HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/1972 403 rHNUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 19th 1972, CONTINUED 8 PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO. 1655 . Ordinance No. 1655,vdully recorded in the minutes of the las t session was aga:Ln brought up for passage or rejection. The City Clerk again read for the second time Ordinance No. 1655. It ,vas moved by Councilman Camfield seconded gy Councilman Hoglund that the third reading be by title only. Motion carried~ Ordinance No. 1655 was again read for the third time by title only, and it was moved by Councilman Camfield seconded by Councilman Hoglund that Ordinance No. 1655 be now adopted. Motion carried. PUD AGREEMENT , I Attorney Abraham stated that the PUD by their council had prepared and presented to the city an agreement concerning the Hadlock ikll, in general it gives the history in brief terms, the city has previously entered into negotations with the PUD and had arrived at a tenative agreement, he said if this agreement is signed, the purchase price would be $2,750.00 per year including interest, the total price would be $42~,600.00. It also gives the PUD the first option to acquire the entire Hadlock Irondale Water System if and when the PUD shall go into the water business in that area. After some discussion, it was moved by ,Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Sahli that the city enter into this agreement with the PUD. Motion carried. I Mayor Steve brought upon the floor the $16,000.00 that had been previoùsly been discussed for participation in a grant for the Museum. Councilman said that there were a couple of factors envolved on this 16,000.00 project that would cause the best interest of the city to be served if it was\ tabled. Whe have some question as to our tax base due so legîslation that is going to be presented to the publt~ on the November election, this could have a drastic effect on the ~itys financial position. He said there appears to be some questi~ns that have not been resolved in regards to the project itself, and with the discussions that he has had with the City Engineer that the project should be tabled until after the first of the year. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Camfield that the project be tabled until after the first of the year. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT . 8 a As there was no further business to come before the council at this time, it was moved by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. A TTES T df1 ~ [~~~j; ~ity cc:rk , mY~~ . ~ . MINUTES'OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 3, 1972 Port Townsend, Wa~hington The City Councilor the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 3rd day or Oct. 1972, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers or the City Hall. Mayor Steve presiding. , ROLL CALL Orricers and members present were as rollows: Mayor Steve, City Attorney ~braham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Camfield, Rosbach, Sahli, Hufford. Councilman Hoglund, Judy, absent. 8 City Clerk Youngblood, stated that Councilman Judy had asked him to bEing berore the council the reason ror his absence, it had been due to shirt work and vacation and asked the councils permission to be excused., It was moved by Councilman Camf'ield seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the absence or Councllman Judy be excused. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS ~ . The rollovrlng bills and claims as audited by the Finance Committee were presented and acted upon as rollows: I CURR~JT EXPENSE Fm~D-----------------~---Voucher No. WATER-SEWER FUND-------------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND------------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND-----------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND-----------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND--------------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND------------Voucher No. ARTER TAL STREET FUND---------------------Vouc her No. WOODMANS GULTCH-ORD. NO. 1321 Voucher No.7 - Roats Engineering $ 1;068.00 Voucher No.8 - Olympic Eaninsula Enterprises - $60.00 Voucher No.9 - The Kendall Company~~15, 540. 57 Voucher No. 10 - Liberty Equipment & Supply Co~ $2,104.51 It was moved by Councilman Camf~eld seconded by Councilman Hufrord that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the ,vlayor and Ci ty Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds ror payment os a;ame. Motion carried. 9452 3763 2627 2357 2962 1389 402 53 through 9542 thr ough 3801 through 2660 through 2381 through 2988 through'1390 through 404 through 57 :--~~17, 994.18 ---' 6,672.69 ---~ 8,625.79 ---I!' 4,205.69 --- 1,586.46 --- 792.32 --- 372.27 --- 24,196.94 I <MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION The minues or the previous sessicm 'were IF esented and it was moved by Councilman Camf'ield seconded by Councilman Scheyer too t the minutes or the previous sessi:m be dispensed wi tho Motion carried. . 8 - COMMUNI CA TI ONS The rollowing communications were presented and acted upon as rollows: Planning Commission Port Tovmsend, Washington to: Whom It May Concern: , 404 --------- ---- ---_..._-~~!.J:!~~~?_-~~---~~---~-~!X~:~LAR SEs,?I01J- OF OCTOBER 3, 1972, CONTINUED ------------ ---- --- ---_.~- We would like your permission to build a house on block 293 East i lots 1 and 2 Eisenbeis addition. In order to make it match the way the other homes around it are build, we would like to place it 8 feet back from Third Street and 13 feet back from Sheridan Avenue. Thank~ng you for your consideration in this matter, 8 Respectfully, Victor M. Coster The above communication was referred to the Planming Commission. TO: The Port Townsend Planning Commission and The Port Townsend City Council Por t Townsend, rJashington I Gentlemen: We; the undersigned owners of Lots 4, 5, and 6 in Block 46 of the California Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as ~r plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, on page 99, records of Jefferson County; respectfully request; . The granting of a 10 feet variance from the zoning ordinance #1625, section 3.04 which requires a 20 feet inset from property line, (::Iinimum front under zoneR-l). As ~ r the attached diagram the proposed dwelling would be inset from the pro~ rty line (Hill Street side) a dis tanc e of 10 feet: Tnis proposed location would permit location of the dwelling on the highest point of the property and ~uld offer utilization of street view and water view beyond; would facilitate more favorable entrance and exit to and from the dwelling and the location would be more in cor- formi ty with pr esent, exis ting s truc tures of the area. Such a proposed location would ap~Jear not to be of disadvantaße or hinderance to rights or convenience 0 any adjacent property owners. I Your early consideration of this request will be appreciated; 8 Sincerely, Her;:¡ert E Reardon Jean L. Reardon The above com~unication was referred to the Planning Commission. COWTHTTEE REPORTS l¡~ayor Steve reported that he was going to start a Equipment Revolving Fund this year but tine had passed so fast, that it would have to wait until next year. He also mentioned that there was going to have to be a lid over the reservoir and another big item would be solid waste disposal and suggested that the appropriate commitees should be looking into the matter. Councilman Sahli said that the Historical Society had contacted him and had asked for a street light on the side of the city hall to safeguarg from breaft-ins. After some discussion on what type of 1 ight and also where it should be placed, it was moved by Counc ilman Canú'ield seconded by Council::nan Sahli tha t a 7000 lum light be installed. Motion carried. I NErl BUSINESS Under new business the following, ordinances were pr;)sented and acted up6n as follows: Ordinance No. 1657 AN ORDINANCE AI.ŒIIDING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE 1508, ANT~ INCREASING C~RTAIN I.IONTIïLY SEVJAGE SERVIG2 RATES. 8 Attorney AbEaham stated that it raises all who are on the four dollar rate up to five dollars. Councilman Canú'ield said he felt this should have been done a long time ago and i;1ade a motion seconded by Council~an Scheyor that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. The ordinance was again read for the third time by title only. After some discussion on which Supt. Hawley said that the new revenue would be aroùnd 14,000. dollars, that it would be used to repair some of the old manholes which at the ~ esent time was unsafe, to install some of the old sewer lines that have been in the ground since 1903 and also there was going to have to be a secondary treatment center in the near future. Councilman Canú'ield suggested that the ordinance be held over until the Finance Chairman was present. Councilman Scheyer made a motion that the ordinance be adopted. y.,10tion failed due to a lack of a second. Councilman lIufford made a motion seconded by Council:uan Camfield that the ordinance be tabled until the next regular session. Motion carried. I ORDINANCE NO. 1656 AN ORDINANCE AHENDING SECTION 6 OF ORDIlJANCE NO. 1138, AS ALIENDED BY OR- DINANCE NO. 1347 and 1425, AND IN- CREASING CERTAIN GARBAGE COLLECTI \jN HATES. I Councilman Sahli, chairman of the garbage committee, spoke on behalf of the increase, he pointed out that the city will face increased costs in converting ~o operation of a solid waste disposal area by next June and also new equipment needs. After some discussion it was moved by Councilman Sahli seconded by Councilman Camfield that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1656 was again read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Sahli secondeft by Councilman Scheyer that Ordinance No. 1656 be now adopted. Motion carried. R:r!:SOLUTION NO. 72-23 8 A R3S0LUTION ESTAB:ç,ISHING A BOAT HAVEN SSWER PROJECT FUND, AND AUTHORIZING DISBURSErŒNT TIIEREFROM. TI,U CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT£ OF PORT TO'.JNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSK1BLED, DOBS HEREBY RESOLVE: That there is here and hereby established for the City of Port Townsend a Boat .laven Sewer 40;) 8 MINUTES OF THE REGTJLAR SESSION OF OCTOBEB 3, 1972~)NTINUED PROJECT Fund, in which fund shall be deposited all funds received by way of grant for the construction of a sewer and water line project in the Boat Haven area of the City of! Port Townsend, and said funds shall be subject to vouchers for the construction and other costs of said project, and the Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to, , pay warrants from said fund, vfhich warrants shall be ,drawn upon the water-sewer funds of the ci ty, and said fund shall itself be a part of the Water-Sewer funds of the city. Passed this 3rd day of Oc t. , 1972 I ATTEST: GALE I. YOillJGBLOOD Ci ty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GLENN ABRAHAM City Attorney JOSEPH B. STEVE Mayor I It waB moved by Councilman Camfield seconded by Councilman Scheyer that Resolution No. 72-23 be adopted. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 72.-24 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING THE SmA OF FOURTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS FROM. VARIOUS BUDGETED' ITEMS TO OFFICE EQUIPMENT IN 'rHE 1972 BUDGET OF THE CIT! ENGINEER. 8 THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CI'fY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE: There is here and hereby transferred in the 1972 Budget of the City Engineer's Department the sum of $9GG.OO from engineer's salary, the sum of $415.00 from social security, industrial insurance and medical aid, and the sum of $85.00 from office supplies to office equipment, to the effect that a total of $1,400.00 is thereby transferred to the office equipment appropria- tion in said 1972 budget. ' . , The Mayor and City Clerk are here and heÐeby authorized and directed to draw warrants accordingly. Passed this 3rd dyof Octonor, 1972. I ATTEST: GALE I. YOilllGBLOOD Ci ty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GLENN ABRAHAM City Attorney It was moved by Councilman Camfield seconded by Councilman Rosbach that Resolution No. 72-24 be 'adop~ed. Motion carried. I Engineer French stated that at the water co:nmittee meeting, and in his report where it showed tb.e:/ had negÖtiuted wi th ¡',!Ir Erickson and had finally settled for a ~pllO.OO tap price plus a meter price, plus he installed the 4000' of pipe, since then he had checked with the City Attorney who had informed him that the tap price was ~þ500.00 outside the city limi,ts, he felt that the ordinance should either be reconsidered or from now on set the ~~500.00 for a tap. Councilman Sahli felt that just outside the city limits the price should be the same as in the city. Engineer French said if we have a third price it wou1d really run into prob~ems. Engr. French also stated that he had been digging into the Navy contract and was first told that under no circumstances would the Navy let anyone tap into their line, he said he had a letter which has permitted the county to tap into the line, he a1so had a, report and evidence where the coupJ::ings are rusty, the bolts and nuts have been eatin up, that the pipe line Was in badly need of repairs and that it very clearly spells out in the contract that the Navy is responsib"le for the maintenance of that pipe line from the pomnt of entry of water which is in Hadlock, he said that this erosion had been discovered around eight or fifteen years ago. He suggested that if the Navy would put the line back in good condition in accordance th théir agreement and move the me ter jus.t. this s ide of the canal the ci ty would be mos t happy to take over the maintenance of the line for evermore. This would put the control of the 1 ine under the ci ty where they could issue taps to il'Jhe green spot area and also still give the navy its amount of water. Mayor Steve said he would authorize the engineer to negotiate with the navy to put the line back in shape as it should be wi th the unders tanding tha t the ci ty would take over the maint- enance of the line from the canal. Councilman Camfield asked if the ~þ500.00 fee was all for a tap or part for a meter and pipe. Engineer French said he thought it was $175.00 for meter and tap, $~;25. 00 to reimburse the ci ty for the pipe, but the ordinance does not break it dovm that way, it is a flat fee of $500.00. Plastic Pipe Was brought up, the city could do nothing about plastic, pipe on private pro:[Brty, but cou¡d not be used to tie into the water line. After some further discussi on, Attorney Abraham said he would prerare an amendemënt to the existing ordinance an present it to the council at the next regular session. 8 I ~ AD J 0 DR WÆN T As there WaS no rurther business ~o come berore the Councilman Camfield seconded by Councilman Sahli that A ttes t: this time, it Was moved by (I now adjourn. Motion carried. 8 ì',lAYOR ~ 6f1.'~