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0225 Time within which the taxes of 1888 May be paid
0228 Transferring from the General Fund to General Expense Fund sum of $313.50
0229 Regulate the Construction and Removal of Buildings for Fire Prevention
0230 Transfering from General Fund to General Expense Fund $1000
0231 Authorizing Appointment of Police Officers and Other than Regular Police
0232 Authorizing Dooley hissiates Successors and Assigns to Construct Maintain a Street Railway System
0233 Authorizing and Enforcing Warren Hastings and Other Parties to Erect and Maintain Gas Works
0234 Appropriating money for improving and repairing portion of Washington Street
0235 Providing for the Grading of Certain Portions of Washington Street
0236 Transfer Money from General Fund to General Expense Fund
0237 Appropriation to Clear and Open Portions of K and 3rd Streets of Pettygroves
0238 Establishing the Grade for a Portion of Filmore Street
0239 Authorizing Charles Eisenbeis to Construct a Wharf on the foot of Harrison Street
0240 Grading a Portion of Filmore Street
0241 Transferrring Funds from General Fund to General Expense Fund
0243 Grading the Right of Way
0244 Establish Grades to Certain Streets in City
0245 Construct a Wharf at Foot of Madison Street
0246 Transferring Certain Monies from Fire and Water to General Fund
0247 Construct maintain and operate street railways
0249 Building Sidewalk on Washington Street and Establishing an Assessment
0249 Transfer from General Fund to General Expense Fund
0250 Prescribing Limits on Laundries
0251 Relating to Sidewalks
0252 Forbidding Certain Vehicles Standing withing Certain Limits and providing Penalties
0253 Fixing Compensation of Street Commissioner
0254 Regulating Construction and Removal of Buildings for Fire Prevention
0255 Transfering $3,000 from General Fund to General Expense Fund
0256 Franchise District Telegraph System C.B. Hopkins
0257 Establishing the Grade of Jefferson Street
0258 Building Sidewalk on Lincoln Street
0259 to Amend Sec. 7 of Ord 0232
0260 Creating an Easement District to Pay for Grade and Filling Washington Street
0261 Prescribing a Fee for City Attorney
0262 authorizing contract With Port townsend Water Company
0263 Building a sidewalk on the east side of Madison Srtreet from Lawrence to First Street
0264 Granting the right of way to Thomas Jackman his associates successors assigns - water
0265 Transfer $1,500 from General Fund to General Expense Fund
0266 Granting to Charles Swigerd and JV Shephard conduct and operate electric street railway
0267 Granting to Charles Swigerd and JV Shepard a franchise to construct and operate electric street railway
0268 Granting to Charles Swigerd and JV Shepard a franchise to construct and operate electric street railway
0269 Punish the wilful destruction or injury of property
0270 Providing for the building of a sidewalk on both sides of Calhoun Street from Washington to Lawrence Street
0271 Taxes of 1889
0272 Transferring $2000 from the General Fund to the General Expense Fund