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2392 Amending Ordinances 2380 and 2390 - Modifying the Timing of when System Development Charges are Required to be Paid by Customers Located withing Utilities Outside of City Service Area
2393 Amending Ordinance 2387 - Water Reservation System for Customers Located within Utilities Outside of City Service Area
2394 Salaries and Wages for City Positions
2395 City Dock Use Regulations and Charges
2396 Service Fee for Septage Accepted at City's Biosolids Composting Facility
2397 Amending the 1994 Capital Improvements Program to Include the Acquisition of a Prefabricated - Mobile Service Building
2398 Modifying the Due Date for Quarterly Payments of Business and Occupation Taxes and Business License Fees
2399 Salary for Receptionist
2400 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2401 Vacating a Portion of Hancock Street in Hastings 3rd Addition
2402 Vacating a Portion of E Street in Webster's Addition
2403 Pope Marine Building Use Regulations and Charges
2405 Restablish an Elected City Attorney Position
2406 Salaries and Wages for Certain City Positions
2407 Adopting the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance
2408 Rezoning and Amending the Official Zoning Map
2409 Vacating a Portion of Wilson Street in Eisenbeis Addition
2410 Salary for Administrative Manager
2411 Vacating Alleys in Block 90 and 98 and a Portion of Oneonta Street in Fowler's Park Addition
2412 Providing for Superiority of Shoreline Use Regulations Over Zoning Use Regulations
2413 Allowing Boat Building Repair and Sales in the C-II Zoning District
2414 Vacating an Alley in Block 25 of Hastings 3rd Addition
2415 Adopting the Nonresidential Energy Code 1994 Second Edition
2416 Nonresidential Energy Code Special Inspectin Fees
2417 Volunteer Firefighter Service, Achievement and Valor Recognition Program
2418 Vacating a Portion of Kuhn Street in Blocks 9 and 20 of Eisenbeis Supplementary Plat Addition
2419 Increasing Ambulance Fee
2420 Interfund Loan from the Storm and Surface Water Fund to the Emergency Medical Services Fund
2421 Renaming La Salle (Alder) Street as Cliff Street in National City Addition
2422 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2423 Establishing a Charge for Compost Produced at City's Biosolid's Composting Facility
2424 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2425 Establishing the Position of City Administrator
2426 Establishing Separate Offices for the City Clerk and the City Treasurer
2427 Changing the Name of the Director of Planning and Building to Director of Building and Community Development
2428 Property Tax Levy for 1995
2429 Vacating a Portion of 32nd, 33rd, Pettygrove and Haines Streets and Woodland Avenue in the H.L. Tibbals, Jr. 2nd Addition and Littlefield's Addition
2430 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2431 Building and Land Use Fees
2432 Vacating an Alley in Block 47 of Fowler's Park Addition
2433 Salaries for Certain City Positions
2434 Utility Rates
2435 Budget for 1995
2436 Increasing Tax on Wholesale and Retail Business Sales
2437 Increasing Application Fee for New Businesses
2438 Rezoning and Amending the Official Zoning Map