make payments,, waiving property tax payments for the first payment in
Apiril, centralizing volunteer coordination, physical and financial access to food, and
awareness and sensitivity that vulnerable populations span all age groups and
MARCH 13,2020
City Attorney Heidi Greenwood gave the staff report on the resolution allowing the
City to react more quickly to the circumstances.
Public Comment:
Mark Grant urged implementing aggressive social distancing measures in response to
the Coronavirus/Covid- 19 (Written comment read by the Clerk).
Motion: David Faber moved to approve Resolution 20-1013,Decla,ring a Public Health
Emergency and Confirming the Declaration Made by the City Manager and Mayor
March 13, 2020.1Pamela Adams seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
Jefferson County Commissioner Kate Dean and County Administrator Phillip Morley
spoke about the enormous needs in the community and the opportunity to work
together as a community through the crisis and partnering through the recovery.
City Council Business Meeting March 16, 21020 Page 2 of 6
Ordinance 3246 Adopting the City of Port Townsend Parks, Recreation, and
Open Space Functional Plan 21020 and Establishing an Effective Date
Mayor Sandoval read the rules of procedure for the public hearings. There were no
Council finaincial or property Tissues to disclose in connection with the matters.
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Alex WisNewski gave thile staff
briefing. He reviewed the errata sheet of public comment including how those
comments coutd be incorporated. Recognizing thie significant public comments
received, hie noted the desire for indoor/outdoor pickleball courts is recognized
in the plan as (part of a multi -purpose court concept.
Suzanne Feller spoke about the desire for dedicated iindoor and outdoor pickleball
court space (written comment read by City Clerk).
The following suggested edlits were recorded by Mr. VVisniewski: Executive
summary, page 2, a specific tirneframe would be listed rather thain "'to be
determined;" Exhibit C would include public art pieces of the totem p6le at the
Northwest Maritime Center and Great Blue at the Port Townsend Community
Center, in Errata Sheet number 25 referencing Exhibit F, it would confirm the
change of text to read "would occur when appropriate." Addressing the public
comment on ADA access, Mr. Wisniewski noted that throughout the plain, there is
reference to ADA improved access when the new capital projects are undertaken,
The public testimony was closed,
Motion., David Faber moved to approve waiving Council Rules and approve
Ordinance 3246 Adopting the City of Port Townsend Parks, Recreation, and Open
Space Functional Plan 2020 and Establishing an Effective Date. Ariel Speser
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
Ordinance 3247 Related to Housing Code Amendments, Amending Chapters
17.08, 17.16 and 17.34 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, Amending
Regulations Related to Modulation, Accessory Dwelling Units, Cottage
Housing, Types of Residential Structures Allowed in the R-IV Zoning District
anid the Definition of Family
Mayor Sandoval reviewed the rules of procedure for the public hearing,
Development Services Director Lance Bailey reviewed the background and
recommendations on the five housing code amendments as detailed in his staff
report. The matter was reviewed and a recommendation provided by the Planning
Commission with those findings now included in the Council packet. While minimal
City Council Business Meeting March 116, 2020, Page 3 of 6
changes were made to the cottage housing code, there was a desire to put cottage
housing on equal footing related to other types of developments. He clarified that
the Planning Commission's discussion of allowing less than five units per structure
in R-IV muilti-family zones resulted in a recommendation to include only fo:urplexes
not duplexes or triplexes. In addition, there is a recommendation to remove the
definition of "'family"' with no other modifications needed to the rest of the PTMC.
Public Comment:
Bob Gray wrote about the need to encourage and not discourage rental housing,
(written comment read by City Clerk)
Responding to the comment, Mr. Bailey agreed on the need for rentals and said it is
more common in this community to see ADI-Is used as solutions. Confirming the
modulation, he addressed the issue and need to clarify whether modulation applies
to multiiple stories. Most communities are only applying modulation to single story
structures. If you have multi story structure, it would not just be the footpriint.
Public Comment:
Rick Jahnke spoke about the Planning Commission's recommendation, which he
believe was based on gross square footage.
Some discussion ensued on the need for clarification about the
modulation recommendation exempting structures of equal to or less than 1,1000
square feet. The question was whether this is the building footprint (not including
additional stories) or the gross square footage. Mr. Bailey recommended and there
was consensus of Council that the modulation be calculated on the total gross
square footage.
There was also some Council concern that a 1,000 sq. feet ADU seems too large
and a desire to keep it at 800 sq. feet for detached ADILls, but there needs to be
clarification. Mr. Bailey pointed out the term "accessory" means accessory to the
primary use and there is a lower parking requirement for any ADU (one space)
attached or detached.
There being no public comment, Mayor Sandoval closed public testimony.
Motion: David Faber moved to approve first reading Ordinance 3247 Related to
Housing Code Amendments, Amending Chapters 17.08, 17.16 and 17.34 of the
Port Townsend Municipal Code, Amending Regulations Related to Modulation,
Accessory Dwelling Units, Cottage Housing, Types of Residential Structures
Allowed in the R-1V Zoning District and the Definition of Family with two changes
(adding in the word "total gross footage" on, modulation for structures 1, 000 square
feet or less and eliminating increase to 1, 000 square feet for detached ADUs and
keeping it at 800 square feet.) Ariel Speser seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
City Council Business Meeting March 16, 2020 Page 4 of 6
Resolution 20-011 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a
Possession and Use Agreement and Final Easement for the Regional
Stormvwâ–ºater Facility Within the Available Project Budget and Funding
City Manager John Mauro gave the staff briefing.
There was no public comment.
Motion: Ariel Speser moved to approve Resolution 20-011 Authorizing the City
Manager to Negotiate and Execute a,Possession and Use Agreement and Final
Easement for the Regional Stormwater Facility Within the Available; Project Budget
and Funding. Owen Rowe seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
Resolution 20-012 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Settlement
Agreement with the Estate of William Short in Jefferson County Superior
Court Case INo. 18-2-00013-16
City Attorney Heidi Greenwood reviewed the matter as detailed in the agenda bill.
There were no questions or comments.
There was no public comment.
Motion: Ariel Speser moved to approve Resolution 201-012 Authorizing the City
Manager to Execute a Settlement Agreement with the Estate of William Short in
Jefferson County Superior Court Case No. 18-2-00013-16. Monica MickHager
Vote: motion carried, 6-1 by voice vote, David Faber opposed.
Ms. MickHager announced that the Census portal is open and mailers have been
sent. Most of the promotional events are being closed due to the coronavirus and she
urged participation through the secure system.
Mlr. Faber announced that social distancing would be in place for the Council
Transportation Committee. He urged distancing precautions be in place for all future
Report from Council Finance and Budget Committee on Golf Course
Ms. Howard, chair reported that the recommendation from Council Finance and
Budget Committee is not to recommend that the golf course be a City operated
facility. There was committee interest in further Council tasking so that staff can
explore fees for the golf course operator or other options for the property.
There beiing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
City Council Business Meeting March 16, 20210 Page 5 of 6
Joanna Sanders, MMC
City Clerk
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