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2624 Salaries for City Positions
2625 Issuance of Water & Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds to Finance Capital Improvements
2626 SEPA Checklist Required for Short Subdivisions
2627 Fee for Review of SEPA Checklists
2628 Salaries for Non-Union Positions
2629 Temporary Location for Council Meetings/Establishment of Governmental Operations Committee
2630 Parking Restrictions at Walnut and W Streets Intersection
2631 City Dock and Union Wharf Use Regulations and Fees
2632 Removal of Police Chief Position from Civil Service System
2633 Removal of Fire Chief Position from Civil Service System
2634 Utility Committee Review of Utility Plans
2635 Parking Requirements
2636 Pope Marine Building Use
2637 Sign Limitations
2638 Moratorium on Wireless Communications Facilities
2639 Code Publishiing Company
2640 Supplemental Budget Appropriation
2641 Supplemental Budget Appropriation
2642 Supplemental Budget Appropriation
2643 Adopting Non-Motorized Transportation Plan
2644 Amending Community Oriented Policing Advisory Board
2645 Establishing a Solid Waste Utility B&O Tax
2646 Parking Limitatins on Madison Street
2648 Sewer Connections
2649 Incorporate 1997 UBC & WAC Changes
2650 Hearing Examiner Exanded Scope
2651 Hearing Examiner
2652 Acceptance of Donations and Gifts
2653 Establishing Horizontal and Vertical Datums for Surveying and Mapping
2654 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2655 Vacating an Alley in Block 26 of Fowler's Park Addition
2656 Vacating a Portion of Arizona Place in Fowler's Park Addition
2657 Adopting Port Townsend Water System Plan
2658 Irrigation Meter Charges
2659 Sewer Connections
2660 Vacating Portions of Rosecrans, Logan and 30th Streets in Monogram Addition
2661 Establishing Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee
2662 Supplemental Budget Appropriation
2663 Increasing Lodging Tax Levy
2664 Parking Lots
2665 Extending Moratorium on Wireless Facilities
2666 Creating a Special System Development Charge Fund and Establishing a System Development Charge Low Income Deferral Account
2667 System Development Charge Deferrals for Low Income Housing
2668 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2669 Property Tax Levy for 1999
2670 Amending Comprehensive Plan
2671 Amending Street Vacation Procedure
2672 Transfer and Assignment of Franchise to Operate a Cable Television (T.V.) System from Port Townsend Cable T.V. Ltd. Partnership d/b/a Summit Communications Inc. to Millenium Digital Media Systems, LLC
2673 Supplemental Budget Appropriations
2674 Budget for 1999
2675 Solid Waste Regulations