HomeMy WebLinkAbout033108 BusinessCITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETING OF MARCH 31, 2008 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in special session the thirty-first day March 2008 at 8:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Michelle Sandoval presiding. ROLL CALL Council members present at roll call were, Brent Butler, David King, Laurie Medlicott, George Randels, Catharine Robinson, and Michelle Sandoval. Mark Welch was excused. Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, City Attorney John Watts, DSD Director Leonard Yarberry, Public Works Director Ken Clow, Senior Planner Pat lolavera, Police Chief Conner Daily, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy. ORDINANCE 2952 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ADOPTING A UNIFORM CODE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT CHAPTER FOR VIOLATIONS OF ORDINANCES AND CODES RELATING TO LAND USE; NUISANCE; BUSINESS LICENSE; PARKS; STREETS AND SIDEWALKS; WATER, SEWER AND STORMWATER; BUILDING CODE; CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE AND SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM AND ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS, PROVIDING PENALTIES AND REMEDIES FOR VIOLATION, AND ADDING POLICY DIRECTION CONCERNING CODE ENFORCEMENT City Attorney Watts provided a suggested revision to 20.10.150 (Suspension - Cause) adding the following language in the first sentence: A director may temporarily suspend any permit issued under a land use or other ordinance, and if in the Director's judgment is necessary to secure compliance and does not interfere with a permit required to be issued as a matter of right", withhold the issuance of additional permits...... He also supplied information from Municipal Research and Services Center explaining the addition. Public Comment: Earl Murman spoke in favor of adoption. Paul Richmond stated the Council should amend the ordinance to specifically limit when Police shall be employed in the capacity of issuing citations such as stop work orders. Cify Council Special Business Mtg Page 1 March 31, 2008 Susan Langlois expressed concern about the stop work order allowing non-related work on a project to continue. Joshua Bennun spoke in support of fines and visible stop work orders. David Goldman referenced the issue of projects tracked through perrnit activity rather than complaint logs. He also objected to the new stop work order language. Andrew Reding suggested the enforcement log be posted on the City web site. Joanna Loehr spoke in support of adoption. Motion: Mr. Randels moved for adoption of Ordinance 2952, with the incorporation of the revision to 20.10.150 recommended by the City Attorney and a change in 20.10.001, last sentence, to replace "should be considered" a primary goal to "is" a primary goal. Mr King seconded. Motion to amend: Ms. Robinson moved to amend the motion to change ""should" to "shall" in the last two sentences of 20.10.040(A). Ms. Sandoval seconded. City Attorney Watts recommended clarification of intent that the "shalls" in the last two sentences would relate only to cases involving violation of the City's critical areas and shoreline codes. By consensus, the motion became: Change the °should" to "shall" in the last two sentences; add at the beginning of the last two sentences "!n cases involving a violation of the City's critical areas regulations (PTMC Ch. 19.05) or shoreline management plan (adopted by Ordinance 2938), including any amendments, "and add the last two sentences as originally written (with "should, "and without the limitation to critical areas or shorelines) after the end of the first sentence. There was further discussion, including the suggestion that critical areas and shorelines should have a higher level of protection ("shall") than other codes ("should"), and that it might be unreasonable to abate every minor non- environmental code violation, for example, a house innocently build a few inches into a setback. Vote on amendment: amendment was approved, 5-1, Medlicott opposed. Ms. Robinson asked about the genesis of the new language in the stop work order section. Mr. Timmons gave some examples of situations that might be encountered on large projects where one particular activity may need to be halted but other unrelated activities would be affected by the stop work order as well. Mr. King stated he believes the regulation will be more useful as written; it will allow staff to stop offending activity as opposed to halting all work on the project. City Council Special Business Mtg Page 2 March 31, 2008 Motion to amend.• Mr. King moved to incorporate language regarding the enforcement log to the ordinance (with addition of a column for `source of information'). Mrs. Medlicott seconded. Vote: The motion carried unanimously, 6- 0, by voice vote. Mr. Randels noted that he supports the concept but does not believe we are at the point where we can specify exactly what we want in the log; for example, the recording of complaints related to large projects. He stated he believes the message to staff is clear and he would suggest giving them a chance to put something together that is responsive and address the issue then rather than codifying it at this time. Mr. Timmons stated that staff will bring back a more detailed recommendation regarding the log. Vote: The motion to amend carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. Vote on main motion.• motion to adopt Ordinance 2952 as amended carried unanimously, 6-0, by roll call vote. PUBLIC HEARING EXTENDING ORDINANCE 2968, AMENDIND PTMC SECTION 17.72.020 AND RE- ENACTINGAND EXTENDING INTERIM PARKING REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE C-III COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Motion: Mr. Randels, noting thaf only one member of the public remained and that person did not wish to comment, moved to waive Council Rules of procedure for public hearings so the Council could move to take action at this time. Mrs. Medlicott seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. Motion: Mr Randels moved to leave in place the interim parking provisions of Ordinance 2968 for a period not to exceed six months from its adoption (Feb. 4, 2008) to allow further study to address lack of uptown parking, by adopting as findings the reasons set forth in Ordinance 2968. Mrs. Medlicott seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:29 p.m. Attest: ~C~l'~~ Pam Kolacy, MMC, City Clerk City Council Special Business Mtg Page 3 March 31, 2Q08