HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2795 Amending Planning Commission Membership and Providing for Up to 11 Members2796 Vacating a Portion of 22nd Street Right-of-Way in Block 64 of Eisenbeis Addition and in Block 4 of C.H. Pinks Addition - Gregory Kossow and Lianne C. Perron-Kossow2797 Amending Ord. #2785 to Reflect a Position Title Change in the General Government Salary Schedule Portion of the 2002 Budget2798 Amending City Council Rules, Business Meetings - Schedule, Authoize Certain Actions at Council Study Sessions and Workshops2799 Adopting Interim Standards for Tree Clearing and Planting2800 Health and Sanitation: Solid Waste Collection and Disposal; Low Income Disabled Senior Solid Waste Rate Reduction Program2801 Amending Code of Ethics - Family - to Include a Definition of Domestic Partner; and Conflict of Interest - Restrictions After Leaving Employment2802 Amending Method of Parking - Two-Hour Parking Limit2803 Amending Utility Rates and Charges - Monthly Water Rates2804 Repealing Fire Safety Requirements for Certain Transient Accommodations2805 Utility Latecomer Agreements - To Correct an Incomplete Sentence2806 Creating Northwest Maritime Center Fund2807 Amending PTMC to Exempt Non-Profit Organizations from Compliance with Business Licenses and Regulations2808 Speed Limit - Blaine Street - Penalties2810 Prohibiting Sale and Discharge of Fireworks and Possession and Use of Explosives2811 Delete Outmoded References to Certin Council Committees and Authorize City Manager to Perform Certin Functions re: PTMC Regs. - Pope Marine Bldg.- Chetzemoka Park - City Dock & Union Wharf - Cable Television - Parking - Land Dev. Admin. Procedures2812 Issuance and Sale of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds to Finance Renovations of Historic City Hall, Construction of City Hall Annex and Various Capital Improvements2813 Requiring Parking within a Designated Parking Space2814 Modifying Ord No. 2643 to Remove Existing Trail (Lincoln Street-Westall Property) from Non-Motorized Transportation Plan2815 Extending Interim Standards for Tree Clearing and Planting2816 Utility Latecomer Agreements2817 Establishing a Dispute Resolution Program2818 Supplemental Budget Appropriations2819 Water and Sewer Connection Charges Along a Portion of Mason Street (Hensel Subdivision)2820 Puget Sound Energy (PSE) Franchise2824 Amending Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations Amendment Process2825 Various PTMC Amendments2826 Budget for 20032827 Property Tax Levy for 2003