HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout0216 Building Sidewalks and Establishing Assessment Districts0217 Transfer from General Fund to Water Fund $6000218 License Tax and Regulate Theatres Shows Exhibitions0219 Establishing Grades in the City0220 Construct and Maintain a Wharf at the Foot of Fillmore Street0221 License tax and regulate auctioneers and peddlers0222 Establishing Monuments and Bench Marks to Regulate all Future Surveys0223 Providing for Sidewalks on Tyler Street and First0224 Prevent Animals from Running At Large within City0224 Transferring from General Fund to General Expense fund $5,538.430226 Amending Section One of Ordinance 150 Entitled an Ordinance to Amend Section 7 of Ordinance 101 Fixing the Bond0242 Authorizing Construct Maintain and Operate Street