HomeMy WebLinkAbout111008CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in special session the tenth day of
November 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend City Council Chambers of City
Hall, Mayor Michelle Sandoval presiding.
Council members present at roll call were, Brent Butler, Laurie Medlicott, George
Randels, Catharine Robinson, Michelle Sandoval, and Mark Welch. David King was
Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, Planning Director Rick
Sepler, Public Works Director Ken Clow, City Engineer Dave Peterson, Planning
Director Rick Sepler, and Legal Assistant Joanna Sanders.
Mr. Timmons reviewed the resolution before Council. The federal government could
enact an economic stimulus plan putting funding into public works. Having the Upper
Sims projects ready to build could give the City funding priority.
Mr. Scott Sawyer of W&H Pacific gave a status report on the overall improvements
and development plans for Upper Sims and Howard Street. He provided a detailed
explanation of the projects by section including the estimated project costs.
Spreadsheets reflected where funding is available and areas where additional funds
are being sought. They continue to refine the design and vehicle speed and will have
another meeting with the Washington State Department of Transportation this
Mr. Peterson and Mr. Sawyer responded to questions about drainage. They also
explained wetland mitigation and the changes from bioswales for addressing
Howard Street storm water. Now, a combination water quality treatment and storm
water retention pond would be located somewhere south of Sims and west of
Howard Street.
City Council Special Meeting Page 1 November 10, 2008
Mr. Randels suggested including Jefferson County under Item #4 in the resolution if
funds are being sought. Mr. Peterson agreed this should be included.
Ms. Robinson asked about the Revised Project Sequencing on page 4 of the
resolution. Mr. Peterson explained the intent was to move forward with Howard
Street and then on Sims Way working east. The City is now planning to prioritize
Sims Way and would proceed with the whole Sims Way design. While money is
being pursued for construction, staff would work on a flexible plan so they are ready
to bid the construction in March or April.
Mrs. Medlicott asked for annual maintenance cost for the storm water maintenance
facilities. Mr. Peterson said he could provide an estimate.
Mrs. Medlicott also asked for a more detailed explanation of the truck aprons in the
roundabouts and traffic speed and flow. Mr. Sawyer explained estimated speeds
varying from 10-23 mph and how larger trucks could traverse the roundabouts using
the truck aprons.
Mrs. Medlicott insisted the Department of Transportation (DOT) would not allow an
intersection control within one quarter mile of the Police Department without an on-
demand control. She asked about the cost to take out the Thomas Street
interchange. Mr. Peterson said the City is unaware of this requirement so he does
not have an estimated cost. Mr. Sawyer responded that a preemption type signal
does not fall under their guidelines. Mr. Timmons said he is not aware of any
requirement, but if it is needed DOT would need to approve it.
Mrs. Medlicott asked for a clarification of business owners' approval of the
roundabout and center medians. Mr. Sawyer said his goal was to restate Council
recommendation. Some business owners were and some were not supportive. He
reviewed some of the concerns business owners have expressed.
Mr. Butler asked about pedestrian circulation from Howard to Thomas Streets and if
any comprehensive plan amendments were needed. Mr. Sawyer reviewed sidewalk
pathways as depicted. Mr. Sepler indicated only the Howard St. corridor required
comprehensive plans amendments and these were discussed with the Planning
Mr. Welch asked about right of way encroachments. Mr. Sawyer explained what
improvements are in the existing right of way. For encroachments by the City (in the
areas of the roundabouts}, since the process included federal money, there is a
certain order that must be followed. A right of way plan has to be prepared which
would require legal descriptions and exhibits. Mr. Peterson said as soon as Mr.
Sawyer is finished with WSDOT discussion, they would begin on a right of way plan.
Mr. Randels asked about WSDOT's denial of the proposal for the overlay.
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Ms. Sandoval responded that if there is a stimulus package with funds disbursed to
the State, the City would need to resubmit their funding request to the State.
Mr. Timmons noted this project was listed as the priority package for this county.
Mr. Randels added that funds might come through the Governor's office and not
through the Department of Transportation and might then have a different
prioritization and disbursement.
Mrs. Medlicott asked about right of way encroachments by plantings and sign
improvements. Is the City now changing its mind and saying that some
improvements that the City previously approved now need to be removed. At whose
cost would this be removed? Mr. Sepler responded that some of the plantings that
were assumed to be on private property ended up being in the right of way. The
gateway plan did allow signs to be placed in the right of way. Some approved plans
might have landscaping in the right of way that will be relocated. He believes Council
has said that those signs lawfully located in the right of way consistent with the plan
should be relocated as a part of the project cost. However there are a number of
unpermitted encroachments, e.g., car wash facilities, vacuum and other facilities
along the corridor.
Public Comment
Vi Koenig, PT Laundromat and Car Wash asked about wetland mitigation.
Mr. Sawyer explained that if the City encroaches on a wetland, it needs to create a
wetland somewhere else. He provided an explanation of jurisdiction over wetlands.
Mr. Timmons summarized that the proposed resolution directs staff to continue work
on implementing the project. The cost to finish design work and get contract
documents is estimated not to exceed $400,000 for Sims Way and $300,000 for
Howard Street. Funding would come from the state Transportation Improvement
Board (TIB) and federal funding. Overall project costs and funding is in the "Upper
Sims Way/Howard Street Project Update (October 2008)" that was presented at the
Oct. 23 workshop.
Mr. Butler asked about revising the resolution to include the environmental
protections and timeline. He hopes that records would reflect how stormwater and
increased impervious surface areas are being addressed. Mr. Peterson and
Mr. Sawyer responded. The environmental documents have to be complete before
moving ahead and the timeline is shown in Item C. Both the SEPA and NEPA
documents are currently being processed by the City. Mr. Sepler responded that the
only improvements subject to SEPA are the detention ponds. A threshold
determination on Howard Street should be complete in the next couple of weeks.
Mr. Randels suggested that in order to address Mr. Butler's concerns staff prepare a
detailed report and schedule on what has been and is proposed to be done on
City Council Special Meeting Page 3 November 10, 2008
environmental issues. He and Ms. Robinson noted a few additional typographical
errors on pages 1, 3, and 5.
Action: Motion: Mr Randels moved for approval of Resolution 08-039 as revised
(adding the County to item 4 and making typographical corrections), providing
Council Policy Direction Concerning Proposed Upper Sims Way Design and
Improvements. Mr. Welch seconded.
Mrs. Medlicott asked to confirm that with approval of Resolution 08-039 Council is
agreeing to form an LID for Sims Way improvement and changing its previous
actions on its focus. Mr. Peterson and Mr. Randels corrected that Council is
changing the sequence of events, but not the direction. Mr. Watts clarified that
Council has not taken action and is not by this resolution taking action to form an
LID. Forming an LID would be done by ordinance.
The motion carried, 5-1 by voice vote. Mrs. Medlicott opposed
Mayor Sandoval declared a recess at 8:15 p.m. for the purpose of a break.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:25 p.m.
RESOLUTIONS 08-041 and 08-042
Mr. Timmons stated that the downtown projects are authorized under current bond
financing, but Council authorization is necessary to proceed. The construction work
on undergrounding utility lines is complete and companies would begin removing
overhead power lines and poles. Following that would be the beginning of the hard
scape improvements to be reviewed tonight.
Planning Director Rick Sepler reviewed agenda packet materials on the background
of the downtown revitalization project to allow for continued public access to and
along the water and revitalize the downtown. The consultant working on the
relocation of the wave viewing gallery is PND Engineers. Macleod Reckord Design is
providing assistance with the design of the waterfront esplanade including the tidal
clock and wave viewing gallery. Additional conceptual drawings were provided to
Council prior to the start of the meeting. The resolutions before Council would
authorize the City Manager to proceed with certain capital projects and give design
approval for the waterfront esplanade project between Quincy Street and Pope
Marine, including the tidal clock.
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Terry Reckord of Macleod Reckord presented drawings comprising the waterfront
esplanade design proposal. The challenge was to make the places better and more
inviting, to do them with consistency, without negatively impacting the character of
the community. He described better delineation of pedestrian and vehicle access,
including curb extensions, which shorten the crossing distance. Other improvements
mentioned were better pedestrian corridors, improved ADA code compliance, and
larger sidewalk areas for gatherings such as in the area of the Northwest Maritime
Mr. Sepler reviewed that the design plans are consistent with the adopted East
Downtown Streetscape Plan. There are specific criteria for street trees and specific
requirements for bulb outs. Staff would have a preliminary review on the specificity
of materials at the November 18 Historic Preservation Committee meeting. Staff is
requesting approval of the resolution providing direction to proceed with the plan,
including the shoreline substantial development permit.
Mr. Timmons noted another element of the project is converting the Cotton Building
to a visitor's plaza with public restrooms and is being done with a FEMA grant. Many
of the hard scape improvements will be done concurrent with the Northwest Maritime
Center project.
Council comments were they were glad to see planned improvements for gathering
places, the opportunity for a barrier if needed to exclude motor vehicles, ADA
accessibility, and sight lines. The improvements would be a positive economic
stimulus to the area.
Discussion ensued about specific locations for curb extensions. There was a request
for assurance that fire trucks can navigate the turns. Mr. Reckord said that would be
the next step following this conceptual design.
There was also some discussion about parking areas lost and gained around the
Police Station and on Monroe Street. Mr. Sepler noted that there is parking and
dumpsters in the Quincy Street area. Ecology would require the City move parking
shoreward as a part of any shoreline development permit.
There was some discussion about the width of the sidewalks on Monroe at the
expense of adding bicycle lanes. Mr. Sepler noted that the Non-motorized
Transportation Advisory Board, HPC, and the Tree Committee reviewed previous
plans. Revised drawings would need to be reviewed with each.
Ms. Sandoval asked about alternatives to using the Cotton Building as a Visitor
Plaza. She was unclear that this decision had been before Council. Mr. Timmons
said several years ago Council considered and decided against a surplus of the
building. The utility extensions for Pope Marine are incorporated into that building
and the property on three sides of the building are in public ownership. The current
City Council Special Meeting Page 5 November 10, 2008
design has 3 basis elements: public restrooms accessible from outside and inside, a
small office work area for access/use by police at times, and open areas for visitors,
events and functions.
Ms. Sandoval said because this was decided by a previous council, she asked if it is
appropriate for Council to have further discussion about how space should be used,
e.g., art exhibitions, or museum exhibits. Mr. Timmons responded that because
FEMA is providing federal assistance it has to be maintained in public ownership. It
is intended to be multi-use functional space rather than planned space.
Additional discussion ensued about Council's perception of uses. Mr. Welch inquired
about vendors utilizing space in the building. Mr. Timmons said he does not believe
that would be precluded. Mrs. Medlicott noted it was not intended to be a visitor
information center, but a visitor plaza as LTAC recommended to Council.
Ms. Robinson asked to better understand about the limit of development.
Mr. Timmons said if there was a desire to change the proposed uses, Council would
need to hold the second resolution. The approval of the resolution would not
preclude Council from discussing allowable uses.
Public comment: none
Action#1 Motion: Mr. Randels moved to approve Resolution 08-041,
authorizing the City Manager to sign all Necessary Documents and Contracts for the
Construction of Certain Downtown Capital Projects and Resolution 08-042 (with the
typographical error in item 8 corrected, "the" rather than "as'), approving Design of
Waterfront Esplanade between Quincy Street and Pope Marine, including the area
around the Tidal Clock and Wave Viewing Gallery. Ms. Medlicott seconded. The
motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Joanna Sanders, Legal Assistant
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Pam Kolacy, MMC
City Clerk
Crty Council Special Meeting Page 6 November ?0, 2008