HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Supplemental Budget AppropriationsO~INA~E. NO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CI...TY O~ PORT TOWN~END, IN-~REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLL~ S: ' :~ :~'~" · S, eC~ion. 1,., The sum of 'TWO THOUSAND ~TH~E..E ~D DOL~RS~ is of Port ToWnsend.in3 the L~am~ fu~d ~ develo~men~~ o~- a.-grant application for building imprOV ~emen%~ as ~fol~s~. $i~500 for structural engineering, $300 for a ~ibrary ~e$i~ S~eciatiS~ a~d..'$500 for architectural dra~ings which wouldI be funded ~fr°m %%nappr-OPr~ated beginning fhlnd batanze~ semi0n 2. The~e is here and ,~ereby found and decl&z~d to req~irir*gi3~.he aforegoing' appropriation, .to the i983 budget of the City Of Port ToWnsend. - - SeCtion' 3~:.-Thi~.~ordinanue~ shalt take effe'~t upon 'its passage approval and publiC~ti0n in the ~anner pr0vid~ by~ law. Read for 'the first-time"~aY-IT,q t983.. P~ad fo= the second an~.."~hi~times, pas~ed by-the Council and approved .by the Mayor. on-June. ~, 1983~.~ ATTEST:~ -,,.CiTy. Clerk. Treasurer C~