HomeMy WebLinkAbout020408CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 4, 2008 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session the fourth day of February 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend City Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Michelle Sandoval presiding. ROLL CALL Council members present at roll call were Brent Butler, David King, Laurie Medlicott, Catharine Robinson, George Randels, Michelle Sandoval and Mark Welch. Staff members present were City Attorney John Watts, Planning Director Rick Sepler, Public Works Director Ken Clow, Events Coordinator Carla Abrams, Police Chief Conner Daily, Planning Director Rick Sepler, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Mr. Butler requested that the issue of the potential sale of the Post Office Building be added to the agenda. The item was added as Item "C" under New Business. Mr. Butler moved to remove Item "D" under Unfinished Business (Ordinance 2964) from this evening's agenda. There was no second. PROCLAMATION Mayor Sandoval read a proclamation designating March 2008 as "Reading Month." Library Director Theresa Percy was on hand to accept the proclamation and invite the Council to participate in the 2008 Community Read. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC (consent and non-agenda items) Joshua Bennun spoke about remediation of a trail damaged by development. Public Works Director Clow noted that the particular project had been held up by the snow and freezing weather. He will project at the next business meeting. report to the Council on the progress of the City Council Business Meeting Page T February 4, 2008 CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Mr. Welch moved for approval of the following items on the Consent Agenda. Mr Randels seconded. Ms. Robinson noted a clerical error in the minutes of January 13. With that correction, the motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants: Vouchers 103757 through 103938 in the amount of $108,371.80 Vouchers 205081 through 205089 in the amount of $303, 846.39 Approval of Minutes: January 13, 2008 Workshop/Retreat January 13, 2008 Special Business January 14, 2008 Workshop January 22, 2008 Regular Business EarthDayEveryDay.~ Celebration Action: Move to co-sponsor the EarthDayEveryDayt event and waive fees for the use of Pope Marine Bldg. for Saturday, April 19, 2008. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 2967 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 2007 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE CONSISTING OF CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE NARRATIVE TEXT, TABLES, AND POLICIES CONTAINED IN THE PORT TOWNSEND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (THE PLAN), ADOPTING FOUR SITE SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS TO THE OFFICIAL LAND USE MAP CONTAINED WITHIN THE PLAN; ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE TEXT AND TABLES OF TITLE 17 ZONING OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE (PTMC), ADOPTING SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ADOPTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 17.12.030 PTMC IN ORDER TO BE CONSISTENT WITH, AND IMPLEMENT THE LAND USE MAP CONTAINED WITHIN THE PLAN; DIRECTING THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO PREPARE REVISED COPIES OF THE LAND USE MAP & OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PREPARE REVISED COPIES OF THE PLAN AND TO CODIFY THE AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 17 ZONING PTMC AS SET FORTH IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; ALL IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 20.04 PTMC AND THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1990, AS AMENDED (CHAPTER 36.70A RCW). Mayor Sandoval read the rules of procedure for the public hearing. City Attorney John Watts proceeded to swear in all those who indicated they wished to testify during the hearing. Mayor Sandoval asked if any Councilors had any Appearance of Fairness or Conflict of Interests issues or disclosures. City Council Business Meeting Page 2 February 4, 2008 Mr. Randels stated that many of the issues to be decided first arose at the Planning Commission when he was a member of that body; he also indicated that he may have initiated one of them through a suggestion to the former Planning Director. He added that he has every confidence he can adjudicate the issue fairly. Mr. King stated that his wife is on the Planning Commission but he has not had any discussions with her about the proposed amendments except a very brief dialogue about the Nomura property. He stated he could adjudicate the issue fairly. Ms. Sandoval noted that one of the proponents, Matthew Shapiro, is a friend and has been a client in the past; she is acquainted with Carol Wise as part of the realty community; and Teri Nomura works for her real estate agency. She stated she could adjudicate the issue fairly. City Attorney Watts noted that none of the above disclosures would prevent those Councilors from adjudicating the matters. There were no objections to any of the Council members participating in the hearing. Mayor Sandoval asked if any members of the Council had any financial or monetary interests relating to any of the items before them in the hearing, There were none. Mayor Sandoval introduced Senior Planner Judy Surber, who reviewed the packet materials relating to the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. She noted this is the 2007 mid-cycle assessment and both formal and suggested amendments were accepted. She added that the Howard Street corridor amendment was dropped from the docket and that the Planning Commission has recommended docketing that item in 2008, Ms. Surber summarized the packet materials regarding the five proposed amendments, and noted that the Planning Commission has recommended adoption of all five proposed amendments as presented in the materials: Amendment 1 Shapiro/Woods Rezone (LUP07-024). Amendment 2 Wise rezone (LUP06-149) Amendment 3 Nomura rezone (LUP07-014) Amendment 4 City of Port Townsend Library Site Rezone (LUP07-03&) Amendment 5 Adoption of Amendments to the Narrative, Text, and Tables of the Comprehensive Plan Mayor Sandoval called for public comment on the proposed amendments City Council Business Meeting Page 3 February 4, 2008 Amendment 1 ShapiroNVoods There were no additional written materials submitted. Eric Toews of Cascadia Planning spoke on behalf of applicants. He stated the applicants support the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the rezoning of the property. He added that the record supports the rezone, and noted particularly that the site is surrounded by commercial uses. There was no further public comment There was brief discussion about the gate at the Credit union, parking requirements for development of the property, and access to the subject property. Mr. Toews noted that these are all issues that will be dealt with at the time of development review and approval of a proposed development project. Amendment 2 Wise Rezone There was no public comment. No additional written materials were received. There was brief discussion regarding access and opportunity for trail creation. Staff noted that these questions would be addressed at the project review level once a proposal is on the table for approval. Amendment 3 Nomura rezone No additional written materials were received. Applicant Teri Nomura stated she is pleased with the recommendation and appreciated staff input. She added that there is not a current plan for the property so it is hard to say exactly what will happen; she stated that at this time it seems reasonable that the neighborhood knows that there is a potential for a mixed use center which would be accessible to the neighborhood and would help alleviate traffic in the overcrowded downtown area. She said she is a real estate agent and knows the city is growing. She added that people fear the unknown and change but she believes this is a positive change. She added that people are looking for housing options within Port Townsend and she is aware that affordable housing is needed particularly. One possible way to address this is through more dense housing, apartment buildings, etc., which is lacking in the City. She knows people have problems thinking they are moving to a rural community and then finding the density is increasing. In this case the area could have a community node with both commercial and residential uses and there would be enough people in the area to keep a commercial component alive. She favors keeping the R II zoning because part of the property is already R III and if the entire property is developed as one plan, some trades might be done so the neighbors closest to Sims Way and water City Council Business Meeting Page 4 February 4, 2005 lines would be impacted less and the denser housing would be closer to the commercial area. Mayor Sandoval called for those in favor of or neutral to the application Candice Cosler stated she is grateful for the process and for the City's recommendation of a change from R III to R II. She added that with properties being changed to commercial mixed use designation, she understands the thinking for high density but would also like to point out this is some of the best agricultural land in the City. She asked if Colinwood Farms would be next in line for rezoning. She stated we must be careful with our consideration of properties and don't want to have development over our best agricultural soil, She stated there is an affordable housing problem but there are creative solutions and gave the example of Burlington, Vermont, where people bring resources together to purchase properties and make affordable housing in perpetuity. She is concerned that in the Comp Plan agricultural land is not a consideration and thinks we now have to be really careful in how we plan our growth. She also submitted information for the public record. Judith Alexander stated she is an active member of Local 2020, which promotes strengthening local access to needs and services, the opposite of globalization. She stated this is not germane specifically to the Nomura proposal, but hopes the Council will think not just of housing needs but also of supporting locally grown food. She hopes the City can help by supplying street ends and other property for neighborhood gardens. Andrew Reding stated he is not against the application per se, and said the site has considerable slopes and rockiness, not really equivalent to what is across F Street. He stated he is concerned about the area on San Juan to the right side going toward the Blue Heron School. He hopes that any will not be seen as a precedent; he also supported the concept of growing food and having open space in the City. Jim Todd expressed his support for the remarks of the last three speakers Staff response Ms. Surber referred to the packet materials regarding the agricultural significance of the site, particularly the final DNS and research done as well as the property owner's historic view of the property, which revealed that the topsoil was scraped and removed from the site many years ago. She also stated that the Planning Commission supported the synergy of having all four corners as mixed use. Mr. Sepler noted that a precedent would not be established nor would there be "creep" effect; the nature of the mixed-use district itself is to be combined into a small physical area. City Council Business Meeting Page 5 February 4, 2008 In response to a question from Mr. Butler, Mr. Sepler noted that the transportation study shows that there is still adequate capacity at the intersection. Ms. Robinson commented that a good portion of the property is retained in singular ownership and the planned unit development process is designed for that; she believes it is likely that as development pressures mount there could be proposals to divide the ownership of the parcels. If someone buys part of the land who has a different vision, it would behoove the City to zone it in an incremental fashion, Amendment 4. City of Port Townsend Library Rezone There was no public comment. Mrs. Medlicott stated she is hesitant to support a change in zoning when she does not know what the Library's expansion plan is. Amendment 5: Adoption of Amendments to the Narrative, Text, and Tables of the Comprehensive Plan Public comment: Bill Nock asked several specific questions about his property in light of the proposed change in density requirements. Staff noted they would be happy to meet with him about his specific concerns. Speaking in opposition [Speaker did not sign in and name was not clear] Stated this is out of keeping with his neighborhood and is in opposition. Carol Bernthol, resident of Eddy Street stated she is in the R-III zone and opposes the nature of "leapfrog" development on the edge of town. She stated this would encourage higher density on the margin of the town and wants to preserve her neighborhood's rural character. She stated she is in favor of affordable housing but you have to look at things like neighborhood character, soils, drainage, etc. She asked that the City look at topography and neighborhood character and be mindful of setting up an unintended trigger effect. Speaking in favor Eric Toews stated he was on the City Planning staff in the 90s and worked hard with the Planning Commission and Council to identify areas within the city suitable for higher density. He said that amulti-family designation becomes meaningless if single-family residence use is allowed there. He noted that Port Townsend is an Urban Growth Area, not a rural area, and as such, there can be no leapfrog City Council Business Meeting Page 6 February 4, 2008 development. He added that the planning and identification for long term development may have had some mistakes but was based on a sound vision. He stated that if the City is serious about affordable housing, then setting a minimum density in these zones is appropriate. Eric Kuzman stated it is aA about taking property that was zoned more densely without the blessing of the property owners and then further establishing minimum densities to which they can build. Teri Nomura asked if there is a notification process to let people in a zoning area know that something might change. Staff Mr. Watts stated that there is no requirement that individual property owners be notified of Comprehensive Plan or zoning changes; there is also no legal issue regarding the City's ability to upzone or downzone so long as it is part of a comprehensive plan or scheme and as long as the uses that are allowed are deemed reasonable by the courts. Ms. Surber noted again that she would be happy to meet with individual property owners and answer their specific questions. She stated that the City is an Urban Growth Area and although it is hard to accept change, these zones have been on the map since 1996. She added that affordable housing is not happening in the City and we must make sure it can be provided; the City has very little R IV zoning and that is not going to solve the housing problem. She stated that all legal notices were clear that the iioward and Hastings amendment was not ready for review at this time and had been removed from the docket; that was also stated at both Planning Commission hearings. Mayor Sandoval closed public testimony at 8:03 p.m. Motion: Mr Randels moved for first reading of Ordinance 2967. Mr. Welch seconded. The Council agreed to discuss and vote separately on each of the five amendments prior to a final vote on the motion to adopt. Amendment 1 Shapiro/Woods Rezone (LUP 07-024) Motion: Mr. Welch moved for approval ofAmendment 1. Mr. Randels seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Amendment 2 Wise Rezone (LUP 06-149) Motion.' Mr. Welch moved for approval of Amendment 2. Mr Butler seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. City Council Business Meeting Page 7 February 4, 2008 Amendment 3 Nomura Rezone (LUP 07-014) Motion.' Mr Welch moved for approval ofAmendment 3. Mr Randels seconded. Ms. Robinson stated that she would like the Council to consider what will happen to this property in terms of zoning if the ownership changes. She also noted she would love to have a further conversation about growing food locally and how that can be accomplished within the design of the Comprehensive Plan. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Amendment 4 City of Port Townsend Library Site Rezone (LUP 07-036) Mrs. Mediicott stated she is not comfortable voting in favor of the rezone until the Library's capital plan is presented to the Council. Mr. Butler stated that correcting the underlying zoning may become a critical factor for grant submittals. Mr. Sepler explained that the current situation is that there are several parcels under common ownership; the key is the definition on P-1 zoning. The Code cites that this zoning is for public facilities such as libraries. He noted that his best speculation is that the current zoning differentiation was inadvertent and the City is proposing to correct it to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code. Motion: Mr. Welch moved for approval ofAmendment 4. Mr Randels seconded. The motion carried, 6-1, Mediicott opposed. Amendment 5: Establish R-III Minimum Density Requirement (LUP07-025) Motion: Mr. Randels moved for approval of Amendment 5, including corrections to tables in Section 3.3 and Section 4.2 suggested by staff. Mr. Butler seconded. Mr. Welch stated that the City must honor its designation as the Urban Growth Area of the County. Mr. Butler spoke in support, citing the need for affordable housing within the City. Mrs. Mediicott asked for information from staff regarding remediation for property owners affected. Ms. Sandoval stated this is at the top of the priority list for the Affordable Housing Action group and would be the first of many implementing ordinances. She stated she understands change is difficult and that property rights are involved but allowing voluntary compliance is not working so she hopes this Council will continue the courageous steps of those who adopted the Comprehensive Plan and take this step forward toward making affordable housing a reality. Vote: the motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote City Council Business Meeting Page 8 February 4, 2008 RECESS Mayor Sandoval declared a recess at 8:28 for the purpose of a break. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 8:41 p.m. Mayor Sandoval called for a vote on fhe motion to adopt first reading of Ordinance 2967. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. ORDINANCE 2965 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 3.37 POPE MARINE BUILDING USE AND REGULATIONS AND CHARGES AND CHAPTER 3.38 CHETZEMOKA PARK FACILITY USE TO REMOVE FEES SECTIONS AND PROVIDE FOR FEES BY RESOLUTION, AND AMEND REGULATIONS RESOLUTION 08-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR PARK FEES AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR POPE MARINE AND CHETZEMOKA PARKS Mr. Watts reviewed the packet material, noting that first reading of Ordinance 2965 was approved at the last business meeting. There was no public comment. Motion: Mr. Welch moved for adoption of Ordinance 2965 and Resolution 08-003. Mrs. Medlicott seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by roll call vote. ORDINANCE 2966 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND REPEALING ORDINANCE 2802 ON POOL FEES, AND PROVIDING FOR FEES BY RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 08-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR POOL FEES City Council Business Meeting Page 9 February 4, 2008 City Attorney John Watts reviewed the packet materials and noted that first reading of Ordinance 2966 occurred at the last business meeting. Public comment Andrew Reding stated he is concerned about setting fees by resolution as it will be easier to raise fees; he also believes there should be no fees for social services. Paul Richmond agreed with Mr. Reding and stated that the City spends too much money on the Police Department. Motion: Mr. Randeis moved for adoption of Ordinance 2966 and Resolution 08-004. Mr Welch seconded. Mr. King noted that this gives the City greater flexibility for managing fees and that the staff has agreed to track the effect of the new fees on participation so that fees can be addressed again if necessary. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by roll caN vote. ORDINANCE 2963 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 8.04.160 -RUNNING AT LARGE PROHIBITED, TO PROVIDE A LEASH REQUIREMENT FOR ANIMALS AT CHETZEMOKA PARK City Attorney John Watts reviewed the packet material, noting that the ordinance has not been modified since first reading at the last business meeting. Public comment: Paul Richmond spoke against the ordinance, characterizing the ordinance as arbitrary and capricious. Barbara McColgan Pastore spoke against the ordinance, noting that if the City emphasized adequate enforcement of the current regulations, the new law would not be necessary and also that there is no mechanism to direct income from fines to go into the Park budget. Hannah McFarland stated that this will cut down on the use of the park and equated damage from dogs running off leash to damage inflicted by deer. Jim Todd spoke in favor of the ordinance, noting that conflicts between dogs on leash and dogs off leash and also between dogs and humans is also damaging. He added that "voice control" is much harder to enforce than a leash requirement. He City Council Business Meeting Page 10 February 4, 2008 added he believes that the law should extend to al! City parks but also advocated establishment of dog parks so that dogs would have a place to play. Motion: Mr. Welch moved for adoption of Ordinance 2963. Mr King seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by roll caU vote. Mr. Watts clarified that there is currently acity-wide leash law; the law does not apply to City parks. Motion: Ms. Sandoval moved that Council task the Park & Recreation Advisory Board to place City-wide investigation into appropriate places for additional off leash parks for dogs on their work plan for this year. Ms. Robinson seconded. The motion carried, 7-0, by voice vote. ORDINANCE 2964 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE AND CREATING A NEW CHAPTER 11.02 PARKS CODE, AND NEW SECTIONS PROHIBITING CAMPING IN PARKS, AND PROVIDING DEFINITIONS AND PENALTY City Attorney Watts reviewed the packet materials and noted that adoption of the ordinance would make the City's regulations consistent with state and county regulations. Public comment: Paul Richmond spoke in opposition to the ordinance. Rosemary Sikes spoke in favor of the ordinance. Pete Gillis spoke in opposition to the ordinance. Jennifer Taylor spoke in opposition to the ordinance. Hannah McFarland spoke in opposition. Brenda McMillan spoke in opposition. Julie Cochrane spoke in opposition. Ron Sikes spoke in support. Willy Stark spoke in opposition. Steve Evans spoke in opposition. City Council Business Meeting Page 11 February 4, 2008 David Goldman spoke in opposition. Andrew Reding spoke in opposition. Barry Christianson spoke in opposition. Mr. Butler noted that there are no recommendations from advisory boards on the issues. He stated he would like the issue sent to a Council committee for further deliberation and research. Ms. Sandoval stated there are multiple issues in discussion; she stated that she has spoken with Jean Baldwin to set up a meeting and that she has tried unsuccessfully to contact OLYcap by phone for the last two days. Ms. Robinson stated there are multiple issues involved and some are not the purview of the Council in terms of social services as these are by law delegated to the County. She is not sure that is it compassionate to allow people to sleep in parks without services to offer. In response to a question from Mr. King, Chief Daily stated that the Police does have the authority to cite people for drinking in public; this could be a basis for asking them to leave the park. Mr. Butler stated that according to Jean Baldwin of the Jefferson County Health Department, this is amulti-jurisdictional issue. Mr. Welch noted that the Council could defer action on this, but not indefinitely, while the community has time to work on a solution. Ms. Sandoval stated that many issues have been brought up; she stated the Council is in a difficult position, trying to do what it can with limited statutory authority; she supported the concept of a task force but stated she does not believe we are fixing anything by not passing the ordinance; allowing camping in the City parks is not a long term solution to any of the problems raised. Mr. Randels stated that an appropriate place to camp is one that is managed; he asked if camping is allowed whether people will look to the City for that service. Motion: Mrs. Medlicott moved to refer the ordinance to the Special Projects Committee and place on the earliest possible agenda to come back before the public with a suggested plan of action. Mr. Butler seconded. Amendment: Mr. Randels suggested an addition to the motion stating that the camping in parks issue come back before the Council no later than the end of August. There were no objections. City Council Business Meeting Page 12 February 4, 2008 Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCE 2968 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING PTMC SECTION 17.72.020 AND RE-ENACTING AND EXTENDING INTERIM PARKING REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE UPTOWN C-III COMMERCIAL DISTRICT ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE 2928 City Attorney John Watts reviewed the packet materials, noting that the Uptown Parking Strategies Committee will conclude its recommendation on February 6; a joint Council/Planning Commission workshop meeting has been tentatively scheduled for March 13 to review the recommendation. This ordinance would keep the interim regulations in place until the Council can act on the recommendation for final recommendation. There was no public comment. Motion: Mr. Randels moved to waive Council rules requiring two readings and for adoption of Ordinance 2968. Mr. Welch seconded. Vote: Motion to waive rules carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Vote.' Motion to adopt Ordinance 2968 carried unanimously, 7-0, by roll cal! vote. RESOLUTION 08-008 JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL, PROVIDING COMPOSITION, TERMS OF OFFICE AND PROCEDURAL RULES FOR THE HOUSING ACTION PLAN NETWORK COMMITTEE Mr. Sepler reviewed the packet materials. Mr. Randels noted he has several concerns and suggested changes to the resolution, which he stated are probably too lengthy to discuss considering the late hour. It was agreed that the Council could move to approve the membership of the committee prior to adopting the resolution. Motion: Ms. Robinson moved to populate the Housing Action Plan Network Committee as proposed. Mrs. Medlicott seconded. City Council Business Meeting Page 73 February 4, 2008 Amendment: Mr Butler asked that Ms. Sandoval be designated as the Council's alternate representative. There were no objections. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Mr. Randels will work with staff to resolve his concerns about the wording of the resolution. A revised version will be brought forward at the next business meeting. PRESIDING OFFICER'S REPORT Mayor Sandoval reported that staff has been tasked to work with County staff to come up with an agreement for some consistent means of billing for jail costs and other contractual issues. She stated she met with Commissioner David Sullivan and City Manager Dave Timmons to outline the issues they need to work through. She added that broader policy issues would come back to the Council in regard to issues such as equitable shares for City/County services and projects as well as a discussion about how services can be shared in order to save costs for both entities. POST OFFICE Mr. Butler stated he would like the Council to discuss the Post Office in terms of what potential there is to preserve its architectural integrity and make is a resource for the community. Mr. Randels noted that the discussion would be premature until the City is able to discuss whether or not the building will remain a Post Office. It was agreed to schedule the discussion for a future agenda, pending further discussions and decisions regarding the status of the building. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Planning Director Rick Sepler stated that the schedule for Town Meetings has been revised so that the first meeting will be a discussion of the community vision and values, particularly regarding the issues of mixed-use development and trails and open space. The funding and jobs/housing balance topics will be scheduled for future Town Meetings. He also noted that discussions are continuing with legislators regarding ferry service. City Council Business Meeting Page 14 February 4, 2008 ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:51 p.m. Attest: `"' ~~i~ U Pam Kolacy, MMC City Clerk City Council Business Meeting Page 15 February 4, 2008