HomeMy WebLinkAbout060109CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 1, 2009 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Councilmembers present at roll call were David King, Laurie Medlicott, Kris Nelson, George Randels, Gatharine Robinson, Michelle Sandoval, and Mark Welch. Staff members present were Pam Kolacy, John Watts, David Timmons, and Rick Sepler . (Kris Nelson was seated after the oath of office was administered.) CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Mr. Timmons noted that D. Groussman has requested six minutes (for himself and his wife) to speak during public comment. After brief discussion, Council agreed to granting the six minute presentation. ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE TO NEW COUNCILMEMBER City Attorney John Watts administered the oath of office to newly appointed Council member Kristen Nelson. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Theresa Percy, Library Director, invited the Council to the Carnegie grand tour of Washington Richard Coletta presented a petition to the Council asking to set aside enforcement of sandwich board sign removal outside of downtown until and unless a reasonable alternative can be presented. Robere LeHuquet regarding Visitors Center signage, downtown parking limits, and city tours. Christina Pivarnik, Port Townsend Marketing Coordinator, regarding the upcoming Hood Canal bridge reopening . Dan Groussman regarding park model home legislation. Kimberly Montgomery, in support of Mr. Groussman. City staff response Mr. Timmons requested that Mr. Groussman check with the Jefferson County Health Department on the status of a septic permit for the proposed location of his park model home. Mr. Sepler stated that his staff has met frequently with Mr. Groussman about this unit, which was purchased outside the state without consulting with the City, and brought here without a permit. He also noted that Councilors cannot discuss the issue with Mr. Groussman because they may be in a position to make a ruling on future actions concerning this matter. He noted that staff will continue to seek a solution working within the parameters of the law. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF BILLS, CLAIMS AND WARRANTS Vouchers 107863 through 107889 in the amount of $19,270.29 Vouchers 108022 through 108030 in the amount of $103,850.36 Vouchers 108117 through 108137 in the amount of $73,041.03 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MAY 18, 2009 RESOLUTION 09-024, AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE 2009 JEFFERSON COUNTY-CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS FOR FIVE 3-YEAR COPIER LEASES AND ONE 5-YEAR LEASE Motion: Catharine Robinson moved approve the following items on the Consent Agenda with correction to minutes of May 18 to reflect that Mr. King recused himself from the vote on appointment Kris Nelson to the Councit Mark Welch seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. PUBLIC HEARING(S) Ordinance 3013, Amending Port Townsend Municipal Code, Chapter 17.30-Historic Overlay District, and Chapter 2.72-Historic Preservation Committee, to Implement Design Guidelines and Strategies for the Uptown Commercial Area of the Historic Overlay District. Mayor Sandoval reviewed the rules of procedure for public hearings. No Councilors declared any financial or property interest with regard to the item. DSD Director Rick Sepler reviewed the packet materials. PUBLIC COMMENT: Richard Berg - lives uptown bordering uptown district and served as member of the ad hoc committee. He noted the committee was made up of a good cross section of members who worked hard to draft guidelines that will not be onerous nor cookie cutter. He added the committee wanted to work to recognize the individuality of the uptown district and draft guidelines to preserve that as well as help those developing new structures. He favors adopting the ordinance. COUNCIL DELIBERATION AND ACTION: Mr. Sepler will review #1 Building Height, Shadow & Privacy Impacts (page 2 of Guidelines) to see whether this will apply only to Tyler and Lawrence Streets as stated. Mr. Randels asked for clarification on page 19 of Exhibit A (A.2} as to whether this section applies only to historic buildings. Mr. Sepler will check. Mr. Randels also asked whether it should be noted in the document that the list of historic properties we are currently using is outdated and whether a reference to the planned update this summer should be included. He also asked whether a "relief valve" that can be applied to unique circumstances (similar to that proposed for the sign code) might be incorporated in Exhibit B-2. Mr. Sepler will follow up. Regarding formation of a new committee to review uptown design review, Mr. Sepler stated that the was the initial recommendation from the consultant but the committee decided we have limited resources to populate another committee and a second committee would also strain staff resources. The HPC will bring forward suggestions for some things that can be done adminstratively but in the future the City may need up to one full time staf member addressing design review. Richard Berg made a clarifying comment regarding the establishment of a new committee to oversee uptown design guidelines. He noted that the Historic Preservation Committee has jurisdiction there already and they know the issues regarding historic districts well. He stated that trying to bring a whole new committee up to this level of expertise did not make much sense to those working on the issue. Mr. Sepler noted that the staff will find a better way of expressing intent regarding the restrictions on storage areas and dumpsters. Mr. Sepler will clarify in Exhibit B-1, page 7 (12) what "multiple colors" means. Motion: George Randels moved to approve first reading of Ordinance 3093, Amending Port Townsend Municipal Code, Chapter 97.30-Historic Overlay District, and Chapter 2.72-Historic Preservation Committee, to Implement Design Guidelines and Strategies for the Uptown Commercial Area of the Historic Overlay District. Mark Welch seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Resolution 09-025, Regarding Expanded U.S. Border Patrol Activity on the Olympic Peninsula Mayor Sandoval stated that she requested staff to bring forward a resolution regarding activities of the Border Patrol on the peninsula. PUBLIC COMMENT Jackie Aase, League of Women Voters, in support Betty Todd spoke in support Carl Nomura spoke in support Temur Perkins spoke in opposition. Andrew Reding spoke in support. Libby Palmer spoke in support. Annette Huenke spoke in support Cindy Wolpin spoke in support Terri Nomura spoke in support Matt Sircely, Chair of Jefferson County Democrats, spoke in support. Several Council members spoke in support of the Resolution, noting that the resolution results in a request, not a demand; that the Council is interested in determining the intent of the legislature and asking that the community help participate in formulating a transparent process to determine if extraordinary efforts are necessary or cost effective. Mrs. Medlicott spoke in opposition, stating it is difficult to disagree with the sentiment but she does not know what the true representative feelings of the community are and that she would rather see the issue brought to a vote of the people. Motion: George Randels moved to approve Resolution 09-025, Regarding Expanded U. S. Border Patrot Activity on the Olympic Peninsula Mark Welch seconded. Vote: motion carried, 6-7 by voice vote, Laurie Medlicott opposed. Interagency Agreement with Washington State Parks DSD Director Rick Sepler reviewed the packet materials. There was no public comment. Mr. Randels recommended that the Council approve the contract only with an amendment to the scope of work stating that none of the alternatives will be excluded from review. He added the Council needs to look at the needs and concerns of all the citizens. After discussion, Council agreed to direct staff to amend the agreement to make sure primary and proposed alternatives are included in the modeling. Mr. Sepler will make the appropriate changes to the agreement. Motion: David King moved to authorize City Manager to enter into the Interagency Agreement between Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and the City of Port Townsend -Agreement #7A 709-233 Catharine Robinson seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. RECESS Mayor Sandoval declared a recess at 7:30 for the purpose of a break. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 7:40 p.m. Contract with Port Townsend Publishing Co. for website services Mr. Timmons stated the initial expense is budgeted at $10,000 and funding will come from the ferry mitigation money. Discussion ensued regarding staffing (Team Jefferson or Chamber may staff the "business help" desk); funding mechanisms (membership subscriptions will defray some costs); sustainability after the two months of City support; and whether a price comparison was done for the service. Ms. Robinson and Ms. Nelson expressed concern about the City's responsibility for ongoing funding for the project. Motion: George Randels moved to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with the Port Townsend Publishing Co. for web services at JeffConnections.com that provide calendaring and information to businesses and agency managers about key events. Laurie Medlicott seconded. Vote: motion carried, 5-2 by voice vote, Kris Nelson, and Catharine Robinson opposed. PRESIDING OFFICER'S REPORT Volunteer Advisory Board Appointments Motion: Catharine Robinson moved to approve the Mayor's recommendation and confirm the following appointments: Historic Preservation Committee Charles Paul (reappointment to Position 4, term expires 5/1/12) Richard Berg (reappointment to Position 5, term expires 5/1/12} Planning Commission Gee Heckscher (new appointment to Position 3, term expires 12/31/11) Design Review Advisory Committee Amy Dahlberg (reappointment to Position 3, term expires 511/12) Housing Action Plan Network Shelby Smith (alternate for Katherine BarilJ Melinda Szatlocky (Homeward Bound) George Randels seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. Mayor Sandoval noted the upcoming Hood Canal Bridge reopening celebration and the opening of the new Visitors Center. She stated she and Mrs. Medlicott attended the Memorial Day gathering at the American Legion. Mayor Sandoval received agreement from the Council that Kris Nelson will take on former Councilor Butler's assignments to Council and outside committees until the end of the year. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Timmons stated staff will be meeting regarding reallocation of funding resulting from the receipt of Federal stimulus dollars. He also noted there is media interest in the former Visitors Center site and that the property is being evaluated. SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT OR FUTURE AGENDA, REGULAR MEETING AND/OR STUDY SESSION COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL Mr. Randels noted that local realtors are meeting Friday at WSU to discuss water issues. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:29 p.m. Attest: ~G2~{iY~.cx-~ Pamela Kolacy, City Clerk ~~~,~' / MMC d