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2334 Utility Business Tax
2335 Increasing the Local Option Real Estate Excise Tax Rate
2336 Salaries for City Positions
2337 Regulating the Use of Bows and Arrows with the Corporate City Limits
2338 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2339 Rezoning Lots 5 and 7 of Block 140 in the Original Townsite Addition to the City of Port Townsend and Amending the Official Zoning Map
2339A Fire Protection - Repealing the Fire Prevention Code of the American Insurance Association
2340 Fire Department Permit and Inspection Fees
2341 Increasing Water Service Rates and Amending Senior Citizen's Discount for Water Charges
2342 Increasing Wastewater Service Rates and Amending Senior Citizen's Discount for Wastewater Charges
2343 Wastewater Disposal and Treatment
2344 Utility Credits and Program for Low-income and Low-income Disabled Residents
2345 Increasing the Amount in the Advance Travel Expense Revolving Fund
2346 Interfund Loan to the 1992 City Dock Re-Construction Fund from the Storm and Surface Water Fund
2347 Number Not Used
2348 Amending the Port Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program
2349 Salaries and Wages for City Positions
2350 Vacating Right-of-Way and a Portion of Magnolia Street in Fowler's Park Addition
2351 Amending the 1993 Capital Improvement Program to Include Repair of Haller Fountain
2352 Renaming Offutt Street as Magnolia Street in Fowler's Park Addition
2353 Renaming La Salle (Alder) Street as Cliff Street in National City Addition
2354 Parking Code Violation Fines
2355 Garbage Collection Rates
2356 Salaries and Wages for Certain City Positions
2357 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2358 Vacating a Portion of Hancock Street in Hastings Heights Addition
2359 Amending the 1993 Capital Improvements Program to Include Purchase of Real Property at Southwesterly Corner of Water and Adams Streets
2360 Disclosure of Business License Application and Return Information for Use in Criminal Investigations
2361 Authorizing Bicycle Patrol Officers to Ride on Sidewalks While Conducting Official Police Business
2362 Amending Ordinance 1673 - Employee Vacation Accrual
2363 City Employee Code of Conduct
2364 Salary Compensation for City Council
2365 Interfund Loan from the Storma and Surface Water Fund to the 1993 General Obligation Bond Project Fund
2366 Planned Unit Development Regulations
2367 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Provisions
2368 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2369 Creating a Community Oriented Policing Advisory Board
2370 Amending Ordinance 2367 - State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Provisions
2371 Amending Ordinance 2348 - Accepting the State Department of Ecology's (DOE) Modifications to the Port Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program
2372 Rezoning Lots 1-11 of Block 5 in National City Addition and Amending the Official Zoning Map
2373 Garbage Collection Rates
2374 Issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds for Various Capital Improvements
2375 Amending the Jefferson-Port Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program
2376 Port Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program Application and Permit Fees
2377 Rezoning and Amending the Official Zoning Map
2378 Cable Television System Operations Regulations
2379 Property Tax Levy for 1994
2380 System Development Charge for Connecting to Water and Sewer System
2381 Water Service Rate Increase
2382 Wastewater Service Rate Increase
2383 Increasing Public Works Fees and Charges
2384 Building and Land Use Fees
2385 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2386 Maximum Salary for Maintenance Worker II
2387 Process for Reservation of Water Service for Property Owners Located within Utilities Outside of City Service Area
2388 Budget for 1994
2389 Conversion of Irrigation Taps
2390 Amending Ordinance 2380 - To Clarify the Collection of System Development Charges Where Conversion of Irrigation Taps Occurs
2391 Amending Ordinance 2383 - Increasing Public Works Fees and Charges