HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 Amending Ordinances 1673 and 1835 - Employee Vacation Accrual AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS,REPEALING SECTIONS, AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS TO ORDINANCE NO. 1673, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1835. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1673 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3. (Va~e~-~e~e-~h~l~-~-~e-e~m~~e?-~-~ ~e~e~-e~-~ae~-~ea~e-~-~a~e~-~n-~he-~e~-~-wh~eh-~-hes ~eem-ea~e~-sh~-~e-~e~e~e~) Each emp!oY~e shall be entitled to accrue vacation leave to thirty (30) working days. (a) Each employee's anniversary dat~ shall be twelve ,(1,2) months after entering the full time service of the Employers. (b) All accumulated annual leave is allowed when em- ployee leav~, Em~l,o~er's employment for any reason. Accumulated leave means vacation due after each full year of service or portion thereof. (c) ~art-time eDployees shall accumulate one (1) eight (8) hour day vacation based on 173 hours of work per month. (d) An em~lqyee mu,st complete one year in status eligible for annual leave accrual pr,igr to being eligi- ble to tak,e annual leave. Probationary ,employees shall accrue'leave from the start of full time employment but shall not be eligible to take such annual leave until the completion of their first ~ear,. ,(e),, N° probationary employee shall receive vacation pay if _his,,emplo ,y~ent expi, r~s before the completion of one (,1) full year~ (f) An employee who fails to give the Employer two (2) weeks notice before termination or is discharged for cause shall not be eligible for accumulated vaca- tion time between his last anniversary date and date of termination or discharge. -2- Section 2. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 1673, is hereby amended to read as follows: Employees shall accumulate sich leave at the rate of one day for e~ch month in which an,~e~loyee is in pay status for fifteen or more calendar, daYS_. ,,?egular ~art,-time employees shall be eligible for sick leave as provided her,ein~ ~ut in proportion to the number of hours the employee is scheduled in writing to work. Sick leave so qranted and not used s,hall accrue to the credit of each such emp!oyee, up to a maximum total,,,accumulation of 180 days. (a) Sick leave shall nqt be considered as a privilege which the employees may use at their discretion, but shall only, be used in,case of neqessit,¥ aqd actual sickness or disability. No employee shall be entitled to sick le~ve ,gntil he shal,% ha~e,,,been 9mployeed by the Employer continuously for atleast-six months. After the first s%x mqnt~s~ sick leave shall accrue as provided herein. If an .employee quits, the sick leave shall be cancelled. (b) Sick leaye.,pay s~all be payable at the rate of one day's pay (or protion thereof) for eac~ day (or portion t~ere0f) of.gbsence due to b0h-a ,~f~e illn~ss; injury, doctor or dentist visit.. The Empl, gye~ may ~equest certi- fication from attending physicians or dent~st as proof of.such illDess or vis%t. (c) Any amounts received on account of,industrial i n surance o r o %~e,r,, ~0ye r~men ~al ~paym~en~~ sba I f~~~t'e d to sick leave and %he City shall ,~a¥ 0nly the balance required to make the payment to the ~mPloyee for the employee's regular compensation. (d) Payment to any e~!oyee for time lost through ill~ess shall be made only after written approval of the supervisor, in charge. %~%~_ -3- (e) Rgpea%¢d aDP%ication for sick leave without just cause, false application or the furnishin.g of amy.. false information with reference thereto by any employee is~..hereb3 dDc~red to be grounds for suspension with- out Dav or loss of employment at the discretion of the Emp!oyer~ (f) Materni~.¥ 1D.avs is considered a form of sick leave and will be treated as such and,based on physician's cer- tificati.on of preqnanc¥, fifty (50) working days leave mav be qranted, ma.xim.u~,, but must be accrued prior to beinq qranted. Section 3. Sections 5 and 6 of Ordinance No. 1673 are here and hereby repealed. Section 4. Ordinance No. 1673 is here and hereby amended by the addition of the following new sections: Section 6.1. An employee who has a death in his immediate family will be granted one to three days bereavement leave, depending upon the amount of travel required to attend the funeral. Immediate family for the purpose of this Section shall be defined as mother, father, spouse, children, sister, brother, monther-in-law and father-in-law. When approved by the Mayor, an extension of emer- gency leave may be granted for the employee where conditions necessitate it. An employee shall not be entitled to both~be- reavement leave pay, holiday pay, sick leave pay or vacation pay, or any more than one of those, for the same time. Bereavement leave shall not be deducted from sick leave or vacation leave at any time. Section 6.2. Emergency leave may be granted at the beginning Qf each work year to five (5) days per year, non-accumaX- any given year. Such en~rgency leave may cover jury duty, mili- tary orders, or other cogent reasons no% r~sulting in financical gains- to the individual, which are not provided for in the City of Port Townsend policies. There shall be no pay deduction for approved emergency leave. Emergency leave shall not be deducted from sick leave or vacation leave at any time. To be allowed -4- emergency leave, the employee must have the approval of the department head for which he ~works prior to use of emergency leave. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner re- quired by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on the /7~day of ~ ,1984. - Attest: Davl Grove, City Clerk Appr~ed as to f(~: Keiffh ~ i ~H~er~Cff~ Atto'rney