HomeMy WebLinkAbout2062 Water System RegulationsORDINANCE NO.
Section 1
Section 2 of Ordinance 1110, together with Section 13.12.020
of the Port Townsend Municipal Code are each hereby amended to read as
13.12.020 Defi.n!~tions. "Superintendent" whenever used in this
chapter means the water superintendent of the city, and any act in
this chapter required or authorized to be done by the superintendent,
may be done on bahalf of the superintendent by an authorized officer
or employee of the water department. "Person" wherever used in this
chapter means and includes natural persons of either sex, associa~
tions, copartners, and corporations, whether acting by themselves
or by a servant, agent, or employee; the singular number shall be
held and construed to include the plural, and the masculine pronoun
to include the feminine. A ~"~.~n~t" is a bui.1..din.g' Or-_ par~-thereof
designed four livinq .or~ .sleleDi_ng .qua. rt_ers .fo.r .a. si.n.gle., family, or
in the case_ o~f ~a comm. e.rci.al..b.u.i.!d~i.nq, ~a. bu.ilding or po.r. tion .the_.reof
~served~'b¥ on.e.'iwa.t'_e_~'~e~.elr~.~.3"HgsD.!tals~ n~r~s!n~CL .homes, ...and other con-
gregate care facilities .will._ .b_e_..consider_ed commercial buildings.
Section 2
Section 6 of Ordinance 1110, as amended by Section 1 of
Ordinance 1601, together with Section 13.12.060 of the Port ToWnsend
Municipal Code, are each hereby amended to read as follows:
13.12.060 Service Connections-- Ins~a!!~.~i.0D. Upon the presenta-
tion at the office of the superintendent, of the treas~.rer's receipt
for the installation fee(s) and the execution of the contract provided
for in this chapter, the superintendent shall cause the premises
described in the application, if the same abut upon a street in which
there is a city water main, to be connected with the city water main
by a service pipe extending at right angles from the main to the
property line and including a stop cock placed approximately one foot
outside the sidewalk area, which connection shall thereafter be main-
tained by and kept within the exclusive control of the city. In
case of application for water service on premises not abutting upon
a street in wh'ich there is a city water main, (~e-e~y-w~-~-~e
~e-~e~ aceS- a~-~he-~epe ~y-ewae~,s-e~ea se-w~ea-a-wa~e ~-ma~a-~ s
ma~ contract_ with _a_ lice~.s~d~ ~ontractor to extend the water sy.s.tem
to the street inters, ect.~on beyond ~his. p~oper~,, al.1 a.t. ~is ow~
expense.,_ .and in the m.an~r provided b~. o,r~.i~a~ce, .... Minimum di~eter
of the water main. s~a.l.l_ b~_ _6rinch. e.s,. e~cept, ..t~.~t if the compre-
hensive water p_lan fndi. c. ate.~..a..siz~.....1..arqer or smaller,..that size
shall be i~stall~d... V.a.!ve_s..sh~l.1. ~ p.!.a~_.where dire.crud by the
Public Works Depar~me.~t. Upon the discretion of the
Public Works Departm~n.t, the city may, upon pa~ent of all costs
by the owner, extend any water main or water line along or through
any street, alley or road in the city. Nothing in this chapter
shall be deemed in conflict with the provisions for extension and
construction of water mains and lines under Section 13.12.080,
the option for such mode and means of construction and payment being
retained in the (sape~a~e~:Se~) Pnb.l.i~. W~rks~ DeRar. tment, nor shall
such options be deemed to have priority over any local improvement
district, general project, or special assessment program which may
apply to property affected by the te~s hereof. Where there is a
water main in front of any premises, every house supplied by said
main or extension thereof must install its o~ separate service
connection with the city water system, and the premises so supplied
shall not be pe~itted to supply water to any o~her premises,
except upon the express approval of the (sape~a~e~Sea~)Public Works
Department for temporary service only, or where no service can
otherwise be supplied in a practical manner~ provided, that existing
agreements as to such service shall not be rescinded hereby~ pro-
vided, further, that where two or more buildings are supplied by
one service through a meter, not less than the minimum rate for
premises supplied by meter provided for in this chapter shall be
assessed for each separate building or premises so supplied.
Section 3
Section 7 of Ordinance 1110, together with Section 13.12.070
of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, are each hereby amended to read
as follows:
13.12.070 Pipe -- Stand.~r~ M.a~eria. ls. ~T Maintenance. All persons
connecting to city services (e~-~ay~-~he~-ew~-p~v~e-~pe) shall
be required to use only (s~a~a~-~a~va~e~-~e~-p~e) pipe con-
forming to Section 9.~30.6..~.. tbe..DOT/ApWA Standard..Sp~ci~ications up
to and including two inches in size, and all pipe shall be laid not
less than eighteen inches below the establish grade. (~e-s~pe~-
~-s~ee~v--~ee~-~e~-a~eve-ease? (e)O_wners shall maintain their
private pipes from the end of the city service to and into their
property, or in case the superintendent finds it necessary to main-
tain the same the owner shall relinquish all rights to said pipes.
Section 4
Section 8 of Ordinance 1110, together with all amendments
thereto, and Section 13.12.080 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code,
are each here and hereby amended to read as follows:
13/12.080 Fees .fo~se..rvicD ~onDD,ctio~s-~.~reation of_ watermain
revolving fD.n~. A. The fees for service connections are as follows:
1. For the installation of pipe up to and including
three-fourths-inch diameter connections, the charge shall be two
hundred and fifty dollars.
2. Fees for one-inch one-and-one-half-inch and two-
inch connections shall be three hundred fifty dollars, seven hundred
dollars, and one thousand dollars, respectively, except that where
it becomes necessary to open pavement or hard-surface streets the
actual cost of labor and materials in the laying of such service
and replacement of pavement or hard surface shall be charged.
3. Water tap fees for multiple-unit service and/or
mobile home parks under one ownership will be charged the basic fee
for the size tap requested plus a one-hundred-dollar fee for each
additional unit.
4. For services outside the city limits and not connected
to the general water system which serves the area outside the cor-
porate limits of the city, the cost of such service shall be five
hundred dollars for installation up to three-quarter-inch diameter.
Fees for one-inch, one-and-one-half-inch and two-inch shall be six
hundred dollars, nine hundred dollars, and one thousand two hundred
dollars, respectively, plus the actual cost of removing and replac-
ing street surfaces.
B. From fees charged for the sale of taps outside the city
limits, fifty percent is to be put into a fund for the replacement
or improvement of that portion of the system.
C. In the case of installation of service along a city street
in which no main exists, the fees specified in this section shall
apply. In addition, the applicant for service shall pay all costs
of labor and material for the laying of such service and water lines
and the repair of streets, payable in advance by the applicant.
similar ,s~tructu_re~ isa moved u.poD., p~rop~e.r,ty..On, which there ~ is already
a house or oth~e_r s_truc~.u.r~e ~einq se.r.v.e..d~ by. c.ity .,w.ater. serv!..c.~., and
the same is to b~e~..Us~.d .a.s~ a~ p~e ~rm~aDe.n..t..residence_ an,~, is not physically
connected~.tO ~th~e.~ ~x.ist. inq..ho~use .o~r~ .O~tlh~er.. ,$.truct.ure,~ th.en sug,h t.r. ai, ler,
mobi!.e hom.e.o.r .s.i~ila.r s,.tr.u~c~t.D~r.e. ,.w.~i.l~l. ~r~e_quir.e.~ .a_ separat.e..service and
me te r.
E. Outsid.e~ ~th,e..c.i.ty~ !.i..m..i.tsn if_ ~a~ ~d,e.vel!,.oper~ .installs ware _rmains,
service lin~e.s .and~ ~.ete~r~ bo_x~s..i.n.~ a. p!.a.t.,~ h..e .will be~. ,ch, arged One
Hundred Do!!ar.s .f.or. ~the ~in~sta!~!.a~t.i~on o~f~ .t~h~e m,.e.t..em~r,, plus Tw~o~,~Hundred
an.d FiftY~ Do~l~!.a~r.s f0~r. ~th.e~ _!~iD.e~ ~i.mp.royD~me_nt .fund that is as.se.ssed
t h ro u qhout ,t he ~co.unty~..
Se,c,,tipn 5
Section 11 of Ordinance 1110, together with Section
13.12.110 of the Port T6wnsend Municipal Code are each amended to
read as follows:
13.12.110 New buildinq-~-~.~aDsfer of. gpnD~gtion. When new buildings
are to be erected on the site of the old ones and it is desired to
increase the size or change the location of the old service connec-
tion, or where a service connection to any premises is abandoned
or no longer used, such connection shall remain with the property.
When a new main is laid in any street, owners of premises on said
street, (e~-w~eh~m-eme-h~}~-B~ee~-em-s~e-se~eeesT) who are being
supplied with city water from a private main or connection to a
private service shall make application for tap and shall connect up
with a separate service connection to the main in front of premises.
Section 6
Section 14 of Ordinance 1110, together with Section
13.12.140 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code are each amended to
read as follows:
13.12.140 Lien--Shut-o~.f. Ail water rates will be charged against
the premises for which the service was installed. All charges for
water, when the same become delinquent and unpaid, shall be a lien
against the premises to which the same has been furnished. In
case any charges for water shall become a lien against any premises
the water shall be shut off until such charges are paid, except as
otherwise provided .iD.~thi.s.~hap.t~r..~ All applications for turning
-4- 1o 1
on water shall be in writing and shall be signed by the owner of
the property or duly authorized agent. If a_ _w~ate.r b_i!! aqainst
premi.s~s, i.s o.ut. st, an~di.nq add. ~e~ma,i~ns. ~unp. ai~d ~when a new owner purchases
a Droper~ty, ~t~he, n.9~w. ~ow~n. er..,~mus.t pay~ ~tha~t ob.i.1 !~ p~ri~or to having t.he
water__tu.rned on.
s e c t.,i q.n ..,7
Section 17 of Ordinance 1110, Section 2 of Ordinance 1979,
together with Section 13.12.170 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code
are each amended to read as follows:
13..,1~2.1,7.0.. U~n. au..t,h~o,r.iz~ed ~t,amp~er~i~nq. w.i.t_h stopcock. If any person,
other than an authorized plumber or an employee of the water depart-
ment, turns the water on or off at the city's stopcock for any
reason whatever, the superintendent shall cause the water to be
shut off, the wat~r m~et_e.r ~wi!.! be. removDd_ by the _ci~tY, and the water
will not be turned on again until all delinquent charges against
the property have been paid and until there has been paid an
additional charge of five hundred dollars for turning on or such
water service.
Section 8
Section 22 of Ordinance 1110; Section i of Ordinance 1172;
Section 1 of Ordinance 1372; Section 1 of Ordinance 1471; Section 4
of Ordinance 1601; Section 2 of Ordinance 1789; Section 1 of Ordin-
ance 1830; Section 2 of Ordinance 1941; Section 4 of Ordinance 1979;
together with Section 13.12.220 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code,
are each here and hereby amended to read as follows:
13.12.220,' Me,te,r ,r.~t~s.. A. All other services shall be by meter,
and the rates for water supplied by meter shall be for the quantity
used in any one month as follows: A minimum rate of seven dollars
and fifty cents within the corporate limits of the city and eight
dollars outside the city for eight thousand gallons or less; sixty
cents for each one thousand gallons or fraction thereof, above the
first eight thousand gallons.
B. Any inactive water tap located outside the city
limits, whether there be construction or improvements of any kind
upon the premises or not, shall be charged and shall pay a minimum
monthly charge of six dollars, to be known as a "standby charge,"
and said standby charge shall apply to all taps outside the city
limits, whether or not said tap has ever been active. In the event
of nonpayment of standby charge for a period of three months or more,
the tap shall be deemed abandoned, and the city shall assume no
further liability ~r responsibility for supplying water to or through
such tap, and the right of the owner thereof to draw water from the
city supply shall terminate. The owner's right to draw water there-
after will be granted upon payment of total delinquent standby
charges, or payment of the tap fee, whichever is the smaller amount.
C ..... Hote~l S, ~o,te!_s_,. apar~tmen_ts ~and other., multiple ~'use
buildings..o_.r _stru_ctu~r~_s. b~. ing served~, by_ _a sin.g.!~e wat~e_r__ meter wi111' 'be~
bil led at. one., .,h.u_ndr_e.d. percen~t o~c.c~paDcy...un,le~s.s, o~w~. er_ or his agent
rep.o.r..t..s~' .a_ctu~al. occDpangy. ~for~ e.a_c.h ~m~th p~rior~ to the 10th of the
fo 1 1 owing mOrt. th .tO. t.h.e _City U~ti_l!tie s_..Of fi~er,
S6~'tion 9
Section 23 of Ordinance 1110; Section I of Ordinance 1172;
Section 1 of Ordinance 1369; Section 2 of Ordinance 1453; Section 5
of Ordinance 1601; Section 1 of Ordinance 1632; Section 5 of Ordinance
1979; and Section 13.12.230 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code are
each here and hereby amended to read as follows:
13.12.230 _ P~a ~ymDn.t ~o.~ ~il~l~. Ail bills for water are due and payable
on the first day of each month at the office of the city treasurer;
provided, however, that if any such bill is not paid on or before
the tenth day of the month in which it accrues, it shall be considered
delinquent and a penalty of fifty cents shall be added to the charged
amount. In the computation of time for this section, should the
tenth day of the month fall on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the
first working day for the city treasurer's office thereafter shall
be treated as the tenth day of the month. In all cases where charges
for water are not paid within sixty days, paYment may be enforced
by shutting off the water until all charges, including shutoff and
turnon charges, are paid.
When_ an. erro~r ._i~n. bil!inq .is dis,c.q.vere.d.. _by ..~..r..b.rought to
the attention o.f...the~ ut~il.i~t~ie.s depa_rtme_nt, the_ _e. rror ,w,i,.l~!,~ b,,e co,r,~ec,ted
back .tQ the. ~im.e .of_ the. Rrey. ious me.t~_r. _re.ad.ing.
Sep,tipn 1,0
Section 24 of Ordinance 1110; Section 3 of Ordinance 1469;
Section 6 of Ordinance 1601; Section 6 of Ordinance 1979; and Section
13.12.240 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code are each hereby amended
to read as follows: Wate~r .shunt_off and_ t.u..r..no.n.. ,f.e.es..aDd~ penalti.es. When water
has been shutoff to any premises for nonpayment of water charges,
the same will not be turned on until said charges have been paid in
full, together with a penalty of five dollars for each shutoff and
for turnon; providing, however, (eh~e-m~%h~m~-sh~-p~e~ene-ehe
s~e~e~e~- ~em-m~k~- spee~a~-e~ae~s-~e~-~he-~ese-e~
~~a~-w~e~-aeee~s .) thg~ w~D~r..superintendeD%, ~pon ~pa~en.t
of one-half 9f the .bill, may ~akg.~._a. rran_gD~o.t.s _with ~the, .customer
by written .agr~gment .to pay_ Qf~ th~ halange, of..the, bi!I. in three
equal...c~ons~e.c.u,ti~v~e. ,m~oD~thly_ payme.n.t.s,, pr.o.v..i~ ~de~d_. _t.h.a~..current moD..thly
water bil,l,s D~r,e, _a.l~so~ paid..in _a _tim.e.!y f.a,~hion_,. S.u.ch. ~written agrse-
ment sh,all., be, ,in ,t..h,e, .form..of..a. 1o,r~om. iss~o.r`¥, nQt.e., siqne~d by. th_e_ c~s_tome, r
and, if diff~.r~_n.t~,. _t.he. p~r.ope~ty~ ~wn..e.~. if,..the c.i,ty so e~e¢_ts, .and
shall pr.ovid~e ~t. hAt. ~th~e. ,.~D,t,i.r,e .amQun~t b.e.,c_Q.me.s..due .and paya_ble if not
paid, in., ,accordan~ce..w_i~th. i.t.s...~_e.~rms~,~ . ~In addition, _ th~ 1 ig.n upon the
premises_ .fQr` ~unp~a.i.d. wa~ter. _ch~a~rgg.s..~sh.a!.!....c~n~i~ue ,_ .~a__n_.d ~pon de f au 1 t
in paymen..t..,..t, he..c,itY~ may~ ~sh~u.t.of_f..water_ ~0_ the premises as provided
in this chap~t~e.r. When, at the owner's request, the water is shutoff
or turned on at any premises, there shall be a charge made against
the owner and the property and paid to the city in the sum of
five dollars for each of any such shutoff or turnon inside the city
limits, and a charge of ten dollars for each on any such shutoff
or turnon outside the city limits.
Section 11
Section 26 of Ordinance 1110 and 13.12.260 of the Port
Townsend Municipal Code are each herebly amended to read as follows:
13.12.,2.6.0 . .F,ull~ pa ~ym,e.nt .r_~.quired, When bills for water charges
have been certified to the city treasurer or special contracts
made by the superintendent and certified to the city treasurer,
the city treasurer shall not accept any payment less than as
stipulated therein(?), ,e,x,cep~. as~otherwise provided _.by .this chapter,
Section 12
There is added to Chapter 13.12 of the Port Townsend
Municipal Code a new Section to read as follows:
13.12.300 Obscured meters. If a water meter is obscured or obstructed
in a manner so that it cannot be rea~ by city employees for billing
purposes, the superintendent shall cause one notice to be given to
the customer at the address of such meter, advising the customer to
remove the obstruction or other cause of the obscuring of the meter.
Following such notice, if the obstruction is not immediately removed
prior to the next meter reading, the--monthly bill for the customer
using that meter shall be equal to the highest bill recorded by the
city for the previous twelve months, and will continue at that rate
until the obstruction is removed.
There is added to Chapter 13.12 of the Port Townsend
Municipal Code, a new Section to read as follows:
13.12.310 ~ Freez~n~_ ~9~ather. During periods of the year when it is
likely that water lines might freeze, a customer may leave a single
faucet running lightly, and the customer will be billed the minimum
water charge, provided however, that the customer has notified the
city's water superintendent in advance of doing so in writing_and
provided further, that the faucet is run only for the purpose and
only to the extent necessary to prevent freezing of water lines.
se c t..ion' 14
If any term or provision of this Ordinance is declared
to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, then in such
event the remainder of this Ordinance or parts thereof uneffected
shall continue in full force and effect.
Section 15
This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval
and publication in the manner provided by law.
Read for the first, second and third times, passed by
the City counqil for the city of Port Townsend and approved by the
Mayor t~is ~.~. , day of .... ~,~--~'~~ .................
Atte st:
Keith ~. Harper, City Attorney
, , 198~.
MAYOR, Brent Shirley ]~/