HomeMy WebLinkAbout042683April 269 1983 Next meeting May 31, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm. Present were Konrad Schwenke, Cheryl Van Dyke, John Marckworth, Vicki Lea - Shelton, Laurie Stewart and Beverly Lamb. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The Librarian's report is appended to these minutes. Committee Reports: 1. Budget Committee Chair Cheryl Van Dyke reported on several meetings the committee had held to discuss and plan budget planning and structure. Budgets from other libraries will be studied and compared with ours. The committee will work with Beverly to set up the BARS numbering. Committee members will work with Multi-Plan to begin structuring a budget computer -based record keeping and forecasting system. it was recommended that City department heads and City Council members be invited to view the computer -based system when it is completed. 2. Building Committee Chair Laurie Stewart reported a successful work party with Rob Marean and Friends volunteers to clean and replace light bulbs. Approx. $32.00 is left from the budgeted amount of $700.00. Some diffusers are broken and will need to be replaced. Some ballasts are defective and need replacing as well. The cost for a replacement ballast is approx. $20.00 plus labor. Laurie will continue to research replacement costs. It was noted that small building repairs are sometimes necessary between board meetings, making it awkward to procure funding. The board voted unanimously in favor of the establishment of repair procedure guidelines as follows: - Repairs to a limit of $50.00 may be authorized by the Librarian. - Repairs over $50.00 to a limit of $200.00 may be authorized by the Chair of the Building Committee, or a member of that committee if the Chair is unavailable. - Any repairs over $200.00 must be approved by a vote of the Board. Ted Strickland toured the Library building and grounds with Laurie. He explained that he does not have the staff required to prepare drawings or plans, and is not a structural. engineer. He will continue to be available as a general consultant. Several committee members met with Harry Rich, the architect who worked on the Centralia Library remodel and expansion. He recommended that the first step in the Library's planning be the hiring of a licensed structural engineer to survey the building and prepare a report. On his recommendation, Pete Kaiser contacted John Klima, a Seattle structural engineer. His fee for to next page . - -•- 4- -26 -83 Board Minutes Page 2 a complete analysis would be $1100 to $1500. Laurie will check with him on the fee structure and his availability. Herb Munchler, Director of the King County Library System, is available as a Library planning consultant. His fee would be $150 to approx. $300. Bev will check with him on his availability and requirements. Bev will check with the State on the possible LSCA grant money being made available through the federal jobs program. details of the grant proposal requirements should be forthcoming. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the expenditure of up to $200.00 for materials to repair the lighting on the front stairs and above the entrances to the childrens' section. The work will be done with volunteer labor. A recent visit by the boiler insurance inspector revealed the need of an additional pressure fitting. The board voted unanimously in favor of the expenditure of approx. $133.31 for a Honeywell L404A fitting and its installation. Schmidt Sheet Metal Co. of Ft. Angeles has not responded to date to a request that they submit a bid for the repair of the metal cornice and gutter. Laurie Stewart will ask Air Flow Co. to submit a bid estimate. 3. Computer Committee Chair John Marckworth reported that part of the new Apple IIe micro computer system has been installed. The remaining gear should arrive within the next month. Board members were encouraged to use and become familiar with the Library's newest resource, The Board noted with thanks the donation of a communications modem to the new computer system by Mike and Janet Mortenson. The computer committee will shortly complete a training and implementation schedule for the system. Volunteers are being sought to teach the introductory class that will be required of library patrons before they may use the computer. Target date for use by the general, public is early August, 1983, 4. Friends of the Library Chair Vicki Lea-- Shelton reported that Peg Lewis will represent the Ft. Townsend Friends at the upcoming W.L.A. convention in Yakima, receiving on their behalf the award for the most outstanding Friends group in the State this year. 5, The Contract Committe met briefly with representatives from the Jefferson County Library to review the terms and conditions of the current contract and assess the non — resident use figures compiled by both libraries. It was decided that not enough information had been compiled to establish user trends for billing purposes, and a meeting date of July 12, 1983 was set. Contract terms for non — resident use billing should be finalized at this meeting. Vouchers were signed. There were no communications. to next page 4 -26 -83 Board Minutes Page 3 • There was no old business. New Business: 1. The Board voted unanimously to approve the expenditure of $240 to send two staff members to continuing education summer courses at the University of Y'ashington. Expenditure designation is $120 each for Beth and Helen. 2. The Board voted unanimously to approve additional funding for staff, Board and Friends' participation in the upcoming W.L.A. convention. The additional funds will be charged against the existing funds in the Training and Travel budget account. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40pm. .7 0