HomeMy WebLinkAbout031907 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 19, 2007 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session the nineteenth day of March, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend City Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Mark Welch presiding. ROLL CALL Council members present at roll call were Frank Benskin, Geoff Masci, Catharine Robinson, Michelle Sandoval, and Mark Welch. Laurie Medlicott was excused. Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, City Attorney John Watts, Public Works Director Ken Clow, Police Chief Conner Daily, City Engineer Dave Peterson, Civil Engineer Mary Heather Ames, Planner John McDonagh, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA There were no changes proposed to the agenda. INTRODUCTION Police Chief Conner Daily introduced new Police Officers John Bick and Lukas Bogues and recently promoted Sergeant Michael Evans. PUBLIC COMMENT (Consent and non-agenda items) Vi Koenig presented petitions opposing roundabout installations on Upper Sims Way. CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Motion: Mr. Masci moved for adoption of the following items on the consent agenda. Ms. Sandoval seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0, by voice vote. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants Vouchers 100921 through 101080 in the amount of $308,318.23 Vouchers 320071 through 320079 in the amount of $93,875.05 City Council Business Meeting Page] March] 9. 2007 Approval of Minutes: March 5, 2007 PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Welch read the rules of procedure for legislative public hearings. No council member had any disclosures regarding financial or property interests in the issue. Mr. Watts distributed a new proposed condition (Condition No.5) regarding reservation of an easement for the City. Ms. Sandoval asked what would happen regarding Monroe Street if a new building were constructed. Mr. Watts stated that a considerable amount of work would be done to protect Monroe Street. Mr. Clow noted that if there were a new facility proposed, part of the condition would be to improve the foundation of that building from shifting soils, etc. Planner John McDonagh noted that staff recommends the conditions of approval, including the newly proposed condition. Public Comment Jerry Mingo - spoke as adjoining property owner, in favor of the vacation as it maintains utilities and vehicle access. Sheila Christensen - also supports vacation. She questioned who would be responsible to move the sewer if it turns out Shannon-Elder wanted to expand and the sewer were outside of the easement. Motion: Mr. Masci moved to approve the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of the City Council dated March 19, 2007, with the additional condition received from staff this evening. Mr. Welch seconded. Mr. Watts noted that he understands Shannon-Elder has offered to pay for the sewer locate and that will be done before the vacation is finalized. Amendment: Ms. Sandoval moved to add a sixth condition, that the sewer line be located prior to the finalization of the vacation. There was no objection. Vote: motion as amended carried unanimously, 5-0, by voice vote. PTTV TRANSITION AND OPERATING RULES Mr. Welch did the introduction, noting that Council members had raised several questions about the status of PTTV; he added that the PEG Access Coordinating Committee is working on transition due to the departure of the station manager and exploring means of improving service to the community. City Council Business Meeting Page 2 March] 9, 2007 Karen Nelson of the Coordinating Committee read a statement into the record and provided the comments in writing. Public comment: Gary Nelson, spoke in support of the proposed motion; also read a letter of support from Kitti DeLong. Paul Richmond spoke in favor of more access with less cost to public producers. John Watts, member of the Committee, stated his support of providing temporary authority to the Mayor and PEG Access Coordinating Committee to adjust the operating rules to attempt to deal with fee and programming issues and see if a flexible approach works, and can be accomplished within the City's auditing guidelines. Nancy Alvarez stated that volunteers to the studio should not be required to pay membership fees. Albert Koval spoke in support of the station. Ms. Sandoval stated she has no problem with doing away with fees but has much broader questions and concerns; she does not have an issue of trust for changing for the interim period but believes major changes should not be made without deliberation among the full council. She asked if a system like Granicus would be part of this change and how would it integrate into the plan. Mr. Masi proposed a change in references to "Mayor" to "Chair of the PEG Coordinating Committee" and upon approval of the "PEG Coordinating Committee." He also suggested that all minutes be distributed and actions forwarded to the Council and make the time period three months with the option to extend another three months. Ms. Sandoval asked if the School District needs to approve the changes; Mr. Welch noted that under the Interlocal Agreement, the Council has authority over the public arm of the station. Ms. Robinson asked if the City would incur any liability in letting the PEG Committee decide who pays membership fees and who doesn't. Mr. Watts noted that some proposals easily pass the test and some others have to be closely looked at to make sure we are well within the law in implementing a new program. Example: the "micro loan" proposal - the City must be careful about extending credit and this would need to be run by the State Auditor. City Council Business Meeting Page 3 March] 9. 2007 Mr. Benskin noted he is not as concerned with creating liability as with creating ill will among those who need to pay and those who don't need to pay. He asked where the funding will come from since the base for revenues is declining and there is no way the internet will provide funds. He stated he has not seen any concrete proposal on how that will happen. Ms. Robinson stated she has no problem with the six-month interval, but would like a three-month report. She also noted concerns that the Granicus-like system has been put off for two budget cycles. Ms. Sandoval agreed that the decision on Granicus should come forward to the Council. Motion: Mr. Masci moved to accept the PTTV transition plans delegating minimal increased authority to the PEG Access Coordinating Committee allowing them to make discretionary changes to some practices under the Operating Rules and instructing them to notice the City Council of the actions as they occur and to provide timely minutes of the deliberations to the City Council and to provide a report at three month intervals for a period not to exceed six month. Ms. Robinson seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0, by voice vote. Motion: Mr. Masci moved to authorize the City Manager to enter into a consultation contract with Albert Koval for assistance with long range planning during the PTrv transition. Ms. Robinson seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0, by voice vote. Ms. Sandoval moved that the City will not hire an interim manager for the station during the transitional period. Mr. Masci seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 5- 0, by voice vote. RECESS Mayor Welch declared a recess at 8:44 p.m. for the purpose of a break. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 8:55 p.m. TAYLOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS City Engineer Dave Peterson reviewed the packet materials. He stated that business owners understand the planters on Taylor Street must be removed but have expressed concern over the loss of vegetation. Through a series of three weekly meetings, a plan was developed for replanting trees, which is supported by all the businesses involved in the discussion. City Council Business Meeting Page 4 March] 9, 2007 There was no public comment Motion: Mr. Masci moved to approve the planting plan as presented for Taylor Street. Ms. Robinson seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0, by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCE 2944 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 17.68.040 CONCERNING PLACEMENT OF BARBED WIRE FENCES Mr. Timmons reviewed the packet materials, noting several members of the public have been injured using trails adjacent to downed barbed wire. Public comment: Todd Wexman: recommended option of adopting ordinance on an emergency interim basis and also outlawing chain link fences in the future. Motion: Ms. Robinson moved for adoption of Ordinance 2944 with interim regulation provisions prohibiting new barbed wire fences from being installed while Planning Commission reviews the matter. Mr. Benskin stated he does not generally support interim ordinance and is also not convinced barbed wire should be banned from the City. He will not support the motion. Noting that adoption of the interim provisions would require five votes; Mr. Benskin opposing would not allow passage. Motion: Ms. Robinson moved for first reading of Ordinance 2944. Mr. Welch seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0, by voice vote. The issue will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review. PRESIDING OFFICER'S REPORT Process for Filling Vacant Council Seat Mayor Welch distributed a plan of action for Council's appointment of a new member to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Walker's resignation. Motion: Ms. Robinson moved to adopt the process, changing the date of April 23 to April 30. Mr. Masci seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0, by voice vote. City Council Business Meeting Page 5 March] 9. 2007 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Non-represented City employees will be changing health care plans, which will save money for the City. Due to Mr. Walker's resignation, a new Council member needs to be appointed to the Uptown Parking Committee. Anyone interested should contact Mayor Welch. The City's FERC application has been denied; an appeal is probably not worth pursuing but the staff believes the City has not given up rights as an intervener in the process of other applications. Ms. Robinson noted that a new Council member must be appointed to fill Mr. Walker's seat on the Transit Board and the Transportation Committee. Motion: Mr. Welch moved that Mr. Masci be appointed to the Transit Board and the Transportation Committee. Mr. Benskin seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 5- 0, by voice vote. Mr. Welch stated he would serve as an interim member of the Public Works Committee. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS/COMMENTS Motion: Ms. Robinson moved that the Mayor write a letter of thanks to the Washington State Ferries for their quick action during the recent shutdown of the Keystone ferry run. Mr. Masci seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0, by voice vote. Ms. Robinson noted she would like to see the Granicus proposal on an agenda in the near future. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:44 p.m. Attest: ('J ~) /: ::Ja/!y) '.-fA., It:~ ~ Pam Kolacy, CMC 0 City Clerk City Council Business Meeting Page 6 March ]9,2007