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3111 Howard Street Interim Zoning
Ordinance 3111 Page I of 4 Ordinance 3111 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 17.18 AND 17.20 RELATING TO INTERIM LAND USE REGULATIONS IN THE VICINITY BETWEEN 6TH AND 10TH STREETS AND HOWARD STREET AND DISCOVERY WAY, AND REFERRING THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR HEARING AND REVIEW,AND PROVIDING THAT THE INTERIM REGULATIONS, UNLESS EXTENDED, WILL SUNSET ON THE EARLIER OF SIX(6) MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE OR THE ADOPTION OF REGULATIONS THAT SUPERSEDE THIS ORDINANCE RECITALS: A. Howard Street corridor contains the last significant contiguous area of undeveloped commercial land within the City. The Comprehensive Plan calls for Howard Street(and the Discovery Road corridor) to be transformed into a "...vital, attractive local shopping and commercial services district. " The Plan directs the preparation of a "...corridor master plan for intensive commercial development of the area. " The Comprehensive Plan's Policy 10.9 specifically directs that the master plan should address the following: a. The size and location of proposed land uses; b. Targeted commercial uses; c. Proposed street improvements, including right-of-way acquisition and non- motorized facilities; d. The location of open space and buffers; e. Identification of public improvements and costs necessary to facilitate the planned development; and f. Design guidelines which clearly describe the development characteristics desired. B. The extension of Howard Street is included in the Transportation Capital Investment Program(CIP) as a high priority. C. The Port Townsend Capital Investment Strategy identified the Howard Street and Upper Sims area as one of three prioritized "economic anchors"pivotal to continued community and economic vitality. The corridor is important economically and politically, and development is imminent. An effective planning and development framework for the corridor is critical to ensuring that development meets the goals of Port Townsend's Comprehensive Plan and other policies. D. Planning and Engineering staff have made significant progress towards developing the corridor master plan elements. E. A 2014 grant from the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), combined with local funds, provides funding for the Howard Street project. The grant allocated $2,300,000 toward the extension of Howard Street, between South Park Avenue Ordinance 3111 Page 2 of 4 to Discovery Road, enabling the City to complete the Howard Street alignment by the end of 2015. F. Once construction of the road is complete, utilities and infrastructure will be in place for adjacent properties. The corridor will then contain relatively low-cost commercial land that is served by complete infrastructure. Unless immediate action is taken, the existing C-II (and C-II/MU)properties around Howard Street could develop as lower-density, second-tier commercial, similar to what already exists on Upper Sims Way (creating competition for limited uses that could adversely affect redevelopment opportunities along the upper portions of SR 20). Additionally, any proposed construction activity close to the proposed alignment may encroach on areas needed to accommodate infrastructure that would benefit both the public and future development of the sites by private property owners. G. This Ordinance is intended to preserve the opportunity to establish more appropriate commercial land uses along the Howard Street Corridor while still permitting supportive uses. The Ordinance is not a moratorium on development, but it does include a refined use table to prevent non-supportive uses from developing along the corridor. H. Additionally, the Ordinance establishes a"super-setback" from the centerline of the proposed Howard/Rainier and 6th Street alignments. The setback prevents construction within areas that may be needed for infrastructure (power and communication lines/vaults; stormwater conveyances; etc.). I. The interim controls in this Ordinance, plus any extensions, would be entirely or partially extinguished when either the review and possible revision of zoning is completed and/or the road and supporting infrastructure is fully designed and permitted. J. Section 36.70A.390 of the Revised Code of Washington authorizes the City Council to adopt an immediate moratorium for a period of up to six months provided that a public hearing is held within at least sixty days of its adoption. K. The City Council deems it to be in the public interest to establish interim regulations on the acceptance of any business license or development permit applications for any development that conflict with the terms of this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Port Townsend ordains as follows: Section 1. Within the area identified and shown on the attached Howard Street Corridor Lands Use Map—Interim Control Boundary (Exhibit A), the following provisions are adopted: 1. The Table at PTMC 17.18.020 - Mixed Use Zoning Districts—Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Uses for C-II (MU) is amended to read as set forth in Exhibit B. Ordinance 3111 Page 3 of 4 2. The Table at PTMC 17.18.030 - Mixed Use Zoning Districts—Bulk, Dimensional and Density Requirements for C-11 (MU) is amended to read as set forth in Exhibit C. 3. The Table at PTMC 17.20.020 - Commercial Zoning Districts—Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Uses for C-II is amended to read as set forth in Exhibit D. 4. The Table at PTMC 17.18.030 - Commercial Zoning Districts—Bulk, Dimensional and Density Requirements for C-II is amended to read as set forth in Exhibit E. No business license or development permit applications for any development that conflict with the terms of this section shall be accepted or have any effect. Section 2. Development Limitations. Within the area identified and shown on the attached Howard Street Corridor Lands Use Map—Interim Control Boundary (Exhibit A),the following provisions are adopted: 1. There is adopted a 25-foot setback from the edge of the right of way alignment described in Exhibit H (Right of Way Corridor and Building Setback Requirements) and generally shown on Exhibit F (Howard Street Interim Control) for non-retail uses, unless the use is integrated into a monolithic building. 2. Within an 80-foot wide corridor described in Exhibit H and generally shown on Exhibit G (80' ROW Preservation), no development shall occur, provided, if the DSD Director determines that proposed development would not interfere with the planned and/or likely location of infrastructure (road, utility and stormwater improvements), then the Director may approve a waiver. The Public Works Director is authorized to insert legal descriptions of properties, boundaries and alignments that are consistent with this Ordinance. No business license or development permit applications for any development that conflict with the terms of this section shall be accepted or have any effect. Section 3. Severability. If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4. Publication. This Ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. Section 5. Declaration of Emergency. The City Council hereby declares that an emergency exists necessitating that this Ordinance take effect immediately upon passage by a majority vote plus one of the whole membership of the Council. Without immediate interim regulations on the City's acceptance of applications as set forth in this Ordinance, such Ordinance 3111 Page 4 of 4 applications could become vested, leading to locations that could be incompatible with the codes eventually adopted by the City. Therefore, the interim regulations must be imposed as an emergency measure to protect the public health, safety and welfare, and to prevent the submission of applications to the City in an attempt to vest rights for an indefinite period of time. Section 6. Effective Date and Duration. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect immediately upon passage, as long as it is approved by a majority plus one of the entire membership of the Council, as required by RCW 35A.12.130. Otherwise, it shall be effective five days after publication. The duration of this Ordinance is 180 days, unless extended, and shall terminate earlier on adoption of an ordinance by the City Council that replaces this Ordinance. Section 7. Findings. The City Council adopts the above recitals as findings in support of this Ordinance, Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof, held this 7th day of July 2014. ii David King, Mayor Attest: Approved as to Form: Joanna Sanders, CMC, City Clerk John P. Watts, City Attorney R4 PAPA all .MAI Howard Street Corridor Land Use �/�Mm Interim Control Area July 1,2014 Ordinance 3111 Exhibit B Page I of S Exhibit B Replaces Table 17.18.020 For Commercial C-II(M/U) Mixed Use Zoning Districts Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Uses Key to table: P= Permitted outright; C = Subject to a conditional use permit; X= Prohibited; N/A= Not applicable DISTRICT C-II(MU) APPLICABLE REGULATIONS/NOTES RESIDENTIAL USES (Mixed with other permitted nonresidential uses) Apartment houses P PTMC 17.18.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements; and Ch. 17.36 PTMC, Multifamily Residential Development Standards. Ground floor uses must be commercial. Attached single-family X PTMC 17.18.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. residences (i.e., duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes) Bearding houses(four or P Same as above legging and rooming houses (five or more roo Detached single-family X residences Group homes for the X "Group homes"are considered an "essential public facility" under RCW disabled, attached (six or 36.70A.200; "...their siting cannot be precluded by development fewer residents) regulations..."; and PTMC 17.13.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. Multifamily dwellings P PTMC 17 18.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements: and Ch. 17.36 PTMC, Multifamily Residential Development Standards. Ground floor uses must be commercial. Residential treatment C "Group homes"are considered an"essential public facility' under RCW facilities including group 36.70A.200; "...their siting cannot be precluded by development homes for the disabled regulations..."; and PTMC 17.18.030, Bulk, dimensional and density (seven or greater) requirements. Residences above P The Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan identifies this as the commercial uses preferred form of development within mixed use zoning districts. Ordinance 3111 Exhibit B Page 2 of 3 Townhouses or P PTMC 17.18.036, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements; and Ch. rowhouses (zero lot lines) 17.36 PTMC, Multifamily Residential Development Standards. Ground floor uses must be commercial. OFFICE USES BaRks � Bulk, Jimoncinnol onr ronoitr ron iromcP P-T � : nfc B Usiness senriges P Same as above- F!RaRGial instit-tionss P Came as above f Lltnesvry�a1 Offioes government G Cnmo as above Veterinary hospitals 6` Same as above- COMMERCIAL USES Adult entertainment X facilities Amusement devices, up to P Same as above. five Amusement narks n 6` Same as above-. ranters Antique anrt gift salon P Same as above- Apparel and accessory P Same as above. If maiority of merchandise for sale is produced on-site. stores Arcade amusement R Same as above. Art galleries P Same as above. Building materials garden and farm supp4e&-&� (�nnvepienne stores G Same as above-. Confectioneries P Same as above. If maiority of merchandise for sale is produced on-site. Custom, art and craft work P Same as above. If maiority of merchandise for sale is produced on-site. Education and music P Same as above. studio Ordinance 3111 Exhibit B Page 3 of 5 Food stores and grocery P Same as above. stores Formula retail X See Chapter 17.54 PTMC for applicable regulations and definitions. establishments (including formula restaurants) General merchandise P Same as above. If majority of merchandise for sale is produced on-site. stores Microbreweries C PTMC 17.18.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. The manufacturing component within any microbrewery located within a mixed use zoning district must be subordinate and accessory to a primary retail use. Offi Ge c 1,,.n Ea nl'cc nrl R _1_7 952 0301 Bulk, dimensional and density req �iromeRts equipment Other food services P Same as above. I?, Came as above- supply teFes Restaurants(excluding P Same as above. those with drive-in or drive-through service) Specialty stores P Same as above. If majority of merchandise for sale is produced on-site. COMMERCIAL SERVICE USES Catering establishments P Same as above. Same as above Health clubs, dance P Same as above. studios, martial arts studios Laundromats and laundry R Same as above—. seniires .�c-n--a-rvvv Personals P Same as above-. Printing, r•ommerdal P Same as above-. SeNiGing of personal P Same as . apparel and equipment Ordinance 3111 Exhibit B Page 4 of 5 Small applinnnc ronnir P Same as above— ACCESSORY USES Accessory buildings and P Same as above. accessory structures TEMPORARY USES Christmas tree sales P Ch. 17.60 PTMC, Temporary Uses. G entra Gtnr nffiGes and P Same as above- medel hemes Outdoor art and craft P Same as above. shows Retail or service activities P Same as above. conducted out of temporary structures and/or trailers Rummage or other P Same as above. outdoor sales Sidewalk and parking lot P Same as above. sales Yard or garage sales P Same as above. OTHER USES Bewfieg-alleys ? Sarne as above-. Child day care centers P Ch. 17.52 PTMC, Child Care Facilities; and PTMC 17.18.030, Bulk, and stand alone dimensional and density requirements. preschools Churches X .18.03Q, Bulk, dimensional and density req uiromcntc Family home Ghild Gare P. Ch 17.52 DTMG Child Care Facilities; and PTMC 17 182 !1_1_0_o3o113unL dimensional and density Feq irementc Home occupations P Ch. 17.56 PTMC, Home Occupations. Personal wireless service N/A Refer to Ch. 17.78 PTMC, Personal Wireless Service Facilities, for list facilities of permitted, conditional and prohibited uses and other substantive requirements Ordinance 3111 Exhibit B Page 5 of 5 Public facilities C PTMC 17.18.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. Radio and television C Such facilities are allowed in all zoning districts subject to PTMC towers 17.18.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements, and the conditional use permit requirements of Chapter 17.84 PTMC; however, such facilities are prohibited within the limits of the Port Townsend National Register Historic District, except as provided in applicable Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations. Satellite dishes, P Satellite dishes and antennas shall meet the requirements of PTMC noncommercial, and 17.18.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements, except as antennas provided in applicable Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations. Schools C Chapter 18.20 PTMC, Binding Site Plans; and PTMC 17.18.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. Sheltered transit stops P Sheltered transit stops may be required as a condition of development approval for projects which exceed the SEPA categorical exemption thresholds of WAC 197-11-305. (Ord. 2977 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2916§ 5, 2006; Ord. 2912 §2, 2005; Ord. 2825 §4, 2003; Ord. 2700§§ 12, 13, 1999; Ord. 2670 §§ 3.3, 3.4, 1998; Ord. 2571 §2, 1997). Ordinance 3111 Exhibit C Page I of 2 Exhibit C Replaces Table 17.18.030 For Mixed Use C-II(M/U)Zoning District Bulk, Dimensional and Density Requirements DISTRICT C-II/MU MINIMUM LOT SIZE 5,000 sf MINIMUM FRONT YARD None for retail uses 25 feet for all other uses unless functionally integrated SETBACKS with on-site retail uses. MAXIMUM FRONT YARD None SETBACKS MINIMUM REAR YARD None except: 20 feet if abutting an R-I or R-II zoning district; 5 feet if abutting SETBACKS an R-III or R-IV zoning district MINIMUM SIDE YARD None except: 10 feet if abutting an R-1 or R-11 zoning district; 5 feet if abutting SETBACKS an R-111 or R-IV zoning district MINIMUM NUMBER OF 2 STORIES (in any principal building) MAXIMUM BUILDING 50 feet except: (a)2 stories, up to 40 feet within 100 feet of an abutting R-I or HEIGHT R-II district; or(b)40 feet if the development has no residential use component and as specified by PTMC 17.46.080 MINIMUM GROUND FLOOR 12 feet CLEAR CEILING HEIGHT MINIMUM BUILDING None FRONTAGE ALONG PRIMARY STREET FRONTAGE All-commercial developments(i.e., no residential component): 0.25 sf of gross floor area per 1 sf of lot area. MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA Mixed-commercial/residential developments:A base floor area ratio of 0.25 sf RATIO of gross floor area per 1 sf of lot area, plus a bonus of 1 sf of gross floor area of nonresidential use for each 1 sf of residential use, up to a maximum floor area ratio of 3 sf of gross floor area per 1 sf of lot area for the project as a whole. Ordinance 3111 Exhibit C Page 2 of 2 MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF ANY INDIVIDUAL LEASABLE None COMMERCIAL SPACE* MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF COMMERCIAL FLOOR SPACE 60,000 sf (in any one structure) MAXIMUM HOUSING 24 DENSITY(units per 40,000 (1,666 sf of lot area per unit) square foot area) MINIMUM AVERAGE HOUSING DENSITY None (units per 40,000 square foot area) MINIMUM OPEN SPACE Minimum open space shall not be less than 10%of total gross floor area; AND TREE CONSERVATION preservation of existing trees, and/or, new trees shall be provided consistent with Chapter 19.06 PTMC,Article III, Standards for Tree Conservation *Excluding storage areas which are incidental and subordinate to the commercial use. Ordinance 3111 Exhibit D Page I of 8 Exhibit D Replaces Table 17.20.020 for Commercial C-II Zoning District Permitted, Conditional and Prohibited Uses Key to table: P= Permitted outright; C= Subject to a conditional use permit; H = Subject to conditional use requirements for historic structures; X= Prohibited; N/A= Not applicable DISTRICT C-II APPLICABLE REGULATIONS/NOTES FOOD SERVICE USES Bakeries, retail P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. Confectioneries and artisan P Same as above. cheesemaking Drinking establishments P Same as above. (bars, cocktail lounges, night clubs, and taverns) Microbreweries, P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. microdistilleries and The manufacturing component within any microbrewery, microwineries microdistillery or microwinery located within a mixed use zoning district must be subordinate and accessory to a primary retail use. Other food service P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements.A establishments including manufacturing component may be permitted within any such use; coffee houses, provided, that it is subordinate and accessory to a primary retail delicatessens, ice cream use(e.g., coffee roasting, meat curing, etc.). Within the C-II(H) parlors,juice bars, etc. zoning district,food service uses must be subordinate and accessory to a medical services establishment. Restaurants with drive-in or P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. drive-through service Restaurants without drive-in P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. or drive-through MANUFACTURING USES Ordinance 3111 Exhibit D Page 2 of 8 Apparel and other related C PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements; products manufacture and PTMC 17.84.060, Additional approval criteria—Conditional uses assembly in historic commercial structures. Beat building, repair, R Town end. Electrical and electronic C Same as above. goods manufacture and assembly Fuel stnrone fonilities G Same as above Furniture and fixtures C Same as above. manufacture and assembly Computer equipment C Same as above. manufacture and assembly Custom, art and craft work C Same as above. Medical and optic goods C Same as above. manufacture and assembly Printing, noncommercial P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. Mini storages a Rd O Welding and fabrication C Same as above. Whelesal+ag S Sarne as above- OFFICE USES Barks P Same as above-. BUSiRess R Same as above- FmnanGial institi itiens Offices business and PJ Same as above-. professional prmc-o�rm�ccr OffiGeS, mediGal P- Same as above- Veterinary hospitals P- Same as abov-e- RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL USES Ordinance 3111 Exhibit D Page 3 of 8 Amusement devices, up to P Same as above. five S Same as above- GeRters Arnade amusement P Same as abeve-. Art galleries P Same as above. Bowling alleys P Same as above-. Health clubs, dance studios, P Same as above. martial arts studios i Libraries M �ccrseumvs G came as above Recreation, commercial P Same as above. Stadiums, arenas and P Same as above. assembly halls Theaters, not including P Same as above. drive-ins RESIDENTIAL USES Apartment houses P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, density and dimensional requirements; and Chapter 17.36 PTMC, Multifamily Residential Development Standards, and permitted on upper floors only. Boarding houses(six or P Same as above. fewer roomers)and lodging and rooming houses (seven or more roomers) Homeless shelters C PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. The director may authorize a waiver of the basic permit fee. Multifamily dwellings P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, density and dimensional requirements; and Chapter 17.36 PTMC, Multifamily Residential Development Standards, and permitted on upper floors only. Owner/operator residences P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements; such uses shall only be allowed if clearly subordinate and accessory to a primary commercial use and permitted on upper floors only. Ordinance 3111 Exhibit D Page 4 of 8 Residential treatment X PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. facilities COMMERCIAL USES Adult entertainment facilities X Adult entertainment facilities may be located only in the downtown C-III zoning district, south of Jefferson Street. Within the downtown C-III zoning district, adult entertainment facilities may not be located within 150 feet from any existing school as defined by PTMC 17.08.060, Definitions; day care center; Pope Marine Park, skateboard park or Memorial Field; or another existing adult entertainment facility(measured from the closest points of the uses in question). COMMERCIAL RETAIL USES Antique and gift sales R PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. Apparel and accessory P Same as above. If majority of merchandise for sale is produced stores on-si R Same as above. ccni^^i n..,,cestahlishmen#s new used Beat sales and rentals P Same as above_ Building materials garden and farm supplies stores GGRven4enG_e stores R Same as above_ Farmer's markets P Same as above. Flea markets P Same as above. Food stores and grocery P Same as above. stores Formula retail P; except See Chapter 17.54 PTMC for applicable regulations and establishments (including X within definitions. Formula retail establishments are prohibited within formula restaurants) historic the Port Townsend historic overlay district. overlay district Ordinance 3111 Exhibit D Page 5 of 8 Furniture;and home P Same as above. If maiority of merchandise for sale is produced furnishings, I+aRse on-site- stores General merchandise stores P Same as above. If maiority of merchandise for sale is produced n- i . Mobile, manufaGtWed and P- Same as modular hGU6ing sales . Mater vehicle solos above. OfFine supplies and above- equipment �i�pment Dharmaries and m P-edical Came as above- supply ster@S Rant nurseries landSGaninn P Came as shove 'm^^aa^tteme�rii..,alls nreenho uses (°°�FGiaq Regional retail X All uses permitted in the C-II district are permitted so long as the establishments structure and use meet the definition for"regional retail." Specialty stores P PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. If maiority of merchandise for sale is produced on-site. SERVICE USES, HEALTH Hospitals X PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. Preferred uses in this district are medical related. Massage nlinin Or renter P- Came as above Nursing, rest or X Same as above. convalescent homes Offines merliral P- Same as above- SERVICE USES, LODGING Apartment hotels X Same as above. Bed and breakfast inns X Same as above. Hotels/motels, hostels P Same as above. Lodging houses X Same as above. Ordinance 3111 Exhibit D Page 6 of 8 Tourist homes X Same as above. PERSONAL SERVICE USES Child day care centers, P Chapter 17.52 PTMC, Child Care Facilities; and PTMC preschools 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements. Permitted only when nnnUrring in the residence where the P- 17.52 PT G, Child CareFe�fides. Funeral parlGrs and F �_�-MG 7 on_e-ag, RL lk dimensional and density requirements. mortuaries taUi-d ro mats . Laundry y services P- Same as above. Came as above SERVICE USES, MISCELLANEOUS A utmmGhile rental agencies P Same as above. Automobile towing serve nes . establishment miner repair EaF washes . Catering establishments P Same as above. Colleges and universities C Same as above. (public or private)without students in residence Equipment rental senyires �, Same as abow—, nn�m mfc�E�,l Mini storages and P- Same as above- rn"no warehouses Radio and televiSiOR stud P- Same as above Schools, commercial P Same as above. Ordinance 3111 Exhibit D Page 7 of 8 and n;aF*Re Se Nixing of personal apparel and equipment Small Same as above ��'`h����G P- 64GPS Tg Gk frailer and P- Sarne as above- reGreational vehinle rental PUBLIC FACILITY USES Electrical distribution C Same as above. substations Municipal improvements P Same as above. Offinec government P Same ac ahnve Recycling facilities, minor P Same as above. Stormwater retention, P Same as above. detention, and treatment facilities Telephone evrhange . TEMPORARY USES f nnfrontnr nffinec P- Chapter 4:L-.N DTMG T pnr�,ary Uses; and DTMG 4:L-2-G-.034,. Bulk, dornencinnal and density requirements- Christmas tree sales P Same as above. GarnivalG/GiFGU6e P- Same as above Outdoor art and craft sales P Same as above. Parking lot/sidewalk sales P Same as above. Rummage sales P Same as above. Retail or service activities P Same as above. conducted out of temporary structures and/or trailers Swap meets P Same as above. OTHER USES Ordinance 3111 Exhibit D Page 8 of 8 Accessory buildings and P Same as above. structures ChUFGhes . Conference centers P Same as above. DOGks and piers for P- Same as nhnvo pleasure GFaft Ferny landings P- Same as nhnvo Fraternal nrnnn4atk)nc Garage, public parking P Same as above. Personal wireless service N/A Refer to Chapter 17.78 PTMC, Personal Wireless Service facilities Facilities, for list of permitted, conditional and prohibited uses and other substantive requirements. Radio and television towers C Such facilities are allowed in all zoning districts subject to the conditional use permit requirements of Chapter 17.84 PTMC; however, such facilities are prohibited within the limits of the Port Townsend National Register Historic District; and PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimensional and density requirements, except as provided in applicable Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations. Satellite dishes, P Satellite dishes and antennas shall meet the requirements of noncommercial, and PTMC 17.20.030, Bulk, dimension and density requirements, antennas except as provided in applicable Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations. (Ord. 3035§§ 3, 6, 2010; Ord. 2982 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2977§ 1, 2008; Ord. 2924§ 1, 2006; Ord. 2916§ 3, 2006; Ord. 2912 § 3, 2005; Ord. 2825§4, 2003; Ord. 2782§4, 2001; Ord. 2716§4.7, 1999; Ord. 2700 §§ 15, 16, 1999; Ord. 2599 § 2, 1997; Ord. 2571 §2, 1997). Ordinance 3111 Exhibit E Exhibit E Replaces Table 17.20.30 for Commercial C-II Zoning District Bulk, Dimensional and Density Requirements DISTRICT C-II RESIDENTIAL Residences allowed above the ground floor, or as part of a development REQUIREMENTS combining residential with commercial uses where permitted by the shoreline master program, subject to the requirements below MINIMUM LOT SIZE 5,000 sf None for retail uses. 25 feet for all other uses unless functionally intearated FRONT YARD SETBACKS with on-site retail uses. REAR YARD SETBACKS None unless contiguous with an R-I, R-II or R-III zoning district, then 15 feet, or 20 feet if building height is >20 feet SIDE YARD SETBACKS None unless contiguous with an R-1, R-11 or R-III zone, then 15 feet, or 20 feet if building height is> 20 feet MAXIMUM GROUND FLOOR 40,000 sf AREA, (in any one structure) MAXIMUM GROSS FLOOR 60,000 sf AREA 40 feet if more than 2 stories but limited to no more than 3 stories and as MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT specified by PTMC 17.46.080 MINIMUM GROUND FLOOR 12 feet if structure is 2 or more stories CEILING HEIGHT MAXIMUM FENCE HEIGHT2 8 feet, unless otherwise authorized through applicable design review process TREE CONSERVATION Preservation of existing trees, and/or, new trees shall be provided consistent with Chapter 19.06 PTMC,Article 111, Standards for Tree Conservation Multiple structures on a single property or reviewed as a single development proposal may not be attached to exceed 40,000 square feet ground floor area. Such multiple structures must be separated by the minimum separation standards as established by PTMC 17.44.040 when their combined ground floor area exceeds 40,000 square feet. 2 Maximum fence heights apply only within any required front, side, or rear setback area or along the edge of any required yard. Fences over six feet and retaining walls may require a building permit. Ordinance 3111 Exhibit E Y © d ■ O a ♦ e� I Sy^ 0 Howard Street Interim Control 60' ROW 25' Interim Setback for '•4 Non-Retail N rye:Eri Di itadG obeGe ®ub� b U July 1,2014 o gi y \, _ , SG `E=X hem p•1 o• i fsN fs' ss•p• ndh'eCIS User Co 1' 47 ' da Mi , v Mh M Howard Street ROW Preservation 80' ROW�.. :. _� �,#/�� �_._.•�__LLB.x -�I� _. , s Preservation July 1,2014 `� M CJ T CL CL CL L ° o O a n m ° _ .SZ 0 0- C U) CL rn C =o a) 'aC c rn a) ° ° c � m Q Q a) L) JG W o a) a) )M C: —C aS ai aS �, 0 O o ° Yc c c m Y a) cYi ate) m a1) ° Q °- -C CL n C_ C_ Q- c o, m vj O O O -C N O C C O N C v a) � N ° 'C L 'O O O M 'mO c C E c ° C cm C O7 L a) ao C — a) a) •� a) (o O Q O O L N d a aMi n 3 3 m c L) o°"$ ca c V E 3 p -c � O�•� O Q C O L a3 N y O L d 3 a) O L L ° a a N O Q O -C � a) v O a)O N a co N .0 L m ) O a) ` N O O .+ L N la a0 N a) as a) O w O_ N c 2r � a) 0 a) "O fn y co c O m 0-)) .0 o N Q O N N a) .iL-. (a N a) .0 O C U U t a 2) a) a a) L � � 0) N N O y C C a) L O 0 0 0 0 al O no •� M C M M F– Q> C 2i fn .� _O C v, U O C N 1 Q U 0 O N (1) 0 c ° O M a) a) m m C '� o o w C C C C _ U >, 0 C3) L U O U >` O 'C L m 0 C -0 C L- -C .0 a) a) a) a) C_ O ?� C_ Q C_ C_ ° O _ U O O O O L L � O 4) n a o_ O N C C_ a) a) - E L c L L L O ° L a) a) a� m O °) L Q ` O Q 70 (a C N O 4- L ° `„ o m a) m () �_ to N a) m C 'O 3 O 0 0 O C 4) � a) O O ) .— (o O M f°n O 0 `m `m a) N to C) 0)—- a) N O c (60 .� U L .0 G j ?� a) a) N c c ""' C .L N O U 0 D C CO .0 N O O O)_ o " O) _ O c 3 a) a) 3 c°n U -0 ° m .c C a) a) a) m a) c- N (L) a) c)- d) 41) N a) ' N " ca �+ w O O O O v T m U C to -,.e O O (n d- It — _ a] a) L a 3 d u°)) u°)) v°)) u°) `� Y � oo � ° U � o m a) a) a) ca M ° Q) 3 c`no �' °) N — N t� M �' It N +-� O O O O d 0 O O O O .6 U E I� ti N a a z