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1696 Supplemental Budget Appropriating Waterline Supplies and Declaring Emergency
1698 Repealing Ordinances 726 816 837 876 919 1301 1588 1423
1699 Supplemental Budget Appropriation $2500 Garbage Collection Service
1699-A Supplemental Budget Appropriations - 4800 Ambulance Purchase
1700 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
1701 Establishing a Claim and Payroll Fund
1702 Authorizing Sale of an Ambulance
1703 Vacating a Portion of McKinley Street
1704 Lease a portion of Quincy Street to the State of Washington
1705 Disclaiming City Interest in Piling, Pier or Other Improvement in ROW of Quincy Street, Water Street and Front Street
1706 Amending Ordinance 1701 - Claim Fund and Payroll Fund
1707 Amending Ordinance 1456 - Definitions
1707A Dances and Dance Halls
1707B Vehicle Speed Limits
1708 Supplemental Budget Appropriation
1709 Procedure for Enactment of Ordinances
1710 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
1711 Real Property Purchases
1712 Equipment Rental Fund
1713 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
1714 Dances and Dance Halls
1715 Creating Various Accounting Funds
1716 Establishing Mininum Age 21 for Liquor Sales/Consumption and Penalties for Liquor Sales to Minors
1717 Expanding Commercial Zones
1718 Vacating Various Streets
1719 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
1720 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
1721 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
1722 Vehicle Speed Limits
1723 Property Tax Levy for 1975
1724 Park Commissioners Membership
1725 Budget for 1975
1726 Salaries for City Officers