HomeMy WebLinkAbout1625 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
WHEhEAS, the City of Port Townsend has undertaken review and contin.
uing study of its planning policies, Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances and
Official Maps, and
WHEREAS, said Comprehensive Plan should be implemented by a Zoning
Ordinance and an Offical Zoning Map, and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to protect prooerty values and to
maintain the residentual characteristics significant in the histo~ of
the city as m~ be generally possible, and
WHEREAS, the City Council having received recommendations from the
Pla~ning Commission, and being fully advised in the premises,now,
Section 1.01 This ordinance and maps shall be known as, and be citød.nà
referred to as "The Port Townsend Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance" inacO9JQ..
ance with and exercising the authority of Chapter 44, Law of 1935, ~wsØr
the State of Washington, and. among other provisos to:
A.. Regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings, structures
and land for residence, trade, commerce, industrial and other p~oses;
B. Regulate the height, number of stories, size, construction and 4esign
of buildings and other structures, the size of yards, courts Æ&nd
other open spaces; the density of population; and the setbackot
buildings along public streets and road rights-of-way, parks, and
c. For any or all of such purposes may divide the City of Port To1ft'ls~"
or a~ portion thereof into districts of such size, shape and a~..
or may establish such official maps as may be deemed best suited to
car~ out the regulations and provide for their enforcement.
Section l.O2 Such regulations are deemed necessa~ in order:
A. To promote the interest of health, safety, morals and the general
B. To secure safety from fire and to provide adequate open s)Nt.ces for
light and air;
c. To prevent the overcrowding of land;
D. To avoid undue concentration of population;
E. To conserve and stabilize property values;
F. To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water,s..,r-
age, schools, parks and other public requirements, and to carry out
the goals and objectives as set forth in Chapter 44, Laws of 193;5,
and other applicable Laws of the State of Washington.
. .
Section 2.01 For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain words and terms used
herein are defined as follows:
All words used in the present tense include the future tense;
all words in the plural number include the singular number,
and all words in the singular number include the plural num-
ber: unless the natural construction of the wording indicates
otherwise. The word "lot" includes the word "plot;" the
word !,'building" includes the word "structure;" and the word
"shall" is'mandatory and not discretionary. The word "used"
shall be deemed also to include "designed, intended or ar-
ranged to be used." Unless otherwise specified, all distan-
ces shall be measured horizontally. The word "City" means
the City of Port Townsend, in Jefferson County, State of
Washington; The term "City Council" means the City Council
of said City; The term "Building Inspector" means the Build-
ing Inspector of said City.
Section 2.02 Accessory Building. A subordinante building, the use of
which is incidental to the use of the main building on the same lot.
Section 2.01 Accessory Use. A use incidental and subordinate to the
principal use and located on the same lot or in the same building as the
principal use.
Section 2.04 'Alley. A passageway open to public travel whièh affords
generally a secondary means of vehicular access to abutting lots and is
not intended for general traffic circulation.
Section 2.015 Alterations. A change or rearrangement of the structural
parts of existing facilities, or an enlargment by extending the sides or
increasing the height or depth, or the moving from one location to another.
In buildings for business, commercialj,industrial or similar uses, the
installation or rearrangement of partitions affecting more than one-third
or a single floor area shall be considered an alteration.
Section 2.06 Apartment House. A building or portion of a building
arranged or designed to be occupied as three or more separate dwelling
" .
.3ecUO!l., Z. 0'7 Area, Bui 111ing. The total gr()und coverage of a building
or structure which provides shelter measured from the out side of its
external walls or supporting members or from a point four feet in from the
outside edge of a cantilevered roof, whichever covers the greatest area.
~ectlon 2.08 Basement. That portion of a building partly underground ,
and having åt least one-half of it height more than five feet below the
adjoining finished grade.
.;)ection 2.09 Billboard. (See Sign).
Section 2.10 Board of Adjustment. A quasi-judicial body, created under
Section 6.05 of this Ordinance, empowered to hear appeals from orders or
determinations made by an administrative official charged with the enforce.
Ment of this Ordinance and to vary or modify certai~ provisions of this
Ordinance relating to the use, construction or alteration of buildings or
structures or the use of land, so that the spirit of this Ordinance is
observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done.
Section 2.ll Boarding House. A dwelling in which not more than four
roomers, lodgers, and/or boarders are housed or fed.
Section 2.l2 Building. "Building" means any structure having a roof,
but excluding all forms of vehicles even though immobilized. When a use
1s required to be within a buildin~. or where special authority granted
pursuant to this Ordinance requires that a use shall be within an entirely
enclosed building, then the term "building" means one so designed and
constructed that all exterior walls of the structure shall be solid from
the ground to the roof line, and shall contain no openings except for
windows and. doors which are designed so that they may be closed.
Section 2.l1 Building Height. The height of a building is the vertical
distance from the established grade to the highest point on the root or
parapet wall.
Section 2.l4 Building Inspector. A duly appointed officer of the City
of Port Townsend charged with the administration and enforcement of the
provisions of this Ordinance.
Section 2.lS Building Line. The line of that face, corner, roof or
part of a building nearest the property line.
Section 2.l6 Carport. A structure to house or protect motor vehicles
owned or operated by the occupa~ts of the main building and which is at
least 40 percent, of the total area of its sides, open to the weather.
Section 2.l? Certificate of Occupancy. A permit to occupy a premises
issued by the Building Inpector after inspection has verified compliance
with the requirements and provisions of this Ordinance and applicable
building codes.
" .
Sect.ion?l~ Clinic. A bui tding designed and used for the medical,
dental or surgical diagnosis or treatment of patients under the care of
doctors and/or nurses.
Section 2.19 Club. An incorporated or unincorporated association of
persons organized for a social, fratsrnal, athletic, educational, literary
or charitable purpose. Property occupied by a club shall be deemed to be
seal-private in character and shall be subject to the regulations governin,
public buildings and places, excluding groups organized primarily to rend~r
a service which is normally considered a business.
s,ction 2.20 Commercial Use. An activity with goods, merchandise or
services for sale or involving a rental fee.
Section 2.21 Commerical Vehicle. A motor vehicle used for purposes
other than a family car, such as a taxi, delivery, or service vehicle.
Section 2.22 Conditional (Special) Use. "Conditional Use" means a use
permitted in one or more zones as defined by this Ordinance but which,
because of characteristics peculiar to such use, or because of size,
technological processes or equipment, or because of the exact location
with reference to surroundings, streets, and existing improvements or
demands upon public facilities, requires a special degree of control to
make such uses consistent with and compatible to other existing or
permissih1e uses in the same zone or zones. A conditional use is a
form of special exception.
Section 2.21 Conditional Use Permit. "Conditional Use Permit" means the
docWlental evidence of authority granted by the Board of Adjustment to locate
a Conditional Use at a particular location.
Section 2.24 Condominium Apartment. (See Apartment House).
Section 2.2-5 Cooperative Apartment. (See Apartment House).
Section 2.26 Court. An open, unoccupied space other than a yard, on the
same lot with a building or buildings and which is bounded on two or more
sides qy such buildings or building including the open space in a house,
court or apartment, providing access to the units thereof.
Section 2.27 Covered Moorage Building Area. Shall be deemed to be the
area of water lying directly beneath that portion of a structure covered
by a roof.
Section 2.28 Detached Building. A building surrounded on all sides by
open space.
Section 2.29 Dock. A basin for moorage of boats, including a basin rÐ~
between the extension of two piers or the area between a bank or qu~ and a
pier. Docking facilities may include wharves, moorage or docks or an,y place
or structure connected with the shore or upon shore lands provided for the
securing of a boat or vessel.
!III!!!!". "!!!II!II!!')
SeQt~on, 2~JO Dwelling, Single-Family. A øøtached building cjfJ$~il1~fq"
and occupied exclusively by one family and the household emplo,_as of th.;t
Section 2.11 Dwelling, Multi-Family. A building design" tQ h9usew.~
or more families 11 ving independently of each other and having one ya",~n
Section 2.32 Dwelling Un! t. A building or portion thereQf provtcJiq¡
com,lete housekeeping facilities for one family. The term "dwellt",g"~Þ.J.l
not be deemed to include motel, tourist court, rooming house, or tøurlst.h~.
Section 2.33 Electrical Distribution Substation. An assembly ofeq~p~
ment designed to receive energy from a þiih voltage distribution suPP1¥
system, to convert it to a form suitable for local distribution an4 tø
distribute the energy to feeders through' switching equipment designed tò
protect the service from the effects of faults.
Section 2.34 Essential Use. That use for the preservation or p~t1øn
of which the use district was created, and to which all other permitted"88
are subordinate.
Section 2.3S Established Grade. The high point of the sidewalk at the
front or side lot line as established qy the City.
Section 2.36 Family. One or more persons related qy blood. marri:f.'
adoption, or a group of not more than six persons (excluding servants'l',,~
related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeepilll unit.
in a dwelling unit.
Section 2.37 Floor Area. The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the
floors of a building or buildings, measureci:f~rom the exterior facesof~~-
terior walls and from the centerline of division walls. Floor areashâll.
include: basement space, elevator shafts and stairwells at each rloc:)~,
mechanical equipment rooms or attic spaces with headroom of 7'6"01'.-,
penthouse floors, interior balconies and mezzanines, enclosed porChês,.
Floor area shall not include: accessorywat.er tanks and coòling ttG"fIirs,
mechanical equipment or attic spaces with beådroom of less than 7'6.,
exterior steps or stairs, terraces, breezeways and open spaces.
Section 2.38 Fraternity, Sorority, or Student Cooperative. A buildiRI
occupied by and maintained exclusively for students affiliated witban a~aàea1iC
or professional college or uni versi ty, or otlter recognized institution or
higher learning and regulated by such institution.
Section 2.39 Garage, Commercial. A building or portion thereot desi.þeà
and used for the storage, repair or servicing of motor vehicles or boat$. as
a business.
Section 2.40 Gasoline Station. Any area of land, including the 'St1'Qc:"'.
thereon that is used for the sale of gasoline or other lIlotorðìel1$.~\.I.~,
lubricants and auto accessories and which ~ or may not inciuae "~fitll.
lubricating, and other minor servicing butltô painting operaUft. .
S~ction 2.41 dreenbelt. A strip of land, variable in width, for the
planting, growing and maintaining of cultivated landscaping.
~ction 2.42 Guest House. A detached structure, being an accessory to
one-familY dwelling with not more than two bedrooms, having no kitchen
facilities, and which shall be used and/or designed for use primarily by
guest and/or servants for sleeping quarters only.
Sect$on 2.43 Home: Rest, Convalescent, For the Aged. "Best home,"
"and "home for the aged, means a home operate~ simil-
"convalescent home, "
arly to a boarding house but not restricted to any number of guests or
guest rooms, and in which nursing, dietary and other personal services
are furnished to convalescents, invalids and aged persons, but in which
homes are kept no persons suffering from an acute mental sickness, or from
a contagious or communicable disease, and in which homes are performed no
surgery or other primary treatments such as are customarily provided in
hospitals, and in which no persons are kept or served who normally would
be admitted to a mental hospital.
Section 2.~ Home, Retirement. A place of residence for several families
or individuals in apartment-like quarters, rented, cooperative, or condominium,
which may feature services to retired persons such as limited nursing facilities,
minimum maintenance living accommodations, and recreation programs and
Section 2.4~ Home Occupation. Any use customarily conducted entirely
within a dwelling and carried on by the inhabitants thereof, which use is
clearly incidental and secondary to the dwelling for dwelling purposes
does not change the character thereof. The conducting of a hospital,
barber shop, beauty shop, tea room, tourist home, animal hospital, retail
sales of any type or similar use, shall not be deemed to be a home occupation.
S~.ction 2.~6 Hospital. An establishment which provides accommodations,
facilities and services over a continuous ueried of 24 hours or mere, for
observation, diagnosis and care, of two or' more individuals, not related by
blood or marriage to the operator, who are suffering from illness, injury,
deformity or abnormality, or from any condition requiring obstetrical,
medical or surgical services.
Section 2.4? Hospital, Animal. A building or premises for the medical or
surgical treatment of animals or pets, including dog, cat a~d veterinary
hospitals, including the boarding of hospitalized animals, but excluding
the boarding of animals not subjected to medical or surgical treatment.
Section Z..~8 Hotel. Any building or portion thereof containing five or
more rooms that are rented, or hired out to be occupied or which are occupie~
for sleeping purposes for compensation, whether the compensation be paid
directly or indirectly. A central kitchen and dining room and accessory shops
an~ services catering to the general public can be provided. Not imcluded
are institutions housing nersenm under legal restraint or requiring medical
attention or care.
~ Institution, Educational. A college, junior college or
university supported by public or pr-~vate funds, tuitions, contribu~tions
or endowments, giving advanced academic instructions as approved mby the
State Board of Education or by recognized accrediting agency, exe!~i~{g
pre-school, elementary and junior and senior high schools, and trite az~l
commercial schools; including fraternity and sorority houses.
~ Instructional Home. A place for the care of babies,
c~ildren~ pensioners, or the aged, except those for mental therapy or
for correction or detention.
~ Junk Yard. A lot, land or structure, or part thereof, used
for the collecting, storage and sale of waste paper, rags, scrap metal or
discarded material, or for the collecting, dismantling, storage, salva~ing
or sale of parts of machinery or vehicles not in running condition.
.Section 2.52 Kennel, Commercial. Any lot or building in which four or
more dogs and/or cats at least four months of age are kept commercially for
board or propagation or treatment.
Section 2.5~ Kitchen. Any rooms used or intended or designed to be used
for cooking and/or preparation of food.
~ Lot. A lot, in the meaning of this Ordinance, is
tract of land, no matter how legally described, whether by metes,
and/or by lot or lots and block designation as in a recorded ulat,
the time of applying for a building permit is desi~nated by
developer as the tract to be used, developed or build upon as a ; of
land'u~der sir~le ownership or control and assigned to the particmlar use
for which the building permit is being secured and having frontage on or
access to a public street.
~ot Area. The total horizontal area within the boundary
~i~es of a lot. Where utility or street easements are located within .or
bordering a parcel, lot area computation shall not include that ar~a con-
rained within the easement.
Section 2.~6 Lot, Corner. A lot at the junction of and frontin~ on
two or more intersecting streets.
Section 2.~? Lot, Depth, The mean dimension of the lot from the front
street line to the rear line.
Section 2.58 Lot, Interior. A lot fronting on one street.
~ Lot, Through. A lot fronting on two streets that do not
intersect on the parcel's lot lines.
Section 2.60 Lot, Width. The dimension of the lot line at the
in an irre~ular shaped lot the dimension across the lot at the
or in a corner lot the narrow dimension of the lot at a street or
$gction 2.61 Mean Depth. The mean depth oI' a lot is the depth of such
lot measured on a tine approximately perpendicular to the fronting street
and midway between the side lines of such lot.
Section 2.~2 Mean Ground Level. The average of the finished ground level
at the center of all exposed walls of a building. Where walls are parallel
to and within .five feet of a sidewalk, the sidewalk shall be considered the
mean ground level.
~ection 2.6] ~oorage. A place to tie up or anchor a boat or vessel.
Section 2.6~ Motel. A motel is a building or buildings, detached or in
connected units or designed as a single structure, the units of which are
used as individual sleeping or dwelling units, having their own private
toilet facilities and may or may not have their own kitchen facilities, and
are designed primarily for the accommodation of transient automobile
travelers. Accommodations for trailers are not included. This term includes
tourist court, motor ledge, auto court, cabin court, motor inn and similar
Section 2.6~ Motor Hotel. A specialized hotel designed and operated to
provide hotel services and accommodations to the motoring public amd where
the sleeping accommodations normally do not exceed one week's duratiom.
Section 2.66 Non-conforming Building Use. The use of a building which was
a lawful use at the time this Ordinance became effective but which use,
because of the passage of this Ordinance, does not conform to the regulations
of the district in which the use exists.
.Sg. ction 2.67 Non-conforming Land Use. The use of land which was a la~ful
use at the time this Ordinance became effective but which use, because of the
passage of this Ordinance, does not conform to the regulations of the district
in which the use exists.
Section 2.68 Non-conforming Use. A use which lawfully occupied a building
or land at the time this Ordinance became effective and which does not conform
with the use regulations of the district in which it is located.
S~.ction 2.69 Nursery, Day. An agency or institution which urovides sup-
plemental parental care during the day or by the hour for a group of children,
with or without compensation.
Section 2.?0 Off-Street Parking. Parking facilities for motor vehicles
on other than a public street or alley.
Segtion 2.?1
Open Space.
Any part of a lot unobstructed from the ground
Section 2.7~ Outdoor Advertising Display. Any card, cloth, paper, metal
painted signs, wooden, plaster, stone or other sign of any kind or character
~hatsoever placed for outdoor advertising purposes on the ground or on any
tree, wall, bush, rock, post, fence, building, structure or thing wha~eever.
The term "placed" as used in the definitions of "outdoor advertising sign# and
"outdoor advertising structure" ~hall in,~'lu(le er(~ct.~ug, (~¢)nstruction, posting,
Dai~%t. ing, printing, t, acki~g, mailing, gluing, sticking, carving or otherwise
fastening, af['ixing or makinK visible in any man,%er whatsoever.
Section 2.?~ Parking S~ace. A space within or without a building,
exclusive of driveways, at .[east 10' by 20', used to temporarily park a
motor vehicle ann having access to a public street or alley.
Section 2.*~4 Permitted Use. Any use authorized or permitted alone or in
conjuction with another use in a specified district and subject to the
limitations of the regulatio~ls of such use district.
Section 2.7~ Place. An open unoccupied named space, other than a street
or alley, at least 2~ feet in width, permanently reserved and so recorded in
the County records as the princinal means of access to abutting or adjacent
dection 2.76 Primary Use. The principal or predominant use to which the
property is or may be devoted, and to which all other uses on the premises
are accessory.
~gction 2.?? Professional Offices. Offices maintained and used as a place
of business conducted by persons engaged in the healing arts for human beings,
such as doctors and dentists (~it wherein no overnight care for patients is
given), amd by engineers, attorneys, architects, accountants and other perso~$
providing services utilizing training in and knowledge of the mental disciplime
as distinguished from training in occupations requiring mere skill or man~al
dexterity or the handling of commodities.
Section 2.78 Public Utility. A public service corporation performing some
public service and subject to special governmental regulations, or a gover-
nmental agency performing similar public services, the services by either of
which are paid for directly by the recipients thereof. Such services shall
include, but are not limited to, water supply, electric power, gas and
transportation for persons and freight, telephone companies, and cable
Section 2.7~ Recreation Facilities. Facilities, such as boat or yacht
clubs, swimming pools, athletic clubs, golf and country clubs, for the use
of the general public and operated by the municipal corporation.
Section 2.80 Riding Academy. Any establishment where horses are kept
for riding, driving or stabling for compensation or as an accessory use in
the operation of a club, association, ranch or similar establishment.
Sect;~on 2.8l Rooming House. Same as "Boarding House."
Section 2.82 Sanitarium and Nursing Home. (See Home: Rest).
Seq~on 2.8~ School, Commercial. A building where instruction is given
to pupils in arts, crafts or trades, and operated as a commercial enter-
prise as distinguished from schools endowed and/or supported by taxation.
Section 2.84 School: Elementary, Junior or Senior High, including Public,
Private and Parochial. An institution of learning which offers instruction
in the several branches of learning and study required to be taught in the
public schools by the Washington State Board of Education.
5,,ection ~,.8~ Secondary Use. (Incidental or Accessory). A minor or
second use for which a lot, structure or building is designed or employed
in conjunction with but subordinate to its primary use.
~ection.2.86 5emi-Private Facility. Any facility to which a class or a
group of the public is ~ermitted to attend or use subject to the regulations
of a club or other organization owning or regulating such facility.
Section 2.8? Setback. Yard requirements. The distances that buildings
or uses must be removed from their lot lines. Setbacks shall be measured,
where applicable, from proposed or actual public or private street right-of-wa~
~ection 2.88 Shelter Station. A shelter for the orotection from the
elements of the waiting customers of a public transportation system.
Section 2.8~ Sign. Any device for visual communication that is used for
the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of the public.
Section 2.90 Solid Planting. A planting of evergreen trees and shrubs
which will prevent a thorough and unobscured penetration of sight or light.
Section 2.~1 Sorority. (See Fraternity).
~ection 2.~2 Story. That part of a building lying between two floors or
between the floor and ceiling of the highest usable level in the building.
Sectio~ 2.~ Street. A public thoroughfare which affords the principal
means of access to abutting properties.
.Section 2.~, Structure. A combination of materials constructed and
erected permanently on the ground or attached to something having a permanent
location on the ground. Not included are residential fences less than six
feet in width, retaining walls, rockeries and similar improvements of a minor
character less than three feet in height.
Section 2.95 Structural Alterations. Any change in load or stress of the
loaded or stressed members of a building or structure.
Section Z.~6 Temporary. Not having or requiring permanent attachment to
the ground, or involving structures which have no required permanent attach-
ment to the ground and not to exceed a period of time of six months.
Section 2.97 Tourist Home. A private residence having not more than
three rooms for hire to transients for Only sleeping accommodations and
whose trade is seasonal in character.
Section 2.~8 Trailer.
sleeping purposes.
(Mobile Home).
A vehicle used for living or
$~ction 2.99 Trailer Camp or Mobile Home Park. Land designed or used for
temporary or permanent parking of two or more vehicles used for human
~ec~ion 2.100 Use. The purpose land or buildings or structure now serves
or for which it is occupied, maintained, arranged, designed, or intended.
S_geCtion ~.%01 Use District. A portion or portions of Port Townsend
designated on Official Zoning Maps as one or more of the categories listed
and described in this Ordinance.
Seqt~on 2.102 Used Car Lot. Any place outside a building where two or
more automobiles are offered for sale or are displayed.
Section ~.103 Variance. A variance is the means by which an adjustment
is made in the application of the specific regulations of this Ordinance to
a particular piece of property, which property because of special circum-
stances applicable to it, is deprived of privileges commonly enjoyed by
other properties in the same zone or vicinity and which adjustment remedies
disparity in privileges. A variance is a form of special exception.
~ection 2.10~ Yard. An open space in front, rear or side on the same lot
with a building or proposed building.
Section 2.10~ Yard, Front. An open space extending from 30 inches above
the general ground level at the principal street line to the building line
and including the full width of the lot to its side lines.
Section 2.106 Yard, Rear. An open space extending from 30 inches above
the general ground level at the rear lot line to the main building line and
including the full width of the lot to its side lines.
.Section 2.107 Yard, Service. An open area, usually paved, with access to
a street or alley, to allow vehicular access to a building or use for pur-
poses of loading or unloading equipment, freight, livestock or people.
Section 2.108 Yard, Side. An open space extending from 30 inches above
the general ground level at the front yard to the rear yard and from the
~ain building line to the side lot line.
CHAP'r~t~ iii
~ intent. The purpose of this chapter is to establish dis-
tricts wherein compatible uses of land may be located and grouped to create,
protect or maintain a living environment for the citizens of Port Townsend.
Three broad categories of uses are established: residential, commercial and
industrial, and it is the intent of this chapter to stabilize and protect
the uses contained within these districts by excluding mutually interfering
uses and to allow a maximum degree of latitude within the regulations to
promote residential harmony, conduct profitable business, or contribute to
the economy of the community. It is also the purpose of this classification
to make it possible to more efficiently and economically design and install
all physical public service facilities in terms of size and capacity to
adequately and permanently meet needs resulting from a defined intensity
of land use and to provide for the health, safety, morals, prosperity and
well-being of the community at large.
Section ~.02 Establishment of Districts. The City of Port Townsend is
hereby divided into ten classes of districts with the designations and
general purposes listed below and the specifically permitted and prov-
isional uses tabulated in Section 3.03.
Section 3.0~ Table of Permitted Uses. Within the various use districts
as indicated on the Official Zoning Map of Port Townsend, Washington, and
subject to the requirements of Sections 3.05 and 3.05, no land, building,
or structure shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected
which is intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any of
the uses indicated in the "conditional" column without specific approval
of the Board of Adjustment. The criteria of Section 6.08 shall guide the
Board in granting or withholding approval. Permitted uses in the various
use districts are indicated by an "x" in the appropriate column of the
accompanying table. With the exception of conditional uses, as regulated
in Sections 6.08 through 6.10, only those uses appearing below are deemed
to be in the interests of public health, safety, morals, and the general
welfare of the citizens of Port Townsend.
Primarily a public use district devoted to
schools, public buildings, parks and related
Single-Family Residential
Exclusively a single-family residence district
with adequate plot areas required and inclm~i~
the customary accessory and secondary uses.
Single-Family Residential
5ingle-Fami ly Residential
Multiple-Family Residential
Neighborhood Commercial
General Commercial
6ommunity Commercial
Light Manufacturing or
Manufacturing or Industry
Primarily a single-family residence district
with adequate plot areas required and incl~ing
the customary accessory and secondary uses, ~th
agricultural use also allowed.
Primarily a single-family residence district,
low density multiple residence district, ~th
equate plot areas required and including the
customary accessory and secondary uses.
Primarily a multiple-family residence district
with adequate plot areas required and
some single-family residences and the customary
accessory and secondary uses.
Exclusively a neighborhood district for the
vision of convenience shopping for a li~i~
residential area and which involves retAt.':l
prises dispensing commodities, providing
sional services, or providing personal
to the individual.
Primarily a general commercial district for the
conduct of enterprise which depemds on
to major streets or arterials for trade or
Primarily for the conduct of retail trade,
istrative and professional offices, and
to the general public, in the central
district, with emphasis on large scale
specialized shops serving
area. Partially use as apartments is a permit~
Primarily for light manufacturing,
fabrication and assembling of products or
ials, uarehousing and storage, and transportat~'~
Primarily for heavy manufacturing, processing,
fabrication and assembling of products or materials.
Accessory uses and structures incidental
to any permitted residential use, such as
servants' quarters, garages, greenhouses
or workshops, provided that none shall be
rented or occupied for gain, that no
accessory building to be used for living
quarters shall be constructed upon a plot
until the construction of the main build-
ing has commenced.
Accessory uses clearly incidental to a
permitted use and which will not create a
nuisance or hazard
Acetylene gas manufacture and/or storage
Acid manufacture
Agencies as follows, rendering special-
ized services not involving retail trade
with the general public nor maintenance
of a stock of goods for sale: real estate
insurance, advertising, brokerage.
Airports and landing fields
Alcohol and alcoholic beverage manufacture
Alcohol beverage packaged retail sales
Ammonia, bleaching powder or chlorine
Amusement enterprises similar to billiards
pool, bowling, shooting gallery, roller
rink, dance hall, but not including
Amusement park or zoo.
Animal farm and livestock barns (except
hog farms) on a commercial scale.
Antiques and gift sales.
Apartment house.
Apothecary shop operated as a retail use
within a building, the primary use of
which is for a hospital, clinic or physi-
cians' offices, provided that said apoth-
ecary shop shall sell only drugs, pre-
seription m~dicine (both ethical and
proprietary), medicinal supplies and
appliances and pharmaceutical products~
and provided further, that not more than
fifty percent of the ground floor area of
such building be used for such apothecary
Appliance distributors for wholesale
Art suvply retail sales
Asphalt manufacture or refining
Assembly halls, coliseums, stadiums
Assembly of machines and appliances from
previously prepared parts
Automobile (new and used) and accessory
Automobile commercial parking enterprise
Automobile laundry
Automobile parking operated in conjunction
with permitted uses and in accordance with
the requirements of Chapter IV
Automobi~ repair garages
Automobile and truck assembly
Bakeries or baking plants
Bakery shops and confectionaries oper-
ating both wholesale and retail business,
provided such operations are limited to
1,500 square feet of manufacturimg area
and to the use of non-smoke producing
types of furnaces
~arber, beauty and other personal services
~eddlng, carpet and pillow manufacturing,
and renovating
Billboards as defined in Section 2.89
Blacksmith or horseshopi_n§ shops
Blueprints and photostating establish~ents
Boat building and repair
Boat ~arinas, docks and piers for pleasure
craft, public and private
Boat sales, new and used
Book bindery
Book amd stationery stores
Bottling ~orks for soft drinks
~rick, tile or terra cotta manufacture
Bus passenger stations
Bus repair and storage terminals
Candy products aanufacture
Canvas amd burlap products manufacture,
sale and storage
Catering establishnents
Catering establishments conducted as an
incidental h~e occupatioa except that
not ~ore than fire te~pora~ .employees
~y be e~o~ on these pr~se8
~ll~e ~aetu~
~.t. ~, plier ~nufaet~e
Cemeteries, mausoleums, columbariums and
Churches and other places o£ worship,
including parish houses and Sunday
School buildings
Clothing manufacture
Clothing s~les
Clubs and other places of entertainment
operated as commercial enterprises
Coal or coke yards
Coffee ~oasting
Cold storage plants
Colleges, business colleges, trade schools
music conservatories, dancing schools and
similar organizations, all without student
in residence, offering training in specifi,
Contractors' plants or storage yards
Convalescent and nursing homes and homes
for the care of children or the aged
Convalescent, nursing and foster homes
conducted within the principal building
as an incidental home occupation
Cooperage works
Cosmetics and perfume manufacture
Creosote manufacturing or treatment plants
Crop or tree farming, greenhouses, and
truck gardening including the sale of
products raised on the premises
Crop or tree farm2ng greenhouses and truck
gardening including the sale of products
raised on the uremises, urovided that no
retail stand or other ~ommercial struct-
ure shall be located ~hereon and no green-
house heating plant shall be operated
within 20 feet of any plot line
Dairy products processing, bottling and
distribution, ice cream manufacture, all
on a wholesale basis
Dairy bars and ice cream manufacture for
retail sale on the premises only
Department and variety stores
Distillation of bones, coal, petroleum,
refuse grain, tar and wood
Drive-in theaters
Drug stores
Dry cleaning pick-up stations
Dry cleaning plants
Dry cleaning, pressing and dyeing plants
operated in conjuction with retail service
counter, provided that not more than 2,000
square feet is devoted to these processes
Dwelling, multi-family attached row with-
out cou~on interior halls or entrances
Dwelling, other multi-family
Dwelling, single-family
Dwellings, two-Family
Dye stuff manu£acture
Eating and drinking establishments
III-Y, ....................................
Eating and drinking establishments when
operated as an accessory (incidental)
use to a motel
Electric light or power generating station
faery cloth or sandpaper manufacture
Enameling, japanning, lacquering, or the
plating or galvanizing of metals
Excavations, other than simple foundation
Excelsior and fiber manufacture
Explosives, ~unition, fireworks, gun-
powder manufacture
Farm machinery assembly, repair and sales
Fat rendering, production of fats and oils
from animal or vegetable products by boil-
ing or distillations
Feed and seed processing
Feed and seed retail sale
Felt manufacture
Fertilizer manufacture
Fertilizer ~holesale sales
Fertilizer retail sales
Finance and loan companies
Florists, retail
Flour, feed and seed processing
Food processing in wholesale quantities
except meat, fish, poultry, vinegar and
Food processingi for sale at retail on
the premises, but excluding the killing
and dressing of any flesh or fowl
Food stores (retail only): Grocery,
delicatessen, meat and fish, but exclud-
ing the killing and dressing of any
flesh or fowl
Forging plants
Foundries or metal fabrication plants
using plate and structural shapes
Frozen food lockers
Fuel oil and kerosene for domestic
heating purposes in ground containers
not exceeding ?50 gallons capacity
Fuel oil and kerosene: the incidental
sale at retail of same in cans of not
over five-gallon capacity
Furniture retail sales
Furriers, retail sales
Fur storage
Garages for storage only of automobiles
as an accessory to a public or quasi-
public institution
Garbage, offal, and animal reductions,
or processing
Heavy industry not otherwise listed, pro-
vialed Board of Adjustment finds such
industry is similar to other industries
in ~-II district
Home occupations as regulated in Sections
2.~5 and 6.08
Home, retirement
Horse riding staol~s
Hosiery manufa~~. ture
Hotels and inns
Hotels not catering to transient guests
and not carrying on merchanising except
that which is incidental to the operatibn
of the hotel and for the convenience of
guests and where there is no exterior
display of merchandise
Ice manufacture storage and sales
Incidental accessory retail uses such as
cafeterias, gift or variety shops, soda
bars conducted solely for the convenience
of the employees, patients, patrons or
visitors on the premises wholly within
the principal building and without
exterior advertising display
Incidental keeping of non-transient
boarders or lodgers by a resident family,
provided not more than 50 percent of the
total floor area in one dwelling unit
used for living purposes is devoted to
such occupancy
Incidental keeping of non-transient
boarders or lodgers by a resident family,
provided not more than 25 percent of the
total floor area in one dwelling unit
used for living purposes is devoted to
such occupancy
Industrial chemical manufacture except
highly corrosive materials
Insulation material manufacture and sale
Jails and penal institutions
Jewelry and watch sale
Junk 3ares aha auto wreckinj, but only
when conducted within an ~n¢losure not
less than eight feet in height and with
a solidity of not less than 60 percent;
said enclosure shall be located at least
50 feet from any public street
Kennels, commercial
Laboratories for research and testin~
Land fills, reclamation to improve steep,
low or otherwise unusable land
Land fills, sanitary, for disposal of
stumps, trash and garbage
Laundries: all hand laundries an~ any
small power laundries operated in con-
junction with a retail service counter
on the premises where not more than 2,000
square feet of floor space is devoted to
the laundering and finishing processes,
provided the total operating capacity of
all commercial washing machines shall net
exceed 400 pounds and no coal-burning or
smoke-producing equipment is used
Laundries, steam
Launderette service: where individual
family-sized laundry equipment is rented
for use by the customer
Laundry pick-up stations
LeaLher goods, manufacture
Libraries, museums, and ar~ galleries
Light manu£acturing or processing not
otherwise named herein, provided no oper-
ations are carried on, or are likely to be
carried on which will crea~e smoke, fumes,
noise, odor or dust, as regulated in
Section 3.0~F which will be detrimental to
the health, safety~r general welfare of
the community
Linseed oil, shellac, turpentine, manu-
facture or refining
Lock and gunsmiths
Lodges, fraternal and social organizations
provided that any such establishment shall
not be conducted primarily for gain
Lumber yards, building materials,storage
and sale
Machine shops
~achine tool manufacture
Marguee as permitted by building code
~ith sign or signs
Meat processing and packing other than
Metal fabrication and boiler or tank works
Microwave relay stations
~[xing plants for concrete or paving
materials and manufacture of concrete
~otorcycle sales and repair
Motels and motor hotels
Music stores
News stands
Nursery, landscape materials
Office buildings: governmental and pri-
vate office buildings including profess.
ional offices
Office buildings and professional offices
in ~hich no activity is carried on cater-
ing to retail trade or service ~ith the
· ·
~ae~n~.~ ~o~r aaa. re .o stock of goods is
OFfices for doctors, lawyers, dentists,
architects and engineers, conducted with-
in the principal building, but only by a
person resident in the building provided
that not more than one person not a res-
ident of the premises is employed and
that not more than 25 percent of the total
floor area in any dwelling unit is
devoted to such use
Office equipment and supplies sales and
Office and secretarial service estab-
Offices operated as an incidental home
occupation where no contact is made with
the general public, and subject to
Section 6.08
Oilcloth or linoleum manufacture
Optical and scientific instrument, jewelry
and clock, musical instrument manufacture
Opticians and optical supplies sales
Ore reduction
Orphanage and charitable institutions, all
provided that no buildings so used shall
be within 100 feet of any plot line
Oxygen manufacture and/or storage
Paint amd enamel manufacture
Paint retail sales
Paper, pulp, cardboard, and building
board manufacture
Pa~n shops or second-hand stores
Pet shops, bird stores, taxidermists
Petroleum and petroleum products in un-
pressurized tanks of more than 15,000
gallons capacity, bulk storage
Pharmaceutical products manufacture
Photographic studios and camera supply
Physical culture establishments
Planing or sawmills
Plastics manufacture
Plating works
Plumbing shop and yard
Pottery, porcelain and vitreous china
Poultry dressing for wholesale
Printing, publishing and reproduction
Printing, publishing and reproduction
establishments operated by three persons
or less
Produce stands
Public grade schools and private schools
having curricula approximately the same
as ordinarily given in public schools
including gymnasiums and assembly halls
in conjunction therewith
Public or private colleges or universities
Public transportation shelter stations
Public utility installations
Quasi-public buildings, non-profit in
Kadio, television, retail sales and
~adio an~ television broadcasting stations
a.gQ masts
Rag, bag, and carpet cleaning establish-
Rapid transit routes and terminals
Repair and servicing of office and
household equipment
Repair and servicing of industrial
equipment machinery
Residential uses: all uses permitted in
any residential district as set forth in
this table may be continued as non-con-
forming uses as provided in Section 2.66,
2.67, and 2.68 and further may be estab-
lished or changed to other such resi-
dent. iai use, provided such use is carried
on within preaexisting buildings occupied
by or designed for any residential use at
the time of the establishment of the
industrial and commercial districts and
provided that any building and plot
containing one or more dwelling units
shall comply with the dimensional
requirements of the R-III district set
forth in Section 3.04
Retail stores not otherwise named on this
list including those conducting incidental
light ~anu£acturing or processing of goods
above the first floor or in the basement
to be sold exclusively on the pre~ises
and e~ploying not more than ten operatives
Retail :ores similar to those other~ise
na~ed on this list
Rock crushers
godenticide, insecticide and pesticide
mixing plants
Rubber manufacture
Schools, commercial
Scrap paper or rag storage, sorting or
baling when conducted within a building
Sheet metal shops
Shoe repair
Signs, illuminated or otherwise, as
regulated in Section 3.0~, but not
Signs: a small professional or announce-
ment sign, not over four square feet in
area, mounted flat to the main wall of
the building.
Signs: marquee as permitted by building
code with sign or signs
Signs designed to overhang a public
sidewalk not more than three feet and
only if illuminated
Sign manufacture, painting, and
Soap, detergent and washing compound
S~orting goods sales
Storage, umder cover, of goods intended
for retail sale on the premises, but not
including combustibles
Storage warehouses and yards
Stone cutting, monument manufacture and
Swimming pools or beaches, public or
Tailors, dressmakers, milliners
Tanning, cutting, curing, cleaning or
storing of green hides or skins
Tar and waterproofing materials manu-
facture, treatment and storage
Taxi stands
Taxi stands limited to five taxis
Temporary buildings or structures
TexiZe machinery manufacture
Textile manufacture
Theaters, coliseums and assembly halls
housed in a permanent indoor structure
Tire recapping and retreading
Tourist homes, catering to seasonal trade
Trailer camps
Trailer sales areas
Truck terminals, repair shops, hauling
and storage yards
Undertaking establishments, mortuaries,
funeral homes or parlors
Upholstery, paperhanging, and decorator
Used car lots
Veterinary hospitals
Waste paper and rags, collection and
Water and sewaEe treatment plants and
water towers
Wholesale and jobbing establishnents
includiuE incidental retail outlets for
only such ~erchandise as is handled at
WoodeorkinE shops, mill~ork
Section ].C~ Bulk and D£mensional Requirements. In recognition of the
various topographical conformations and geographic rela:ionships in the
City of Port Townsend and with consideration for the health, safety, and
general wel£are of the citizenry, bulk, dimensional and general require.
merits for the several districts are herewith established and set down
opposite in the table: Bulk, Dimensional and Oeneral Requirements.
(Continued on next page)
(Sq.ft.) (Feet)
P-I None specified
(In feet) (Feet:)
20 10 each 20 45% ~0
2o l ;lo on 20 35% 3o
1 side
R-II 5,000
1 side
R-III* None specified
C-I None specified
1 side stories
20 5 each 20
1 sq.ft. 35
of &ross
floor area
per 3 sq.ft.
of lot
No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions except 1 sq.ft, of 3~
when abutting an R-zone &ross floor
then~ area per 1 sq.
None 10 each 25 ft. of lot area
Requirements same
as above
Gross floor 50
area not to
exceed 3 times
lot area
20 10 each
1 sq.ft, of ~
gross floor
area per 1 sq.
ft. of lot area
~0 20 each
40 Same as abeve3~
(~ontxnued from proceeding page)
Unlighted Front
10 sq. Ft. Side 6
Rear 6
Unlighted Front 3
3 sq. ft. Side 6
Rear 6
Off-street parking required in
accordance with Section 3.0~ and
Chapter 4
Parking - same as above
Unlighted Front 3
4 sq. ft. Side 6
Rear 6
Unlighted Front 3
4 sq. ft. Side 6
Rear 6
Simple ilium- Minimums
ination only; Side 6
area not to ex- Rear 6
ceed 50 sq. ft.
Parking - same as above.
Maximum number of units per lot
shall be restricted to four
Parking . same as above. Ail
service drives amd parkings areas
shall be hard-surfaced.
Parking . same as above.
Simple ilium- Minimums
ination only; Side 6
area not to ex- Rear 6
ceed 100 sq.ft.
Parking - same as above.
C-Ill Same as above Minimums
Side 6
Rear 6
Parking - same as above.
M-I Same as above Minimums
Side 10
Rear 10
M-II Same as above
Side 10
Rear 10
Performance standards, Sec. 3.0~
apply. Off-street parkings ,and
areas required in accordance~
3.05D and Chapter 4.
Same as above,
'When the number of bedrooms
~er dwellin~ unit is:
Bachelor . 0 bedrooms
1 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
3 bedrooms
Minimum Lot Area
~er dwelling unit
1,000 sq. ft.
1,500 sq. ft.
2,000 sq. ft.
2,500 sq. ft.
~.ection 3,0~ dre,nbeit requirements. Where M and C zones abut R zones,
the request for permit must be accompanied by landscape plans to obscure
view and ,~im~t access.
Jeeti~on ~.06 Li~itat. ions on Uses. Those permitted uses locating in
the several zones shall be subject to the following limitations~
All sites in a "M" classified zone havin~ a common boundary with an
"~" classified property, shall have planted and maintain~ along
such common ~undar~.a view-obscuring ~reenbelt of shrubs, trees
and native vegetation not less than eight feet in height nor less
than ten feet in width, for screenin~ purposes and controlling
All premitted uses established after the effective date of this
O~inance or enlarge~ ts amounting to an increase of 20 percent
in greys floor area a use established prior %o %he effective
date of this Ordinance, shall provide off-street parking a~d
loading areas for each use and enlargement in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter IV of this Ordinance;
Where lighted signs and illuminated areas are permitted, such
illun~inating devices shall be shaded and directed so as not
provide glare toward any "R" classified Df.perry;
Industrial uses shall be subject to the following conditions:
In all industrial districts, the noise emanating from the
premises used for industrza~ activities shall be muffle~
so as to not become objectionable due to intermittent
beat, frequency or shrillness, and where and industrial
zone adjoins a residential district the noise loudness
measured at the boundary line shall not exceed $0decibels
between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., and 60
decibels at other hours.
Industrial and exterior lighting shall not be used in such
a manner that produces glare on public highways and ~eigh~-
boring property. Arc welding, acetylene torch cutting or
similar processes shall be merformed so as not to be seen
from any point beyond the o~tside of the property.
In terms of fire and safety hazards, the storage amd hand-
ling of inflammable liquids, liquified petroleum, gases
and explosives shall comply with rules and regulations
falling under the jurisdiction of the City Flre Chief,
the laws of the State and other local ordinances.
Bulk storage of inflammable liquids below ground shall
be permitted, and the tank shall be located not closer %0
the property line than the greatest dimension (~iametmr,
length, or height) of the tank.
l~rov~sions must be made for necessary shielding or other
preventive measures against interferences occasioned by
mechanical, electrical and nuclear equipment, uses or
processes ~th electrical apparatus in nearby buildings
or land uses.
~quid and solid wastes, storage of animal or vegetable
waste which attract insects or rodents or otherwise
create a health hazard shall be prohibited. No waste
products shall be exposed to view from eye level from
any property line in a "M" district.
Section 4.01 Intent. Provisions of this chapter are of general applica-
tion to one or more of the districts described in Chapter III. It is the in-
tent of this chapter to set down provisions for off-street parking, loadimg
areas, etc., to prevent congestion in the streets, promote and protect property
values and to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizenry.
Section 4.02 General Requirements, Parking. Each off-street parking space
shall have a net area of not less than 200 square feet, exclusive of drive-
ways or aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition: to determime on
a gross area basis, 300 square feet shall be allowed per vehicle. If the
required parking space for a one- or two-family dwelling is not provided in
a covered garage, then such space shall be not less than 200 square feet, and
shall be so located and/or constructed that it may later be covered by a
garage structure in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and
the City Building Code.
Location: off-street parking facilities shall be located as herein-
after specified; where a distance is specified, such distance shall
be the walking distance measured from the nearest point of the park-
ing facility to the nearest point of the building that such facility
is required to serve;
For one- and two-family dwellings: on the same lot with the
building they are required to serve;
For multiple dwellings: not more than 100 feet;
For hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, rooming and
boarding houses, fraternity and sorority houses: not more
than 300 feet;
For uses other than those specified above: not more than
500 feet.
Expension and Enlargement: whenever any building is enlarge in
height or in ground coverage, off-street parking shall be provid~
for said expansion or enlargement in accordance with the require.
ment of the schedule, provided, however, that no parking space
need be provided in the case of enlargement or expansion where
the number of parking spaces required for such expansion or en-
largement is less than ten percent of the parking spaces specified
in the schedule for the building. Nothing in this provision shall
be construed to require off-street parking spaces for the portion
of such building e×isting at the time of passage of this Ordinances
Mixed Occupancies: in the case of mixed uses, the total, require-
merits for the various uses shall be computed separately. Off-street
parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as hereinafter
specified for joint use;
Uses Not Specified: in the case of a use not specifically mentioned
in Darts below, the requirements for off-street parking facilities
shall be determined by the Board. Such determination shall be
based upon the requirements :for the most comparable use listed;
Joint Use: the Board may authorize the joint use of parking
facilities for the following maes or activities under conditions
Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this
chapter for primarily "Nighttime" uses such as theaters,
bowling alleys, bars, restaurants and related uses, may be
supplied by certain other types of buildings or uses herein
referred to as "daytime" uses such as banks, offices, retail
and personal service shops, clothing, food,~furniture,
manufacturing or wholesale and related uses;
Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this
chapter for primarily '~aytime" uses may be supplied by
primarily "nighttime" uses;
Up to 100 percent of the parking facilities required by this
section for a church or for an auditorium incidental to a
public or parochial school, may be supplies by the off-street
parking facilities provided by uses primarily of a "daytime#
Conditions Required For Joint Use; the building or use for which
application is being made to utilize the off-street parking facil-
ities provided by another building or use shall be located within
500 feet of such parking facilities in addition to which:
Ate applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict
in the principal operating hours of the two buildings or uses
for which joint use of off-street parking facilities is
The applicant shall present a properly drawn legal instrument
to be recorded with the County Auditor, executed by the parties
concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities
approved as to form and manner of execution by the City
Attorney; such instrument to be fi]ed with the Building
Inspector upon approval by the 8card.
Table of Minimum Standards: required parking spaces shall be in
conformance with the following Table and where alternative stand-
ards prevail, the greater applies in conflicting computations~
Table of Minimum Standards
~esidential, single-family
~esidential, duplex or multi-family
Roo~ing houses, similar uses
2 per dwelling unit
1.5 per dwelling unit
1 per roo~ing unit
1 per unit
l{otels, Motor Hotels
Churches, auditoriums and similar
enclosed places of assembly
Stadiums, sport arenas and similar
open assemblies
1 per sleeping room
1 her two beds, excluding bassinets
1 per $ seats
1 per a seats or 60 lineal inches of
pew or 40 square feet of gr~ss flor
area used for assembly purposes
1 per 8 seats amd/or 1 each per 1(~
square feet of assembly space without
fixed seats
Bowling alleys
Convalescent homes for ages
Banks, business and professional of-
fices (other than medical and dental
offices) with on-s~e customer service
8 per alley
1 per 5 beds
1 per 400 sq. ft. gross floor area
Medical and dental offices
1 per each 150 gross sq. ft. of floor
Offices not providing customer
Warehouse, storage and wholesale
1 per 4 employees or 1 per ~00 sq. ft.
gross floor area
1 per 75 sq. ft. of gross floor
used for assembly
1 per each 2 employees on maximum
working shift
Food and ,beverage places with .~a[es and
comsutnption on premises
it' less than 4,000 sq. ft. floor area
ii' over 4,000 sq. fL. floor area
Furniture, appliance, hardward, cloth-
ing, shoe, personal, service stores
Motor vehicle, machinery, plumbing,
heating, ventilating, building supplies
stores and services
1 per 200 sq. Ft. gross floor area
20 + 1. per 100 sq. ft. gross floor
area in excess of 4,000 sq. ft.
I per 600 sq. ft. gross floor area
1 per 1,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
or 1 per each 3 employees
Other retail
if less than 5,000 sq. ft. floor area
if over 5,000 sq. ft. floor area
Manufacturing uses, research testing
and processing, assembling, all
Libraries and museums
Schools, elementary and junior high
Schools, high
1 per 300 sq. ft. gross floor area
17 + 1 per each 100 sq. ft. in ex-
cess of 5,000 sq. ft.
1 per each 2 employees on maxi~u~
shift and not less than 1 per each
800 sq. ft. gross floor area
1 per each 200 sq. ft. gross floor
1 per each employee and faculty~e~ber:
1 per each 50 students + 1 per each
employee and faculty member
Plans{ the plan of the proposed parking area shall be submitted to
the City Engineer at the time of the application for the building
for which the parking area is required. Said plan shall clearly in-
dicate the proposed development, including location, size, shape,
design, curb cuts, lighting, landscaping, construction details, amd
other features and appurtenances required:
All traffic..~ control devices such as parking stripes designating
car stalls, directional arrows or signs, bull rails, curbs, and
other developments, shall be installed and completed as shown
on the approved plans. Hard-surfaced parking areas shall use
paint or similar devices to delineate car stalls and directio~al
arrows. Gravel parking areas shall use wood or concrete bull
rails or wheelstops and posted signs to delineate car stalls
and direction of traffic. ~here oedestrian walks are used in
parking lots for the use of foot {raffic only, they shall be
curbed, or raised six inches above the lot surface. Ail
~ays, off-street parking areas and public off-street areas
· ediately adjacent to a service drivewaywhich leads to a har~.
surface public street shall be hard-surfaced ~ith a ~inl~uaof
two inches of asphaltic concrete, and for a driving distance
at least 50 feet from said service driveways~
Minimum dim~nsions of off-street parking areas shall be not
'less than as shown on Figure 1, Minimum Parking I~t Require-
Landseaoing shall be included, as a part of lot design and
shall include tree and shrub pkantings within and around
the ~arklng area at apnrox~mately 70 feet on center each
Plans fo:- screening in the form of a solid mansonry wall,
architectural fences or dense hedges shall be submitted with
request for permit when lot has common boundary with any
"l(" classified property;
Lighting of areas provided for off-street uarking shall be
so arranged to not constitute a nuisance o~ hazard %o pass-
ing traffic and where said lots share a common boundary
with any "R" classified property, the illuminating devices
shall be so shaded and directed to play their light away
from "R" classified property;
Maintenance of all areas provided for off-street parking
shall include removal and replacement of dead and dying
trees, grass and shrubs, removal of trash and weeds, and
repair of traffic control devices, signs, light standards,
fences, walls, surfacing material, curbs and railings.
Section 4.03 General Requirements, Loading Areas. Each off-street load-
ing space shall measure not less than 30 feet by 12 feet and shall have am
unobstructed height of 14 feet 6 inches and shall be made permanently avail-
able for such purposes, and shall be surfaced, improved and maintained as
required in Section ~.02 H. Required loading spaces shall be in conformance
with the following Table:
Deparment stores, freight terminals, hospitals, sanitariums,
industrial or ~anufacturing establishments, retail or wholesale
stores or storage ~a~ehouses or any similar use which has, or
intends to have 10,000 square feet or more, shall provide truck
loading or unloading berths:
Square feet of aggregate
gross floor area
Required number
of berths
10,000 to 15,999
16,000 to 39,999
~0,000 to 65,000
each additional 16,000
1 additional
Auditoriums, convention or exhibit halls, sports arenas, hotels,
office buildings, restaurants or similar uses which have, or
tend to have an aggregate gross floor area of ~0,000 square feet
or more, shall provide truck loading or unloading berthsl
Square feet of aggregate
gros:-~ floor area
Eequired number
of berths
40,000 to ~,9,999
00,000 to ~9,999
100,000 to 100,000
each additional 00,000
1 additional
O~ctiqn 4.~ ~,meral Nequirement, Fences and ~reenbelts. Fences or
hedges ~roviding a maximum of six feet sight obstruction from adjacent
properties may be built on the side and rear property lines, ~nd across
th~ front of the property line with the front of a building, but not
eIoser to the street right-of-way than ~0 feet. Corner lots must obse~e
the 20-foot fence set-back on both streets. From the ~O-foot fence set-
back line l~ the street right-of-way, solid fences a max~ of three
feet high, measured from the ground on which the fence stands, are
~rmitted; open rail fences a maximum of four feet six inches in height
are permitted where the rails and posts constitute not more than one-third
of the fence area. Where fence heights greated than those contained
herein are directed, the greater shall apply.
Greenbelt or sight-obscuring constructions, where required by pro-
visions in this Ordinance shall be of evergreen plantings, or
climbing varieties of non-deciduous vines on ~ermanently installed
mesh or architectural fencing of such design and material that
retains it attractiveness with nominal maintenance.
Greenbelt, open-space oreservation and/or landscaping shall be in
keeping with local conditions and plant materials. There shall be
proper maintenance and injurious or unsightly ~eeds, etc. will not
be permitted.
Section 4.05 General Requirements, Planned Unit Developments . Residential.
The unified and planned development of a site, in single or corporate owner-
ship at the time of development, may be permitted in a PUD Planned Development
Overlay District without the customary division into individual lots, or
without specific compliance to the district regulations as applicable to
individual lots subject to the regulations as hereinafter provided in t~tis
section and as previously proveded in Section 3.$.
Application of Regulations
In addition to the uses permitted in the underlying district
any other use may be permitted as previously designated in
Section 3.03 consistent with the criteria established in sub-
paragraph "C" following
Individual uses and structures in a Planned Unit Development
Project District need not comply with the specific building
location, height, building size, floor area, lot size, and
open space requirements of the underlying basic d~stric%
provided that the spirit and intent of such requirements are
complied with in the total development plan for such oroJeet
consistent with the criteria as established in subpar~raph
"O'~ following, and subject to such further requirements as
were previously specified under Section '~,0~.
Petition. Petition may be made to the City Council by the
owner or agent of property proposed for such development, to
amend the zoning map by the overlaying of a PUD District in
order to pea'mit the application of the provisions of this
section to such development. Such petition shall be accom-
panied by a fee of $25.00 plus $1.00 for every acre or frac-
tion thereof in the project area, and the following infon~-
A statement describing the general 'character of intended
development along with such other pe~inent information
as may be necessary to a determination that the contem-
plated arrangement or use makes it desireable to apply
regulations and requirement differing from those ordi-
narily applicable under this Chapter.
A general development plan of the pro~eet showing at least
the following information or such additional information
as may be required by the P~anning Commission in a specif-
ic situation in sufficient detail to allow the Planning
Commission and the City Countil to apnly the criteria for
approval as hereinafter set forth:
An accurate map of the project area including its re-
lationship to surrounding nroperties.
Statistical data on total size of project area, area
of open space, density computation and propose4 number
of residential units, population analysis, market
analysis, economic analysis, imnact upon municipal
services and any other data pertinent to a comprehem-
sire evaluation of the propm~d development.
The pattern of public and private roads, driveways,
and parking ~acilities, intended design standards.
The size, arrangement, and location of lots or of
proposed building groups.
Th~ type, size and location of structures.
The location and sizes of sewer and water facilities
Architectural drawings amd sketches illustrating the
design and character of proposed structures.
The location of recreational and open space areas ~
areas reserved or dedicated for public uses such as
school, park, etc.
(9) General landscape treatment.
Existing topography and storm drainage pattern and
proDosed st')rm drainage system showing basic topo-
graphic changes.
General outline of intended organizational structure
related to property o~{er's association, deed restri¢.
tions, and provision of services.
Aeferral to Planning Commission. Such petition shall be re-
ferred to the Planning Commission and processed as any other
petition for zoning change. Upon completion of necessar~
study and investigation the Planning Commission shall ~ake its
recommendation to the City Council as ix) the appropriateness
and desirability of the proposed zoning change, the suitability
of the building, site, and development plans, and any addition-
al conditions which it may feel necessary or appropriate.
Public Hearing. Upon receipt of the Planning Commission's
recommendations, the City Council shall cause a public hearing
to be held pursuant to Section 6.15.
Basis for Approval. The Planning Commission in making its recom-
mendations and the City Council in making its determination shall
give consideration and satisfy themselves as to the following=
That the proponents of the proposed development have demonstra-
ted that they intend to start construction within a reasonable
period~following the approval of the project and requested
overlay of the PUD Oistrict, that the project aDpears economi-
cally sound, that adequate financing is possible and that the
development will be carried out according to a reasonable con-
struction schedule satisfactory to the City.
That the proposed development is consistent in all respects to
the spirit and intent of this Chapter, is in conformity with
the general plans for community development, would not be con-
trary to the general welfare and economic prosperity of the
City or of the immediate neighborhood, that the specific de-
velopment plans have been prepared with competent professional
advice and &uidance, and that the benefits and improved design
of the resultant development justifies the variation from the
normal requirements of this Ordinance through the application
of the Planned Unit Development Overlay District.
In the case of proposed residential developments=
That such development will create an attractive residentS/t[
environment of sustained desirability and economic
compatible with the character established for the area
the co.unity Comprehensive Plan, and where the economo
impact of the development in terms of income levels,
ty values, and service demands is at least as benefic~al
to the co.~unity as that which could be anticipated under
the basic zoning.
That the population composition of the development will not
alter adversely the impact upon school or other municipal
service requirements as anticipated under the existing
basic zoning and Comprehensive Plan.
That the project will not create traffic or parking demand
incompatible with that anticipated under the Comprehensive
That the total average residential density of the project
will be comoatible with the Comprehensive Plan. An increase
in the computed allowable maximum densitymay be permitte~
upon recommendatlon of the Planning Commission that the
increased density is Justi~iea in terms of the relationship
to open areas, service demand, and the total quality amd
character of the project.
The minimum size of parcel which will be considered by the
Planning Commission for a Planned Unit Development will
two acres (87,120 sq. ft.).
That adequate guarantee is provided for permanent retention
as "open area" of the residual open land area resulting
from the anplication of these regulations, either by private
reservation as an enhancement to the development or by dedi-
cation to the public.
In the case of private reservation the open area to be
served shall be protected against building development
conveying to the City as part of the conditions for pro-
ject approval an open space easement over such opem areas
restricting the area against any future building or use
except as is consistent with that of providing lamdscaped
open space for the aesthetic and recreational satisfaction
of the surrounding residence. Buildings,~or uses for men-
commercial recreational or cultural parposes compatible
with the open-space objective may be permitted only where
specifically authorized as part of the development plan or
subsequently with the express approval of the City Council
following approval of building, site, and operational plans
~y the Planning Commission.
The care and maintenance of such open space reservations
shall be assured either by establishment of appropriate
management organization for the project or by agreement
with the City for establishment of a special service dim-
trict for the project area on the ~asis of which the Gi~V
shall provide the necessary maintenance service and law
the cost thereof as a special assessment on the ta~ ~iis
of properties within the project area. In amy case the
City shall have the right to carry, out, ned levy an
assessment for the cost of, any maintenance which it feels
neaessary if it is not otherwise taken care of to the satis-
faction of the City. The manner of assuring ~aintenance
and assessing such cost to individual, properties shall be
determined prior to the approval of the final project
plans and shall be included in the title to each property.
Ownership and tax liability of private open space reserva.
tion shall be establihsed in a manner acceptable to the
City and made a part of the conditions of the plan approval.
The City Council after due consideration ma~ deny the petition,
approve the petition as submitted or approve the petition sub-
ject to additional conditions.
The approval of a petition and consequent amending of the zo~ng
map by overlay of the PUD District shall be based on and includs
as conditions thereto the building, site and operational pl~
for the development as approved as well as all other comm~tmen~
offered or required with regard to project value, character
or other factors pertinent to an assurance that the prcgese4
development will be carried out basically as presented in Se
official submittal plans, and shall be mapped and recorded as
provided for under conditional use requirements. Detailed
construction and engineering plans need not necessarily be
completed at the time the overlay zoning is granted, but the
approval o£ such preliminary plan shall be conditioned upon
the subsequent submittal and approval of more specific and
detailed plans as the development progresses.
The developer shall enter into an appropriate contract with the
City to guarantee the implementation of the development accord-
ing to the terms and conditions established as a part of the
development plan anproval.
Any subsequent change or addition to the plans or use shall
first be submitted for approval to the Planning Commission
and if in the opinion of the Planning Commission such change
or addition constitutes a substantial alteration of the orig-
inal plan, a public hearing shall be required.
The provisions of Section 6.08 governing Conditional Use
criteria shall apply to Planned Unit Developments.
~ec.tloq 4.06 Trailer or Mobile Home Parks. As noted in Chapter III of
this Ordinance, all proposed trailer or mobile home parks will be considered
o,~l,¥ as conditiona! uses in t!~e "H-I (A)" or "P-I" zones. Furthermore, all
proposed trailer parks shall abut an arterial street and be in compliance
with applicable ~t~te laws and meet County Health requirememts. All public
utilities must be readily aw~i~able to the proposed site. Together with the
fee and request, petitioner must be prepared to submit a detailed develop-
ment plan showing as a minimum: lot lines, trailer locations, community
facilities and open space, roadways and walkways, utilities and general
types and locations of screening and landscaping. A brieg written desc-
ription of the plan, staging of development and photos or ske'%ches of the
trailers may also be required of the petitioner. Minimum marcel size for
consideration must be ~ acres.
~ Public Zone (P-l). This zone is designated for and shall
be interpreted to apply to all public lands and buildings within the City
of Port Townsend and may also be applied to quasi-public land and buildings.
The general purpose of this section in the Ordinance conforms to the basi~ ~
provision for the health, safety and welfare of the citizenry, which purpose
shall be equitably interpreted for both public and nrivate development.
The more specific ourpose, esoecially in ~iew of the numerous and importamt
lands and ~uildings owned and~or occupied by public agencies in the City, is
to herewith provide a mandatory referral clause a~rfecting all development
plans of all public ventures within or abutting the corporate limits of
the City. Public agencies as herein defined include, but are not limite~
to, Federal and State agencies, Jefferson County, School, Port and Utility
districts and the City itself. Said agencies shall submit to the Planning
Co,t~Assion ten days prior to their respective public hearings two sets
of their site development plans. The Planning Commission shall review
the submitted plans for comparability with the Comprehensive Plan and
may transmit their findings to the Mayor and the relevant public agency.
D1S'I'~{.ICT A.~D BOUNg~.~iE,S
Jection 5.01 The locations and boundaries of the zoning districts shall
be as sho~n on the map accompanying this Ordinance and made a part of,
entitled, "Official Zoning Map, Port Townsend, Washington." The Official
Zoning Map and all the notations, references, and amendments thereto and
other information shown thereon are hereby made a part of this Ordinance,
just as if such information set forth on the map were fully described
and set out herein. The Official Zoning Map, attested by the signature
of the Mayor and the City Clerk, with the seal of the municipality
affixed, shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector,
and shall be available for inspection by the public.
Section ~.02 Boundaries. The boundaries of such districts are as
shown upon the Official Zoning Map, which is hereby adopted. The pro-
visions of this Ordinance are hereby attested by the signature of the
Mayor and the City Clerk, with the seal of the municipality affixed,
shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk. Copies shall
be available for inspection by the public.
Section ~.0] Boundary Interpretation. ~%ere uncertainty existe as to
boundaries of any district shown on said map, the following rules shall
~here district boundaries are indicated as approximately following
street lines, alley lines, or lot lines, such lines shall be
construed to be such boundaries;
In subdivided property or where a district boundary divides a
lot, the location of such boundary, unless the same is indica-
ted by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale
appearing on the map. ~here a district boundary line, as
appearing_on the Official Zoning ~ap, divides a lot in single
ownership, ~nich is of record at the time of this enactment,
the district requirement for the least restricted portion of
such lot shall be deemed to apply to the Sole thereof, pro-
vided that such extension shall not include any part of such
lot more than 3~ feet beyond the district boundary line;
~here any street, road, or alley is hereafter officially vacated
or abandoned, the regulations anplicable to each parcel of
abutting property shall apply to that portion o£ such street,
road, or alley added to the property by virtue of such
vacation or abandonment~
All land hereafter annexed to the City shall be considered
tentatively as having the Zone (district)classification such
land enjoyed while in the County, pending study, public hear-
lng and specific classification, it, there is no County zoning,
then thf3 Board may assi{~,l an interim zone.
Section ~ A[)Olica~i. on ~,i' iieKul~ti'~ns
kx~ept as hereinafter provided, ~]o buil~in~ shall be erected,
reconstructed, or structurally altered, nor shall any building
or land be used, except in compli~{~%:;e with all the district
regulations established by this Ordinance for the district in
which the building or land is located~
The minimum yards or other open spaces required by this Ordi-
nance, including] those orovisions re~ulatin~ intensity of use,
for each and every buildin~ hereafter erected or structurally
altered shall not be encroached upon or considered as meeting
the yard or ooen space requirements or the intensity-of-use
provisions for any other building. In the event of any such
unlawful encroachment or reduction, such buildin~ shall be
deemed to be in violation of the provisions of this code and
the certificate of occupancy for such building thereupon shall
be null and void;
Where the lot is formed from oart of a lot already occupied by
a building, such separation shall be effected in such manner
as not to impair any of the requirements of this Ordinance
with respect to the existing buildings, and all yards and other
open spaoes in connection therewith, and no permit shall
be issued for the erection of a new building on the new lot
thus created unless in complies with the orovisions of this
Section 5.05 Continuance of Non-Conforming Use of Buildings. Any
non-conforming building or structure may be continued and maintained
provided there is no physical change other than necessary mai~'tenanee
and repair in such building or structure.
Section 5.06 Change of Use. Any Dart of a building, structure, or
land occupied by a non-conforming use may be changed to a use which
is of the same or of a more restricted nature; but where the use
of a non-conforming building, structure, or land is hereafter changed
to a more restricted classification, it ~hall not thereafter be changed
Section ~.07 Vacancyl Termination of Non-Conforming Use. Any part of
~L~L~\ structure~ or land occupied by a non-conforming use, which
not thereafter be occupied excep%by a use which conforms %0 %he ~e
regulations of the district in which it is located.
Section ~.08 Change of Tenancy or Ownership. There may be a change
of tenancy, ownership or management of an existing non-conforming use,
provided there is no change in the nature or character of such
non-conforming use.
~ection ~.0~ COmpletion o£ Pending Construction. The adap%ion o£ this
OrdinanCe shall not, 1. imit the construction o£ any buildin~ £or which a
~ermit has been obtained prior to its adoption and publication, even
though such buildin~ does not conf'orm to the provisions o~ this Ordinance.
Section ~.10 Maintenance Permitted. A non-conformin~ bui]din§ or struc-
ture ma~ be repaired and maintained as provided in and as limited b~ this
see%ion. The maintenance of such bui].din~ or structure shall include
only necessary repairs and incidental alt~rations, which alterations,
however, shall not extend the extent or degree of non-conformit~ of such
building or structure, provided that necessary alterations may b~ made
required by other law or ordinance.
~ection %11 Restoration of Damaged Building. A non-conforming build-
inE or structure havin[ been damaged or partially destroyed by fire, o~
other calamity, to an extent not exceedinE 50 percent of its real value,
exclusive of foundations, at that time, may be restored and its immedia-
tely previous occupancy or use existing at the time of such partial des-
truction, may be continued or be resumed, provided the work of recon-
struction is commenced within one year of the date of such partial des-
%ruction. Whenever a non-conformin~ building or structure is damaged
in excess of 50 percent of its real valuation, exclusive of foundations,
at the time, the repair or reconstruction?of such buildin~ shall eonfo~
to all of the regulations of the district in which it is located and
it shall be treated as a new building. In addition, if such building
is moved for any reason for any distance whatever, then in any such
event, the said buildin~ ~nd the land on whi6h said destruction or
movinE shall be subject to all the regulations specified b~ this Ordinance
for the district in which such land and buildings are located.
Section ~.12 Additions, Enlargements, Moving.
A buildin~ or structure which is non-conforming as to use regul-
ations, shall not be added to or enlar§ed in any manner unless
such building or structure, including such additions and enlarge-
ments, is made to conform to all regulations of the district in
which it is located$
A buildin~ or structure, non-conforminE as to heiEht or densitF
reEulations, may be added to or enlarEed if such addition or
enlarEement conforms to the reEulations of the district in which
it is located. In such case, such addition or enlarEement shall
be treated as a separate buildin~ or structure in determininE
conformity to all of the requirements of this Ordinance~
When a building or structure or nor%ion thereof is moved f~om
one district to another or to another location within the same
district, it must conform or be made to conform to all of the
regulations of the district tn which it is moved.
Section 5.!3 Expansion Prohibited. A.mon.con£orming use of land, a
portion of a building or structure, which land, building or structure
otherwise conforms to the provisions of this Or~iaance, shall not be
extended or expanded into any other oortion of such conforming land,
building or structure, not changed except to a ¢on£orming use. If such ~
non-conforming use or oortion thereof is discontinued for a 180-day or more
period, or changed to a conforming use, any future use of such land,
building, structure or portion thereof shall be in conformity %o the
regulations of the district in which such ]and, building or structure
is located.
Section ~.lg Continuance of hon-Conformin~ Use of Land. The non-con.
forming use of land (where no building is involved) existing at the date
of this Ordinance becemes effective, ma~ be continued, provided that:
No such non-conforming use of land shall in any way be expanded
or extended either on the same or adjoining property;
All non-conforming signs, billboards, commercial advertising
structures and objects and their supooring members located in
all %he various zoning districts are hereby declared to be
i~j uriousto the health, safety and welfare and destructive
of aesthetic and environmental living conditions sought to
be created by the passage of this Ordinance and shall be re-
moved or made conforming w~thin one year from the effective
date of this Ordinance.
Section ~.19 Notice of Abatement or Required Conformance. Whenever
the owner shall fail to comply with provisions of this Ordinance
relating to the removal or discontinuance of a non-conforming use,
the City of Port Townsend shall take action as may be necessary to
cause compliance with the provisions hereof. When any non-conforming
condition exists which is subject to abatement, it shall be the
responsibility of the Building Inspector to ascertain to the extent
~ossible, the date upon which the non-conforming use was establishe~
or acquired. The Building Inspector shall notify the o~ner and/or
occupant of the subject property of the intent to consider all perti-
nent data in connection therewith and provide the opportunity for the o~ner
and/or occupant to present such evidence which properly relates %o such
case. The Building Inspector shall establish the facts upon which
the determination is made to require such property owner to abate or
make the use conforming, and shall formally notify the owner of record
a~d the occupant in writing, of the decision and of the date by which
such use or uses shall be abated or made conforming. Such formal
notification shall be by certified mail to,he property owner and
a copy mailed to the occupant at the address of the premises. In the
event the non-conforming condition is not abated or made conforming
within 90 days of such mailing, the owner and/or occupant shall be
deemed in violation of this Ordinance, and subject to the penalties
~~~d~o.n~ Dio'tric:t {~han[#, ~henvwr the
ed so as to ~rana£er an-&Fen= fFom one
d~atrXa% of & different olaasifloat~on, the forego4nf provisions
Itllo applay to any non-oonfors~ns: uses ex~ating therein,
~ection 6.01 t~uilding Inspector. The Building Inspector shall be
responsible for enforcing the provisions of this Or~inance~ The Build.
lng Inspector, and his duly authorized assistants, shall have the right
to enter any builoing or enter upon any land during the d~ytime in the
course of their duties, upon showing proper identification and upon
giving reasonable notice.
Section 6.02 Records. The Building Inspector shall maintain in his
office, all building permits issued, applications for building permits,
non-conforming uses in the City, and certificates of occupancy issued
by him which shall be open to the public for inspection. The Building
Inspector shall keep a record of each and every identifiable complaint
of a violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, the action
taken, consequent to any such complaint, which records shall be open
to the public for insoection.
Spction 6.0} Permits Issued Contrary to this Ordinance. Any such
building permit, certificate of occuuancy, or other authorization issue~,
granted or approved in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance,
shall be null and void and of no effect ~rithout the necessity of ar~v
proceedings for a revocation or nullification thereof, and any work
undertaken or use established pursuant to any such building permit,
certificate of occupancy, or other authorization shall be unlawful,
and no action shall be taken by any Board officer, or any employee
of the City purporting to validate any such violationl
Section 6.0~ Certificate of Occupancy and Non-Conforming Uses. All
non-conforming uses of buildings or land shall, within one year of the
date when said use of building or land becomes non-conforming, obtain
a ~imilar certificate of occupancy. The Building Inspector shall make
his best efforts to notify non-conforming users and inform them that
they must apply for said certificate, but his failure to do so shall
not excuse the property owner from securing said certificate.
..... ~ ................................ ~ ..... ~ ................
Se.c$ion 6..~ Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment will be
establishe~ by the Mayor when so directed by the City Council. ~ntil
such time as the Board is established, the Council will perform the
function of the Board in the manner prescribed herein. The wor~
"Board" when used herein shall mean the Board of Adjustment, The
Board shall consist of five members and shall be anpointed by the
Mayor with consent of the Council. In case any vacancy shoul~ occur
in the membership of the Board, for any cause, the Mayor shall fill
such vacancy by making an appointment with the consent of the Co~cil.
The mew appointee shall fulfill the unexpired term, The membership
o£ the Board may be removed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of
the Council, for neglect of duty, failure to attend three consecutive
meetings without excuse, or acts involving a b=each of moral turpitude.
The Boa~ of Adjustment shall determine that a vacancy throught
absence, delinquency, or other reasons exists and shall convey such
determination to the Mayor. Before the removal of any member of the
Board of Adjustment, the allegations upon which the removal is based,
shall be set forth in writing and the members being removed shall be
given reasonable ttotice thereof and he shall be given an opportunity
%o be heard before the Council. The initial membership shall consist
of one member appointed for one year, one member for two years, one
member for three years, and two members for four years; and each
appointment thereafter shall be for four years.
Section 6.06 Powers of the Board. The Board shall hear and decide
anpeals from any determination made by the Building Inspector,
applications for conditional use and for variances.
Section 6.07 Conditional Uses. The Board shall have the authority%o
grant in particular cases and subject to appropriate conditions and safe.
guards, conditional use permits as authorized by this Ordinance. The
application for a conditional use permit shall accompany the application
for a building permit and/or a cer{ificate of occupancy. Only those uses
contained in the column of Conditional Uses, Chapter III, will be con.
sidered and only for the zone indicated by an "x" opposite the use. The
application sha~l be made.~ the Buildin~,~lnspecter:wbo shall transmit
the application to the Planning Commission and to the Board for review
and recommendations. Thereafter, the Board may conduct special public
hearings and may grant or deny the conditional use requested.
Section 6-08 Conditional Use Criteria. The standards and criteria
governing the issuance of conditional use permits are as follows{
A. That the use will not endanger the public health or safety if
located where proposed and developed, and that the use will
not allow conditions which will tend to generate nuisance
conditions such as noise, dust, glare, vibration;
B. That the use meets all required conditions and specifications
set forth in the zone where it proposes to locate;
That the use will not be injurious or detrimental to adjoining
or abutting property; or that the use is a public necessity;
That the location and character of the use, if developed ac-
cording to the plan as submitted and approved, will be in
harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in
general conformity with the Comprehensive Plan of development
of Port Townsend and its environs{
In addition, the Board may impose specific conditions orecedent
to establishin< the use and s;~'~d conditions may incl. ude:
Inr, reasing requirements in the stanonrds, criteria or
established hy t~is Ordinanee~
Stiuulate the exact location as a means of minimizing
hazards to ].ife, limb, property damage, erosion, land
slides or traffic;
~equire structural features or equipment essential to
serve the sa~e Durposes as se% forth in item (2)
Impose conditions similar to those set forth in items
(2) and (3) above, as deemed necessary to establish
parity with uses permitted in the same zone in their
freedom from nuisance generating features in matters
of noise, odors, air pollution, wastes, vibration,
traffic, physical hazards.
All conditions required by the Board shall be entered in the
minutes of the meeting at which the permit is granted and also
on the certificate of the conditional use permit;
To ensure the establishment of the above conditions, the Board
of Adjustment, shall have the authority to require and approve
of specific plan, to increase the requirements set forth above
and requirements elsewhere in the Ordinance, but in no case
shall the Board have the authority to decrease the requirements
of this Ordinance for any use in the zone it proposes to locate.
Any such decrease in the requirements of this Ordinance shall
only be granted upon the issuance of a variance.
Section 6.0~ Denials, Compliance. If the Board denies the conditional
use permit, the reasons therefor shall be entered in the minutes of the
meeting at which the permit is denied:
In the event of failure to comply with the plans approved by
the Board or with any conditions imposed upon the conditional
use permit, the permit shall thereupon immediately become
void and of no effect;
Where plans are required to be submitted and approved, as part
of the application for a conditional use permit, modifications
of the original plans may be made by the Board after review.
Section 6.10 Variances: Conditions Governing Applications: ~ocedures.
The Board of Adjustment shall have the authority to grant a variance from
the requirements of this Ordinance, after considering the matter at a
public hearing duly called, giving notice to adjoining property owners as
provided herein.
Be[ore any variance can be granted, the Board shall make findings
of £aet setting forth and showing that the following 'circumstances
in considering all proposed variances to this Ordinance, the
Board shall, before making any finding in a specified case,
fi, rat determine that the proposed variance will not amount
to a rezone and constitute change in the district boundaries
shown on the O££icial Zoning Map;
That special oonditions and circumstances exist which are
peculiar to the land such as size, shape, topography or
location, not applicable to other lands in the same district
and that literal interpretation of the provisions of this
Ordinance ~ould deprive the property owner of the rights
commonly enjoyed by other properties similarly situated
in the same district under the terms o£ this Ordinance;
That the special conditions and circumstances do not
result from the actions of the applicant;
That granting the variance requested will not confer a
special privilege to subject property that is denied
other lands in the same district;
That the granting of the variance will not be materially
deterimental to the public welfare or injurious to the
property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in
which subject property is situated;
The Board of Adjustment shall further make a finding that
the reasons set forth in the application justify the grant-
ing of the variance, and that the variance is the minimum
variance that will make possible the reasonable use o~ the
The Board of 9Ajustment shall further make a finding that
the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the
general purpose and intent of this Ordinance and will not be
injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to
the public welfare;
The fact that property may be utilized more profitably will
not be an element of consideration before the Board of
In granting any variance, the Board of Adjustment may prescribe
aporopriate conditions and safeguards that will ensure that the
purpose and intent of this Ordinance shall not be violated.
giolation of such conditions and safeguards when made part of
the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deeae/
a violation of this Ordinance and punishable under Section
6.16, #Penalties.#
*~ith respect to uses o1' land, buildings and other structures,
this Ordinance is (teclared to be a de£inition of' the public
interest by (]%t,y Council, and the spirit of this Ordinance will
not t~: observed b,y an~ va~'iance which permits a use not gen-
nerally or b eouditional use, permitted in the district invol-
ved, or an3 use expressly or b,' implication prohibited, by
terms o[' this Ordinance in :~aid district.
~ectlon 0.1~. Tim~? becision E['fective. ~he decision of the Board
granting or den3i, n~ a conditional use permit or a variance, shall not
become final until the expiration of five da~s from the date of such
decision, unless the Board shall find that the making of the decision
effective imnediate[3 is necessary for the preservation of property
or personal rights and shall so certify on the record of the request
for a conditional use permits and if a buildin~ permit and/or
occupancy permit is not obtained for the sub,oct property within one
year from the date of the Board's decision, the conditional use permit
shall be cancelled and automatically become n~ll and void.
~ection 6.12 Meetings. Meetings of the Board shall be held at least
once a month, provided that there is business to transact and at such
other times as the Chairman of the Board may determine. The meetings
shall be held in the Port Townsend City Hall and all regular Board
meetings shall be open to the public. The Board shall adopt its own
rules of procedure and keep minutes of it proceedings, findings and
action in each case, and the vote of each member present on each
question considered in the proceedings, unless a member disqualifies
himself. The presence of three members shall be necessary to constitute
a quorum and three affimative votes shall be necessary for granting
a variance or a conditional use permit. Not proxy vote is permissible.
Section 6.1] Procedure. Application for conditional use permits,
variances, or appeals from the ruling of the Building Inspector concerning
the provisions herein contained may be made to the Board within 30 days.
At least ten days before the date of the hearing on the appeal or
application before the Board, the Secretary of the Board shall
transmit to the Planning Commission a copy of said application
or appeal, together with a copy of the notice of the aforesaid
hearing and shall request that the Planning Commission shall
submit to the Board its advisory opinion of said application
or appeal, and the Planning Commission shall submit its recom-
mendation prior to the date of hearing.
Section 6.1~ Stay. When any appeal is made to the Board from the
decision of the Bui].ding Inspector, any further findings of~the matter
shall be stayed until the final determination.
When an appeal is taken to the Sunerior Court from any decision
of the Board, all Droceedings therein shall be stayed until final
determination by the Superior Court.
Sectio2 $.19 Public Notice and Hearing.
before the Board shall be:
Proper notice of a hearing
One nublieation in the officia] newspaper o£ the City of Port
Townsend at least ten days prior to the date o£ hearing;
Postin§ of copies of the Notice of Hearing at least ten days
prior to the hearing in (1) th~ Port fownsend City Hall, (2)
the United States Post OFfice in the City o£ Port To.ns.nd,
and (]) in ~ conspicuous place on the property which is the
subject matter o£ the application to the Board;
Written notice mailed to the owner or reputed owner of the
properties within £00 feet of the property which is the subject
matter of the application to the Board, which ownership is
deemed to be that of the last owner of record in the office of
the City of Port Townsend Water Department, said notice to be
mailed at least ten days prior to the date of the proposed
The Board shall diligently observe the foregoing requirements
with respect to mailing and posting notices, but minor inaccuracies
in giving such notice shall not invalidate the proceedings. The
Secretary of the Board shall cause said notice to be mailed and
the Building Inspector shall cause said notices to be published.
..Section 6.16 Violations and Penalties.
A. Any person or corporation, whether owner, lessee, principal,
agent, employee, or otherwise, who violates any of the provisions
of this Ordinance or permits any such violation or fails to cemply
with any of the requirements thereof, or who erects, constructs,
reconstructs, alters, enlarges, converts, moves, or uses any
building or uses any land in violation of any detailed statement
or plans submitted by him and approved under the provisions of
ii~!~ this Ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con-
'~i<<!~;~on thereof, shall be punishable by a fine not exceedinE $300°00
; t,f~r, a period not to exceed 90 days, or both. _Each ......................
~ 30 day continued violation shall constitute a separate ??~<~,
additional violation
building or structure is erected, constructed, retort-
, altered, converted or maintained, or any building,
structure or land is used in violation of this Ordinance, the
proper legal authorities of the City of Port Townsend, in add-
ition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action
or proceedings to prevent such unlawful erection, construction,
reconstruction, alteration, conversion, maintenance or use, to
restrain, correct or abate such violation, to prevent the oc-
cupancy of said building, structure, or land, or to nrevent
illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about such building,
structures, or land.
Upon the Building Inspector's awareness of any violation of any
of the provisions of this Ordinance, the Building Inspecter
shall serve notice of such violation on the person or co.ratteR
committing or permitting the same, and it such violation ha~ ~e%
ceased within~ueh reasonable length of time a's the Bmilding
inspector may determine, he will recommend such action to the
Council as may be necessary to terminate the vi~lation.
Proposed amendments, supplementations, or modifications of the
text of this Ordinance, or the Official Zoning Map made a part
hereof, shal! first be heard by the Planning Commission and the
decision shall be made and reported bT resolution by. the Planning
Commission within 90 days of the time that the proposed amend-
ments, supDlementations, or modifications were made. The City
Council, pursuant to public hearing called by them as provided
herein may affirm, modify or disaffirm any decision of the
Planning Commission.
Proposed amendments, supplementations, or modifications may be
initiated as follows:
1. By motion of the City Council or the Planning Commission;
2. By any interested party by msking apnlication to the Planning
Commission on forms prescribed by said Commission, accompan-
ied by a filing fee of $2~.00 to cover costs of processing.
Upon the initiation of the proposed amendment, supolementation or
modification, the Planning Commission shall give proper notice amd
hold a public hearing at the tima and date set forth in the notice.
Proper notice of a hearing before the Planning Co~,ission shall be~
1. One nublication in the offical newsoaper of the City of Port
Townsend at least ten days prior to' the date of the hearing$
2. Posting of copies of the Notice of Hearing in (1) the Port
Townsend City Hall, (2) the United States Post Office in %he
City of Port Townsend, and in the event the proposed amend-
ment, supnlementation, or modification involves a change in
the Official Zoning Map, (3) Posting notices thereof along
every road or street abutting the la~d as proposed to be
".~.ction 6.18 Constitutionality or Invalidity. If any section, chapter,
subsection, clause or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held to
be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutioualityshall
not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of
this Ordinance, it being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance,
and each section, chapter, subsection, sentence, clause and p~ase
hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted, approved and ratified
irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, chapters, sub-
sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or uncon-
Section 6.1~ ~ben EFfective. This Ordinance shall take effect a~d be
in force five days from and after its passage, approval., and legal.
DAY of AuFus% 1971
DAY or August 1971
PUBLISHED: Aug. 12, 1971, Port Townsend Leader
City Attorney
VI -8