HomeMy WebLinkAbout071408CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in workshop session the
fourteenth day of July 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor
Michelle Sandoval presiding.
Council members present at roll call were, David King, Laurie Medlicott, George
Randels, Catharine Robinson, Michelle Sandoval and Mark Welch. Brent Butler
arrived at 6:40.
Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, City Attorney John
Watts, DSD Director Leonard Yarberry, Public Works Director Ken Clow, Planning
Director Rick Sepler, Land Use Development Specialist Suzanne Wassmer, and City
Clerk Pam Kolacy.
Planning Director Rick Sepler reviewed the packet material and discussed the
history of the current sign code and the process to date. He stated that the intent
tonight is not to go through the ordinance but to provide a general overview of the
key sign-related issues as identified by the Council, the Ad Hoc Sign Code
Committee and the Planning Commission and proposed approaches that have been
developed to address them.
Mr. Sepler and Ms. Wassmer reviewed photos of several non-conforming signs to
illustrate the enforcement issues posed. At this time most enforcement has been
suspended pending the outcome of the proposed legislation.
Regarding sandwich boards, it was noted that currently about 60% of sandwich
boards are not permitted. At this time, no enforcement is being done.
Consideration has been given to amortization; if the ultimate goal ends up being
elimination of sandwich boards, the present legal signs would be allowed to remain
for a specific period of time; current illegal signs would have to be removed.
Informational kiosks have been proposed which would identify businesses on a
block; this would be an alternative to sandwich boards. A fee would be assessed
for having a business name on the kiosk; however, the fee could be waived or
reduced to provide an incentive to remove sandwich boards earlier than the
designated moratorium time. Other incentives may be proposed to encourage
removal of currently legal signs.
City Council lMorkshop Page 1 July 14, 2008
The issue of advertising upper story businesses must be addressed; it was noted
that sandwich board signs can be redundant when right in front of a store and may
actually compete with the store's window display. The signs also create visual
clutter and may present a safety hazard.
Kris Nelson (Planning Commission) stated that while there is support at the
committee and Planning Commission level for elimination of most sandwich board
signs, a program to address advertising concerns should be fully in place prior to
phasing out signs.
Mr. Welch said that it is important to have concurrence from the business community
and to develop alternatives.
Mr. Randels stated that once illegal signs are addressed and signs which are non-
conforming are phased out, the volume of signs will go down; at that time the
Council may decide that a certain volume is acceptable.
Mrs. Medlicott stated that signs can rise to the level of being public safety hazards.
She added that there should be plenty of public notice before illegal signs are
Mr. Timmons noted that there are two tracks to the process, one for designing the
standards and another for maintaining an effective level of enforcement.
Mr. Randels asked if there could be another look at permit costs as they seem low.
He also asked if maintenance standards will be included in the code. Ms. Wassmer
stated that maintenance standards have been addressed.
There was discussion of signs in residential areas, such as home occupation and
real estate. Mr. Sepler noted that there are no changes proposed to the home
occupation regulations.
Mr. Sepler noted that most "mixed use" has not been constructed yet and
regulations such as a minimum amount of signage per storefront may be factored in
(rather than a set overall allowance for signage no matter how many businesses are
Mr. Randels noted that he is not in favor of the committee unanimity requirement for
design review of large projects; he believes this vests too much power in one
individual and would like to review that requirement.
Mr. Randels also stated that competitive economic factors are relevant; particularly
in the case of signs that were permitted by mistake while other businesses applied
for the same type of sign and were denied. He stated that instead of arbitrarily
City Council Workshop Page 2 July 74, 2008
allowing some signs due to city error and denying others, perhaps the rules should
be rewritten to accommodate all signs with the same degree of nonconformity.
Mr. Sepler stated the Council would have one more workshop, then a public hearing
before acting on an ordinance. At that workshop, the Council will go through the
proposed ordinance. He asked that any Councilors who have questions about the
ordinance contact staff. Mr. Timmons added there will be a companion piece to the
ordinance regarding enforcement.
Mr. Randels asked for information on the standards other cities have adopted for
light placement, type and intensity.
Mr. King asked for any information about what methods of improving advertising
opportunities for upper story businesses have been used in other places; it is helpful
to know what alternatives are available.
Mr. Butler asked about the impact of sign code enforcement during the bridge
closure; whether this would be bad timing due to economic factors.
Ms. Sandoval noted that there were many business owners on the Ad Hoc
committee and they were all in favor of enforcement; other jurisdictions have much
tighter controls on enforcement.
Mayor Sandoval declared a recess at 8:10 p.m. for the purpose of a break.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:20 p.m.
DSD Director Leonard Yarberry reviewed his memo dated July 10, 2008 and
provided a brief report summing up code enforcement activity for the first six months
of the year. The activity is contained in a data base which can generate reports.
In response to Ms. Sandoval's question, enforcement activity is proactive on stop
work orders, but staff is not acting proactively on other matters like junk cars, etc.
Mr. King asked that efforts be made to turn "data" into "information." Ms. Sandoval
stated that education is important and would like to have citizens know that permits
are usually required and that everyone needs to check when they are beginning a
Mr. Timmons stated that other jurisdictions have had success setting up a hearing
examiner model so that a third party acting as a judge can render a verdict about
what an appropriate fine or penalty will be for a particular violation.
City Councr! Workshop Page 3 July ?4, 2008
Mr. Timmons stated that there are few complaints about transient accommodations
and another approach would be to make them legal and collect fees.
Mr. Yarberry also said that a code regulation regarding prohibitions relating to
inoperable vehicles would be much less difficult than treating them under the
"nuisance" category.
Ms. Sandoval stated that staffing for this program is a budget issue and will need to
come before Council in the 2009 budget process.
Regarding right of way issues, Mr. Watts noted that there are different types of
issues for commercial and residential areas. Ms. Sandoval stated she hopes the
city can begin to address this issue in the fall.
Mr. Yarberry stated that among the many complicated issues are fences, street
ends, landscaping; Ms. Sandoval added others that come up frequently include
community gardens, deer fences, and timber management.
Regarding the sign code, Mr. Yarberry stated that the first six months will be the
most difficult as the public information program is launched and outreach to business
owners is accomplished. He estimated that this will require about a half time person.
He added that when the sign code was initiated and enforced in University Place,
business ended up thriving, particularly because this was done in conjunction with
an economic redevelopment package.
Mr. Watts noted that he will process the housekeeping issues (definition of "violation"
and penalty for cutting significant trees) addressed in his memo and forward to an
upcoming Council meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m.
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Pamela Kolacy, MMC
City Clerk
City Council Workshop Page 4 July 74, 2008