HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/1971 8 I I 8 I 8 I . I J 8 3'O~f MINUTBS OE ~QULAR SE?SION, MARCH 2,1971 Márch 2, 1971' Port Townsend, Washington The Ci ty Counc ~l of 'the City of Port Townsend met in regular sesslon this 2nd day of March 1971 in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith prësidir~. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: ,Judy, Hoglund. Councilman Scheyer absent. Councilman Steve, Lindsey, Norwood, Camfield . MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION The minutes of the previous sess ion was presented and it was moved by Counc ilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed wi the ' Motion carried. . BILLS & CLAIMS The following bills & çlaims as audited by the finance connni ttee were presented and ac ted upon as follows: .. .. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND WATER-SE~ŒR FUND S TREE T FUND GARBAGE FUND LIBRARY FUND p' ARK FUND FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND Voucher No,~ Voucher No~ Voucher No~ Voucher No. Voucher No: Voucher No~' Voucher No. $13,886~46 5,486~65 5,750~53 2í762~45 1,567~38 679~16 549.29 , \ , 7912 3016 2005 1863 2363 1150 345 , thrøugh 7984 through 3049 through 2034 through 1882 through 2388 through 1160 through 349 It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Camfield that the bills & claims be approved às ~ead and that the'Mayor and city. clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same. Motion carried. TREASURERS REPORT The treasurer's report was read in full and was ordered filed. . POLI CE REPOR T The police report was read in full for the Month of Feb. 1971l)nd was ordemi filed. COMMUNICATIONS The follwong Communications were read and acted upon as follows: Port Townsend Planning Commission Honorabte Mayor City Council Members City of Port Townsend Feb. 25, 1971 to-wit: .. .. At the February meeting of the Planning' Commission Mr. James Kimbrough (housing coüsulta~ and Mr. Thomas Harader (architect). representing Mr. Harvey Shaussee, showed sketches of an apartment comples, the pröpòsed building site located at Blaine, Garfield, and Tyler Streets. ,( See accompanying drawings). Mr K'imbrough and Mr. Harader requested information concerning zoning in Port TownsenQ, and informed the Planning Commission they'plan to use HUD 236 fiñáricing.' 'They asked the planing Commission to'comment to the City. Council concerning the proposed apartment comples. The Port Townsend Planning Commission therefore'wishes to go on record as finding the proposed site use compatible with t:t)e Comprehensive Plan of Port Townsend; and that the proPQsed style of architecture, as 'represented, to us the Port Townsend Planning Commission, as being compatible with this area. Port Townsend Planning Cømmission Kay Miner, acting ~hairman Mayor Smith said he would bring the communication up later in the meeting. . From Port Townsend Planning C@mmission Honorable Mayor City Council Members City of Port Townsend Feb. 25, 1971 to:wit . At the regular meeting of the Port Townsend Planning Commission øf Feb. 22, 1971, the Commissioners again reviewed a request bef.ore them from the Carroll Mill Company for a set- back variance recommendation at Let 3, Block 6, in the Denny Addition. , The Flanning Commission has personally vlewed'the site in question, and have given:further stuEly to'the proposed set-back variance request. The area concerned is congested, arid the variance, as requested~ appears to be an example of the very pract:1.ce the Set-back Ord. is intended to prevent. The Port Townsend Planning'Commission would therefore recommend to the City Council that a set-back variance at Lot 3~ Block 6, in the Denny Addition, as rE~quested by the Carroll Mill Company, be disapproved. . Port Townsend Planning Commission Kay Miner, acting chairman Mayor Smith said he would bring the comm~nication up later in tho meeting. . 'CÐMMITTEE REPOR TS Under committee reports, Councilan Norwood said that the re~uest for street lights at the vorner of 11th and Cleveland and on 12th street between Clevela~d and Gise ßtreets had been checked and made~ a motion seconded by Councilman Judy that 7000 ,luln lights be :i,nstalled as requested. Motion carried. - - ,- - - ,-" - ,,310 f' ,~ MIDNUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 2,1971, CONTINUED ~--.,~_....~_.....- .~,-, _._,_....,-_u,~~-~-----------------,-~ --'-"~- , , ..., ,.., .. . ",~-, ,-~ -. -~,..- ....--- ----~-~----'---_._'-~""'" .. OLD BUSINESS Under old business, Mayør Smith said that there had been ,negotiations between the city am! Local 589 of the Teamster Union representing non-uniform persone1 sf the city. He saià the council had met in a negotiation session, we have a contract; is this contract acceptable. He said that there was no intent for changes in the budget this year but would negotiate this comming fall for 1972. Councilman Steve said that in artical 11, under Health & welfare, there was an item of 9.00, he asked was it ~r œay, Month or what, he WaS informed it was ~r month, councilman Steve said it should be changed to read 9.00 per month, the change was made. Councilman HeglunQ made a motion seconded by Councilman Steve' that the'city ratify the contract between the Teamster union and the city cr PørtTownsenà. Møtion carried. BID AWARD Mayar,5mith said that bids had been called for for two loaders for the City of Port Tewnseni, the bids had been opened according to bii call Feb.' the 25th, and asked the council if they were ready to award the bids at this time. , . - Councilman Hoglund said that there were many factors in considering the bids, the heads @f the respective departments had spent considerable time in discussing the merits of 'each piece or equipment and also said that were dealing with new and used equipment. He said the bid from Northwest Roads for the trackloader for the garbage department was a use~~Allis Chalmers, anè the head :of the ~arbage department felt that his was the piece of equipment that would best fi t his needs. Councilman Heglund made a motion sec,ondeà by Councilman Lindsey that the bid submitted by Northwest Roads to supply an Allis ChàlaersTrackl$ader for the City or PÐrt Tewmsemi Garbage Department for $25,612.50 be accepted with trate. After some'discussion on other bids for a trackloader, Mayor Smith called for a vote. Motion was carried. CQunci1m.an Hoglund said that the next bid was for a Articulated Wheel Loader for the Water- Sewer-Street Departments. Craig Tayler Equipment Co. had submitted a bid f~r a New John Deere, the street superintendent had in&icated that he felt after lengthy consideration that this woul. be the best equipment needeà. Councilman HGglund made amotion that the bid submitted by Crai~ Tayler Equipment Ce. t. supply a Articulated Wheel 'Loader for the City ef Port Townseni Street Department be accepted for the price ~f 21,997.50, Seconded by Councilman Judy. MÐtien carriei. Mayor Smith brought up ägain the matter of Federal, Participation of low income housing, he saii there' had been an FHA official who gave a thorough preaentation during a workshop gatherin~ of the council last week and felt,that œny' question~ had been answered concerning low income ho~si~, he said that ther~ was anóther resolution and asked the city c~rk to read the resolution. RESOLUTION 71-4 RESOLUTION APPROVING PARTICIPATIðN BY LOCAL HOUSING OWNERS IN THE FEDERAL RENT SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS~ under the provisions of Section 101 of the Housing and Urban Peve10pment Act ef 1965, the Secretrary ef Housing and Urban Development i~ authorized to enter into contracts to make rent supplement payments to certain qualiried housing .o~mers on behalf of-qualified low-income families who are elderly, handicapped, displaced, victims ef natural disaster, or occupants of substand~à hojsing; and , . WHEREAS, the provisions of said,Section 101 cann~t be made available to housing øwners in certain localities urlless the governing body of the locality has by resolution given approval f0r such participation in the Federal Rent Supplement Prœgra~ NOW, THEREFORE, 'be it resolved by the City Council of Pert Townsend, Washington, as fellows: Approval is hereby granted for participation in the Federal Rent Supplement Program by the qualified owners or property located at ~e'Old Marine Hospital Site, in the City of Pert Town- send, Jefferson County, State of Washington. MAYOR Attest: City Clerk Approved as to Form Ci ty Attorney Mayor Smith said ,this resolution was looked at 15y the FHA represenative and he indicatád that a resolution applying to a particular location or site was acceptable to the FHA. Mayor Smith said this does not rule out later resolutions but goes for what we have before the council at this time. ' , Attorney Æbraham said he had this question about this form Qf the .resolution and didnt knew if it is a 1ega1 question at this moment but cou1d see it beconnning a. leqal question in the future, if the resolution is .passed in this form where the council is authorizing a specific program under this FHA title then what does the council do if other ftPplicants come before the council and say they want to do the same thing at some other site. e said it seems to him the resolution might create more problems than it solve~. Councilman Steve said the courlci1 had it all explained by the represenative from BUD and would state now'that he would vote for the resolution,. Cou, ncilman Norwood made a moti, on seconded by ~2uncilman Steve that the resolu, tion be adepted. Upon the Question, the question came up abou~ b~rßUilding, Councilman N.rwooà said she specificly asked to FHA man about designated sites, he said they much prefer that the council designate the area that that they ~uld like to build because many times they as outsiders do . not know the exact spot and if we issue a blanket resolution we lose all control if we issue speciric resolutions we retain control and they recommends. this is the way we do it. Conricilman Lindsey said if any other permits came in to builà and the counqi1 passe. them it Would have t~ go to them, it would'be checked, if the need was here it would, be passe. it the need waant it would be turned down. Mayor Smith said if the resolution is passed, it dosent mean at- all' that there is going to be anything built up there it means the FHA will talk to the man about financing. ' Councilman Judy said he uÚderstood th man,to say, this is a one shot deal, if 14 units are to be built in town, that would be it there wouldnt be anymore. Attorney Abraham said he was not worried aheut Hui, he was concerned about the city ef Pert Townsenà, he said he had said before, I think you will rind legislation for one person or one group of pe rsøn that it will come back to haunt ;p u. He said he felt it was unwise t@ pass th,~,s specific Marine Hospital type of resolution. Councilman Heg1unà said as the HUD man indicated, this is common practice to have a particular site resolution adopteà, Councilman Heglund also 'commented that from his remarks the main pøint that he expressed was neeà, upon completion øf their survey and their study that~they de, if there is a need for thys type of project they ~uld go ahðßà, this rese1ution does not mean that anything will ever materialize, because they have to ~atisfied there is a need. \1 II 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 311' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSTON OF MARCH. 2, 1971, CONTINUED I He did say" if ROO came back with their survej and said this spot uP' here is not bes t suited then they would strongly~advise the city council to' consider another site. MD1:'Wallen, from the' audience spoke against the proposed resolu tion. U~~YY~XYKXP~e After some further discussion, Mayor Smith called for a vote, Upon ]:'011 callvote motion was carried. . .' Mayor Smith said that Carroll Mill Company had asked for a variancl~ on the æt back ordinance for lot 3, bl~ck 6 in the Denny Addition, he said that the planning c)ommission had recommendeà that the variance bedisapproveà. Aft~I'* Some discussiön,' Councilman Hoglund made a motion seconded by "Councilman Judy that the ref'l:u~st for the vari~?e be disl:l,ppraved. Motion carried. Mayor Smith Said the Planning Commission letter making a comment concerning a apartment complex at Blaine, Garfield and Tyler: Streets, he said to his knawledge there was no action pending before the council~ Eng. French said he had been aàked what the next steps were on the aJ:B rt~ent complex were, he said he had told them there had to be a building permit along with plans and specifications, then the building'permit would be submittea before the council for action. A sp:Qkesman for the complex, showed the council preliminary drawings of the propÐsed 24-unit two story structure, where it woulq. be located and that the project would be developed under an FHA 236 pregram, subsidized in the form of a lower interest rate. After some discussion, Mayor Smith said that HUD had indicated very strongly that they would stick to the need of the town, HUD had asked that he be on record with them with a letter which he will send that HUD in all cases will'work very closely with the city to be sure they dont exceed what the city feels they need. 8 I Mayor Smith said that a letter hadbeeh received'from the operator of the Sea Breeze trailer park which had to do with sewer rates, water rates, hook up fees and etc. Mayor Smith referred the lett~r to the Water-Sewer Committee for study. The three Ordinances were presented and acted upon as follows: 8 ORDINANCE NO. 1615 AN ORDINANCE AUTiIORIZING THE LOAN OF THE SUM OF $25,600.00 BY THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND TO THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, FORTHWITH, TO BE REPAID WITHIN SIX YEARS, AND TO BE LOANED ON INTEREST OF 5% PERCENT PER ANNUM ON DECLINING PRINCIPAL BALANCES, AUTHORIZING AND APPROPRIATING SAID SUM FOR PAYMENT FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, AND DECLARING I AN EMERGENCY. ' Pue to the contents of Ora. No. 1615, it had to be held over until the next regular session. I ORDINANCE NO. l61ß AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $25,612.50 FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY IN THE 1971 BUDGET OF THE PORT TO\mSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Due to the nature of the above Ord~ No. 1616, it had to be held over until the next regular session. ORDINANCE NO~ 1617 AN ORDINANCE,APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $21,997.50 FOR CAPI TAL OUTLAY IN THE 1971 BUDGET OF THE WATER-SEWER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Due tò the nature of t:-e above Ord. No. 1617, it had to be held over until the next regular session. 8 Mayor Smith announced that Neil Potthoff's term on the library board had expired and could not 8ucced himself because of his length of service. Mayor Smith appointed Ga61 Stuart to a two year term. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the council at th:i.s time, it was moved by: Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Camfield that the meeting dG now adjòurn. Motion carried. )\ttest. ~ ~ I I 8